Stevan mind control chapter 1

Steven Universe sighed as he stepped out of the shower. The hot water was probably not good for his skin. But that was what lotions and creams were for. He had lived on the beach his entire life. So he had picked up a few tricks of living. Such as having a outside pair of shoes and inside pair of shoes, washing his hands and having a beach towel at the ready, and of course making sure that he didn't chafe or chap from all of the moisturizers that he bought and used with almost religious consistency.

He sighed and stretched his arms above his head. Beaming in delight. His muscles were coming in nicely. He had been doing a training exercise for a few months now and with his already very active lifestyle he was starting to develop a real amount of structure. It made him look good. Stronger certainly. And alarmingly enough older. He resembled a young twenty year old instead of an eighteen year old. His chin had chiseled out a little, his chest was broader and his shoulders and neck sloped powerfully to his well maintained core.

He breathed on his gem and then polished it to a nice shine. It looked good, catching the light and letting the steam billow around it. Steven wrapped the towel around himself. He had left his bathrobe upstairs in his bedroom along with his slippers and warm sleeping pants. But he wasn't a bashful sort of guy. He enjoyed showing off his body. (So much that he ran around totally naked a few times when he was a child. He eventually had to cut that shit out when he hit puberty though)

Steven opened the bathroom door and began to stroll out when he was nearly barreled over by a four foot tall purple gem with a wild mane of white hair that flowed behind her like some sort of a cape.

"Move it or lose it Stevo! I've got thirty seconds to get ready!" Amethyst shouted up at the six and a half foot tall human gem hybrid. Steven stumbled and put his arm out to catch himself. He readjusted his towel to keep it from flying off and glared back at Amethyst as she grabbed a small footstool and stood on it to look in the mirror and grab a hand full of makeup from the medicine cupboard behind the mirror.

"Hey! Those are Connies!" Steven said as Amethyst waved him off without a second thought. Steven sighed and then just noticed what he had been leaning on. Instead of a wall it was a petite white gem with brightly colored hair and shirt. A yellow star winked from between the short jacket. Her knees were knocking together right underneath her short skirt. It seemed shorter than usual. Not that Steven was complaining. He liked looking at Pearl's legs, he thought about them a lot actually.

"Hello Steven." Pearl said with a wide smile. She looked...odd...Slightly forced...As if she had doubled down on her form or was concentrating on smiling so widely that she was hurting herself. Her arms were out and holding a neatly folded pile of laundry in front of her. It was his bathrobe (Washed, dried, fluffy and ready to wear.) His slippers (The bunny ears had been ironed so that they stood at attention) and his long sleep pants (Which were missing a button on the crotch for some reason)

"Hey Pearl. UH did you go into my room just now to get all of this?" Steven said as he picked up his robe and slipped it on. Pearl grinned and clapped her hands in delight. Her own gem that was smack dab in the center of her forehead was glowing brightly, as if she too had just shined it to a dangerous glow. It even looked like she had bleached it with something. He had never seen it so clean before.

"Yes! I knew that with the shower coming to an end that you would require some sort of comfort. Nothing says comfortable like a warm bathrobe. At least that is what I've always assumed. You human beings always seem so overwhelmingly eager to wear things that are above your body temperature. It is actually rather cute in a strange way." Pearl said rapidly as she puttered around Steven.

Steven blinked in confusion as he followed after the still rambling gem. She had been acting a little strange lately. The odd almost deferential way that she held her body towards him was just the tip of the iceberg. She also acted very formal, and seemed to take great care in how she moved around him. And sometimes he would even catch her staring at him while she was chewing on a thumb as if it was a piece of tasty candy that she just could not keep in her mouth. Steven shrugged as he pulled on his bathrobe and then his slippers. With some deft maneuvering he pulled off his towel and pulled on his pants. 

"Aw geez. When did the button come off? I thought that you would have fixed these if that happened." Steven said in annoyance as he glanced down at his sleep pants. They were his favorite long john's too! They had fun little dancing breakfast items on it. He had gotten it for a birthday present a few years ago. Of course his massive hog sized cock was starting to strain through a little. And they were ratted along the cuffs, but they were still perfectly fine to wear to bed!

"Oh! My mistake Steven!" Pearl said as she instantly got onto her knees and looked critically towards Steven's crotch. Steven blushed nervously. She was very close to the ground right now. And also very close to something incredibly….private…and sensitive.

