
[Chapter 50]

"But that guy is at the Half-Step to Innate Realm. You are obviously at a disadvantage!" Yang Tai said anxiously.

Zhao Xuyong also nodded. "Yeah, Brother Luo Zheng. This is unfair."

Upon hearing that, Lu Xiao wanted to stand up and stop Luo Zheng. He knew Old Wu's strength very well. He was a Half-Step to Innate Realm expert. If Luo Zheng really fought with him, he would definitely be at a disadvantage!

However, before he could stand up, Meng Changjun placed his hand on his shoulder. Meng Changjun then shook his head at Lu Xiao and said, "Let him handle this matter himself. Since he joined the Imperial Army to fight with us, we have to believe in his ability."

"But …" Lu Xiao still wanted to say something.

However, Meng Changjun whispered, "I think Brother Luo Zheng is definitely not an ordinary Marrow Refining Realm expert."

Meng Changjun was a Xiantian Realm expert. Naturally, his judgment was different.

Since Meng Changjun said so, Lu Xiao had no reason to stop him. However, his expression did not look too good. Old Wu was obviously not giving him any face.

"Haha, you may be weak, but you still have the guts. Brothers, move the tables and chairs away and make some space!" Old Wu shouted.

When there was a show to watch, there was never a lack of people to set up the stage.

Moreover, in the tavern of the Dragon Castle, such things would happen every few days. The waiter at the side hurriedly moved the tables and chairs away, making an empty space.

Old Wu stood in the middle of the space and gave a thumbs up. He pointed to the floor and said in a slightly drunk tone, "Kid, come here!"

Luo Zheng nodded. His gentle gaze suddenly changed and became extremely sharp. That gaze seemed to be able to see through anyone's disguise and go straight to the person's heart!

Then, when he took his first step, his entire aura underwent a drastic change.

His soul was far stronger than ordinary people. Naturally, the aura he exuded was stronger.

With every step Luo Zheng took, his aura grew stronger. After taking seven steps, Luo Zheng seemed to have changed into a different person. He was like a demon that crawled out of hell. He was extremely domineering and exuded a terrifying aura!

This was also because Luo Zheng hadn't tempered his soul to the level of "Will". Otherwise, this pressure alone would be enough to injure everyone present!

Feeling Luo Zheng's power, the faces of everyone in the tavern changed.

Even Meng Changjun's eyes were filled with astonishment.

On the Azure Sky Platform, he had seen Luo Zheng fight with the brawny man named Qingshan. Luo Zheng's movements were skillful and experienced. The whole process was done in one go. His strength was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

But now, the aura that Luo Zheng was exuding actually made Meng Chang Jun, a Xiantian Realm master, feel pressured and threatened!

It was true that this kid was in the Marrow Refining Realm, but how many tricks did he have up his sleeves?

At this moment, the most awkward person was Old Wu. After all, the power that the others felt was just the residual power that Luo Zheng had released.

On the other hand, Old Wu was being directly suppressed by Luo Zheng's aura. He felt as if he had sunk into a quagmire. The air around him seemed to have solidified.

He groaned in his heart. Old Wu knew very well that none of the disciples that came out of the Blue Cloud Sect were weak. But this kid in front of him was only in the Marrow Refining Realm!

This Marrow Refining Realm fledgling seemed to be ridiculously strong.

He must have cultivated some kind of cultivation technique that increased his aura. Perhaps his strength was actually very ordinary? This thought suddenly appeared in Old Wu's mind. Hence, Old Wu gritted his teeth and decided to unleash what he was best at — strength.

No matter what cultivation technique one cultivated, strength was always linked to one's realm.

Every time one advanced to a higher realm, the body would have fewer impurities and become purer. Their strength would also increase.

The strength of a Half-step to Xiantian Realm was stronger than that of a Marrow Refining Realm. This was an ironclad rule.

Furthermore, Old Wu's "Giant Ape Iron Fist" could double his strength. Among those of the same realm, there were very few who were stronger than Old Wu.

Hence, Old Wu took the initiative to punch. He gathered all the strength in his body and smashed it fiercely at Luo Zheng.

"Pu!" A muffled sound rang out.

What welcomed Old Wu was Luo Zheng's palm. To be more precise, Luo Zheng used his palm to block Old Wu's attack. Then, he locked Old Wu's fist in his own hand.

Old Wu's fist was only halfway through when he could no longer push it forward.

Luo Zheng actually caught his fist with brute force!

Old Wu wanted to push it forward, but it didn't budge.

He wanted to pull his fist out of Luo Zheng's hand, but it still didn't budge.

Sweat trickled down Old Wu's forehead. A dark red color spread from his neck to his face. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

He knew that he had lost all his face!

Everyone in the tavern was stunned by this miraculous scene.

As comrades who had fought together, they were very clear about Old Wu's strength.

But this Marrow Refining Realm kid had actually caught Old Wu's fist with one hand.

It wasn't easy to do this. Even Lu Xiao, who was also a half-step to the Connate Realm, couldn't do this. This meant that Luo Zheng's strength far exceeded Old Wu's.

This was indeed the case. Luo Zheng, who had awakened four dragon scales, was almost comparable to a Connate Mystic Realm expert in terms of strength!

This strange situation lasted for a few breaths. Then, Luo Zheng took a deep breath. Then, he shook his arm forcefully and pushed Old Wu away.

Old Wu felt a huge force pass through his arm. He was sent flying and smashed through seven to eight tables. Then, he smashed a wooden cabinet and smashed it into pieces. He only came to a stop after smashing into the wall.

The tavern fell into a dead silence.

