
[Chapter 71]

In mid-air, Liu Cunshi looked like a Heavenly Venerate. His entire body glowed with golden light. His aura was like a huge mountain crashing down.

A small portion of the weaker outer court disciples on Little Rain Peak felt their legs go soft under the pressure of this pressure, and they actually sat down on the ground.

Liu Cunshi's golden light eventually turned into a huge golden ring. It covered the entire arena and enclosed it within.

Then, Liu Cunshi stepped on the edge of the golden ring. He stretched out his hands and made a few gestures. At the same time, he muttered something.

"World Annihilation Ring! Break! "

Those who could enter the Connate Mystic Realm and surpass the human lifespan were all intelligent people. Naturally, they also had some trump cards.

And the World Annihilation Ring was Liu Cunshi's trump card.

This World Annihilation Ring consumed a lot of vital essence.

Although Liu Cunshi still had about 50% of his vital essence left, the moment he used the Annihilation Ring, the vital essence in his body was completely drained. He was standing at the edge of the Annihilation Ring. His face was deathly pale, and he could not even stand properly.

Deep down, he was very unwilling to use his trump card in such a situation.

He was more willing to save the World Annihilation Ring for the Sect Competition. If he exposed his trump card now, others would naturally be on guard when they fought him in the future.

But he had no better idea now.

Other than using the World Annihilation Ring, he could not think of any other way to turn the situation around.

What made Liu Cunshi even more unwilling was that he had been forced to use his trump card by a Marrow Refining Stage brat.

Marrow Refining Stage …

In Liu Cunshi's mind, this brat was someone he could easily crush with his fist. But he had been forced into such a state …

For a moment, Liu Cunshi could not accept this outcome.

"Since you want to die so badly, I'll fulfill your wish!"

Liu Cunshi, who had not intended to kill Luo Zheng, now wanted nothing more than for Luo Zheng to die quickly.

Of course, he was still rather confident in the World Annihilation Ring. Even a Connate lifeform would be severely injured if not killed in it. Liu Cunshi did not believe that Luo Zheng could survive this ordeal!

The entire World Annihilation Ring started to emit a magnificent color. Waves of vital essence started to gather in the arena.

For this move to carry the word "Armageddon", it truly had the power to destroy the heavens and earth.

However, Liu Cunshi was only at the first stage of the Xiantian Realm after all. When the World Extermination Ring was released, it could only delimit a relatively small area and then destroy all the living forces within the ring.

If Liu Cunshi's strength were to advance to the next level and break through the Connate stage, reaching a higher realm, one World-Destroying Ring would probably be able to wipe out all the living beings on a mountain.

When the energy in the World Annihilation Ring reached its limit, it suddenly flashed with a magnificent golden light and shot into the sky with a loud explosion.

This World Annihilation Ring was very unique. It was able to concentrate all the power within the ring. Even if one stood close to the ring, they would not be affected at all.

Because of this, the energy within the World Annihilation Ring was even more concentrated and powerful.

The outer sect disciples on the Xiao Yufeng paled when they saw the power of the World Annihilation Ring.

The interior of the World Extermination Ring was simply hell. Under such an attack, Luo Zheng's body would most likely be ground to dust.

Most people understood that Luo Zheng would probably not be able to survive this time.

As the golden light continued to flash, the crowd could not see the situation inside the World Annihilation Ring. At this moment, they could do nothing but pray that Luo Zheng could survive.

After a few breaths, the power of the World Annihilation Ring gradually dissipated. The golden light that had gathered in the arena also slowly faded away.

The first thing that was revealed to the crowd was the edge of the arena.

The entire arena had actually been washed away by the energy waves of the World Annihilation Ring. The arena, which had been made of refined iron, was now full of holes and deformed.

As for Luo Zheng, he was nowhere to be found. He had probably been ground to dust long ago …

It was too tragic.

However, just as the golden light on the arena completely dissipated, a figure suddenly rushed out.

The man was naked and covered with wounds, but he was extremely fast. He rushed to the edge of the ring and punched Liu Cunshi, who was on the verge of death.

All of Liu Cunshi's vital essence had been used up. At this moment, he could not even stand straight. Faced with this punch, he had no way to avoid it. He was directly smashed out of the arena and lay on the ground, unconscious.

The completely naked man was none other than Luo Zheng.

Relying on his body of spiritual qi, he had taken all of the World Annihilation Ring's attacks head-on.

Liu Cunshi's attack made Luo Zheng feel some lingering fear.

Although he knew very well how terrifying a Connate lifeform was, he had not been in such a sorry state when he had killed the Black White Double Ghosts in the Dragon Castle by himself.

Thinking about it carefully, Luo Zheng had relied on the advantage of the broken flying dagger to kill the Twin Ghosts of Black and White when they least expected it. At that time, the Twin Ghosts of Black and White had not had time to display their true strength. They did not even have time to use the weapons in their hands before their heads were separated from their bodies.

If not for that, Luo Zheng would not have been confident of defeating the Black White Double Ghosts.

Vulture Peak's number one outer disciple, Liu Cunshi, had been defeated.

