
"Can't you go ten minutes without disrupting class, Edgar?" Mrs. Simmons put her hands on her hips, frowning at the boy in the back of the classroom causing a ruckus. Every pair of eyes in Mrs. Simmons' third-grade classroom turned to look at the boy, whose face was flushed red with his hands pressing down between his legs. Periodically, his desk would bounce with a large thump and he would let loose a quiet groan of pleasure as the boy's massive, thick bulge swelled with arousal, bouncing up and slamming against the tabletop's underside.

Edgar Frost — or Eddy, as he often insisted — was a special little boy. It was just past his eighth birthday when he underwent a precocious puberty that no one — not him, his parents, or his pediatrician — could have expected. The boy, previously the perfect picture of a fit and enthusiastic child, suddenly found himself packing two feet of huge schlong, jutting out of his slender hips like a tree trunk. The damn thing was thicker than his legs, and oh-so-sensitive, a matter made only worse by the sudden ballooning-in-size of his testes as well, his cute little coinpurse growing orders of magnitude larger into a veritable beanbag chair of balls dangling nearly to the ground. Countless gallons of preteen seed burbled and churned in those mighty nads every day with such volume that the boy was constantly leaky, pissing thick precum out his gigantic uncut cocktip all hours of the day. His parents tried to make him wear condoms to try to mitigate the mess, but the sad reality was that even the strongest condoms in the world were no match for Eddy's endless emissions.

And so, here he was, trying desperately to keep his unruly python in check in the middle of English class. A huge dark spot stained the front of his sweatpants as thick jets of clear slime spurted out his tip, pooling beneath him and filling the air with a heavy, dizzying haze of cockmusk. His hands pushed down on his tool desperately, painfully, wincing every time his touch instead caused a jet of pleasure to jolt through his cock, causing it to throb and bounce, banging against the desk like a drum. He hated how good it felt, too — intense pleasure wracking his body, making his mind go blank and his muscles slack, disassociating for just a moment as his consciousness was overwhelmed with the sheer intensity of physical lust.

"I-I'm sorry, Mrs. Simmons," he said, his voice wavering. His eyes darted around, looking at every other student watching him. Some were laughing, some were horrified, some were disgusted. But every single one was looking at him, and his gigantic cock. "Can… can I please be excused to go to the nurse's office?"

Mrs. Simmons pinched the bridge of her nose. "You know what? Fine. Get out of my classroom, Edgar. Maybe without your distractions we can actually get through a chapter of The Phantom Tollbooth for once."

Blushing, Eddy stood up, his swollen member knocking the desk over in one last accidental display of defiance. "S-sorry! Sorry! I'm going!" He rushed out of the classroom as fast as he could — which was really more of an awkward waddle — as his classmates laughed at him. And as the classroom door shut behind him, he sighed. He had no intention of going to the nurse's office — not at first, anyway. First? He was going to try to find her. The only person that made things bearable. He was going to find—

"Katie Kennett, some of us are here to learn. We would all appreciate it if you stayed silent for once," Mr. Henderson said, not even turning to face the girl as he continued to write math formulas on the whiteboard. Katie whimpered, her desk jostling again as her belly bounced. She was pregnant — very, very pregnant, with a third-trimester belly jutting lewdly out of her eight-year-old abdomen, a perfect hemisphere full of rambunctious life. Katie's daughter was a feisty one, kicking and twisting all around the kid's womb, and there was only so much Katie could do about it. But truth be told… she kind of loved it. The sensation of life growing inside her, the feeling of her uterus getting stretched out…

It turned her on. It turned her on a lot. It got to the point where she started going to school in pantyless skirts just so the constant, heavy flow of pregnant pussyjuice didn't ruin her bottoms. And when the little girl inside her got all active… it was all she could do to keep herself from shoving her hand inside her cunt and fucking herself stupid. And Katie was positive that her baby was sometimes schlicking inside there, too. It was the only way she could explain how desperately horny she got, sometimes, like she was stroking two pussies at once.