Steven was no fool; he knew that people would sometimes sneak glances at Pearl. She had small firm round breasts, firm and perky with a slight swoop to them towards the nipples which made them seem all the more perfect and inviting. They were like a pair of oranges that had rolled out of a bag and hopped right up onto her chest. Her ass was firm and hard and round like a basketball cut in half and glued to her lower back. Her legs were long and strong like a dancers. Her arms and legs were lithe and thin, very frail looking. But they had a strength that was hidden. Her hair was short and cut into a sort of bob/undercut/vaguely onionish shape. She looked cute the way she styled it. Add in her blemish free skin and long proud nose and she was a very very hot looking lady. Frankly she had to be one of the most beautiful women that he had ever seen. He definitely saw many men and women give her long lingering looks whenever she went for walks on the boardwalk. 

Steven gulped and took a step back. Pearl placed her hands onto her lap and stared up at Steven, as if she were a maid awaiting her master's orders. She was blushing ever so slightly, as if she had just gotten in from a brief but energetic work out in the hot sun.

"Is it….Thursday?" Steven grunted trying to keep from thinking how close Pearl's lips were to his privates. Trying to keep from sprouting an erection, trying to keep himself in control. After all it would be embarrassing if she spotted him getting hard right here and now. So he tried to think of the least sexy thing he could to keep his erection down. And the best option was talking about the day of the week.

"Friday." Pearl corrected, automatically.

"It's Garnet's self date night yo." Amethyst said as she walked out of the bathroom, slopping some make up onto her face. Her eyes were a bit of an over blackened mess and the lipstick running down her chin made her look vampiric. All of course part of her plan. She said that men really liked it whenever ladies glopped it on with zero regard to how others viewed them.

"And it is my party night. I am going to get so sick tonight from age appropriate drinks and edible snacks." Amethyst said as she elbowed Steven in the side playfully. "You know what I'm talking about right, Stevo? I'm saying some hard vodka and copious amounts of shrooms. Just handfuls of DMT." Amethyst cackled at Steven's flummoxed look.

"Well later losers. Enjoy going to bed at eleven pm." Amethyst said as she walked out of the house. Giving Steven's butt a playful pat as she walked past him. Steven jumped a little, ever since he got to nearly twice her height she was so much more…handsy with him. So casual with touching him. It was a little odd but it made him feel….good?

Steven shook his head and cleared his throat. Pearl was still on her knees. She paused as she began to get up, shaking her head in disgust. 

"You two. I swear sometimes it feels as if I am living in a college dorm room." She said as she quickly crawled forwards. She picked up Steven's towel, paused and glanced under the couch and tsked. She reached underneath and pulled out a pair of his socks and some boxers he had been looking for.

"How did you even manage that?" She tutted before crawling a bit further. Steven was about to say something but he couldn't. Her skirt, which was short at the best of times, was starting to ride up her hips and sides. She continued to crawl and wiggle and wriggle around. Her mind clearly locked onto the job at hand. Cleaning up the floor. She crawled forwards and picked up a tube of lipstick that Amethyst had dropped to the floor while she was getting ready. 

The teal skirt was inching higher and higher. Steven could only stare. His face felt hot and hands were numb and weak. He licked his lips and felt all of the spit evaporate from his mouth. Leaving his tongue feeling thick and useless. He stared in amazement. Pearl's skirt continued to climb up her rear. She paused and rolled her eyes.

She then proceeded to spread her legs and inch herself forwards, arching her back and bending her neck. Her legs sliding apart, knees widening. Her hand reached out as she managed to get underneath the sink at an odd angle. Steven felt a yelp come out of his mouth completely unbidden.

Pearl wasn't wearing any underwear. He could see everything. Her vagina. Steven could clearly see her pussy just out in the wind. It looked nice. Healthy and small, a cute little slit. Shaved cunt winked up at him. Steven took a step back and covered his eyes, but just more pictures of pussy danced through his mind. As if he could not escape it.

He shivered and a bright pink blush flushed his entire body.

"Steven?" Pearl called glancing over her shoulder at the tall young man. Steven had taken a few steps back. Pearl squatted back on her haunches. One arm full of assorted crap held close to her chest. Her butt was completely hanging out of her skirt and she didn't seem to either notice or to care. Her legs were folded underneath her. Her full pussy lips were pressed directly to the cool tile of the bathroom which couldn't have been comfortable at all.

"Steven what's the matter?" Pearl asked. Steven gulped as he tried to think of something. The truth came, quickly and unbidden.

"You're not wearing any underwear!" Steven yelped and clapped his hands to his mouth, he couldn't believe that that had wormed its way out of his mouth. Pearl smiled at him demurely. Her butt cheeks clenched and she glanced over her shoulders and downwards at the two firm round globes of happiness.

