Best Way To Deal With Stupid Pigs

[Chapter 27]

Countless elixirs, all kinds of top-notch cultivation methods, and even inherited the excellent bloodline of their family elders.

Most of the gentry children were born with advantages that ordinary people couldn't compare to.

But because of their special status, a considerable number of hedonistic children lived an extravagant life every day. Relying on the cultivation of elixirs, they had a high cultivation base, but their strength was incomparably low.

Luo Zheng didn't think that all the gentry children were like this. Otherwise, the gentry families in the Imperial Capital wouldn't have been able to prosper for so long. There must be many children among the gentry families who not only had outstanding talent, but also worked hard and diligently.

The gentry children in front of him clearly belonged to the former.

This group of people didn't honestly hunt phantom beasts, but wanted to extort other people's crystal fragments. They were really too useless.

Moreover, their targets weren't the gentry children. Luo Zheng observed from the side. If any gentry children passed by, they would let them go without saying a word. But if there were trial disciples, they wouldn't let them go no matter what.

The Blue Cloud Sect didn't care about such blatant looting?

Luo Zheng didn't know that this wasn't the first time this group of people had done this. A few years ago, someone discovered that there was a path from the second level to the third level of the Blood Red Mountain. Some gentry children had an idea and gathered a group of people to block this path and collect a "toll".

At that time, the Blue Cloud Sect opened one eye and turned a blind eye.

When the gentry children saw that the Blue Cloud Sect was letting them go, this set of experience spread among them. Therefore, every time the Trial of Blood Red Mountain came, a group of gentry children would discuss in advance and block this path.

There weren't many phantom beasts on the first and second levels, and there were too many people fighting over them. Many people found that they couldn't complete the goal in the set time, so in order to pass the Trial of Blood Red Mountain, they would choose to go to the third level.

And before they reached the third level, they would take away all the crystal fragments in the hands of the trial disciples.

The trial disciples were either afraid of their numbers or their status, so most of them would obediently hand over their crystal fragments. Luo Zheng stood on the side for a while and saw a few trial disciples with good strength angrily but helplessly hand over their crystal fragments.

More trial disciples stood in the distance, their faces showing hesitation. They didn't know whether to hand over their crystal fragments to go to the third level or to retreat.

Of course, not all of the trial disciples who were born in the grassroots were so honest.

Luo Zheng stood on the side for a while and saw a two meter tall, strong man like an iron tower, carrying a giant sword as tall as a person walk towards the checkpoint.

The landowning household disciple noticed the brawny man and shouted, "Stop!"

The tower-like man's eyes widened. "What's the matter?"

"If you want to go through here, then you have to leave all your crystal fragments behind!" said a gentry child of the gentry children

The burly man's face darkened, and he looked at the group of landowning households in front of him and asked, "What's the meaning of this? Why should I give my things to you? Did the Blue Cloud Sect let you rob me like this? "

"Hehe, reason? We have more people. If you don't hand over your crystal fragments, don't even think about going through! "said another gentry child.

This tower-like man was obviously not the kind of person who was willing to suffer a loss. His dark face was already filled with rage. He took down the huge sword on his back and waved it in his hand like a windmill. "Bah! If you want me to hand over my crystal fragments, then call me grandpa three times. I'll see if I can reward you bunch of grandsons! I'll hack to death whoever dares to stop me! "

Luo Zheng stood not far away with a smile on his face. The strength of this strong man was not weak. This group of gentry children had finally met a tough nut to crack.

The strong man swung his giant sword and rushed towards the checkpoint. The strong man's strength was great, and the giant sword's momentum was even greater. When he swung it, the sound of the wind whistling could be heard. Just the wind around his face made him feel a faint pain.

Since this group of gentry children could do this kind of thing, they couldn't be too strong.

Faced with the strong man's reckless attack, the group of gentry children kept cursing, but they all retreated to the sides, revealing a gap in the middle.

When the trial disciples who were still hesitating saw the gap, their hearts suddenly jumped. Some of the more daring and quick-witted people took advantage of this opportunity and rushed over behind the strong man.

Seeing this scene, more trial disciples also joined the ranks.

The checkpoint formed by the gentry children had already collapsed. The trial disciples with deep resentment were like fish released from a sluice gate, rushing over like a swarm of bees. Seeing this, Luo Zheng also rushed over with the crowd.

When the twenty or so gentry children saw this scene, their faces were filled with extreme anger. They had never thought that such a situation would occur. They didn't expect that when they let one person pass, so many people would rush after him.

By the time they reacted, many trial disciples had already slipped past their checkpoint and entered the third floor of the Blood Red Mountain.

"Stop them for me!" One of the blue-clothed landowning households' disciples roared.

When the other gentry children saw this, they understood that they couldn't let anyone pass. Otherwise, everyone would run away.

It had to be said that although these gentry children weren't strong, they could still display a lot of power by relying on some weapons and magic treasures given by their families.

These gentry children quickly gathered around, wanting to block the gap and restore the checkpoint.