"S-sooorry, Mr. Henderson…" she said with a wavering voice, trying to hide the pleasure in her voice. It was difficult — after all, she wanted to fuck. She wanted to find her baby-daddy and ride his gigantic schlong so hard. She didn't care about math. She didn't needmath. What she needed was dick. And what a dick it was…! Katie and Eddy have been friends for as long as they remember, but it was over summer vacation that they upgraded from friends to lovers. She was as surprised as anyone else to get pregnant, but with the sheer volume of Eddy's cum, it wasn't that shocking. They haven't fucked since, though, because of the risk to the baby. But she's almost at full-term now, right? It's probably safe to bounce on that magnum dong again, right?

"Katie." Mr. Henderson turned around to face the girl, who was so caught up in her fantasies she was quietly moaning and whispering lewd words. Her consciousness snapped back to reality, barely even realizing one of her hands was between her legs, while the other was groping a round, milky preteen tit. "Get out of my classroom. You're distracting everyone who's here to learn."

Hateful jeers from the girls and disappointed groans from the boys filled the room as Katie slowly stood up, her pencil-thin legs trembling beneath the weight of her gravid tum. Slowly, she hobbled to the front of the room, leaving a trail of pussyjuice behind her, dripping out from under her skirt like a faucet of sticky lust. In the hallway, she whimpered. She was so horny. She needed to cum, bad. Or at least try… she hadn't been able to without her boyfriend's bitchbreaker, but even rubbing a little bit helped take the edge off…

The girl's bathroom, she thought. That'd give her a little bit of privacy to spend the next couple of hours edging her brains out. She slowly began to waddle toward the restrooms with one hand cradling her belly and the other stroking her kitty in anticipation. If only she could also track down her boyfriend…

Eddy stammered through the halls, slowly making his way across the elementary school campus toward his lover's classroom. Just the sheer thought of her was turning him on something bad — the seams in his trousers were already tearing, trying desperately to constrain his swelling half-chub. He needed to cum sobad. He needed to cum with herIn her. It had been so long since they've gotten to enjoy each other's bodies in the most intimate way… but Eddy couldn't hold back any longer. He was gonna find Katie and fuck her stupid.

It was when he was stumbling just past the library that he caught a whiff of it. A certain smell, heady and sweet, filling the hallways with a potent sexual scent. Katie's scent. Eddy groaned loudly as his hyper cock swelled, twisting in his trousers to arc upward and outward. Fat handfuls of growing ballflesh strained against the rapidly-growing tears in his pants, and all the while Eddy thrust his hips, humping the air and sending dozens of gallons of precum arcing through the air, a thousand times more voluminous than even the most overproductive pornstar's load. The pressure — the pleasure — was so overwhelming, his knees nearly gave out. But the smell of fertile pussyjuice egged him on. He needed to breed.

The trail stopped at the entrance to the girl's bathroom, and already Eddy could hear sounds inside. Lurid moans; short, ragged gasps; wet schlicks. Someone was masturbating in there. Katie was masturbating in there. He pushed through the door, into the forbidden bathroom — totally vacant, with the trail of pussyjuice ending at the furthest-back bathroom stall. He opened the door, and saw his lover, his girlfriend, Katie Kennett, laying nearly horizontal on the toilet, completely nude. Her legs were splayed wide, her right hand a blur on her clit while the left had four fingers shoved inside her gravid preteen cunt. Her plump, milky breasts were spurting sprays of white into the air, running like raindrops down her chest, her face, and her massive pregnant tummy. Her hips bucked into the air, sending sprays of clear pussyjuice through the air, splattering the front of Eddy's t-shirt, like a lurid, horny fountain.

