Flying knife

[Chapter 32]

At this moment, Luo Zheng suddenly threw himself forward. The palm slapped the ground behind Luo Zheng, making a loud noise and leaving a huge handprint.

Without thinking, he rolled forward, got up, and continued to run.

The transformed demon uttered a few unintelligible demon words and continued to chase after Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng was also angry and annoyed. Why was this demon looking for him all of a sudden?

Unfortunately, he couldn't stop and ask. Moreover, the demon itself was an illusory beast. It didn't have any intelligence, so of course he couldn't communicate with it.

Outside the Blood Red Mountain, it was already a mess.

Many mentors had already discovered through the letter tablet that the demon had run from the fifth floor to the third floor.

"Zhong Ming, what's going on?"

"Shouldn't this demon be on the fifth floor? How could it break through those illusory arrays and come to the third floor? "

Faced with this question, Zhong Ming stammered, "I, I don't know what's going on. Maybe there's a problem with the illusory arrays on the Bloody Mountain."

"I request that the Trial of Bloody Mountain be stopped immediately," said a mentor.

"Yes, it should be stopped. I'm afraid that the demon can kick everyone out of the mountain. I've long suggested that the level five illusory beast be removed. It's meaningless to leave it there. I really don't know what the higher-ups are thinking!" Another mentor agreed.

"Wait, wait!" At this time, a mentor stopped them.

"What's going on?"

"Look, this demon seems to be chasing after Luo Zheng." The mentor switched the image of the letter tablet to one of the gentry children. He found that Luo Zheng was crazily running for his life.

"Hehe, so what? The strength this kid showed is indeed surprising, but do you remember? Back then, when Lin Yatian entered the Trial of Blood as a Marrow Refinement Realm cultivator, he was conceited about his strength. He wanted to find trouble with the demon, but in the end, didn't he end up running away in a sorry state? "said a mentor.

Lin Xietian was the most outstanding disciple of the Blue Cloud Sect in the past hundred years. His name had spread throughout the world in just three years after he entered the Blue Cloud Sect. He had passed the trial of the Blue Cloud Road at the age of nineteen and entered the Cloud Hall. His talent and strength were rare in the world, and he deserved to be called a super genius.

Luo Zheng's current strength and talent were quite high, but in the eyes of many mentors, there was still a considerable gap between him and Lin Yatian. Moreover, Lin Yatian was already in the Marrow Refining Realm at that time, which was one realm higher than Luo Zheng.

Even Lin Xiatian had to run away when he encountered the demons. How could Luo Zheng possibly resist them?

But even so, Luo Zheng was this year's biggest dark horse. Most of the mentors were still paying attention to him. In any case, they stopped arguing and quietly watched the scene on the jade tablet.

Seeing that the mentors were no longer blaming him, Zhong Ming's face revealed a smug smile. This kid is dead for sure. Let's see how you're going to dodge the demon's attack.

Relying on his nimble movements, powerful explosive power, and a bit of luck, Luo Zheng avoided the demon's attack.

But he couldn't go on like this!

If he kept running away, his final fate would be to be slapped out of the game by the demon.

Luo Zheng didn't have much time to think. His mind was spinning rapidly.

It was said that the demon's body was completely different from that of humans. From birth, they were far more tyrannical than humans. Therefore, in ancient times, humans suffered a great loss when they fought against the demon.

But the Creator was fair, while the demon had a fatal flaw. They had two hearts.

Perhaps the first heart couldn't withstand their powerful body, so the second heart was born.

This wasn't a big problem. Demons with two hearts could erupt with more power. The key was that the second heart grew on their back.

The second heart didn't have any protection. It only had a thin layer of flesh. As long as this flesh was penetrated and the heart was crushed, the demon would die.

Therefore, when going to the battlefield, almost all demons would wear heavy armor on their backs. There was a high bulge on the back of the armor in order to protect the weak points on their backs. Humans jokingly called this kind of armor "tortoise shell".

After fighting with the demon along the way, Luo Zheng noticed that the demon's back didn't have any protection.

As long as he could crush the demon's heart, he would be able to defeat him. This was Luo Zheng's only chance.

