I was 9 years old and in my third year of primary school now. School was still very easy and I always placed first in my grade. Laura joined the same primary school as me and we still played the doctor game almost every day after school. Because school was so easy, I ended up playing around too much during school hours. It wasn't long before I was considered a naughty kid. Teachers were always disappointed as I was always looking for trouble although I was the top student in my grade.
Randall, my partner in crime, my best friend at the time, was also a very naughty kid and together we would wreak havoc in class. Today as usual, we were talking during class instead of paying attention to the lesson.
"What's your favourite colour?" Randall asked.
"Red, what's yours?"
"Mine's blue" he said.
"Yeah? How many blue shirts do you have?"
"I don't know, like 3 or 4."
"That's not a lot, I have more than 5 red shirts" I bragged.
"I have three blue underwear though" he said.
"Oh, I only have two red ones" I said.
"Haha, you should get more if it's your favourite colour" Randall remarked.
"Yeah, I should."
"What colour are your wearing now?" he asked.
"I don't remember, I think red" I tried to remember what colour underwear I put on this morning.
"I'm wearing black today" he said. "Can you show me your red underwear? I want to see" he continued.
"Yeah, I can show you" I shrugged my shoulders as if it was nothing.
"DERREN! RANDALL! Stop talking and pay attention!" the teacher scolded us.
We looked up and tried to hold back our chuckle. For some reason it was always funny when we got scolded. The teacher then continued with her lesson.
"Show me in the toilet later" Randall whispered to me.
"Okay" I whispered back.
After the class, we sneaked out the classroom before the next teacher came in and ran to the toilet so we don't get spotted by anyone as we didn't have a hall pass. We got into the toilet and Randall went into a stall. "Quick in here" he gestured me to get in. I got into the stall before any teacher came to check the toilets. Teachers used to check the toilets to make sure no students are skipping classes.
"We need to go back to our classroom quickly before the next class" I said, scared that we will get caught.
"It won't take long, go on show me" he urged me.
I pulled out my tucked in uniform shirt from my pants and unzipped my pants before Randall stopped me.
"No, take it all off" he said wanting me to take off my shirt too.
"Okay" I didn't question him for some reason and started unbuttoning my uniform shirt and took it off. Then I unzipped my pants and pulled it down and took it off too, showing him my underwear.
"Oh, you are wearing red after all" he said. "Do you want to see mine?" he then asked.
"Yeah, why not" I said.
Randall started unbuttoning his shirt too and took it off and then took off his pants too. He was wearing a black underwear with grey waistband.
"See, black" he said.
"Yeah" I confirmed it.
"Now, let's go back to class" he said and started getting dressed. I promptly dressed up too and we both got out of the stall. Randall then slowly peeked out to make sure the coast was clear and we ran back to our classroom.
I didn't know why Randall was interested in my underwear colour or why he wanted me to take off all my clothes just to see the colour of my underwear, but it was fun to sneak around like this and I kinda enjoyed it too. I was not really curious about his underwear but I guess it couldn't hurt to see it. Randall was very interested in it though, he started asking me every day what colour I was wearing and we would go into a toilet stall to show each other. It started becoming a routine to do it during recess, that way we won't get caught and we can be in there for a longer time.
Randall would sometimes ask me if it was comfortable or if I liked wearing it. He would touch it sometimes to see how the fabric felt like or if the waistband was elastic. We started doing it every day after some time, he wouldn't even ask anymore. We would just go to the toilet and show each other our underwear during recess as if it was the normal thing to do.
It's been a couple of months since our routine of showing each other our underwear by now. Today as usual, when the bell rang for recess, we went to the toilet. There were a few other boys in the toilet as well like usual. We waited around until they got out and then went into one stall. Without saying any word, both of us started taking off our uniforms until we were just in our underwear.
"I'm wearing grey today" Randall said as he stood there in his grey underwear.
"Hmm, mine's blue today" I said.
"Oh, my favourite colour! Is it nice? Comfortable?" he asked as he stepped closer to me.
