I 've an Idea

[Chapter 19]Luo Zheng crossed the twenty li stone stele with a single step. The jade pendant's green color slowly faded and was gradually dyed with a layer of blood-red.

He then turned around and waved the jade pendant at the four people behind him with a smile on his face.

The four people tailing Luo Zheng saw Luo Zheng's proud expression and felt as if their lungs were about to explode from anger.

Before participating in the sea examination this time, someone had given them a mission to deal with a Viscera Refining Stage brat.

This mission made them rather disapproving. How could a Viscera Refining Stage brat be worth four Marrow Refining Stage cultivators working together?

They originally thought that it would be an easy task, but they didn't expect that this brat would slip away right under their noses. Not only did he slip away, he even dared to provoke them so proudly! A Viscera Refining Stage brat dared to be so arrogant?

This was indeed an intolerable matter.

The scholar's face had already completely darkened. He coldly said, "Everyone, use your own methods to get rid of this brat!"

"But he passed the sea examination. If we kill him in front of the examiners, wouldn't it be too ..." The brawny man among the four revealed a hesitant expression.

The scholar's face was filled with ruthlessness as he said, "Young Master Wang said that even if the sky falls, he will hold it up. This brat isn't from the capital and has no background. Even if he dies, who will stand up for him?"

After the scholar's words, the other three finally calmed down.

The last remaining trace of apprehension had now been completely dispelled. The four of them fiercely charged at Luo Zheng with faces full of resentment. It seemed that the four of them wouldn't give up until they tore Luo Zheng to pieces.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng was very satisfied. He had deliberately angered the four of them.

There were two ways to quickly increase one's strength. One was to let the black fire devour profound level weapons and light up the dragon scales. For the poor Luo Zheng, there weren't many profound level weapons for him to devour at the moment.

The other method was to let others temper him and create a warm current to cleanse the impurities in his internal organs.

The four of them were all in the Marrow Refining Stage. Their attacks were neither too big nor too small for Luo Zheng, and their strength was just right.

If a Bone Refining Stage or Marrow Refining Stage cultivator were to beat him, it wouldn't have much of an effect.

However, if those half-step Xiantian masters were to attack him, their strength would be too heavy. If he was not careful, he would be seriously injured or even killed. Therefore, these four people could be regarded as excellent "blacksmiths" for Luo Zheng.

This was also the reason why Luo Zheng had turned around to provoke them after he dyed the jade pendant red.

Seeing the four people rushing towards him, Luo Zheng also turned around and ran forward. Another reason why he didn't want to leave this path was to see how much pressure he could withstand.

After crossing the 20-mile stone stele, the pressure on the road suddenly doubled. It actually jumped from 2000 Jin to 4000 Jin.

Under such high pressure, he felt as if his entire body was being dragged to the ground by a huge force. As long as he lost control of his strength, his entire body would be pressed to the ground by this pressure.

Fortunately, the four Marrow Refining Stage cultivators behind him were also restrained by the two thousand kilograms of pressure. Their speed immediately slowed down.

Therefore, a very strange scene was playing out on this path.

Luo Zheng was running forward at an extremely slow speed. The four people were chasing after him at an extremely slow speed. If someone were to look at them from the side, they would think that these five people were acting out a slow-motion drama.

Luo Zheng could have run faster. Up until now, he was still relying on his own strength. He hadn't used the power of the two dragon scales. If he borrowed the power of the dragon scales, his speed would more than double.

The reason why he deliberately slowed down was to give the four people a chance to beat him.

The first to rush up was the scholar. As soon as he got close to Luo Zheng's back, he roared, "Die for me!" He continuously struck out with his palms. He struck out seven or eight times in a row. Each strike contained his full strength. Under the pressure of 4000 Jin, even though he was in the Marrow Refining Stage, he was still gasping for breath.

The frenzied palm strikes landed on Luo Zheng's back, greatly benefiting Luo Zheng. At the same time, he relied on this palm strike to push him forward. Not only did it save him energy, it also produced a large amount of warm current that washed his internal organs. The degree of comfort in his heart could be imagined.

After the palm strike was completely digested, another person took over the scholar's position.

"Frost Wolf Fist!"

"Explosive Elbow Strike!"

"Vigorous Crushing Fist!"

The four people alternately attacked Luo Zheng's back. Wave after wave of power pushed him forward. His internal organs were being refined at an inconceivable speed. The impurities refined by the Marrow Refining Stage were dark red. These impurities mixed with Luo Zheng's sweat and looked like blood.