"Of course I'm not wearing anything underneath my skirt, Steven. That would just be redundant. Underwear was created by puritanical and misogynistic fanatics back in the early centuries of human existence in order to police people's bodies and tell them what to do. Doesn't it just seem like a silly waste of time to put something on specifically for one's own genitals before placing another piece of cloth over that? It is just like a human to think and worry about that instead of focusing on more important things like–How in the world did Amethyst manage to get nail polish all the way up there?" Pearl's line of thought was clearly interrupted. She stared upwards at the ceiling where a large blot of something pink had been splashed haphazardly around.

Steven cleared his throat and took a few steps backwards. Pearl continued to sit where she was as Steven turned around and started for the staircase.

"Okay! Well I'm really bushed so I'm just going to hit the bed and go to sleep for around eight to nine hours and see how I feel in the morning! Goodnight!" Steven called over his shoulder as he took the staircase two steps at a time. His face felt hot as a furnace and his arms were starting to quiver in confusion. He had no idea why but his heart was starting to beat out of his chest.

Steven got to his bedroom and laid down over the covers. He closed his eyes and tried to breathe. Not sure if this was a panic attack or a heart attack. But something was going wrong.

He had heard about stuff like that before. Women's privates. What was it his friend Peedee had described them as before going off to work in the private sector in Capital City?

"Kitty? No that's not right….Pussy." He had called them pussy's. Steven had never seen one before, and he had just seen Pearls. It had looked so…so….his heart gave another quick frantic confusing beat that made his entire body tense up.

"Breathe. Just breathe. Just breathe." Steven mumbled over and over again trying to keep himself under control. He felt his strong muscles straining against his skin. He felt sweat bead across his entire body. Like he had a dangerous fever or something spurring through his veins. He let out a sigh and grunted.

"Oh great. Again." He grumbled as he stared at his crotch. He felt like his torso was a thousand miles away. And a thousand miles wide. But sticking out of it, at a long hard hot thick ninety degree angle, not a hint of bend, not a hint of looseness…was his massive erection. It really was something else. He had gotten a few pamphlets from Dr. Mahashewaren, Connie's nice mother, that explained a lot of stuff. Such as puberty, and erections and wet dreams. He just wished he knew how to take care of them. 

He flicked the tip and winced. This monster was not going down anytime soon. Sometimes it would take hours for them to go down. Normally he would wake up with one and just have to lay in his bed for a long time until the blood finally pooled out and went elsewhere. Sometimes he would need to rush to a bathroom or a hidden place and just sit and wait them out.

It was a real pain in the ass to deal with. And he thought that they were starting to affect how he slept. He couldn't roll onto his stomach or else he would be woken up right away. And he kept on having wet dreams. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I guess it's going to be one of those nights then." Steven said as he put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. Crossing and uncrossing his legs as he tried to get comfy and ignore the massive throbbing monster that was whispering sweet nothings upwards towards him. Steven grimaced as he tried to fall asleep.

He was soon snoring softly to himself. Pearl had just finished picking up the last of the laundry that Steven had kicked around and like the good servant/maid/secretary/purse holder, she cleaned up the mess in the bathroom that Amethyst had made. She paused when her gem started to glow a bright soft blue. She grinned saucily to herself.

"Showtime." She said silently to herself before tiptoeing towards the staircase. She got right outside of Steven's door and quickly hunched down. She was on all fours and staring into his room with a bright blush flushing her cheeks. Her eyes were hungering for Steven. She waited for a few moments and then it happened.

Steven let out a low deep long moan and shifted in his sleep. His massive erection was sporting through his sleep pants. It stood upright as stiff as a bone in the middle of a battlefield and was shining with his precum that almost seemed to be neon in the late night. Steven was gasping a little and let out another deep moan.

Pearl grinned and bit her lower lip eagerly as the first of the holograms started to show from her gem. It was a nifty trick that she had seen happen a few dozen times before. It always gave her a thrill. The show was about to start!

She frowned in irritation. The blush was still on her face and she was still wiggling her hips around eagerly like a little slut in heat. But the images that she was displaying were definitely not the ones that she wanted to see.

It was Connie Mahashwearen. Steven's adorable little 'friend' who was constantly sniffing around and flirting with him in cute little ways. A total skank out to steal Steven away from his life with the gems. Sure she might say stuff like how much she wanted to be with the gems and experience their interesting way of life, but Pearl had a sixth sense about these things and could tell that Connie was definitely out for herself. There was no way that the little muscle bound girl would worm her way any further into Steven's heart if Pearl could help it!

The dream continued in Steven's head. It was of him and Connie nude in a shower. He was rubbing his hands up and down her sides. Soaping them up. Moving slowly and softly. His large palms completely eclipsed her ass cheeks and he could give them deep pleasure filled gropes. As if he was eagerly seeing just how much she would squish before she would break.