"Yeah" I nodded.
"Let me see" he said and rubbed the fabric right next to my crotch. "Hmm it feels nice" he said after a few rubs.
"Yeah" I nodded.
We kind of just stood there for a few minutes as usual because Randall likes to see for a long time. He wouldn't really do anything, just stare.
"Derren" he broke the silence.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Do you want to hug?" Randall asked. This was new than the usual. Normally, he would just stare and then we would get dressed and go out.
"Yeah, sure" I said, not seeing any problem in it.
Randall took a step forward towards me and hugged me, and I hugged him back. It was just for a second, and then we broke the hug. I didn't really like it or feel anything, but neither did I hate it, so I was fine with it.
"That was nice" Randall said.
"Yeah" I just nodded.
"Let's go now" he said and we got dressed and left the toilet.
After this day, hugging got added into our routine too. I didn't understand what Randall liked about it but I didn't mind doing it for him.
It's been a little more than a week since we started hugging during our daily underwear routine. Today, as usual we went to the toilet during recess and waited for some of the boys to leave before getting into a stall. We undressed and stood in our underwear and Randall came to hug me and I hugged him back as usual.
"Do you want to try it without our underwear?" Randall asked after we broke our hug.
"Yeah" I said, again not really minding it.
Both of us started taking our underwear off and we stood there naked. It was my first time seeing another boy naked. His cock was soft and small too, just like mine. I would say we were similar in size too but it was hard to tell with our dicks flaccid.
"Let's hug" Randall said and got closer to me.
He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me like usual and I hugged him back. Randall pushed his pelvis forward too, so that our whole body was stuck to each other. I could feel his cock on mine, even his balls was pressing into my balls. He stayed there for a few seconds before letting go. I half expected our dicks to get hard, at least for him to get hard since he liked doing it so much, but we were both still soft even after the hug. I guess he just wanted to try out things but I don't know until today if he is attracted to males too.
We got dressed and got out of the toilet after that and went about making trouble in class as usual.
Our routine has changed again, now we would totally get naked and hug each other every day during recess. None of us got hard even once when we did it, but it still felt exciting, like we're doing something we're not supposed to do.
We were in Math class today, talking nonsense in the backseat instead of paying attention to the lesson. I don't really care about it either, school was easy for me nevertheless.
"Is your cock always small?" Randall asked, I don't remember how we landed on this topic but we did.
"Hmm not always, it gets big and hard sometimes. Yours too, right?"
"Yeah mine gets big and hard too. It hurts sometimes though" he said.
"Yeah it does hurt sometimes" I laughed.
"When does yours get hard?" Randall asked.
"Hmm, usually when I'm watching TV and a girl comes on wearing something sexy like a bikini" I didn't want him to know my daily game with my cousin. I thought he would find it weird.
"Oh yeah, mine gets hard then too" he said.
"Does it get hard during school?" Randall asked.
"Mmm sometimes, but not often" I recalled me having a boner randomly during school sometimes.
"Mine gets hard in school every day" Randall said.
"Really? But it's not hard when we go to the toilet" I said confused as to what he's talking about.
"It's not hard then, but when we're in class it gets hard. Especially when I look at Sadie" he said.
Sadie was our classmate in primary school. She was a pretty girl with beautiful eyes and long hair. And her tits just started budding out so you could see a slight bump on her chest. Both of us have known her since the first day of school because we were always in the same class. I had a crush on Sadie too, she was my first crush actually. To be honest, all the boys in our class probably had a crush on Sadie.
"I like Sadie too, but my cock doesn't get hard when I see her" I said, amazed that his can get hard just by looking at her.
From where we were sitting, we had a clear view of Sadie. Unlike us, she was focusing on the lesson and writing down the notes. She looked pretty as always, her slender fingers pulling back the hair and tucking it behind her ears as it kept falling down when she was writing. Her beautiful eyes scanning through the blackboard, trying to understand what was being thought. Her brows occasionally formed a frown when she couldn't understand something, and she would bite her nail and tap her pencil on her desk frantically, trying to get her brain to understand how to solve the math problem. She was just perfect.
