Kate looked at her watch than back at the long bus queue, fear kicked in knowing she may not make it on time for her first day at her new job. She hated herself for not hearing her alarm go of this morning, thinking about how she lost her last two job made her sad, her mind wander of to the hard kicks she had to give her employer's for crossing the line and trying to kiss her, if it had not been for Sara her friend at the agency, she won't have gotten this new PA job. The only problem was Sara told her that her new boss didn't like to talk at all, if she actually wanted this job she will have to abide by his rules of no speaking. Kate needed the money and had to give this all she had, just then the bus arrived, and the line moved forward, looking at her watch she thanked the heavens that she will be on time. As Kate got to the door it closed indicating the bus was full, gosh I will have to wait for the next one. Kate's heart started to race as she knew she will be two hours late if she waited, if she hailed a cab she should make it in half that time, thinking of the cab fair hurt her head, she was so low on cash right now but had no choice but to take a cab. Trusting Sara about her being in a better work environment she hailed a cab and prayed to God that he will make away to help her cash flow.
SKen was disappointed, he was ensured that his new PA will be different from the others he had to fired, thinking about how there all tried to talk to him made his stomach hurt, if he didn't need the help, he liked the small office he had Bought. to work from in the quite. He will have never asked the agency to keep sending PAs over, watching from the windows how his dreams was alive and having over 1000 staff enter this offices daily gave his some sort of hope of been his old self again. Ken had watched and worked giving orders on the phone and computer daily, doing video call to board members who all knew he was working out of town. He had built his business to a Multi billions dollar company from his schooling days, he loves working but hated people. Thinking about his past made his heart sore and painful, he started staying away from people all because of Mia. Kate entered, her hair was a mess and she was a little sweaty having taken 4 flights of stairs, why doesn't this building have a lift she said aloud as she opened the door, Ken's heart jump to his throat.
His mouth opened all he could say was exercise and you are fired, Kate ran up to him as he turned his back, she only caught a quick look at his face remembering what Sara told her she said her apologies keeping it short as he walked away into his office. Kate sat down on the chair breathing in and out slowly, she looked around and saw a laptop, pens, holders some writing book and phone.
The place looked like no one worked there it sent a Shiva down her spine. There were notes on the tables telling her how her day should start and end. Reading it careful she realizes the boss like his coffee first thing in the morning and another at 4pm before he left work, she found it odd why will anyone drink coffee so late unless they needed to stay awake. Kate made a move to the small kitchen only to see big shoulders inside he words ringing in her ears i thought you left, his voice sounded soft but strong, if you Insist. on been here you better get to work. She jumped to move back to her desk, his office door open and closed so gentle that Kate didn't even see him go past her, again she didn't see his face well. As Ken sat at his desk his thoughts ran to her pleasing face, he was happy that this one didn't wear so much makeup. Ken looked out the window and called his friend Gray who run his company for his given his daily instruction, how's things boss Gray was Ken old school friend who stuck by Ken thought thick and thin when Ken went into depression all his school friend abandon him, but Gray visited daily talking to him normally even when Ken said nothing to anyone for months. One days Gray came to see Ken with blue eye and mouth full of blood, that's when Ken spoke and asked his friend what had happened, from that day Ken started to talk to Gray and study at home in his room. Ken sold his first software program at the age of 18, he asked Gray to help him be the face of his company, till date only few board members and Gray knew the Ken was the owner. Kate found it weird why will a boss wear a black hoody at work she wonders if she now worked for a thug. Kate heard a ping it was a wechat message from her boss asking her to do some research for the next day and leave it on his table at the end of the day, this guy scary it's like he saw me think about him. It was 3.30pm Ken was ready to leave his office, his driver will be waiting to take him home where he had a shower an light meal before leaving for his company headquarters he only went in when everyone was gone for the day, have especial entry and lift only himself he still waited till almost all the staff had left, no one knew who he was everyone who worked there knew Gray to be the boss, Ken never like attention and didn't mind, Gray was always thankful for his friends help Gray dad beat him often and when Ken asked him to work for him it was his way out, he listen to Ken every word and never question him, Ken was great at making money. looking at his phone camera he saw Kate head was looking at her laptop, he made his move to leave, his door to the exit was getting installed next week that way he didn't have to go pass his PA. Kate felt a gentle breeze goes by the time she looked up she again only saw his back. Gosh do I work for a thug or a ghost Kate thought, she finished up her research, and read what was left off the note she had to wipe down the table in his office without touch a thing only removing his coffee cup and leave her work on the desk. Ken watched the cameras of the office waiting to see if he will need to firer Kate this evening, her saw her enter and stand still taking in the office large windows on one side and six computer screens on his big desk she was shocked as nothing else was in the office. Kate mind raced to what needed to be done, slowly she moved forward and did as the notes said, her heart was beat so loud she could hear it. once she was done she locked up and went home taking the bus she was exhausted having a long bath and noodles she was ready for bed.