The dream Connie being hologrammed into the room by Pearl's gem let out a little soundless squeal. Her eyes wide and lips parted, tongue darting out over sharp little teeth. Her proud nose and strong chin was cutting through to Steven's face. The dream continued with Connie's large round breasts pushing against Steven's powerful masculine chest. Rubbing and dancing, nipples flicking against each other.

Pearl ground her teeth together. She could see Steven in his dream move forwards slowly. Tentatively. She gasped and arched her back. Her arousal was getting the best of her. She knew she needed to get a bit of relief. Even if it was only for a moment.

Pearl quickly crawled forwards towards the bed. Her nose leading the way. The light from her gem slowly faded until it was extinguished. Her breath became raspier. She was working to keep the holograms from dancing out and exposing her. She knew that Steven would wake up if he got any light in his face. 

She paused at his crotch. Her long sharp nose angled properly. She took a deep sniff and got a full nose full of his cock scent. She grinned foolishly. Her grin goofy and her entire body shivered. She licked her lips. Her tongue dangling out of her mouth in a lewd smile. She slowly and gently relaxed her neck and began to drop downwards. Until finally she had engulfed the entire cock down her throat like a python eating an egg. She grunted and breathed deeply through her nose. She knew that she didn't have to breathe and in fact avoided doing the disgraceful thing as much as possible, but she could see how it stimulated Steven's pubic hair and could almost visualize the extra levels of pleasure that she was giving to her wonderful glorious Steven.

Pearl arched her back as she slowly slipped her lips up and down Steven's shaft, he was girthy, girthy and big. He stretched her throat to its limit. She tightened herself around his shaft and groaned in delight. Her noise sent more shivers down Steven's body. Which seemed to act like an echochamber. It turned her on just as much.

If Steven was aroused then she was aroused. If Steven was enjoying himself then she was enjoying herself. If Steven had a massive nut that she would then have to clean up….well that was just icing on the cake since she loved to pick up after him. It gave her a sense of purpose, a sense of drive and belonging. Something that she hadn't felt since she had been used as Pink Diamond's cheap plaything.

Pearl was breathing harder and harder. Deeper, faster, eager. Her lips formed tighter around Steven's shaft, treating it like a nice tasty treat. It flooded her senses with more and more information, information that tantalized her taste buds, flooded her mouth with pleasure. Pumped through and around her nose and lips. Her olfactory senses were going on overdrive. Her body was shivering as she continued to deep throat Steven. She grunted and groaned. Her gem was starting to flash rapidly. Warning her that her willpower was starting to weaken. She frowned and closed her eyes.

Doubling and then tripling her efforts. Her breasts began to ache and she willed her clothing away leaving her topless. Her ass swayed side to side. She pressed her breasts together around his shaft and began to rub them up and down. Her slippery sticky slobber was acting as a half decent lube to get her breasts moving faster and faster. His dick was hitting the back of her throat. The smell of it was overwhelming, it was filling up her throat, filling up her mouth, making her stomach ache for his seed to finally splash across her and mark her as his and his alone. Her eyes popped open just as her gem pumped out a hologram. 

It was definitely from Steven's dreams. It showed her bent in half. With him ramming his thick hot cock between her legs. Her pussy was stretched to the limit, her legs were weakly held up against his hips as he bucked in and out of her like he was a wild bear.

Her body was shivering in the dream. Writhing on his cock. A collar and chain appeared around her neck in the dream, the other end wrapped in Steven's hands as he yanked powerfully, his muscles flaring. Biceps curled and stomach crunching up as he gave a mighty thrust.

In real life Steven who was affectionately dreaming groaned and arched his back. The hologram shifted as Pearl yelped at the sudden movement. Her teeth briefly scraped at the tip of Steven's cock head. Steven yelped as a light shined in his eyes.

He opened them and stared in surprise at Pearl as she sat on her haunches. Her lips parted and his cum dripped down between her eyes, across her gem and down the very tip of her beak like nose. She was sitting there, her eyes wide. Her lips parted, her very body seeming to radiate a sensual energy. A need for breeding. A need for a good strong fucking.

She shivered as she stared at Steven. Her tongue stuck out and went around her lips once, twice, a third time. She shivered and put her hands over her head. Running through her hair. Her nipples were starting to poke out through her top.

"Good morning Steven." She purred. Wiggling her hips. Steven blinked a few moments.

"It's the middle of the night." He pointed out. She chuckled and shook her head.

"Right as always." A strange sort of pressure was building up behind her eyes. Right behind her gem in fact. A familiar pressure that started to build through her entire body. Build and build and threaten to burst! She smiled, it was good to feel it again! It was similar to Rose Quartz's but….but a little stronger. A little more focused. A little more intense.

