Ken sat at his desk thinking about his dream in the car, he was in shocked, normal he dreamt of Mia kissing him he always felt scared mainly cause his heart still love Mia even though she was dead, He never could put words to his feeling of her, she changed his live he never could decide if he loved her or hate her, feeling like he could have had so much more in life if she didn't do what she did. Ken mind went the start of his dream was he right it was Kate kissing him in his dream, his eyes closed he went back to the kiss it felt so real it scared him, his heart jumped and missed a beat. I can't be thinking of her like that, just like that Kate knocked on the door come in, Sir what will you like to eat, please call me Ken not sir, hmmmm ok she said, anything but hot wing he smiled for second went back to been serious. Kate thought she was imaging things. We will get Thia food do you have enough money, Kate felt bad and said I'm sorry for taking the money from the tin, no, no, no i didn't mean to upset you, beside you explain yourself, Kate started to talk again with tears in her eyes she said, please do not think bad of me , I am not one of thought women who spends all her money on clothes and makeup, I only keep what I need for the month the rest I send home. She turned and walked out, why do I always make this women cry, Ken started to feel bad, his heart did that thing again it skipped a beat. He began to wonder why she didn't keep money for herself, maybe she is paying of some debts, he thought he should do a background check on her in case she steal from him again. Background was easy for him he was a quizz with computers, he quickly saw Kate family history and that her mother had 2 children 1 was Kate the other was her young sister by 2 years. she was finishing school Kate mother Eve had two jobs, it looks like Kate money was going to help her mother and sister. Ken felt bad he never had to worry about money, he belonged to a wealth family. He decides to help Kate out by rising her month's salary. Kate knocks twice with no answer she enters the office, seeing Ken asleep she wonders whether she should wake him up, deciding what to do she worried about the food getting cold. Ok maybe if I open the food and set it on the table, he might smell the food and wake up. Kate went around the table softly opening the food packets up, just as she finished Ken chair swung around hitting her legs making her fall into his lap. His hand automatically held Kate waste for him it was a action so she won't fall and hit the table. Kate slapped Ken face, her hands flew to her mouth, in shock she said sorry. Ken was dizzy from the hit on his face this woman is strong Kate jumped up looking at Ken face she could see it was red and had finger marks on it, oh my god i didn't mean to do that my body just used to defend myself, I am so sorry boss, Ken held his face unsure what to say, his mind was everywhere worst his heart was racing. He stood, what did you think you are doing, Kate was at a lost head down she said, I didn't want to wake you up, but I also didn't want to food to get cold. I am sorry I slapped you, I got scared. I did not want to touch you, you fell into my lap I didn't want you to fall so I held you, Ken said looking sad and hurt. Now it was Kate turn, her heart raced faster and faster, her face turned red. You'll look funny both your faces are red said Gray, Gray wanted to check on Ken, there both worked late till early hours of the morning he was worried Ken won't take care of himself again, wow I see I shouldn't worry looking at the food on the table I see Kate taking good care of your boss. By the way why your faces so red, shut up Gray said Ken, Kate looked down said sorry again and left. What's up boss? What she sorry for, she slapped me, Grays mouth was now opened wide, close your mouth, what happened, Ken explains how he had fallen asleep, how his dreams were again of Kate kissing him. Gray listen without says anything, Ken looked at him, say it or leave, you have feeling for Kate but Mia still in your heart. Are you crazy I don't like her Kate not my type of women besides, I promised myself after Mia died i will never love or get close to anyone. that's your problem, you put up walls and now that Kate is here taking care of you, your heart softens up a little. Taking care of me how, she is doing her job, well you never had a PA last for more than a week before, now Kate here going to 3 weeks said Gray. Ken ace turned red again showing the finger marks on it. Sit and eat with me, there both ate together. Gray left walking past Kate, he said get some ice for his face. Kate said yes Sir, she didn't move for a minute, getting she when to see him, come in Ken said his voice sounds annoyed. Hi, i got some Ice for your face Sir. Ken looked at her and said nothing, she left it in a blow on the table walking away, thinking this will be my last day at work. Ken picked up the ice applying it his handsome face. Thinking of Kate scared face made his more exhausted. Maybe we both nee to close up early today, sending Kate a massage that there will finish a little early today. Kate heart dropped to the floor thinking he will fire her. Kate was ready to walk towards the bus station when a limo stopped will you like a lift home said Ken, again Kate thought he going to fire me while we go home how sad, she got in the limo. Ken looked out window and thought this woman looking sad again am i really that bad, I am trying she stay far away from me at least i am giving her a lift home, i am a good boss she should smile and say thank you, the limo came to a stop, the traffic had come to a standstill, The driver put down his window and told him, boss, it looks like we are stuck in the traffic jam. I'll put on the radio and see if we can get any information on what's happening out there. Ken quickly got his phone and made a call to Gray, explaining the traffic jam to his he quickly asked for a way home. Gray spoke to the drive told him to take the next exit, gave him directions, the next minute the car was moving forward Kate was surprised at how Ken got things done so quickly. Bang Kate head and arm hurt so bad; thing went dark. Waking up to voice she couldn't make out much of what was said, only the yeses coming from Ken voice, as he turned around to see Kate eyes open he rushed to her side asking her if she is ok, I am so sorry Kate if I had not asked the driver to hurry up and go around the traffic you will have not gotten so badly hurt.
Im ok I think my arm and head hurt a lot, yes said the doctor you need lots of rest and can't be left alone for the next few weeks, Mr Ken as ensure me he as room and help at his place so he will be taking care of you, if all goes well with the next around of test we will do now that you are awake, you should be discharged by tomorrow morning. Kate head hurt she could think her body was painful all over, all she could do was say yes not fully understanding what the doctor said. The next few hours were exhausting for her, and she slept the night. In the morning Ken arrived early at hospital his heart was anxious the past few days he didn't sleep well, thinking of Kate staying with him, he entered her room with a light knock, are you all ready to go home, yes I miss my bed and home so much, Ken looked at her puzzled, Kate you will be staying with me for the next few weeks, what why will I stay with you, it's the doctors' orders, no I can't no way she said, unfortunately you don't have a choice, thinking quickly he said you will need help with you injure and still have to work, this way you and I both can work from home, beside it's all setup, his mind raced to find a way to make her stay with him as he felt guilty for the condition she was in. He knew he won't be giving her work for the next few weeks; Gray had looked for someone to assist him remotely. Oh my god can this man be so mean, I am so injured he wants me to work is that he can think off.