Chapter 25: Profound Heaven Business Alliance, Masked Woman


After breakfast, Li Daoxuan mounted his sword and flew thousands of miles to the city of Luo.

Luo City, a large city dominated by cultivators, is unique as it doesn't belong to any country or sect. It serves as a hub for cultivators to communicate and trade essential items.

This was Li Daoxuan's first visit to Luo City. From a distance, it resembled a giant beast crawling on the ground, exuding a majestic aura.

"The city is enormous, and its defensive array seems even stronger than my family's Heavenly Dao Star Array!" Li Daoxuan couldn't help but exclaim.

Upon approaching the city gate, he found that many people were entering, requiring payment in spirit stones.

Once inside, Li Daoxuan was impressed by the concentration of spiritual energy, rivaling that of his family's Heavenly Dao Sect. The city was adorned with floating palaces and pavilions, a sight he envisioned for his family's future expansion.

As he leisurely walked through the city, Li Daoxuan inquired about news and trading places, focusing on the markets. Eventually, he decided to visit the highly reputed Profound Heaven Merchant Alliance.

Located at the heart of Luo City, the Profound Heaven Merchant Alliance occupied a massive nine-story building. Upon arrival, two Foundation Building stage fairies greeted him warmly.

"Welcome to the Profound Heaven Merchant Alliance. How may we assist you, young master?" one of the fairies asked with a bow.

"Do you buy pills and Law Weapons here?" Li Daoxuan inquired.

"Yes, we do," the fairy replied. "Please follow me."

Led to a counter where an old man sat, Li Daoxuan presented his goods—a storage bag filled with items.

Initially indifferent, the old shopkeeper poured out the contents and was astonished to find an array of pills and Law Weapons mixed haphazardly.

"This is wasting treasures!" he exclaimed, examining a spiritual sword that impressed him with its quality and power.

After appraising the items, the shopkeeper quoted prices for the goods. The process revealed that all of Li Daoxuan's weapons were top-grade Spiritual Weapons and the elixirs were top-quality as well.

Impressed, the welcoming fairy hurriedly managed the transactions and arranged a comfortable lounge for Li Daoxuan.

Meanwhile, on the ninth floor of the building, a veiled woman awaited news.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and a flustered fairy rushed in. "Miss! I have important news!"

"Qing'er, can't you calm down? Even while receiving guests?" the veiled woman chided gently.

"I'm sorry, Miss," Qing'er apologized, realizing her mistake.
