Purgatory Mountain

[Chapter 37]

This secret book turned out to be a fist technique.

He opened the first page and glanced at the densely packed small characters. Luo Zheng then realized that this was a translation of the Demon language.

The so-called translation of the Demon language was translated from the language of the Demon race.

This was actually a cultivation method for the Demon race?

That was indeed what was written on the text. This Demonic Body Refining Art was a cultivation method specifically for the Demon race.

The cultivation method of the Demon race had very high requirements for the physical strength.

The strength of the human body, after going through body refining, would be greatly improved, but compared to the strength of the Demon race, the strength of the human body was not on the same level.

The strength of the human body at the Bone Refining stage was about the same as the strength of a four or five-year-old child of the Demon race.

But Luo Zheng's body, after going through body refining, was comparable to a high-grade Profound Weapon.

For the vast majority of humans, this was an insurmountable threshold, but for Luo Zheng, it could not be more suitable.

Luo Zheng put away the "Heavenly Demon God's Fist" and left the tomb.

When he just walked out of the tomb and arrived at the Heaven class cultivation method hall, he found that there was an old man in white in the hall.

The old man stood with his hands behind his back. He had an extraordinary bearing and his eyes were hale and hearty.

"Although the power of the Demonic God Fist is great, it has high requirements for the body and is extremely difficult to cultivate. Being able to come here shows that the strength of your soul is far superior to that of ordinary people. If your soul is strong, you can cultivate "Dark Meditation" and "Blood Devil Kill", these Heaven class cultivation methods. Why did you choose the "Demonic God Fist" that is difficult to cultivate?"

The old man stared at Luo Zheng and said faintly.

"I saw that this cultivation method was placed at the back of the Heaven class cultivation method hall. Presumably, this cultivation method should be more powerful than the Heaven class cultivation method …" Luo Zheng answered truthfully. Just now, he really thought so.

Luo Zheng's honest answer was out of the old man's expectation. Then the old man shook his head and said, "You are right. The two secret books in the tomb are far more powerful than the Heaven class cultivation method, but the one that suits you is the best. Presumably, young man, you should understand this principle. I think you'd better return this "Demonic God Fist" and choose another one."

Listening to the old man's words, it seemed that he was not very happy that Luo Zheng took the "Demonic God Fist". But since he took a fancy to it and did not violate any rules, he naturally did not want to return it. Therefore, Luo Zheng did not bother to answer the old man's question.. Instead, he asked, "Far more powerful than the Heaven class cultivation method? I heard that the cultivation methods in the world are divided into four levels, namely Heaven, Earth, Black, and Yellow. How can this "Demonic God Fist" be more powerful than the Heaven class cultivation method? "

The old man smiled slightly, as if he had seen through Luo Zheng's trick. "Since you don't want to return the "Demonic God Fist", it's up to you. As for the cultivation methods of Heaven, Earth, Black, and Fantasy, they are passed down by people all over the world. The mysteries of the world we live in are endless. How can it be limited to the words' Heaven, Earth, Black, and Yellow '? This is a Saint class cultivation method from the Devil Race. "

Saint class cultivation method!

Luo Zheng was shocked. He thought that the Heaven class cultivation method had reached the peak. He did not expect that there was a Saint class cultivation method above the Heaven class cultivation method.

Seeing Luo Zheng's reaction, the old man smiled again. "The higher you stand, the further you can see. The Saint class cultivation method is not necessarily the most powerful cultivation method."

"Is there a cultivation method more powerful than the Saint class cultivation method?" Luo Zheng asked.

This time, the old man did not answer directly. He only said, "For this kind of thing, the key is the human heart!" The old man pointed to his chest and said, "Let's not talk about this. Since you got the "Demonic God Fist" and insist on practicing it, I won't stop you. This book was placed here, but I didn't expect that an outer disciple would take it away. Since you got it, it can be considered fate. But this cultivation method involves too many things. If someone outside asks what kind of cultivation method you took," the old man stretched out his hand, and a book flew out from the wooden cabinet of the Heaven class cultivation method hall. "You can say that you chose this one."

He took a look at the cultivation method, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He wrote three big words on this Heaven class cultivation method, "Frightening Spirit Thorn".

Any random secret book in this hall was a Heaven class cultivation method. He did not expect that he could take out two cultivation methods at once. Of course, Luo Zheng laughed in his heart.

After he thanked the old man, he strode out of the Heaven class cultivation method hall.

But at this time, he heard the old man say, "Wait, you … aren't you curious about who I am?"

"Curious?" Luo Zheng stopped. Suddenly, he patted his head and said, "I still don't know who you are …"

"Forget it, forget it. Kid, your acting is too fake." The old man did not know whether to laugh or cry. This kid clearly did not take him seriously. He said, "Although the Blue Cloud Sect is big, if you are not a fish in a pond, we will meet again sooner or later."

Luo Zheng chuckled when he heard that. He then turned around and left.

After Luo Zheng left, the old man stood there for a long time. Finally, he sighed and muttered to the air in front of him, "I didn't expect that after so many years, that cultivation method would still be taken away. If it wasn't heaven's will, I don't think you would believe it, right?"

Luo Zheng naturally did not hear the old man's words. Even if he did, he would not understand the meaning of the words.

