
[Chapter 30]

Outside of the Blood Colored Mountain, the majority of the mentors were focusing their attention on Fang Yu Shu.

Fang Yu Shu was the number one seed in this Trial of Blood and Fire, but the mentors were not interested in fighting over him. They were even too lazy to pay attention to Fang Yu Shu …

First of all, Fang Yu Shu was very strong. Passing the Trial of Blood and Fire was a certainty. Secondly, Fang Yu Shu and Nine Dragon Peak's Mentor Fang were family. It was impossible for him to choose another peak. Therefore, it was useless to pay attention to such a person.

Before this, many mentors were constantly switching between the images of all the disciples on the third level. They hoped to find traces of Luo Zheng. Among them, they stayed on Mo Can for the longest time. This was because Luo Zheng had previously been surrounded by landowning households because he wanted to save Mo Can.

Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, they did not find Luo Zheng.

This meant that Luo Zheng was a lone wolf, hunting mirage beasts by himself.

However, after a long period of time, someone inadvertently switched to Fang Yushu and discovered Luo Zheng.

After seeing Fang Yu Shu create a huge bright blue net, the mentors all understood that there would be a battle between the two of them.

One was the number one seed, the other was a dark horse that had suddenly appeared. Fang Yu Shu could be ignored, as he already had a home. But Luo Zheng was different. He was born from the grassroots and had no one to rely on. If he was taken into his own peak and nurtured, he would definitely be able to achieve great results.

The mentors' interest was immediately aroused.

"Who do you think will win?" one of the instructors asked softly.

"I still think Fang Yu Shan will win!" Another mentor replied.


"Why don't you look at the weapon in Fang Yu Shu's hand? Do you recognize that dagger? Space Slashing Blade! The energy strands that this spirit tool pulls out are almost indestructible. As long as Luo Zheng is cut, he will immediately be eliminated! "

The mentors discussed animatedly. Some supported Fang Yushu, while others supported Luo Zheng.

Only Instructor Su had a sullen expression on her face. She was like a little girl who had a favorite item hidden in a corner. She was waiting for the right time to sneak it home. However, before the time was up, everyone had discovered the item that she had been admiring …

This kind of feeling was not an ordinary kind of depression.

Luo Zheng was moving slowly. The purple light on his body was faintly discernible. His gaze was fixed on Fang Yushu.

Up until now, Fang Yu Shu was one of the most powerful enemies he had ever met. What was even more frightening was that Fang Yu Shu was clearly only in the Refining Marrow Stage, yet he was still able to give him such a huge pressure.

Among the descendants of landowning households, there were quite a few good-for-nothings. However, the elite descendants among them were terrifyingly powerful!

With the best resources in the world, they only needed to work a little harder, and their speed of improvement would be very fast. Furthermore, their combat power would far surpass that of their peers.

With Fang Yushu as the center, Luo Zheng circled around twice. Neither of them made a move. Time passed bit by bit. However, when Luo Zheng circled around for the third time, Fang Yushu finally moved.

His face flashed with a crazed smile. Holding the dagger in his hand, he drew a bright blue line and swept it towards Luo Zheng.

This seemingly gentle and quiet young man had completely sunk into a crazed state in battle. It seemed that he would not be able to calm down unless he dismembered his opponent.

Luo Zheng jumped up and rolled, narrowly avoiding the bright blue line. However, his speed was still a bit too slow. The line streaked across Luo Zheng's forehead, cutting off a section of his hair.

He was secretly shocked. If the distance had been just a bit closer, half of his head would have been cut off.

Fang Yushu did not give him any chance to breathe. The dagger in his hand spun, and in the blink of an eye, countless messy bright blue lines appeared. Then, Fang Yushu brought those lines and charged towards Luo Zheng.

As long as Fang Yushu knocked into Luo Zheng, he would be cut into countless small pieces by the sharp lines. He would die a horrible death.

Now, Luo Zheng could only run.

Those lines wrapped around Fang Yushu. Luo Zheng had no way of getting close to him.

This could not go on!

Luo Zheng originally thought that he could smoothly pass the Trial of Blood. He did not expect to encounter such a situation in the final stage. He could only bitterly smile in his heart.

The two of them were enveloped by the large net. Although it was several hundred meters wide, it did not give Luo Zheng much space to dodge.

Under Fang Yushu's pressure, Luo Zheng was finally forced into a dead end.

Fang Yushu's handsome face finally revealed a mocking smile. The strength of this trial disciple in front of him was indeed not bad. Moreover, his willpower was extraordinary.

However, no matter how tenaciously this fella struggled, in the end, he still fell into the fate of elimination.

Kicking this type of fella out, personally shattering the beautiful dream he weaved from faith, perseverance, and hard work, was only an interesting thing. At the very least, it would make this trial of blood seem less boring.

Luo Zheng stood in the corner. Behind him was precisely the net formed from those threads. As long as he backed up, his body would smash into that net, be cut into small pieces, die miserably on the spot. Up ahead, Fang Yushu was wrapped in a layer of messy and disorderly threads, slowly approaching him.