"Steven, I don't think that the two of us have been entirely honest with each other." She said as she began to crawl forwards, her lips parted. Her teeth were bared in a smile. A feral smile. A sharp fanged hungry grin. Like a predatory panther after a nice good meal. Her eyes were on Steven's as she crawled forwards. Shoulders rising and falling. Rising and falling. 

Until finally they were face to face.

"We haven't?" Steven squeaked out. He felt a strange power growing inside of him. A power that a sculptor must have. A power that an artist must have or an artist. The power to create and move to his will. It was intoxicating. Heady….Needed.

"Oh no Steven. I don't think that we have been honest at all. I think that we want to be much more than just…a guardian and her ward. I think we want to be far more than just a boy and his beloved quasi maid." She grinned and cracked her neck. Her clothes disappeared in a moment.

A brief flash of blue sparkles and she sat in front of the young man. His cock instantly hardened and slapped against her small strong tits. Her small marble like blue nipples hardened as well. She clenched her butt cheeks in anticipation. Preparing to spring onto it.

"I think I know what you want us to be." Steven said, his voice dropping a few octaves. His shoulders seemed to square up and his chin chiseled firmer, harder, more masculine. As if he was a caterpillar breaking free from a cocoon that it didn't know it was in.

Pearl let out an overjoyed squeal and leapt forwards. Her arms went around his shoulders. Steven gripped her around the hips. His hands seemed to be big enough to wrap firmly around them. She yelped as Steven flipped her around and put her on her back on a pile of pillows that Steven had gotten through the years.

"Oh yes! Just like that Steven! Take me! Take me just like that!" She said eagerly. Her eyes widened in delight. Her breath was coming faster. Steven gripped her hips and pushed her further against the pillows. He grinned and moved his hands up and down her luxurious legs. 

His hands wavered for a moment by her thighs and then moved down to her ankles. Then back up to her sides and then finally to her breasts. Hesitating, nervous, unsure. Pearl frowned. She ground her teeth together.

Sure it was cute, sweet, adorable even. But she didn't want adorable. Or sweet. She wanted a fucking!

She didn't know just how much damage her next words would have for her. For Steven and for the future.

"Oh come on Steven! Just take what you want!" 

Steven paused and gripped one of her ankles. He then yanked it upwards causing her to yelp. A sudden brief pain went through her as she tried to adjust herself. To get comfortable. But then Steven moved the ankle upwards, upwards to beside her ear.

Her eyes widened in amazement. 

"Yes! Just like that Steven! Take what you want. When you–" She was cut off by Steven slapping her pussy lips with his cock shaft. He didn't know what came over him. For a moment a brief period of…of fear. Of his mind telling him not to do that. To control himself. But then he quickly smothered that thought. And instead focused on just how hot she looked. How she was naked on his bed. How she was naked and lovely and her pussy was already dripping wet and seemed to almost be winking at him. 

He slapped her pussy a few more times. Just playing with her. Teasing her. Getting her ready and horny and hot and bothered. He took his shaft and rubbed it up and down her dripping wet pussy lips. She shivered and gasped. Steven grunted as he pulled downwards until his cock head was directly against her entrance. He prepared himself.

Pearl winced in anticipation. Her eyes closing. Her body stiffening.

"Pearl why are you so horny? What is that all about? I mean this seemed really out of character for you." Steven said. His eyes looked at her intensely. His eyes were starting to narrow. He felt like his entire body was going to explode. Explode and burn into a thousand pieces.

Pearl smiled cutely upwards at him. Demurely. Politely. 

"Oh my dear sweet boy. I'm horny because you're horny. Don't you understand yet?" Pearl sat up a little sharply, but Steven kept her ankle down and she could not go upwards as far as she would have liked. She put on her lecture teacher's voice and said in a sing-song voice. "Because of your ability to mind control I of course can feel whatever you feel. Oh and don't be worried it isn't complete control for me. It is just a tuning. I am your pearl. You are my diamond. I am attuned to your needs. So that means that if you are hornier than ever I am hornier than ever. Frankly I've been dropping hints for weeks now and am delighted that you finally decided to indulge the both of us." 

She was smiling and blushing slightly. Her eyes bright and eager and chest starting to rise and fall. Steven gulped and then shrugged.

"Okay makes as much sense as anything else in my life." Steven said, accepting and moving on almost instantly after the explanation. Pearl grinned and clapped her hands in delight over her tits.