Up to this point, Luo Zheng had single-handedly defeated the four outer disciples of Vulture Peak. He had forcibly turned Xiao Yufeng's dispirited situation around.

At this moment, many outer disciples were still unaware of what had happened. They were only immersed in the fact that "Luo Zheng is still alive."

"Luo Zheng has won. Our Xiao Yufeng has won!"

The first to shout this was Mo Can.

As soon as the first voice rang out, countless voices followed suit.

In the end, all of Xiao Yufeng's outer disciples began to surge.

"Luo Zheng! Luo Zheng! "

"Luo Zheng! Luo Zheng! "

They roared with all their might, looking as if they would not stop until their throats were broken.

Luo Zheng stood in the potholed arena. Looking at the screaming outer disciples, he suddenly felt somewhat embarrassed. All of his clothes had been shredded to dust by the energy of the World Destruction Ring. At this moment, he was completely naked. Although Xiao Yufeng was full of male disciples, it was still indecent for him to be naked in front of everyone.

Zhou Xian was the first to notice Luo Zheng's awkward expression. He hurriedly took off his outer robe and threw it to Luo Zheng in the arena.

Luo Zheng used the white outer robe to cover his body before jumping down from the arena. Accompanied by Mo Can and Zhou Xian, he walked over to Zhang Wuxian.

Although Zhang Wuxian was injured, he did not leave. Instead, he leaned against the corner of the wall to watch Luo Zheng's battle.

"Brother Wuxian, do you feel alright now?" Luo Zheng asked.

Zhang Wuxian's two small eyes sparkled on his chubby face.

He had not been friends with Luo Zheng for long, but he could already see that Luo Zheng's future strength was limitless. This was also one of the reasons why he had taken the initiative to befriend Luo Zheng. Their Zhang family was very sensitive in this aspect.

However, Zhang Wuxian did not expect that Luo Zheng could rise so quickly and be so domineering!

He was only in the Marrow Refining Realm, yet he had defeated Liu Cunshi!

Moreover, he had taken Liu Cunshi's trump card head-on.

If Zhang Wuxian's guess was correct, Luo Zheng also had trump cards that he had not used. Because of this, Luo Zheng's image in Zhang Wuxian's mind became even more unfathomable.

"Serious? Haha, even if I'm seriously injured, it's worth it to see Brother Luo Zheng's performance! " Zhang Wuxian laughed heartily. However, when he laughed, two of his broken ribs were pulled. Immediately, he felt a burst of pain. He covered his chest and could not speak.

At this moment, the Outer Core Disciples near the arena gathered around one after another. Everyone's face was filled with joy.

In fact, in the minds of these Outer Core Disciples, it was not important that they had won the Vulture Peak and received the double reward. What was important was that there was a Luo Zheng in Xiao Yufeng!

In the attic not far away.

Mu Qingyang's face was ashen at this moment.

She clenched her silver teeth and said bitterly, "Well, don't cover your eyes. That guy has put on his clothes."

Su Lingyun slowly removed her hands from her face and said with a sly smile, "Sister Mu, I'm sorry this time!"

"What's the use of saying sorry? Our Vulture Peak has been defeated. We have lost a month's worth of elixirs. The monthly payment is a small matter. Liu Cunshi is the proudest disciple of our Outer Core Disciples. Now that he has lost to a junior in the Marrow Refining Realm, he must have suffered a great blow. His temperament must have been affected. "Mu Qingyang said gloomily.

Actually, Mu Qingyang did not care about this matter. However, Liu Cunshi was a disciple that she had focused on cultivating.

Now that he had been severely defeated by Luo Zheng, Liu Cunshi's heart to practice martial arts had been greatly damaged. In the future, the speed of his progress would be greatly reduced, which was the most terrible thing.

Su Lingyun said seriously, "On the path of martial arts, everyone is bound to meet strong enemies. If his heart to practice martial arts is so easily damaged, it means that he is too arrogant. People have to accept appropriate blows. Only those who can climb back up after a blow are truly strong, right? "

Hearing Su Lingyun's words, Mu Qingyang did not express his opinion.

Mu Qingyang had to admit that her words made sense. The most important part of practicing martial arts was one's temperament. If one's path was smooth sailing, once he suffered a setback, it would be difficult for him to climb back up.

On the contrary, those who suffered continuous failures but still tried their best to forge ahead were qualified to have the last laugh.

However, Su Lingyun's words at this moment were suspicious of her taking advantage of the situation.

Seeing that Mu Qingyang was still unhappy, Su Lingyun comforted her with a smile, "Well, Sister Mu, if there is a chance in the future, I will definitely make it up to you!"

Mu Qingyang pursed her lips. Thinking of Su Lingyun's identity, it was not bad for her to owe him a favor. Since the matter had come to this, there was no way to remedy it.

That night, the Outer Core Disciples of Xiao Yufeng were very excited.

Everyone was talking about Luo Zheng's performance in the arena with great interest.

However, the person involved, Luo Zheng, was not so excited. In contrast, he cared more about another matter.