
Ritsuka looking at one gril, and he was very confusing be looked at his list and saw the girls name Alice, as he just looked at the girl She has absurdly long glossy black hair reaching the floor and tied to a headband and clip on her left side. A long bang is running down between her eyes, joining the rest over her left shoulder. She has pale skin and glowing blue eyes, which share some similarity to camera lenses.

Her halo is an arrangement of randomly placed cyan blue squares and rectangles, basically an artistically abstract set of squares.

She wears a standard Millennium high-school uniform, including a white and blue hoodie, a tucked-in white shirt with blue tie underneath, a pleated, black skirt, a pair of woolly socks, and white sneakers with gray shoelaces.

It is noted that her Millennium access badge was artificially crafted by the Veritas and her clothes were hand-me-downs from Midori.

On her back was her gun, white railgun prototype provided by the Engineering Department. It has a yellow "core", a blue receiver and accelerator, and an LCD screen indicator located at the back of the weapon. Two front covers are present possibly to protect the accelerator barrel when on transport. It opens up when the weapon is ready to be fired. A Millennium insignia is stamped on the front housing. A Game Development Club logo is stickered below the LCD screen.

As she was just enjoying her time Yuzu and Momoni being a normal, did he get the wrong information this was no way the princess of calamity that one's said to bring down Kivots even after he got her location thanks to his dad, Ritsuka was just questing everything.

Ritsuka watched Arisu intently, feeling a mix of confusion and curiosity. He double-checked the information he had gathered, but everything pointed to her being the infamous "Prince of Calamity." As she interacted with Yuzu and Momoi in a carefree manner, it was hard to reconcile this image with the fearsome reputation she supposedly had.

He approached cautiously, his mind racing. "Excuse me, are you Arisu?"

Arisu looked up, her glowing blue eyes focusing on him. "Yes, that's me. Who are you?"

Ritsuka hesitated for a moment, then decided to introduce himself honestly. "I'm Ritsuka. I've heard... stories about you. I'm trying to understand who you really are."

Arisu tilted her head, her expression unreadable. "Stories, huh? People do like to talk. What exactly have you heard?"

"That you're a powerful figure, someone who could bring down Kivotos," Ritsuka said, watching her closely for any reaction.

To his surprise, Arisu chuckled. "I see. Well, the truth is often more complicated than rumors. Why don't you join us? Maybe you'll find the answers you're looking for."

Ritsuka nodded, still unsure but intrigued. As he spent time with Arisu, Yuzu, and Momoi, he began to see a different side of her—one that was intelligent, strategic, and deeply committed to her friends. The more he learned, the more he realized that the truth about Arisu was far more nuanced than he had been led to believe.

Ritsuka sat down with Arisu, Yuzu, and Momoi, feeling a mix of anticipation and unease. The casual atmosphere around them contrasted sharply with his expectations.

"So, Ritsuka," Arisu began, her voice smooth and measured, "What brings you to Millennium?"

Ritsuka took a deep breath, deciding to be honest. "I've heard stories about you, Arisu. They say you're someone who could bring down Kivotos. I wanted to understand who you really are."

Yuzu and Momoi exchanged glances, their expressions shifting from curiosity to concern.

Arisu leaned back, her glowing blue eyes studying Ritsuka. "It's true that I have a reputation, but it's not as simple as that. People fear what they don't understand, and they label what they fear."

Ritsuka nodded slowly. "I've seen a lot of different people since I arrived in Kivotos. Everyone has their own struggles and reasons for doing things."

Arisu smiled, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "You're right. My work with Veritas involves a lot of sensitive information. People see what I do and assume the worst."

As they talked, Ritsuka began to see the complexities of Arisu's life. Her dedication to protecting Kivotos from within, using her knowledge and skills to navigate the treacherous landscape of secrets and lies. It wasn't about destruction; it was about preservation.

Yuzu, sensing the need to lighten the mood, leaned forward. "Hey, Ritsuka, did you know Arisu once hacked into a high-security server just to correct a mistake in a game? She's a perfectionist!"

Momoi laughed, nodding. "Yeah, and she made sure to leave a note explaining the correction in detail. It was hilarious!"

Arisu rolled her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips. "It was a critical bug that needed fixing. I couldn't just leave it."