Just as he was thinking this, a strong wind came from the side. It was the demon's big palm.

"Oh no, I can't dodge!"

This time, Luo Zheng wanted to dodge, but it was already too late.

There was no other way but to fight. Luo Zheng clenched his teeth and jumped onto the back of the demon's hand. Then he stepped on the demon's shoulder and jumped over the demon's head. At this moment, the tip of Luo Zheng's nose was only a few inches away from the demon's two horns.

With the free fall, Luo Zheng finally arrived at the demon's back. He successfully saw a bulge on the demon's back!

"Now! Purple Sandalwood Inch Punch! "

A purple light flowed out from Luo Zheng's body. Luo Zheng exhausted all his strength, gathered it on his fist, and then heavily smashed the bulge. The demon's second heart!

As long as the Purple Sandalwood Inch Punch was injected, the demon's heart would be completely destroyed.

But when Luo Zheng's fist smashed on the demon's back, it felt a little slippery. The demon's skin actually slid off his fist.

Failed. Luo Zheng was shocked.


The demon turned around and slapped Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng's body was like a stone, flying dozens of feet away.

The mentors were also sighing.

"Ai, no, this is such a good opportunity."

"The demon's skin is incomparably tough. How could a little guy in the Viscera Refining Stage break it?"

"But it's still a pity. If he had a spirit weapon, the one who would have fallen would not be him, but the demon."

The mentors who were watching the letter couldn't help but sigh. After all, for so many years, only Luo Zheng posed a threat to the demon. But thinking about it, they all hoped that a little guy in the Viscera Refining Stage could defeat a Level Five Phantom Beast. It was indeed unrealistic.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't run!" One of the mentors shouted.

It turned out that these mentors couldn't see Luo Zheng's image. They could only observe Luo Zheng through other people. Just now, there were still a few bold trial disciples who were willing to follow behind the demon to watch. Now that they saw that the demon had killed Luo Zheng, those trial disciples naturally turned around and ran.

As soon as they ran, the mentors naturally couldn't see Luo Zheng's figure.

But most of the mentors understood that there was no need to watch anymore. Luo Zheng's elimination had become inevitable.

Only Teacher Su, who was at the side, stared at her letter tablet with a complicated expression. She had tampered with Luo Zheng's disciple token, so she could see Luo Zheng's every move from the letter tablet. This guy's body was indeed very tyrannical. Even after being slapped by a demon, he was still fine.

At this time, he still didn't give up. This guy's temperament was really good! Just based on this point, he had already surpassed many people.

Luo Zheng was lying on the ground. His chest was heaving up and down as he took a deep breath.

The power of that slap just now was really too terrifying. It practically smashed his bones into smithereens.

Fortunately, his body was sturdy enough to withstand the slap.

Moreover, his body absorbed most of the power. At the same time, it turned into a warm current, soaking his body.

Only a small part of the remaining power was enough to seriously injure Luo Zheng's body.

As the ground trembled, Luo Zheng felt that the demon was walking towards him step by step.

Even though at this moment, Luo Zheng felt sore all over, as if his whole body would fall apart if he moved, he still didn't intend to give up.

As long as there was a trace of opportunity, Luo Zheng would choose to fight back.

Seeing his prey lying on the ground, the demon slowed down. He even stopped to size up Luo Zheng. Then, he lifted his foot to step on Luo Zheng. He actually wanted to trample Luo Zheng to death.

The speed of this step wasn't fast. Perhaps the demon felt that Luo Zheng didn't have the ability to move, so he didn't need to be too impatient.

Because of this, Luo Zheng was given space to move. He rolled on the ground. Resisting the pain all over his body, he got up from the ground and wanted to jump up.

"It hurts!"

Just now, he was slapped by the giant. All the bones in his body were damaged. Under the pain, his body lost its flexibility and he couldn't jump up.

Since that was the case …

In a moment of desperation, Luo Zheng took out the broken throwing knife from his spatial ring. Then, using all the strength in his body, he threw the throwing knife at the demon.

I hope it works! Luo Zheng prayed in his heart. If this attack didn't cause any damage, then he, Luo Zheng, was doomed to be eliminated from this Trial by Blood.