"Excellent! Now then if weeeeeeEEEEEE!" She turned her words into a sharp shrill squeal as Steven slammed himself all the way into her pussy. All the way to the back of her womb. He grunted and gazed in amazement. A dull sort of curiosity wormed its way across his face. He could see a bulge start to appear in her belly. He pulled out and watched the bulge as it went up and then down. Up and then down.

Steven grunted. She was tight! Amazingly absurdly tight. He felt like he was fucking a virgin. Something absurdly tight and gripping. She let out a deep low groan as he pulled out and a strange squelching sound filled his bedroom as he pulled backwards. Steven moved his hips carefully as he pulled out of her. Groaning and grunting. The loud wet noise grew louder and louder until finally only his cockhead was still inside of her.

'I just lost my virginity.' Steven thought to himself in an odd half conscious way. As if he was existing in a dream. He could not think too hard though. His brain blood was filling up his boner. Filled to a pulsing throbbing mind numbingly large size.

Steven grunted and thrust forwards. His hips had a mind of their own. An odd familiar mind. As if someone with a lot more experience had taken over his mind. As if someone else was telling him how to feel, how to react….How to….fuck.

He grunted and began to pick up the pace. Matching his thrusts with Pearl's groans. Trying to time their pleasure so that they moved in the perfect moments. His grunts were filling the room. His breath was coming out in thick hot bursts. He blinked in amazement. 

He shivered, she was so…warm on the inside. He never would have thought that she felt this warm. Warm and tight. Warm and tight and eager and good! So good! Steven was blinking sweat out of his eyes. Steven grunted. Grinding his teeth together. His arms were bulging, muscles stronger than steel were pushing down on her. 

Making every few breaths from her lungs come out all at once. She would gasp and groan. Her lips pulled back in a near feral look. Her eyes half lidded and her tongue dancing briefly over her teeth. Her hair was starting to turn into a total mess.

Steven stared at her in shock. Gone was the well dressed, well mannered well put together and endlessly polite gem that had raised him. She used to be a gorgeous borderline doll-like being. Above such things as lust and desire.

And yet here she was. On her back. Legs split apart. One foot dancing and bunching his bed sheets, the other kicking at her head and pillows. As if she was a dancer in an incredibly tough ballerina pose.

Pearl let out a deep long lingering groan as she arched her back. Her orgasm washed through her in a strange burst of energy. Then quicker and quicker more and more orgasms washed over her. The first one seemed to be just the start, like a dam breaking from a great river. A massive wave of pleasure followed quickly by many smaller and smaller ones.

Steven paused. His erection pounded in and out of her a few more times. Slippery. Slippery as hell. She was slick and he was hard as iron. He paused and gazed down at her. Pearl blinked in confusion.

"Steven? Is everything alright? Am I not…I can make myself tighter if you are uncomfortable." She asked with nervousness clearly written on her face. Steven looked away, bashful, embarrassed. 

"I…The noises that you are making. I feel bad. I don't want to hurt you or anything." Steven said with a small grunt. His balls were tight and painful. Too full, he wanted to cum. He needed to cum. But he didn't want to just cream pie her without some sort of consent on her part. 

Pearl chuckled for a moment. A sly smile breaking out across her face. She gently touched his chest and pushed. Steven went slowly, but soon he found himself on his back now. Pearl had a leg on either side of his hips. Her petite ankles crossed for a moment. She grinned downwards as Steven moved his hands to rest upon her rounded hips and nice perky butt cheeks. His fingertips began to dig into her lower back, just where a tramp stamp should be. One would look nice there. Really nice….

"Oh Steven. Don't be silly, you see you are different. Special. Unique. You are a Diamond and as such that gives you certain…perks." She grabbed his chin and wrenched his face so they were eye to eye. "Listen up Steven and listen well. Consent is for losers. Never ask for it ever again. You own anything you wish. Anything your eyes light on is yours. I am yours. Garnet is yours. Amethyst. All of us. Your toys to do with as you see fit. Our personal opinions on the matter are beneath you. You must learn to act as such and just take what you want."

She felt a stinging slap go against her ass and work its way up and down her spine. She yelped in delight and then winced as two then three more were rained on her sore sensitive booty.

"Fine then. Bounce bitch." Steven said with a deepening voice. As if his entire personality had been ripped to shreds and crudely pieced back together. Now all that remained was this magnificent stud.

Pearl grinned saucily to herself only to receive another spank. Steven thrust his hips upwards as his hands forced her phat juicy ass downwards. Pearl moaned and winced a little. He was stretching her, stretching her with no hesitation now. His dick felt like it was actually starting to hurt a little. 

She gasped as a strange wave of bliss instantly changed that pain into pleasure. Her body tightened and stiffened. She had a brief little orgasm, her legs going weak and starting to slow down.