Ritsuka chuckled, feeling the tension ease. "I see. You're not just powerful, you're meticulous."

Arisu shrugged. "Someone has to be. If we're going to keep this city safe, we need to be thorough."

The conversation continued, with Ritsuka learning more about the dynamics within Millennium and the various factions at play. He realized that Arisu's reputation was built on misunderstandings and fear, but her true intentions were noble.

As the sun began to set, Ritsuka felt a sense of clarity. "Thank you for talking with me, Arisu. I think I understand a bit more now."

Arisu nodded. "I'm glad. The more people who understand, the better we can work together to protect Kivotos."

Ritsuka stood up, feeling a new sense of purpose. "I'll do my part to help. And I'll make sure others know the truth about you."

Arisu watched him go, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Good luck, Ritsuka. We'll be counting on you."

As Ritsuka left, he felt a renewed determination. The world of Kivotos was complex and challenging, but he was ready to face it head-on, armed with the knowledge and alliances he had gained.

As Ritsuka was walking he pumped into someone, they both feel, as Ritsuka landed on something very soft, it giggles as Ritsuka saw white before he got as he saw his face was in between two big boobs, as jumped as he yalled sorry to rrb girl as he got a clear looked at her, she is a tall, beautiful woman with long black hair that reaches her thigh with blunt bangs. She has a fair skin complexion and red eyes with white pupils. Her halo metallic halo with two red curved lines opposite of each other within. Her uniform consists of a three-buttoned black blazer and a white long-sleeved turtleneck sweater as well as a black knife-pleated mini skirt with a black opaque pantyhose. She also wears black stiletto heels, a holster with two belts tightly attached to her right thigh. On her left chest is a Millennium ID card. Additionally, she uses A Millennium logo hairpin and a square watch. She seemed to have the personality type of unsociable and rather scrupulous. She never lets emotions change her mind and always sticks to the facts. Because of this, a lot of students find Rio to be terrifying, but Rio doesn't let their opinions into her head. Rio is also very determined when it comes to reaching her goals, even breaking the rules if she has to or that what Ritsuka can get, Ritsuka reconised her from his files this was Tsukatsuki Rio, the former student council pregnant of Millennium Science School

In Kivots student council pregnant, were at the same level of political power as politicians or paradental figure running there country, she retired from what Ritsuka can gather it was because of Arisu something about Rio miss judging Arisu

Ritsuka quickly composed himself, embarrassed by the awkward situation. "I'm so sorry," he said, extending a hand to help her up. "I didn't mean to—"

Rio accepted his hand, standing up with a calm, composed expression. "It's fine," she said, brushing herself off. Her red eyes studied him for a moment, then she gave a slight nod. "Ritsuka Morning star, right? I've heard about you."

Ritsuka blinked in surprise. "You have?"

"Yes," Rio replied, adjusting her blazer. "Your recent activities have caught the attention of many at Millennium. You're making quite a name for yourself."

Ritsuka felt a mixture of pride and apprehension. "I guess so. It's been... eventful."

Rio's expression softened slightly. "You seem to have a knack for getting involved in significant events. Just be careful. The politics of Kivotos can be more treacherous than they appear."

"I'll keep that in mind," Ritsuka said, appreciating the advice. "Thank you."

Rio nodded, then turned to leave. "Stay safe, Ritsuka. And try to avoid any more collisions."

As she walked away, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for her. Despite her reputation for being unsociable and scrupulous, she seemed genuinely concerned for his well-being.

Continuing his walk, Ritsuka pondered the intricate web of relationships and power dynamics within Kivotos. Meeting Rio had reminded him of the delicate balance he had to maintain while navigating this complex world.

Lost in thought, he barely noticed when someone called his name. Turning, he saw Arisu approaching with a determined look on her face.

"Ritsuka, we need to talk," she said, urgency in her voice. "There's something important I need to tell you about Millennium."

Ritsuka nodded, sensing the gravity of the situation. "Alright, let's find a place to sit and talk."

They found a quiet bench in a nearby park, and Arisu wasted no time getting to the point. "I've been digging deeper into the recent events and the power shifts within Millennium. There's something big happening, and I think you need to know."