Eddy's pants couldn't restrain their captive any longer. The seams on his sweatpants finally wrested themselves apart as his massive meat exploded outward. Over two feet of massive, throbbing, aching boycock, as thick as a leg and about as long arched out of his slender loins, hanging in the air above Katie's pregnant belly. Fat, squishy veins covered the surface, pulsating in time with the boy's pounding heartbeat along with the constant flow of precum pissing out his cumslit, mixing with the sweat along his length and dripping down onto his girlfriend, marking her with his scent. Despite his cock's enormity, his crown was still wrapped with a tight foreskin with only his urethra peeking out of the thick jacket of skin. Between his slender legs, his hefty balls rested on the cool tile floor below, his tight scrotum dripping with sticky fluids as every slight motion on his part made them slosh with his endless reservoirs of hypervirile boycum. And when he laid eyes on her pussy — and likewise when she saw that massive pillar of holy fuckmeat hovering above her body, casting a shadow along the length of her body — the air in the stall grew even thicker with their increased arousal. They were in a sauna of sexual energy, hot-boxing themselves with their own steamy lust feeding their arousals and making the haze even stronger with every passing moment.

"Eddy," Katie said. She couldn't see his face past that pillar of flesh, but there was only one person in the school — in the world — that had a cock like that. Edgar Frost. Eddy. Her lover, her boyfriend, and the father of her child. Her hands reached up above her head, gently trembling as her tips brushed the spongy vein underneath his length. She let loose a sound that was half-gasp, half-sigh of relief — this was him, and not some pregnancy-induced sexual hallucination. His shaft burned with heat, nearly scalding her hand as she slowly slid her open palms along his underside, her hands rapidly getting covered in his goopy precum. Just touching him was enough to make her cum as a jet of squirt erupted past her cunt, soaking Eddy's balls with her sticky love. Her pregnant womb burned. She needed him inside her… and maybe even deeper than that.

"Katie," he said, his voice husky (or at least as husky as an eight-year-old could manage). His open palms slapped the side of Katie's belly, just hard enough to elicit a horny yelp from the girl. "Katie, I can't hold back anymore… every day, in class, at home, in bed… I think about you. Your body. Your pussy. Your baby… ourbaby." He shuddered as a fat load of precum exploded out his tip, arcing high and splattering all over Katie's face. "I… I try to cum by myself, every night… I wrap my arms around my dick and stroke it, thinking of you, how good you feel inside. But I can't cum… not without you."

Katie looked up at him with hearts in her eyes. "Me too, Eddy! I think about your cock every day. When we first had sex, when you came inside me and stuffed me with your baby… I never, ever felt better than I did with your cum dripping out my pussy. I've been so horny ever since that day…" She paused, licking her lips. "Mommy and Daddy told Mr. Henderson that I'm not allowed to go outside for recess. Do you know how hard it's been, seeing you on the playground and wanting to ride your cock? I've had to sit at the window, finger-fucking myself, watching your massive dick bounce around in your pants…" Another squirt of girlcum sprayed from her — her body was preparing itself for his dick. "I don't care anymore," she said, wrapping her hands around to the tip of his dick and pulling it down, feeling it squish against her firm tummy as she pressed her lips to his cumslit, making out with his enormous preteen fuckmeat. Her tongue slid in, lashing against Eddy's most sensitive spot, all while his thick prenut filled her mouth, the excess overflowing past her lips and running down her cheeks in a mixture of sticky spit and pre. Eddy thrust his hips forward, trying to force more of his meat into her mouth, stretching out her jaw. He felt her pregnant belly beneath his length jostling and kicking, bouncing up against his thick rod. It was almost as if their unborn daughter wanted to participate, too.

"Muah!" Katie pulled away from his tip, the constant flood of pre rinsing her face with musky preteen precum. She closed her mouth and eyes, and slowly swallowed his emission over one, two, three, four gulps. He tasted so good, so rich. The viscosity of it was no issue either — it simply gave her more time to savor his decadent flavor as she struggled to swallow it all. It turned her on so much — it was almost like his taste was hard-wired to make her horny. "Eddy," she said, caressing his spit-slick tip again. "I need you inside me." The veins on his shaft throbbed at her words.