Her phone buzzed it was 8pm who will be calling me so late, it was Sara hey babe you have passed your first day at work congratulations Sara shouted over the phone Kate was out of sorts asking why I won't have, Sara went on to explain that by 7pm she normally will get a mail from Ken asking her fire the PAs its now 8pm. Kate was shocked and said thanks to Sara and she will take her out some time.
Sara and Kate said their goodbyes just as Sara cut the call her phone rang again it was Gray calling to tell her thanks for sending Kate over and that his boss was pleased. Gray told Kate he will treat her to a meal for always help send new PAs for Ken, Sara knew she was doing her job but still Ken was a hard client to please she didn't want to send her friend to him, but it was her last option for Ken and plus Kate last two employer's was such shit heads she needed to find someone Kate could work with and feel safe. Kate alarm went off this time she had to wake up, Kate was good at everything but getting up, she jump up and got ready having no time for breakfast again another day with no food her stomach complaint at her. Kate was on time today have made Ken coffee in the pot and taking her own cup to her desk, as she sat down Ken entered the office his head was covered by the hoody again this time he wore a white hoody which highlighted his chin and nose, that's about all Kate could see his lips looked thin and pink, his mouth opened to the words coffee please, Kate knew what he needed. Kate knocked twice than opened the door as per the notes he said after the first knock if he doesn't response, she can knock again to indicate her entry. his chair was turned to the door Kate saw a white Formal Jacket on his chair leaving the coffee down she left the office. Thinking if she saw him with a jacket, she shocked her head and went about her day.
Kate heard a thud; she wondered if she was hearing things, her heart begins to race these past weeks of working for Ken all she ever heard was his low voice and the chair moving, what should she do if she interrupted him, she could lose her job. But the sound to her sounded like a fall, she made up her mind to knock on the door gentle after the second knock she will enter. knock knock she opened the door and saw Ken on the floor out cold, Kate run to him checking his pulse and breathe, there was no blood she didn't know what to do, from her notes from Ken he hate people touching him and talking to him. She looked out the window praying to God for help, buzz buzz buzz buzz his phone was ringing she thank God and quickly answered it hoping the other person will know what to do. Hey boss are we on for tonight Gray said, Kate quickly relayed the current Situation. Gray said I will be over in 2 mins get him some water; Gray rushed over as soon as he heard what had happened to his boss. Gosh, what is wrong with this man? He never takes good care of himself at all. He thought running over to the next building had him exhausted. Ohh my God, Kate thought to myself, can this happen to me? This guy has not spoken to me all week long and now he goes and he faints on me. What should I do in a hurry? Kate ran to the kitchen and got Kate caught a glass of water and quickly ran back. She started gently splashing it on Ken's face. How she did that, she could see his facial features, his face skin was so beautiful and smooth. She wondered how a man could have such smooth skin. He was white, almost like snow white. She thought to herself. Ken began to stir slowly His eyes opened and he thought he was looking at a beautiful princess. Kate smiled. Her smile was as bright as a sun, he closed his eyes again and then opened it, only to realize it was his secretary, Kate.