Ritsuka listened intently as Arisu explained her findings. She spoke of secret meetings, hidden agendas, and a potential threat that could destabilize not just Millennium, but all of Kivotos.

"We need to be prepared," Arisu concluded, her eyes meeting Ritsuka's with unwavering resolve. "This isn't just about individual battles or personal goals anymore. It's about the future of our entire society."

Ritsuka felt a surge of determination. "I understand. We'll do whatever it takes to protect Kivotos."

Arisu nodded, a small smile of relief on her face. "I'm glad to have you on our side, Ritsuka. Together, we can make a difference."

As they sat there, discussing their next steps, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of a much larger conflict. The challenges ahead would be daunting, but with allies like Arisu and the others he had met, he felt ready to face whatever came their way.

As then Arisy looked at Ritsuka before she spoke. So your full name is Ritsuka Morning star, you do relishe what the name Morning star represents right especially in the turns of religion

Ritsuka looked at Arisu, taken aback by her knowledge. He sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I know what it represents. The Morning Star, often associated with Lucifer in various religious texts. It's a name that carries a lot of weight and... implications."

Arisu's eyes narrowed slightly, a mix of curiosity and concern in her gaze. "And you don't find it troubling? Carrying such a name?"

Ritsuka shrugged. "It's just a name, really. My father chose it for reasons of his own. I've learned to live with it and the assumptions that come with it. But it doesn't define who I am or what I stand for."

Arisu seemed to consider his words for a moment before nodding. "I suppose names don't necessarily dictate one's actions or character. Still, it's something to be aware of, especially given the political and social climate here in Kivotos."

"Trust me, I'm aware," Ritsuka said with a wry smile. "I've had my fair share of encounters with people who judged me solely based on my name."

Arisu smiled slightly, a hint of admiration in her eyes. "You've handled it well so far. Just be careful. The name carries power, and power attracts attention—both good and bad."

"I'll keep that in mind," Ritsuka said, appreciating her concern.

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their conversation hanging in the air. Then, with a determined nod, Arisu stood up. "We should get going. There's much to do, and we can't afford to waste any time."

Ritsuka nodded, standing up as well. "Agreed. Let's get to work."

As they walked together, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose. The road ahead would be challenging, but with allies like Arisu, he felt ready to face whatever came their way.

The next day came and Ritsuka arrived back at Abydos for another day of schooling, as the day came to and end Ritsuka looked at Hoshino, Shiroko, Serika, and Nanomi

Ritsuka looking at the girls. So um we are basically the studnet counsel, and police force of Kivots aren't we

Hoshino looked at Ritsuka and nodded. Yup, but god does kinda suck, hey Atlest not a lot of crimes happens in Kivots.

Ayane, fixed her glasses. Yes but Kivots had a lot of problem, especially the desert that sounds almost all of Kivots and that damm Metal snake Binah, I wish we can find away to kill the raid bosses for good

Ritsuka looked thoughtful as he processed Hoshino and Ayane's words. "Yeah, it does seem like we have our hands full with all the responsibilities we have," he said, glancing at the rest of the group.

Serika sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. "It's a lot to handle, especially with how chaotic things can get. But we've managed so far, right?"

Shiroko nodded, her usual calm demeanor unshaken. "Indeed. We've faced challenges before and come out stronger. But I agree with Ayane. If we could find a way to deal with the raid bosses permanently, it would be a huge relief."

Ritsuka pondered this for a moment, thinking back to his recent encounter with Binah. "You know, the raid bosses are mechanical. Maybe there's a way to disrupt their regeneration or cut off their power source?"

Nanomi, who had been quietly listening, perked up. "That's a good idea. If we could figure out what keeps them coming back, we might be able to stop them for good."

Hoshino stretched and yawned, clearly tired from the day's events. "Well, whatever we decide, we need to make sure we're prepared. It's not like we can just walk up to Binah and ask it to stop regenerating."

Ayane nodded in agreement. "We'll need to gather information and resources. Maybe there are records or old documents that could give us a clue."

Ritsuka smiled, feeling a sense of camaraderie with his friends. "Alright then, let's make that our mission. We'll find a way to stop the raid bosses from coming back and make Kivotos a safer place."

The group nodded, their determination renewed. They had a long road ahead of them, but with their combined skills and unwavering resolve, they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stone