The next day, the alarm went off over and over. When Kate finally woke up, she was already 30 minutes late for the bus line. She knew this time that she'll never make it. She had to take a cab again, looking at the little bit of cash he had left, she didn't know how she'll make it through the next few weeks before she got paid. Kate just managed to get into the office 2 minutes before Ken could walk in. As usual, Ken said morning and went straight into his office. Ken looked out of the window The large building, which he owned, called a Kenneth software. No one knew who Ken was, sometimes Ken wander whether his life would have been different if he had never met Mia when he was 14 years old. Mia was his Teenage crash. Mia was new in school, All the boys drooled over her, Ken was the only one that she had taken notice off, everyone just thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Little did they know that Mia was hiding Behind all the makeup. Ken was very popular because he came from a very rich background. He loved playing football and all the girls always rallied around him. But when Mia entered the school, he just loved looking at her beauty every single day. Mia also took notice of Ken and decided to ask him out. Ken and Mia started dating when they were 15 years old Mia shared all her thoughts with him, but never her family life Ken knew little about her parents or her background. She always just spoke about school, books, boys, friends, the things she loved but never her parents. Ken gently knocked on the door once. twice. As usual, as the note said, if by the second knock there's no response, you can enter the office So Kate did what she usually did. She entered the office around. this time around, Ken's chair was not entirely to the door. It was in a slight angle. Kate could see his handsome face. She was memorized at how gorgeous this man looked. For the first time, Ken didn't hear a knock on the door. He was still miles away. Kate looked at him very carefully and could send something was a miss that she did not want to disturb his thoughts. So she gently walked to the table with each step. with each step getting closer to him. And that's when Ken realized that there was somebody in the office who asked you to enter my office. Didn't you knock on the door first? Said Ken. Yes, I did. Said Mia. I'm not sure if you heard me or not, but I just did what your note said. Can you. please look at the lunch menus and let me know what you like to eat. Kate was really upset at Ken's tone, but she did not say anything. She knew that she had to keep this job Ken said, okay, you may leave now. I will send you a wechat message telling you what I would like to eat. Has Kate was walking out. Ken Felt bad and said, you may also order what you would like to eat going forward. The company will pay for your lunch. Kate did not say anything. She just gently closed the door behind her, thinking, this guy is so Arrogant and rude. I wish I could just kick him like I did the past two bosses, come to think of it, I'm just lucky that he is not hitting on me like the other two jackass. While in the other room, Ken was thinking the exact same thing. Kate was rude. She didn't even tell me. Thank you. Kate had sat at her desk and received the Wechat. messages a few moments later, she decided to eat the same thing as Ken. He just wanted his usual Thai food noodles with chicken on the side. The next two days had passed with ease. Kate. had only one problem. How am I going to make it to the next week? What if I wake up late again? And what if I miss the bus? Oh, my god. I don't think I'll have enough money for a cab, Kate. looked at the cash tin that was on her desk every day without fail There was money in the tin. She thought in her mind that maybe Ken was just adding more money every single day to make sure that they had enough since he had offered to pay for her lunch. She said if I take a few dollars, I'm sure he wouldn't notice her. So Kate decided to take a $20 bill just in case she woke up late and needed to take the taxi again. It was Friday morning and four days had gone by in the week. Kate was exhausted. She had woken up late again. Thank. God, I've taken that $20 bill. Kate hailed for a cab. She managed to get on work on time. Ken was standing in the office, looking very angry, and Kate's heart started to race. I. thought you'll be different from all the other personal assistants I had, but you decided to become a thief and steal from me. What more could you have taken if? you had the opportunity, said Ken. He did not give Kate a second to even say a word. You're fired Pack your things and leave right now. He turned and walked away, slamming the door of his office. Kate's heart was pounding so hard in her chest. She thought that she was having a heart attacker. Oh no, I can't afford to To lose this job what am I going to do? I still have college funds to pay and help My mother. Kate really enjoyed working here, even though. even though Ken never