During this process, the trial disciples who followed the strong man also became ruthless. Faced with the attacks of the gentry children, they either fought back or were eliminated. At this time, everyone would erupt with a certain amount of strength.

Thus, a chaotic battle began.


A trial disciple let out a blood-curdling scream. That trial disciple was besieged by three gentry children. One of the gentry children held a long sword shining with an emerald light and directly pierced the trial disciple's stomach.

Although everyone was in the illusory array and wouldn't suffer any real harm, the pain was real.

After a blood-curdling scream, that trial disciple was instantly surrounded by specks of light and was eliminated.

However, the gentry children weren't any better. One of them blocked the path of another trial disciple while charging forward. That trial disciple didn't have a shocking appearance, but he hid his strength very deeply. He gently pushed his palm and patted that gentry child.

With just a light pat, a strange force seemed to enter that gentry child's body. The gentry child's body began to twitch, tremble, and fall to the ground. In the blink of an eye, countless specks of light wrapped around him again. This gentry child was also eliminated.

Luo Zheng's footsteps were very light. Although there were many gentry children blocking him, he was like a sea swallow in a storm. He circled around those attacks and constantly dodged and moved forward.

He smoothly broke away from those gentry children's interception. After looking back at the chaotic scene, he prepared to leave. He didn't want to meddle in other people's business. His priority was to seize the time to accumulate crystal fragments.

At this time, he glanced at Mo Can in the crowd.

Mo Can was only in the Bone Refining stage. He should have just stayed on the first layer of Blood Red Mountain. Now, he actually wanted to rush to the third layer. This was something Luo Zheng didn't expect at all.

Fortunately, Mo Can's strength was relatively weak. He didn't receive too much attention and stumbled forward with difficulty.

However, a member of the landowning household noticed Mo Can and quietly followed behind him. The member of the landowning household was holding a dagger that was flickering with a bloody light. He was about to stab Mo Can's vital point in the back.

If this dagger was stabbed, Mo Can would definitely be eliminated on the spot.

At this critical moment, Luo Zheng suddenly sped up and rushed forward. He grabbed Mo Can and pulled him back.

Because of Luo Zheng's pull, that gentry child's dagger suddenly stabbed empty air.

Mo Can still didn't know what had happened. By the time he reacted, he realized that someone had stabbed him from behind.

Belatedly, he suddenly felt a burst of fear. With a face full of gratitude, he said: "Brother Luo Zheng, I …"

Luo Zheng didn't have time to listen to him. Because that gentry child flew into a rage out of humiliation. He raised his dagger and pounced at Luo Zheng. That dagger went straight for Luo Zheng's neck. The angle was very tricky and sinister. He was trying to kill him in one blow.

"Go to hell! Purple Sandalwood Inch Punch! "

Luo Zheng punched out and immediately smashed into that gentry child's chest. That gentry child tumbled to the ground with his dagger. His body instantly emitted seven soft sounds of explosions. Seven huge bloody holes appeared on his chest. After Luo Zheng's strength increased, the power of the Purple Sandalwood One-Inch Punch increased as well. The destructive power displayed by his strength in the opponent's body was quite terrifying.

Specks of light floated out and wrapped around that gentry child. With just one punch, this gentry child was eliminated.

At this time, this chaotic battle was nearing its end.

The trial disciples who should have rushed over had already rushed over, and those who didn't have time to rush over were basically eliminated.

Of course, many gentry children were also eliminated in this chaos. Out of more than twenty gentry children, there were now only a dozen or so left.

Those gentry children were very depressed at this time. According to the countless seniors who had used this method, this method of robbery was the easiest and simplest way to enter the Blue Cloud Sect.

Therefore, most of them felt that they could pass this Trial of Blood and Fire even if they were lying down. They didn't expect that one person would actually bring so many people to join in. The situation suddenly went out of control. More than ten of them were eliminated at once.

And at this time, Luo Zheng eliminated another gentry child.

Those gentry children were already very depressed and had no place to vent their anger. Luo Zheng suddenly became the target of public criticism.


Seeing those gentry children surround him, Luo Zheng directly threw Mo Can out.

"Kill this kid!"

"How infuriating! My cousin was actually eliminated!"

"I didn't expect that this lowly grass would dare to resist! Kill him! "

In their fury, the gentry children also lost their rationality. One by one, they rushed toward Luo Zheng like wolves pouncing on a tiger.

Half of these people were in the Viscera Refinement Realm, and the other half were in the Marrow Refinement Realm. They all held various kinds of powerful treasures in their hands. Any one of these treasures was at least a mid-grade profound artifact.

Luo Zheng didn't panic. He knew that the more panicked he was, the more trouble he would be in.

His eyes narrowed like a cat's, and his gaze carefully locked onto the blue-clothed gentry child.

Just as these gentry children pounced on him, Luo Zheng did the opposite. He stuck close to the ground and suddenly drilled out, grabbing at the blue-clothed gentry child without any regard for his own safety.