To him, this was a dead end that could not be solved.

Was he going to fail this time?

When he thought of this, Luo Zheng felt a deep sense of unwillingness. Even though he still had a chance to register again, make a comeback!

However, when he thought about how Luo Yan was trapped in Purgatory Mountain, who knew what kind of people schemed against him, his heart began to tighten. There was a heavy voice telling him that he couldn't waste any more time.

These threads were admittedly sharp, but not even Xie Lang's attacks could break through his bones. Who knew, he might not even be scared of being cut by these threads? In a moment of desperation, Luo Zheng could only take a gamble. He placed his hand behind his back, using a finger to press against the net.

The instant his finger made contact with the net, he immediately felt a heart-wrenching pain. The skin on his finger was instantly cut open by the threads. However, when Luo Zheng took a step forward, those threads cut into the bones in his finger, unable to advance any further.

"My bones can endure the damage of these threads!" Luo Zheng was inwardly overjoyed. A bit of hope was ignited.

He endured the pain and secretly gave his finger a look, discovering that there were faint traces on his bones. Even though his bones were also cut by the threads, they still stopped those sharp threads. This meant that his bones could endure the cutting power of these threads.

In that case, he could only stake it all!

The most crucial point was that he was currently in an illusion formation, so the injuries he suffered weren't real. Even if he went all out, he still wouldn't die. At worst, he would only be eliminated.

Having made up his mind, Luo Zheng didn't make a sound. He waited for Fang Yushu to come closer, closer, and closer …

When Fang Yushu was only a step away from him, Luo Zheng suddenly covered his face with his hands, and pounced towards Fang Yushu!

When Fang Yushu saw Luo Zheng pouncing towards him, he was momentarily stunned. Fang Yushu knew very well how terrifying the cutting power of these threads were. His first reaction was to wonder if this kid was crazy. If he pounced towards the threads on his body, the only result would be to be cut into pieces by the threads.

Had this guy given up on himself?

At this moment, it wasn't only Fang Yushu who thought so.

All the mentors who were closely watching this battle also thought so.

From the looks of it, Luo Zheng was going to be eliminated from the Trial of Blood and Fire this time.

However, it didn't matter. For a kid with such strength, he could always make a comeback in the next round. Entering the Blue Cloud Sect shouldn't be a difficult task for him.

Many of the mentors began to make plans in their hearts. Should they find out where he lived in the imperial capital? After he was eliminated, they would go and pay him a visit. It would also be good to build a relationship with him. Such an outstanding disciple was something that could only be encountered by chance. Of course, they wouldn't let him go so easily.

Under the supervision of many mentors through the letter tablet, Luo Zheng pounced towards Fang Yushu.

He felt the threads cutting into the flesh of his arms and legs. Waves of intense pain transmitted through his body. Luo Zheng clenched his teeth, but he still didn't retreat. He already had no way out.

However, when the threads cut into Luo Zheng's bones, they finally met resistance. His bones had blocked the cutting of the threads!

Fang Yushu thought that Luo Zheng would be cut into pieces by the threads. Unfortunately, the scene in his imagination didn't happen.

Just as he was slightly startled, Luo Zheng's fist had already arrived in front of his face. The fist smashed into Fang Yushu's face. That handsome face was immediately badly mutilated. Even so, Luo Zheng could still see the shock in his eyes.

However, this Fang Yushu was worthy of being called an elite of the landowning household. Even though his reaction was very slow, he still forcibly twisted his body. With a roar, the dagger in his hand turned into a cold light, stabbing towards Luo Zheng's abdomen.

Luo Zheng, who had already seized the initiative, twisted his hand and controlled Fang Yushu's arm. Then, he suddenly struck out with his elbow. Fang Yushu's reaction wasn't slow either. He freed up his other hand to fight with Luo Zheng.

At this moment, the two of them were rolling around on the ground like three year old children fighting.

However, every punch was aimed at a vital point, striving to kill the other party.

At this time, they weren't competing on moves or skills. Instead, they were competing on the body's ability to resist attacks.

How many people could take a beating better than Luo Zheng?

Gradually, Fang Yushu's strength became weaker and weaker. It was difficult for him to block Luo Zheng's attacks. In the end, Luo Zheng's entire body flickered with purple light. Before Fang Yushu could react, he sent out three consecutive punches.

Each punch contained the power of Purple Sandalwood's Inch Punch.

A dense series of muffled sounds came from Fang Yushu's body.

The three Purple Sandalwood's Inch Punch caused twenty-one injuries to Fang Yushu's body. His body seemed to be convulsing, constantly trembling.

When the remaining power of Purple Sandalwood's Inch Punch was exhausted, specks of light wrapped around him. The moment before he disappeared, his face was filled with deep unwillingness. At the same time, he was deeply puzzled. What was this brat's body made of? Why couldn't the Space Splitting Blade cut through him?