"No stopping." Steven ordered and gave her meaty ass another whack and kicked her back into gear, like she was a car he had to jumpstart. Pearl gasped and moaned. Bouncing faster and harder on his shaft. It twitched and she let out an eager little peep. It felt like his dick had just doubled in size! She wiggled her hips and bounced a little higher, a little faster. Leaning forwards she followed the flow of his lust and gave him a deep hard hot kiss to the lips. Her tongue sliding into his mouth, swirling around his tongue. Their noses pressed together. Eyes closed they breathed in unison. 

Pearl felt her orgasm was across her again. Like a hard hot thick wave of pleasure that engulfed and burned and overthrew her sense of self. It was incredibly liberating to find herself totally and completely without any sense of right or wrong, up or down, her or him. She belonged to Steven, completely, totally and unquestioningly! She had never felt so happy!

Steven felt his ears pop once, then twice and then his eyes bulged out of their sockets as his cock was pulsing. Throbbing. Expanding. And shooting his spunk deep deep deep! Into the back of her womb. Splashing around inside of her like a fire hose. Filling her to bursting.

Pearl paused and let out a long loud gasp. Her eyes widening and a blissed out smile crossed her lips. Steven grunted and sighed in content. His balls were still throbbing though and his dick was still hard as a rock.

"More." He whispered. Pearl blinked and leaned forwards, her exhausted afterglow starting to take a hold.

"Hmmm?" She whispered starting to drift off to sleep. She yelped when Steven gripped her hips and began to pump her up and down his cock like she was a doll.

"More!" He roared. His eyes flashing dangerously and teeth seemed to sharpen suddenly. Pearl yelped and then groaned, eyes crossing, body shivering. Her womb filled and emptied by his red hot member.

"Ah Steven! Could we rest for–"

"No rest!" Steven ordered and grunted into her again. Spreading her pussy lips like she was made out of rubber. No regard for her form, her body, her pleasure. Just his own.

Pearl was a squirming moaning mess within moments.

Two months later Amethyst was pulling at the front of her shirt with a frown. She looked at Garnet who was staring off into space. Her reflective sunglasses were fogged up and her face was a bright red. She was squirming and breathing heavily.

"Yo G….Do things feel…Different to you?" Amethyst asked in confusion as she tried to put her finger on it. Meanwhile her chest glowed a bright purple and jumped up a cup size. Knocking into her water glass and spilling the contents over herself. However the funky small suitcase sized shortstack gem didn't seem to notice or to even care all that much.

"Nope." Garnet said quickly, quietly, sharply. Steven padded down the staircase, his erection leading the way. He sighed and yawned, stretching his arms way over his head. Amethyst yelped, started to stand up and then paused sitting back down. After all this wasn't the first time that Steven had been butt ass naked in public before. Sure he was older, bigger (Especially in the crotch department, her mouth was watering at the sight of him!) and definitely more chiseled. But it was still plain old Stevie boy right?

"Hey dude…How'd you sleep?" Amethyst asked as Steven grabbed a plate of sliced ham from the fridge. He grinned as he sat down in front of them.

"Sleep? Oh no Amethyst I didn't get much sleep last night. Did I, beautiful?" He said cooing to Pearl as she walked down the stairs. Her bare ass swinging back and forth. Amethyst blinked and did a double take. Garnet's breath was coming faster and her squirming was becoming far more obvious.

"I've got to go. See you all later." Garnet said standing up and rapidly walking out of the house. As she went something odd happened. Her entire outfit seemed to change in a quick burst of sparkles. Her hair became larger and longer. Her breasts doubled in size and really forced her outfit to the tearing point. Her top was a crop top now and her long pants turned into form fitting hot pants that really rode up her ass and left nothing to the imagination.

Amethyst stared wide eyed before shrugging. Who cares, Garnet was just hot right? It was certainly hot in here. Which had to be why Pearl was only wearing a blue button up top and no pants. Yeah…That was the only explanation!

Pearl grinned and nibbled on Steven's ear as her hand went down his chiseled abs.

"Mmmm Still tense I see. Here, let mommy take care of that." She cooed before she slowly went to the floor like liquid quicksilver. Amethyst shot up in an instant. Her top dissolving completely without her thinking about it….And it made sense…She was just so hot….

"Whoa there Pearl! Where do you think you're going?" Amethyst said in amazement as she watched the pale as milk gem wrap her long thick lips around Steven's erection. Pearl glanced up at Amethyst from the corner of her eye. Grinning around Steven's massive schlong. She waved her hand at Amethyst as if to dismiss her.

Amethyst shook her head.