The few people in the Earth class cultivation method hall had already left. There was no one in the Profound class cultivation method hall.

In the Heavenly Book Pavilion, one had to bear the pressure of the Xingtian Will at all times. It was indeed not a good place. After they chose a cultivation method suitable for themselves, they naturally left quickly.

Luo Zheng was the last to walk out of the Heavenly Book Pavilion.

When he came out, the other trial disciples of the other 32 peaks had already left.

Only Xiao Yufeng's group was waiting here.

"Sorry for making you wait," Luo Zheng said to everyone with a smile after he came out.

"It's nothing. We will be Xiao Yufeng's martial brothers in the future. Everyone, please take care of us in the future!" An outer court disciple said.

This group of outer court disciples who chose to enter Xiao Yufeng were all from humble backgrounds. There was not a single descendant of a landowning family. Everyone was surprisingly patient.

Su Lingyun was originally standing not far away and looking at something. When she saw Luo Zheng come out, she asked with a smile, "You entered the Heavenly class cultivation method hall?"

Only the few people in the Earth class cultivation method hall knew that Luo Zheng had entered the Heavenly class cultivation method hall. Su Lingyun must have heard about it from the other mentors.

When the outer court disciples of Xiao Yufeng heard Mentor Su's words, their eyes suddenly widened. They only thought that Luo Zheng was delayed by picking and choosing, so he came out late. Who would have thought that Luo Zheng could actually enter the Heavenly class cultivation method hall? How powerful was his soul?

Luo Zheng only thought that Su Lingyun was going to ask him what cultivation method he had chosen. In any case, the white-clothed old man had given him a Heavenly class cultivation method, "Frightening Spirit Thorn". He was about to say it, but he didn't expect Su Lingyun to wave her hand and say, "Don't say what good cultivation method you have chosen. In the Blue Cloud Sect, you must learn to keep your secrets. Everyone, let's hurry up and go to Xiao Yufeng before it gets dark."

After everyone gathered, Su Lingyun brought them out of the Heavenly Book Pavilion.

After walking for about four hours in the Blue Cloud Sect, a steep mountain peak appeared in front of them. This was Xiao Yufeng, one of the 33 peaks.

On top of Xiao Yufeng, there were rows of neatly built pavilions. The mountain was covered in clouds and mist, and it was as beautiful as a fairyland.

After Su Lingyun brought everyone to Xiao Yufeng, she found a few outer disciples and gave them a few instructions. Then, she left in a hurry. It seemed that she had other important things to do.

One of the outer disciples came forward and cupped his hands to Luo Zheng and the others. "My name is Zhou Xian. Welcome to Xiao Yufeng. I will be in charge of your affairs."

After greeting each other, Luo Zheng and the others followed Zhou Xian to go through the various procedures of becoming an inner disciple.

For example, changing the disciple card, receiving the outer disciple's uniform, assigning living quarters, and so on.

After Mo Can received the outer disciple's white robe, he couldn't wait to put it on. He said with a proud face, "Haha, I don't know how awe-inspiring it is to walk around the streets of the imperial capital in this white robe. Let's see who dares to provoke me!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Xian said with a smile, "It's just a white robe. If you practice hard and become an inner disciple, you can wear a black robe. That's something to be proud of!"

Mo Can didn't take it to heart. He said with a smile, "I don't know when that will happen."

"Brother Mo Can, don't belittle yourself. Don't inner disciples also start as outer disciples?" Zhou Xian was a warm-hearted person. He explained the outer disciple's rules in detail.

"The Blue Cloud Sect's rules are very complicated, but the most important one is strength!" Zhou Xian said, "Those rules are set for the weak. If you want to jump out of these rules, it's very simple. Either you have great strength, or you have great talent. Let others think that you have great strength in the future!"

Hearing Zhou Xian's words, Luo Zheng was moved. In fact, it wasn't only the Blue Cloud Sect that was like this. In Burning Heaven Imperial Capital, even the entire Eastern Region, and the entire world, how could it not be like this? Whoever's fist was bigger had the final say. This was a principle that applied everywhere.

If he had strength, why would he need to come to the Blue Cloud Sect? A single sentence could save Purgatory Mountain's Luo Yan.

When he thought of Luo Yan, this was the person Luo Zheng cared about the most. He immediately asked, "Brother Zhou Xian, I want to ask you about something."

Zhou Xian nodded. "There's no harm in asking."

"Where is the Blue Cloud Sect's Purgatory Mountain?" Luo Zheng asked with a serious face.

Zhou Xian's eyebrows jumped. His voice became a bit louder. "Purgatory Mountain? Why are you bringing up that unlucky place? "

"Oh, I just wanted to ask." Luo Zheng said.

"Purgatory Mountain is located in the northwest corner of Blue Cloud Sect. It is an independent mountain peak. All of the sect's disciples who have made serious mistakes will be locked up there. I obviously haven't entered, but I heard that the environment inside Purgatory Mountain is extremely vile. Our Blue Cloud Sect has several thousand disciples locked up in Purgatory Mountain to reflect on their mistakes!" After Zhou Xian finished speaking, he gave Luo Zheng's expression a look. He then asked, "Don't tell me you have some friends locked up in Purgatory Mountain?"

Luo Zheng didn't reply to this question. He only asked, "Is there any way to enter Purgatory Mountain?"