Chapter 4: Second Thoughts

Chapter 4: Second thoughts

The next few days were a blur for Aroma. She kept busy at the café, trying to push thoughts of Lucas and Isabella to the back of her mind. Zimmi and Saize noticed her distraction, but Aroma brushed off their concerns with forced smiles and reassurances.

One evening, as Aroma was closing up the café, Zimmi appeared at the door, her expression determined. "Alright, Aroma, spill. What's going on?"

Aroma sighed, locking the door and turning to her friend. "It's Lucas. I visited his studio, and this woman showed up. Isabella. She's stunning and sophisticated, and she called him 'darling'."

Zimmi's eyes widened. "Isabella? The gallery owner? I've heard of her. She's a big deal in the art world."

Aroma nodded, feeling a lump in her throat. "I felt so out of place. Lucas said she's just a business associate, but I couldn't shake the feeling that there's more to it."

Zimmi placed a comforting hand on Aroma's shoulder. "Aroma, you're amazing just the way you are. If Lucas can't see that, it's his loss. But you should talk to him. Clear the air."

Aroma bit her lip, considering Zimmi's advice. "Maybe you're right. I'll go see him tomorrow."