Slowly, Eddy stepped back, dragging his hefty breeder along her pregnant belly until the tip ran down her abdomen and over her mouth, just above her aching, cumming cunny. "It's been so long, Katie," he said. His girlfriend rolled her hips up, trying to get his tip down those last few inches to touch her sensitive folds. "I hope your pussy remembers my shape." He pressed his tip against her sopping-wet cunt, forcing a spray of arousal out of her, dripping along his tip. At first, it seemed impossible. His cock was thicker than her leg. There was no possible way he'd be able to fit even an inch inside her tight eight-year-old pussy — at least, not without tearing her asunder. But he pressed on, his gigantic tip parting her puffy labia and slowly stretching her tight little hole. Katie's entire body curled back, arching nearly into a perfect semi-circle as she came hard around his tip, her already-tight cunt getting even tighter as she gushed around his shaft. He grunted, gritting his teeth as he pressed onward, forcing himself deeper and deeper into her tightness, up toward her pregnant womb. Her pussymuscles perfectly milked him, throbbing from the bottom to the top, coaxing his preseed out and pulling it up toward her cervix. His foreskin unrolled as he slid deeper inside, exposing his entire sensitive tip to her orgasming insides. It was all he could do to keep from blowing his load inside her right now, but he didn't want to be a one-pump chump. He wanted Katie to scream his name for hours.

His heart skipped a beat when his tip kissed her uterus. A vast majority of his shaft was still firmly outside her, but he didn't want to risk going any further like he did their first time lest he harm their baby. Slowly, he started to pull out, eliciting moans from his girlfriend as his flared ridge tugged at her tender folds. A torrent of girlcum flowed past his shaft as he pulled nearly all the way out, before gently thrusting back in, bumping against her precious cargo again, and again. Truth be told, he wanted to go ballistic. This was his second-ever time having sex, and the first time in months since he knocked up Katie. He wanted to pin her down and slam her stupid, forcing his cock into her womb and cumming so hard inside she'd get pregnant again before she had even given birth the first time. He had never been so pent up in his life — his balls were so swollen and tight, every tiny jostle producing audible sloshing as countless gallons of semen built up inside those enormous cumtanks. Slowly pressing inward, tip smooching her womb, then back out, just as delicately, over and over again.

"Eddy," Katie said quietly, between soft moans of pleasure. "What's wrong?"

He froze. "It's just…" his voice trailed off, gesturing ineffectually at her pregnant preteen tummy. "The baby. I don't want to hurt you… or her."

Katie softly tittered. "Eddy…" she ran her pre-soaked hands over her round belly, marking her taut belly with smears of his sticky love. She wanted to feel all of him. Two feet of third-grade fuckmeat smashing against the top of her babymaker, rearranging her insides to better fit his cock, all while creaming herself stupid. She'd fantasized about this every day since he knocked her up, and she wasn't going to let a little thing like 'being pregnant' keep her from taking every last inch of her boyfriend's breeder. And besides… her daughter was restless, twisting and churning inside her womb. She could feel the fetus' feet pressing against the bottom of her womb, as if she was positioning herself to also receive daddy's dick. She'd long thought that her baby was just as horny as she was, but this just about proved it.

"Eddy, I want you all the way inside. And… I think shedoes too." Eddy followed her gaze, down to her belly, his eyes widening. "She wants your big dick too, Eddy… our little girl." His cock swelled inside of her, and she could swear it grew even thicker, her tight pussy getting even tighter around his throbbing crown. "Don't hold back, Eddy. Fuck me. Fuck us." She slid further down on the toilet, hoisting her hips higher up, his cock angled slightly downward for optimal deep dicking. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and with one powerful slam, smashed his blunt breedmeat against the tight little entrance to her occupied womb. Katie was having a good enough time with his gentle lovemaking, but thisis what she really wanted. She screamed, cumming hard as a fountain of sticky girlcum erupted out past his cock, spraying his shaft and hips with warm squirt. Her vision whited out with every shock to her body, his brutal meat battering against her entrance, getting barely a second of respite before he began again. Her swollen breasts bounced up and down, sending hot sprays of mother's milk all over the bathroom stall, the flow growing thicker for but a moment with every inward thrust.