"I just can't be around you two right now! God every morning!" She took a step, her regular boot slowly morphing into a high heel. She wasn't even aware of it; it was so subtle. Her body, her clothes, Pearl and Steven's relationship, everything was changing around her. But so slowly and subtly that she couldn't even notice it. Or bring herself to care.

A month after that Amethyst grinned as she popped her large purple lips. Her eyes were only half focused on the task in front of her. The bacon was frying and the eggs sizzled in the skillet she was cooking on. She didn't know why but she had an almost overwhelming sense of fulfillment whenever she was doing something domestic now! Cooking, cleaning, working out….Which was good since Pearl was doing less and less of the household chores and leaving it all up to the other gems. It would be such a drag if Amethyst was able to focus on how unfair the entire thing was. 

"Perfect!" She said in delight as she finished. She gave the dish a quick kiss, after all you had to smother food you made with kindness right? She stepped off of the stool she was balancing on in front of the stove.

She stood holding the plate in confusion for a few seconds before looking at Garnet who was doing hot yoga in nothing but a pair of ill fitting gray sweatpants. The sweatpants were slowly sliding down her nice fat round boulder like ass cheeks.

"Hey G? Have you seen Steven? I've got his breakfast for him." Amethyst said, holding the plate and showing it off. Garnet wrinkled her nose to try and concentrate.

"He is upstairs playing video games. You are going to want to hurry though, Pearl is sucking him off and you don't want to interrupt them mid anal or anything." Garnet said. Amethyst shot her roommate/friend a thumbs up as she headed up the stairs. 

"Thanks Garnet." Amethyst called over her shoulder. The stairs creaked under her weight. Her mass had taken on a new and unique form as time went on. Bigger, thicker, if she had a womb she would look indescribably fertile. And yet she didn't even notice anything different anymore!

The love making in the house was now just a strange background event. She didn't worry about it too much anymore. Neither did Garnet. Their heads felt full of pink cotton candy, completely unable to cut through the sugary sweetness to realize the sheer craziness of the situation.

The sound of slurping came from Steven's room. Along with the hot noise of breathless throat fucking and the thick scent of pure sex. Ame looked through the cracked door. Steven was in fact fucking Pearl, with unbridled passion. The formerly put together uppity and snooty gem was red in the face and wet between the legs. Grinning and gasping and going insane. Amethyst grinned and left the food just inside of the doorway. The two probably wanted a bit of privacy.


Nine months later Steven was reclining on a small chair made out of a pile of pillows. One fist under his chin, eyes gazing half lidded off into the distance. He glanced out the window where Garnet and Amethyst were playing a very intense game of volleyball. Their bare breasts were bouncing as they dove and ran back and forth over the sand. They had seemingly embraced the idea of going around topless. And Steven was not complaining. They looked so mouth watering-ly good that way. He just wanted to cuddle the both of them into submission.

Steven let out a little sigh. His cock was being suckled on by Pearl. She gazed up at him, her eyelashes making a little veil over her eyes. She rested a hand protectively on one of his thighs while the other massaged her engorged belly. She was nine months pregnant and twins were growing inside of her. 

She popped her lips free from his massive schlong. He had stretched her lips absurdly far and she had to massage her cheeks for a few moments to stop them from stinging. Her breasts were making her crop top look like she was smuggling a pair of watermelons. She wiggled her bare ass, some sweat dripping down over her pale butt. 

"Something the matter, my darling diamond?" She purred out as she licked him from balls to cock head. Steven shifted and shrugged.

"Well um don't take this the wrong way but…. I've impregnated you, fucked all your holes. Used you nonstop. And don't get me wrong fucking you nine different times every single day is fantastic but….What else is there to do? You're still hot as hell. But…Aren't we getting a little repetitive? Even having you walk around without pants isn't the turn on it used to be." Steven sighed and arched his back so that his cock head poked her playfully on the nose. Leaving a string of cum from the tip of her nose to his cockhead. He looked sad and slightly disappointed, as if he was nervous about how she might react. He didn't want to hurt her feelings after all.

"Hmmm, well why not just drag the others into a little harem?" Pearl said with a smile. "You're already affecting them so what's the harm in pushing it?" She said with a coo as she licked his dick top to bottom.

"Wait, I'm affecting them?" Steven asked in confusion.

"Well of course, the lingering hugs, the gazes, the way that they walk around with those fat ass udders hanging out for you to gaze at….your arousal is getting them hot and bothered. What do you want them to do? In your wildest urges, what do you want to make those two do for you? To you? With you? With us? Whatever your heart's desire, just think it and we will all do it. Willingly or not." She rubbed a hand on her engorged belly where she could feel her daughters squirming and kicking. As if they knew their daddy was right there.

Steven thought. Then he stiffened. Then he smiled