The Emperor Army and the Blue Cloud Sect had fought more than once.

Although the Blue Cloud Sect's disciples were outstanding, the Emperor Army was made up of experts who had been through bloody battles. Their combat ability was superior. Most of the time, they weren't inferior to the Blue Cloud Sect's disciples.

Today, he had been thoroughly humiliated by a junior in the Marrow Refining Realm.

These soldiers couldn't keep their faces straight.

If it were any other day, the entire tavern would have been in chaos.

But today, everyone saw clearly that Old Wu was the one who had deliberately stirred up trouble. He even found a Marrow Refining Realm junior to be his opponent.

Although these Emperor Army soldiers were ruffians, they were still soldiers after all. At the very least, they were reasonable. Today, Old Wu was completely defeated. He had completely humiliated himself. He couldn't blame that Marrow Refining Realm kid.

Lu Xiao was a little embarrassed.

On one hand, Luo Zheng had accepted his invitation to join the Green Mist Team. He naturally didn't want Old Wu to interfere and embarrass Luo Zheng. On the other hand, Luo Zheng's performance was too shocking. He had completely humiliated Old Wu. After all, Lu Xiao and Old Wu were both Emperor Army soldiers and were considered colleagues.

Looking at Old Wu lying on the ground, Lu Xiao felt a little resentful. He didn't know the immensity of heaven and earth after drinking two cups of yellow soup. The Blue Cloud Sect was a holy land of martial arts. There were many hidden dragons and crouching tigers. What could he do if he humiliated himself?

He could only smooth things over. "Alright, today's sparring will end here. Everyone still has a mission tomorrow. I think everyone should go back and rest early …"

This wasn't a staircase, but it was still a staircase.

Old Wu got up from the ground and shook his hands and feet. His complexion showed that he wasn't injured. Everyone knew in their hearts that Luo Zheng must have held back. Otherwise, Old Wu would have been directly injured by Luo Zheng's strength.

Old Wu was a soldier after all. Although he was unreasonable, he was straightforward and upright. After being knocked down by Luo Zheng, he actually walked over to Luo Zheng and cupped his hands. "Brat from the Blue Cloud Sect. What domineering strength and ability. I, Old Wu, am convinced. Today's matter is my fault." After saying that, he cupped his hands again to the surrounding crowd and said, "I've embarrassed myself, I've embarrassed myself!" After saying that, he raised his head and left.

After coming out of the tavern, Lu Xiao explained to Luo Zheng, Meng Changjun, and the others why Old Wu hated the disciples of the Blue Cloud Sect so much.

It turned out that some time ago, Old Wu led his Qinghe Squad on a mission. At that time, there were several disciples of the Blue Cloud Sect in his squad.

In the process of carrying out the mission, they were besieged by the saber insects. The disciples of the Blue Cloud Sect relied on their own strength to kill their way out of the encirclement of the saber insects, but they left the Qinghe Squad there. In the end, although the Qinghe Squad relied on perseverance to break out of the encirclement of the saber insects, they sacrificed dozens of soldiers of the Qinghe Squad.

Those soldiers were all subordinates who had gone through fire and water with Old Wu. If the disciples of the Blue Cloud Sect hadn't abandoned the Qinghe Squad, the Qinghe Squad wouldn't have sacrificed so many soldiers.

"Brothers who went through fire and water with you were eaten by blade insects in front of your eyes. This feeling is very painful," Lu Xiao said as he shook his head.

Luo Zheng nodded and said, "I can understand. Old Wu is such a loyal person. He's not a bad person."

"It's good that Brother Luo Zheng understands!" Lu Xiao smiled and said, "It's getting late. Now that the insect infestation is everywhere, there will definitely be a mission tomorrow. I'll arrange a place for the four of you to rest first."

That night, another gigantic Flying Chariot descended on Dragon Castle.

After the door of the gigantic Flying Chariot opened, the disciples of the Blue Cloud Sect filed out.

The last person to walk out was Cao Lei.

Behind Cao Lei were two slender youths with gloomy expressions.

One of the two youths had extremely white skin. It was a sickly white that didn't have any trace of blood in it. The other had dark skin, as if he had smeared a layer of charcoal on his skin. Both of their auras were extremely restrained, but the faint sharp aura they emitted indicated that they were Xiantian mystic realm experts.

"Brothers, we have arrived at our destination!" Cao Lei said very politely.

"You made us come so far for a Marrow Refinement realm brat? You really have nothing better to do," the fair-skinned youth said unhappily.

Cao Lei smiled and said, "There are always benefits to working for Third Young Master. Killing that brat is as easy as lifting a finger. Let's just treat it as a vacation."

The other dark-skinned youth snorted and said, "Nonsense. If it wasn't for Third Young Master, do you think the Black White Double Demons would follow you to this godforsaken Dragon Castle? Are you sure that Luo Zheng brat is in Dragon Castle? "

Cao Lei nodded and said, "Of course, I'm 100% sure."

"Then why don't you call him out and let me kill him with a palm strike? We'll take the Flying Chariot back immediately! "the two youths said in unison.

Hearing their words, Cao Lei felt a headache coming on. One of them was called White Demon and the other was called Black Demon. Together, they were the Black White Double Demons.

Both of them were very strong, but their personalities were too arrogant and perverse. If they didn't serve them well, they would kill.

Thinking of Third Young Master's promise, Cao Lei suppressed his dissatisfaction and explained, "This Dragon Castle belongs to the Emperor's army. Do you think you can escape unscathed after killing people?"

"Then what do we do? Do we have to wait for that brat to leave the city? "White Demon said with a gloomy face.