"Katie…!" Eddy's naked body was dripping with fluid - sweat, precum, pussyjuice, milk, even spit dribbling past his locked jaw. Every smash into her got deeper than the last, inching deeper and deeper inside as her uterus slowly dented inward, muscling open the mucous cap that protected their daughter from the world. His massive ankle-danglers swing harder and harder, curving upward with every thrust to smack against Katie's plump rump, reddening her soft butt. Every pound got a little deeper inside — millimeters at first, then centimeters, and eventually whole inches as her tiny little entrance began to dilate. And with one, final roaring thrust, he slid all two feet of his hyper cock inside of her, hilting every last inch inside Katie's tight, quivering quim. It was a sensation unmatched. Her pussy gripped tightly to his shaft, but her womb has a pressure all its own, coupled with broiling, exquisite heat. His cocktip pressed against the back of her womb, the walls smooth and rubbery, yet just as sensational to touch as the rest of her body. But the strangest, most intense new feeling was caused, of course, by the elephant in the room. Or rather, the infant in the womb.

Eddy's dick had only just entered Katie's babymaker when he felt her — his daughter, touching him. Her first-ever exposure to the outside world came in the form of her daddy's gigantic cock intruding into her warm little home, months before her due date. Her hands were so tiny, and yet, he felt her exploring him. A pair of tiny infant hands running along the underside of his shaft, pressing firmly against it, feeling the sensation of fluid rushing through as his endless precum leaked out into her environs. He tried to slow his thrusts down, hesitating as she brushed against him, but her own little touches just egged him on more and more. "She's touching my cock, Katie," Eddy said, grunting as his balls slapped against her ass again. The outline of his thickness was clear even through her bulging baby bump, ending just shy of her tits.

Katie's head was rolled back, her tongue rolled sloppily out past her lips. Her arms lay slack at her sides, fingers slowly clenching and unclenching into fists. "I…" she paused, slowly pulling her head upright, licking her dry lips and clearing her throat. "I can tell… it's like… I can feel what she feels… my hands… feel so good…" she gasped, neck going lax again as Eddy suddenly felt a lot more sensation on his cock. Two pairs of soft baby body wrapped around his shaft as his daughter pulled herself to a full-body babyjob. She slowly slid up and down his shaft, reciprocating his thrusts with surprising enthusiasm for a negative-three-month-old. She was so warm, even compared to the radiant heat of Katie's womb, and even though she was still so small, he felt her tiny pussy lips between those legs pressing harder into his shaft than anywhere else, grinding her infant clit hard against his throbbing cumvein. Katie reached up with her own arms and legs, wrapping her legs tightly around Eddy's hips while her hands desperately groped for his shoulders. Unfortunately, her baby bump was in the way, so she had to settle hugging herself tightly, her forearms squeezing her breasts together, unable to perfectly share the sensations she was feeling from her daughter.

"She's so horny…" Katie's words were lazy and sloppy, her nerves so fried she could barely form words. "She's cumming… my baby… is cumming so hard… I can feel it, Eddy…"

"I can too, Katie…" It was true — Eddy could tell she was cumming hard from the feeling of her squirting all over his cock, a tiny little pressure between his legs, but just enough for him to know with certainty what was happening to her. He kept up the pace — after all, it was a father's duty to make sure his daughter was happy, and what could make her happier than making her cum and cum and cum before she was even born? His rough thrusts grew a little slower, changing up his thrusting angle to press his daughter against the side of Katie's womb, giving him more leverage to press his fat cock her slender pussy. With every thrust, he felt her grip slowly sliding higher up along his cock, inching up toward his crown. He couldn't help but gasp in pleasure as her fingers curled around the ridge of his glans, the already-sensitive spot sending a thousand times more pleasure through his body just from the sheer taboo of his unborn daughter touching such a delicate place.