said much to her, she always felt very safe in his presence. Maybe I shouldn't have ordered lunch. I shall rather save the money, but then he would have noticed that I'm not eating. And the take out slips will show that these only of food ordered, what am I going to do? Kate started to cry. She fell so upset she. made up her mind to just pack her bag and go home. Tears were running down her face. She could barely pack her things. Ken looked at his cell phone camera and saw Kate crying uncontrollably. He felt bad and thought himself that maybe she didn't mean to take the money. Maybe there was more behind it. Should I give her another chance? Should I forgive her What if she does She does what Mia did. If I don't forgive her, what if? 0 no. What am I going to do? Thought Ken, Ken decided to go outside. to speak to Kate. He opened the door gently while Kate was still Packing her desk, Kate was surprised to see that Ken had opened the door and is now standing in front of her. Tell me why. she opened her mouth to speak, but no words had come. She tried again and softly she said. I can't seem to wake up in the morning. Hmm. Said Ken. He thought he heard wrong. She said I can't seem to wake up in the morning Oh my God. This woman must be crazy. Kate tried again. She said I can't. seem to wake up in the morning. There's days that I can make it. And there's just some days that I can't wake up. And then I am missing the bus and I don't have enough fares for the taxi. I've already taken the taxi three times now. And on the third time, I didn't have enough cash. So I decided to borrow $20 from our cash flow. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. It won't happen again. You don't. have to buy me lunch anymore. I can make lunch at home. It won't happen again, I promise. Ken could see the pain and hurt in her eyes. He said from now onwards. I will fetch you from your apartment. Send me your location, he turned and walked away. Kate Heart was racing for no more. Did she hear correctly? He said he will fetch at her apartment. Can it be. Kate went back to her work. She put her things back on the table and thank God that. Ken decided to give her another chance. She decided to do her very best to abide by his rules and work very hard. It was lunch time and Kate was so scared to go to Kent's office. But she got up the courage and gently knocked on his door one. Twice, she entered. this time. Ken's face was not turned away from the door. He chair actually faced the door. She was so shocked. She asked him boss. What would you like to eat for lunch? I'll give you the chance to order for me this time around, Said Ken, He turned his chair around. Kate left the office, thinking maybe it's time for us to eat from somewhere new. She had a few places in mind, and some of her favorite things was hot wings. She didn't know if Ken will like it, but she thought, why not try? So she ordered them some hot wings and cold drinks. Ken looked at the food and thought, oh my God, what did this woman order me? Junk food in a hot wings of all things. I'm going to die. But what if I don't eat it and she gets a bit upset and starts to cry again? So Ken decided to give it a try. The. first one wasn't too bad, and by the second one he started to enjoy it. His mouth burned a lot, so he drank a lot of the cold drink. Ken usually did not enjoy drinking cold drink He was more of a water guy. Ken had the cold drinks and the hot wings. An hour after lunch, Ken's tummy was burning for no more. He doesn't know what to do He started to cramp up. He decided to go out and ask Kate if she had anything for tummy pain. He gently opened the door and looked at Kate, who was busy typing away on her laptop. She didn't hear him at all. He walked up to a desk and slightly tapped on it. Kate. she looked up in amazement to see Ken standing in front of her. Yes, boss. She shouted. Do you have anything for tummy cramps and chest burn? Kate looked at him and turned ahead to the side. What's wrong? Are you feeling ill? Was it the food? Are you not used to eating hot food? Let me look through my bag. She said, I don't have anything, but I can run down to the convenience store and get you some meds. Ok, said Ken. And he turned and walked away. Kate hurried down to the convenience store, asking them for the tummy cramps and chest burns Medication. Has she rushed back to the office? She felt so bad, thinking she should have never ordered that hot wing . Not everybody can have a tummy like hers. Kate had water and the medication in a hands, running up the stairs. She was already sweating. She really didn't know if she'll get fired because of this. Sir, she knew that Ken was a hard boss. but he was also soft and kind in some ways. She was still unsure about his personalities. But one thing for sure, she always felt safe around him. Ken was grateful that Kate had hurried up with the medication. He. had taken it and felt so much better. Sitting back in his chair, he wondered can this woman be so silly.