The more the four people behind him fought, the more frightened they became.

This kid's body seemed to be too abnormal. Even the Demon Race's Body Refiners didn't have such a terrifying physique.

Just now, under the four people's repeated attacks, this kid was actually able to withstand it. It was really beyond their imagination.

"I can't, I can't, I don't have any strength left!" One of them held his waist and gasped for breath.

The brawny man sat down on the ground and shook his head. "Just running under this pressure is already unbearable. Not to mention beating people. I'm exhausted."

The 2000 jin pressure was originally designed for Marrow Refining Stage cultivators. Bearing the 2000 jin pressure to beat Luo Zheng, they consumed their strength extremely quickly. In just a short while, they were completely exhausted.

Just as they were about to give up, the scholar suddenly shouted, "He's bleeding!" The scholar discovered that Luo Zheng's body was flowing with red liquid. He subconsciously thought that Luo Zheng was bleeding. He happily said, "I knew this kid really had an immortal body forged from golden steel. It turns out he can still be injured. He's already an arrow at the end of its flight. Everyone, let's work harder!"

Seeing that Luo Zheng's body was bleeding profusely, the four people were delighted. In any case, they had finally injured this kid and saved some face.

They raised their spirits, gritted their teeth, and rushed forward. They did their best to greet Luo Zheng with their fists.

Just now, Luo Zheng thought that they were going to give up. He was a bit depressed. This was an excellent opportunity to be beaten. He didn't want it to end so quickly.

But he didn't expect that when they saw the impurities flowing out of his body, they would mistake it for blood. They were certain that he couldn't continue and unexpectedly began a new round of beating.

He was secretly happy, but he didn't show it on his face. He even pretended to be weak. While he was being beaten, he staggered forward. The second round of tempering had begun.

Luo Zheng didn't know that 30 li away, the white-browed old man presiding over the exam had a panoramic view of this scene.

Beside the white-browed old man, there was a young woman wearing a jade-green robe.

The two people's attention was focused on a jade box that was half the height of a person in front of them. This jade box was called a "letter tablet". Through the letter tablet, they could see the entire scene on the road.

At this moment, the image on the letter tablet was showing the scene of Luo Zheng being chased and beaten.

The two people's gazes were locked onto Luo Zheng. Their expressions were slightly surprised.

"He withstood the attacks of four Marrow Refining Realm cultivators. Moreover, he is only in the Viscera Refining Realm. This month's Sea Exam has produced another interesting student!" The jade-green robed woman said with a smile.

Hearing the jade-green robed woman's words, the white-browed old man suddenly felt a headache. It seemed that the jade-green robed woman was interested in this examinee again. He thought for a moment before saying, "Instructor Su, you can't be like this. If all 32 Peaks of Qingyun Peak were to pick disciples like you, it would be too unfair to the instructors of the other Peaks."

When Instructor Su heard the white-browed old man's words, she said very generously, "That's good. Everyone can pick together. I won't mind."

"But according to the rules, these disciples will be distributed according to the rankings after the Sea Exam. Last month, you took away a talented disciple. The other 32 Peaks already had some complaints. If it happens again this month, then ..." The white-browed old man said as he shook his head.

This Instructor Su coldly snorted and said, "So what? They still have complaints? If they have complaints, then just tell me directly. Or go up and sue me! My Xiao Yufeng is ranked last in the 33 Peaks of Qingyun Peak. If I don't use some methods, how can I revive it? That's right! There's a very simple method. I'll go find this kid and have him hide his strength so that he doesn't get first place in the Sea Exam! This way, the other 32 Peaks won't fight with me over him, right? "

"This ..." The white-browed old man didn't expect Instructor Su to come up with such a clever idea. This made his headache even worse.

The Blue Cloud Sect provided a total of 33 Peaks for the inner and outer disciples to cultivate. In order to let all the disciples strive forward, a set of very strict and scientific rules were formulated. The most important of which was the competition between the 33 Peaks.

These competitions didn't only affect the disciples. The instructors on the 33 Peaks also had their own missions and goals. In order to cultivate more outstanding disciples, these instructors would naturally fight over some talented geniuses.

Although those who could pass the Sea Exam and the Sea Exam wouldn't be bad in terms of talent and strength, but to choose the best of the best, there was no best, only better. Everyone was willing to take away the most outstanding disciple.

Instructor Su broke the rules for Xiao Yufeng, which made the instructors of the other Peaks quite dissatisfied.