But that feeling was nothing — nothing — compared to the overwhelming tsunami of ambrosial ecstasy when her mouth opened and she started to kiss his cumslit, her tiny tongue scraping against the hypersensitive slit. Like mother, like daughter. Eddy's nuts seized up at the first touch, pumping a fat load of precum straight into Katie's womb and bukkakeing his baby's face with salty preseed. It was impossibly decadent, feeling his infant daughter tonguing his tip, her toothless gums affectionately gnawing on his glans, her little hands touching and squeezing his massive crown while she ground her premature little pussy against him. He could even feel her chest — the barest hint of baby boob scraping against his shaft, her tiny little nipps slowly tracing long ovals up and down his underside as she slid herself along his length. Pressure grew in Eddy's loins: his balls were roiling and churning, eager to empty his virile torrent straight into Katie's womb, bathing their daughter in his thick semen, and his cock swelled and throbbed, stretching his girlfriend's ruined fuckhole beyond its breaking point as she continued to cum herself into a quivering pile of pleasure.

"Katie…" Eddy said, grunting as he sped up his humps. "I'm gonna cum…!"

"Eddy, no!" Katie said, reaching up and cupping his sweaty cheeks in her hands, caressing her boyfriend's face as he stopped abruptly halfway out of her. "Not yet… not in me."

"You want me to cum on you, Katie?" Eddy was more than a little confused. With how much he came, she was gonna end up covered in steamy nut regardless.

"No, no… not in me." She guided his head downward, to look at his belly — and then he felt it: a pair of fetal feet hooking beneath the flared ridge of his cock, with budding little folds sliding against the very tip of his dick. She wiggled her hips to and fro, and Eddy felt her pussy lips slowly parting as she slowly slid down the first millimeter of his dick. "Fuck her, Edgar. She… I… no, we want it. She wants her daddy's dick so bad…"

Eddy's heart skipped a beat as his cock turned to diamonds. He wanted it, too… "But… won't I hurt her?"

"You won't," Katie said. She just knew it would be okay. "She's our daughter. If I can take your cock… so can she." As if to punctuate her mother's point, Eddy felt his daughter press harder down on his tip, sliding another shallow millimeter inside her.

Eddy hesitated, but he reached down, fingers digging into Katie's firm tummy as he pulled his hips back, sliding his cock nearly all the way out, before slamming back in, skewering Katie's cunt and forcing his way straight into his daughter's unborn cunt. She was sotight, like a condom four sizes too small around his tip — almost painfully tight. Katie's eyes grew wide, her jaw slack and tongue quivering like she was struggling to form words. Her pussy squeezed tighter than ever around Eddy's shaft as she squirted again, the splatter bouncing high and raining down on their naked bodies. Their daughter was cumming, too — the sensation of her premature babycunt rippling around daddy's dick, wanting desperately to get knocked up herself. Eddy's cocktip pressed firmly against her womb's entrance, and on his second thrust in, he forced his way into his baby girl's womb, too, her cervix folding open like damp paper. He had two sets of cunts speared on his preteen cock, both cumming their brains out around his hyper boyhood. He could only imagine what his daughter looked like, floating in Katie's womb, her body snugly gripping his dick. He tightened his grip on Katie's belly, thrusting slowly, pleasuring both of his loves.

"Katie," he said, quietly. "I'm gonna cum inside you. Inside her." Katie's lips moved, but no sounds came out besides pleasured, primal grunts. But her body spoke for her, as her cunt tightened one final time and her hands slid over his, fingers intertwining with Eddy's in a petite embrace. "I love you, Katie Kennett!" He managed to spurt out one last confession of adoration before his orgasm washed over him. His massive beanbag-chair balls pulled taut against his loins, visibly bouncing up as an endless flow of thick, virile jizz started pumping up his shaft. Each shot bulged out his cumvein, stretching out his urethra with the sheer volume of his nut as it slid up, past Katie's pussylips, through her cunt, into her womb, before finally, with a ferocious roar of pleasure, exploding straight into his unborn daughter's baby-babymaker.

"Aaaaaggghhhnnnggghhh! Fuuuggghhhkkkkk…" His knuckles turned white as his grip on Katie's hands tightened, his fingernails digging into her hand as his first enormous blast of jizz left him. Just one shot and the sensation on his cock was totally different as gallons of pent-up babybatter filled his baby girl's womb to its absolute limits and beyond, her tiny little fuckhole immediately ballooning in size, pressing against the front of Katie's womb and stretching it out even more. His second shot simply made the situation worse, growing her bump to the point he couldn't even see her upper body anymore, their hands still connected but rapidly separating thanks to the bulging Matryoshka bump between them. Every load shot out with such pressure, forcing his seconds-older loads out of her womb, past her unfinished cunt to float around in Katie's babymaker, baptizing his little girl with his seed both inside and out. Eddy could even see a small bump forming just below Katie's belly button — the baby's own navel, or at least what would become it, with her umbilical drawing a long bulging vein along Katie's skin.

