
[Chapter 6]

A large bucket of cold water was poured on Luo Zheng's body. Milky white impurities flowed along with the water to the ground.

After entering the Bone Refining stage, his body no longer had any impurities. Now what was being forced out of his body were the milky white impurities in his bones.

After washing away the impurities, Luo Zheng felt refreshed all over.

These days, Steward Fang no longer dared to trouble him. This gave Luo Zheng more space.

At night, Luo Zheng lifted the iron bed up and pressed it against the cellar's stone wall. Then he wrapped the bed frame with layers of cotton wool, making a simple wooden dummy.

Because the bed frame was pressed against the cellar's stone wall, most of the force was absorbed by the thick stone wall. This way, the iron bed would not be broken apart by Luo Zheng's punches. And because of the cotton wool, the sound of his punches was reduced to the minimum. In addition, he was in the cellar, so people outside could not know that he was secretly cultivating.

The Red Sandalwood Fist he used had been passed down in the Luo family for hundreds of years. It was a unique skill of the Luo family that was not passed down to outsiders. Even collateral descendants were not easily taught.

After entering the Bone Refining stage, he could now easily use the moves of the Red Sandalwood Fist that he could not practice before.

"Red Sandalwood One-Inch Punch!"

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Seven muffled sounds came from the stone wall.

The Red Sandalwood One-Inch Punch was the most profound move of the Red Sandalwood Fist. One strike of the One-Inch Punch could cause multiple injuries. The number of injuries could show how well the One-Inch Punch was used.

Luo Zheng wasn't too satisfied with the result of the seven muffled bangs, which meant that he had caused seven damages.

His father once told Luo Zheng that when he was in the Bone Refining stage, he could cause eight injuries. Now Luo Zheng, who was also in the Bone Refining stage, could only cause seven injuries. His understanding of the Red Sandalwood One-Inch Punch was not deep enough. It seemed that he had to work harder!

Punches after punches landed on the cotton wadding, producing muffled sounds.

After entering the Bone Refining stage, Luo Zheng's strength also increased crazily.

Luo Peiran had already entered the peak of the Bone Refining stage. The strength of each punch was more than 500 kilograms.

And Luo Zheng had just entered the Bone Refining stage. He estimated that his fist strength was about 700 to 800 kilograms.

This bit of strength was still not enough.

The most important thing was that Luo Zheng wanted to enter the Blue Cloud Sect.

When he thought about how his younger sister was currently facing the wall in Purgatory Mountain, Luo Zheng felt as if there was a rock weighing down on his heart.

Luo Yan had always been obedient and wouldn't cause any trouble. He must have been harmed by evil people. He had to enter the Blue Cloud Sect as soon as possible. Only then could he protect Luo Yan.

"Bam, bam, bam, bam!" His punches increased in strength.

The Blue Cloud Sect was the largest sect in the Imperial Capital. Every year, it would recruit disciples from all over the Imperial Capital.

The Blue Cloud Sect was also the biggest goal of all the young people in the Imperial Capital. It gathered the best cultivation resources in the Imperial Capital and had the most powerful experts to guide them.

However, the conditions to enter the Blue Cloud Sect were extremely harsh.

Or, they had outstanding talent, such as his sister Luo Yan, who had been accepted as an exception.

Or, they had great strength and stood out among the young people. Just the strength of the Bone Refining Realm might not be enough.

"Right now, I am being tempered by someone. The speed of my body's advancement is changing with each passing day. However, if I want to quickly advance in a short period of time, I still need to cultivate bitterly!"

When he thought of this, he smashed the stone wall with force again.

Luo Zheng originally had a heart that pursued the peak of the martial dao. In the past, he was meticulous and worked hard step by step. Even his father praised his son's perseverance.

However, after his father died, he was demoted to a servant. His mental state suffered a great blow, which was why his progress on the martial dao stagnated.

However, the current Luo Zheng already picked up this confidence again. For the sake of his goal, he pursued it with all his might.

That night, he almost didn't sleep.

He didn't know how many times he punched. Under Luo Zheng's punches, the cotton wool was already tightly stuck to the wall. He had no choice but to tear off the cotton wool and gently pull it apart with his hands. Only then could it return to its original state.

During the day, it was still endless punches and endless tempering.

In order to cultivate as soon as possible, Luo Zheng became more active even when he was being beaten.

He took the initiative to ask the Luo Clan's disciples to beat him. There was a risk of being discovered.

After all, after being beaten so many times, there was not a single injury on his body. It was easy for people to be suspicious.

However, Luo Zheng didn't care so much. Only by being beaten as much as possible could he temper himself as soon as possible and improve his strength as soon as possible.

Some of the Luo Clan's disciples were indeed puzzled. Luo Zheng had been beaten more and more frequently during this period of time, but his spirit was getting better and better. How did he look like someone who was being beaten? Instead, he looked like someone who was beating people up!