The wet plaps of his thrust soon got even wetter as his overflowing cum began to overflow again, filling the girl's bathroom with sloppy schlorps. Each thrust displaced gallons of his jizz, erupting out past her pussylips. Some splashed up, raining down on them, while most of it ran down their bodies in a waterfall of endless orgasmic fluid — one part boycum, two parts pussyjuice. The thick mixture ran down Eddy's hips, over his still-massive balls, dribbling down onto the linoleum below, while some dripped between Katie's tensed asscheeks and into the toilet below, which itself soon overflowed with jizz and juice. His cum was something else entirely — perfectly white and creamy, thick and smooth, folding over itself like a lava flow. The puddle below grew and grew with Katie's belly, as despite the gallons of jizz flooding the bathroom, Eddy was still shooting more in than was leaking out. Her belly took up nearly the entire stall, now, and their hand-holding was long since disrupted. Eddy had to make due with simply hugging his girlfriend's gigantic belly, feeling his sperm sloshing around inside of both her and their daughter.

A minute passed, then five; ten; fifteen; thirty; an hour. The bathroom was filled from end to end with an ankle-deep pool of warm jizz, ruining both their clothes. Eddy's orgasm had finally subsided, and he slumped forward, held upright by Katie's — and their baby's — enormous cum-stuffed bellies. His cock softened for the first time in what felt like months, slipping effortlessly out of both sets of holes as a torrential gush of cum blasted over his loins, flooding the room even more. They both dripped with a mess of fluid: cum, pussyjuice, sweat, spit. "Katie…" Eddy managed to moan, unable to even tell if his girlfriend could hear him from the other side of her massively-swollen womb. "I love you…"

"I love you too, Eddy," she said, with a shy little giggle. She ran her hands over the massive belly — it was just like their first time all over again. She couldn't help but wonder if this load was going to knock her up again, before her first pregnancy was even over. Or… if he somehow managed to give her daughter a baby of her own.

They would just have to wait and see.

Three months later, Eddy and Katie lay naked on Katie's bed, smooching each other as he rubs her massively-grown baby bump and she awkwardly one-handed stroked his fat fuckmeat.

"He's getting hard again in there, Eddy, sweetie," Katie said, watching her round tum jostling around. At first glance, you could be forgiven for thinking that it was just your normal late-term baby movement… but that was before the distinct mushroom-shaped outline of a cock bulged out past not only Katie's womb, but Joy's, too — their still-unborn daughter. Through some miracle of gestation, Eddy's saturating cumshot managed to impregnate his unborn daughter with a incestuous grandson, who by all accounts was even more hung and horny than his father — an incredible feat, indeed. They couldn't tell his dimensions, exactly — as it turns out, medical science has no easy way of doing a nested ultrasound — but it was pretty easy to guess from his frequent womb-stretching hard-ons and cumshots.

"He's so big…" Eddy quietly said, his hand moving up to caress his grandson's cock through two layers of girl.

"Is that jealousy I hear?" Katie beamed her lover, before moaning as the babies shifted again. "I think he's gonna cum…"

And sure enough, her belly stretched outward like a condom catching a huge load. Joy had been pregnant for barely three months, but already her son was cumming like a racehorse. It didn't take long for the girls' bellies to swell again, and thick unborn babynut to flow out of Katie's full-term pussy.

"I think," Eddy said, pulling himself in for another kiss. "We're gonna have our hands full with our little family."

"Our hands aren't gonna be the only thing that's full, Eddy," Katie said, with a sly little wink. Eddy nearly came right then and there.

There was no way that they were gonna stop at just twokids