However, when they thought of how Luo Zheng had been a human target for two years and still lived until now, they could describe him as tenacious. These Luo Clan's disciples were not interested in delving into the mystery of a human target. After all, they cultivated to beat people up, not to be beaten. Even if Luo Zheng had some special defensive skills, they were too lazy to know.

During this period of time, Luo Zheng's bones had been cleansed more and more of the impurities. As long as he took a bath, the water flowing on the ground would immediately become milky white, as rich as milk.

The impurities that were being tempered out by the warm current every day were almost equivalent to the impurities of others who cultivated for several months. This meant that one day of his being beaten was equivalent to several months of cultivation for others. This cultivation speed was like a miracle!

During the day, he was beaten, and at night, he practiced martial arts. He practiced diligently without stopping for a moment.

During this period of time, the total amount of time he slept was probably less than twenty hours, but his spirit was not tired at all. His eyes were as clear as ever.

The reason why he was so full of spirit was most likely because of the mysterious "Nine Dragons Furnace" in his mind. That day, his soul had been refined by the Nine Dragons Furnace. His soul had been broken thousands of times, and every time it was broken, he would rather die than live.

But after that kind of pain, his spirit had always been very good. Presumably, his soul had also been tempered!

In the human body, the most difficult thing to cultivate was the soul. Everyone could train the body, even those who did not cultivate martial arts could train the body.

But the soul was hidden deep in the human body's secret realm. It could not be seen or touched, just like the illusory shore in the Buddhist gatha. Ordinary people could not train at all.

It was said that in the Blue Cloud Sect, there were some secret books of a higher level that could affect people's souls, such as the "Soul Training Technique".

Luo Zheng could not touch these mysterious realms, so he did not think too much about it. Since he did not need to sleep, he could use this time to cultivate.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty days had passed.


Luo Zheng's punch had cracked the thick stone wall of the cellar.

He had only used seventy percent of his strength in this punch, but the power was already so terrifying. If he had not held back, the cellar would have been destroyed by his punch.

After half a month of tempering, Luo Zheng's strength had advanced again.

From the middle stage of the Bone Refining Stage to the peak stage of the Bone Refining Stage, the strength of one hand could reach a thousand jin. A thousand jin was the strength of one cauldron.

For martial artists, the strength of one cauldron was a watershed. Only after reaching the strength of one cauldron could one be considered to have reached the threshold and officially stepped onto the path of martial arts.

In less than a month, from the peak stage of the Flesh Refining Stage to the peak stage of the Bone Refining Stage, he had crossed an entire level. Not to mention that this cultivation speed had never appeared in the Luo Clan, even in the entire Empire, it would be difficult to find a second person.

After all, using the Body Refining method to temper out the impurities relied on perseverance and persistence. It relied on decades of cultivation, and the amount of impurities that could be refined every day was pitifully small.

But using the Body Refining method to "hammer" out the impurities in the body, the speed was more than a hundred or a thousand times faster ...

But today, when he was being beaten, he felt that his body seemed to have undergone some changes.

Although he didn't feel any pain from the punches and kicks he usually received, he could still feel some weight. Today, he discovered that the strength of the Luo Clan's fists seemed to have become lighter.

Luo Zheng secretly observed for a moment. The Luo Clan's disciples who were beating him didn't hold back, but why did he feel this way?

Not only that, but the warm current produced by each punch on his body had also decreased by a lot.

If it was said that a punch in the past could produce a warm current the size of a thumb, then now a punch could only produce a warm current the size of a little finger. With the lack of warm current, the efficiency of washing the body naturally decreased.

This night, after returning to the cellar and taking a bath, he discovered that the impurities that had been forced out of his body had clearly decreased by about half.

These changes caused a trace of worry to arise in Luo Zheng's heart. What exactly had gone wrong?

Could it be that his body had hardened?

According to the records of the mysterious Weapon Refining Cultivation Method, his current physical strength was comparable to a Low Grade Profound Weapon.

After a Profound Weapon underwent continuous tempering, its strength would gradually increase. Once the strength increased to a certain extent, the tempering effect of ordinary strength wouldn't be as good.

The majority of the Luo Clan's disciples in the Drill Hall were in the Skin Refining Realm. Even Luo Dalong was in the Skin Refining Realm. It was only because of his innate divine strength that his strength was comparable to that of a Flesh Refining Realm cultivator.

Now, several hundred pounds of strength was no longer effective on Luo Zheng's body. It seemed that he had to find someone more powerful to beat him to produce an effect.

But where could he find Luo Zheng? He couldn't let the Luo Clan's elders do it ... ...

"In a few days, it will be the Clan Refining Day. During the Clan Refining Day, the Luo Clan's disciples will exert their full strength. The strength of their punches should also increase by a lot. More importantly, if I can defeat my opponent in a deathmatch on the Clan Refining Day, I can legitimately abandon my status as a servant and leave the Luo Clan openly."

With Luo Zheng's current physical strength, those Luo Clan's disciples simply couldn't shake him. So what if they fought for a day and a night?

In the cellar, Luo Zheng's bright eyes blinked. Under the illumination of the candlelight, his face revealed a resolute expression.