"Is it hard now?" I asked as we both can see Sadie clearly.
"Yeah" Randall nodded as his eyes darted towards Sadie too.
"Do you want to see?" Randall asked after a few seconds.
"Yeah" I was curious if he really got hard just by looking at her in uniform. Maybe it wasn't enough of an arousal for me even though I found her hot, because I see Laura naked almost every day.
Randall leaned back on his chair and unzipped his pants and put his hands inside and pulled down his underwear and his cock popped out and it was indeed hard. I thought he was slightly smaller than me, as I looked at his hard dick.
"See, it's hard" he said as he showed me his cock.
"Yeah it is" I nodded, still amazed that he could get hard just by looking at her.
He then pushed his dick back into his underwear and zipped up his pants.
Other than Randall, I was friends with Ryan and Tyler too. The 4 of us usually hung out together but I was closest to Randall. As usual, like any other day, we were sitting together and eating during recess, obviously after Randall and I had done our daily routine in the toilet.
"Guys, I brought my phone to school today" Ryan said as we were eating.
"What? Really?" Tyler was surprised, and to be fair me and Randall were also surprised.
"Yeah, see" Ryan slightly pulled out his phone from his pocket so we could see the top of it.
Maybe it's normal for kids in this generation, but during my time we never had our own phones at the age of 9, and even if we did, we weren't allowed to bring it to school, so we were all very excited.
"Do you have games on your phones?!" Randall asked excitedly.
"Yeah, I have a lot of games" Ryan bragged.
"Come on, let's go play the games" I said, wanting to play the games.
"I have something more interesting than games too" Ryan smirked.
"Oh what is it?" Tyler asked.
"I have videos of naked girls, my older cousin showed me and downloaded for me" he whispered so other kids can't hear him.
"What?! Really?! Can we see?" Tyler was too excited about it.
I didn't find it all that amusing or ground breaking. I see Laura naked all the time, so it didn't seem like a big deal. But I was still curious what the video will be about.
"Let's go to the toilet and watch it" Randall said.
"Yeah, come on" Ryan agreed and got up.
We all went into the toilet and got into one stall again. It felt like an adventure, 4 boys huddled in one toilet stall to watch videos of naked girls. Something about it felt exciting and forbidden, which made it even more thrilling.
Ryan pulled out his phone, and we all got to see it for the first time. It was one of those Sony Ericson phones, which was all the hype back then. I knew all of us wanted to hold it and play the games he had on it, but at the moment, we were all too curious about this video.
Ryan opened up the media folders and played one of the videos. Like he said, it was a video of a naked girl and naked guy doing stuff. I didn't know it was called porn back then, but that was my first porn that I watched. It was of a woman in a blue dress with huge tits, which was a surprise to me. I've never seen tits as big as those until then. Her nipples and areolas were huge too compared to Laura's one that was I used to seeing. I didn't know what sex was up until that point. That day I learned how adults have sex, although I would argue now that porn is the worst place to learn about sex despite being a porn addict. But I saw things, things that were new, exciting and hot, and I really wanted to try them out with Laura. Just watching it felt so good and made my cock feel really good although it was also painful because of the boner, I could only imagine how good it would feel to do these things with Laura. Recess was almost over by that time, so we only watched a few minutes of it. Ryan showed us the good parts by skipping forward.
The rest of the day, I could only think about the porn that we watched. My small cock was hard throughout the day, pulsating in my underwear. That day when Laura and I reached home, I told her that I have a new game we could play. She was very excited and asked me what game it was.
"My friend told me about it, it's mom and dad game" I said.
"Oh, okay! How do we play it?" she asked excitedly.
"We just do what mom and dad do" I explained.
"So, like cooking and going to work?" she asked, confused.
"Yeah, and also other things" I said.
"Okay! I will cook!" she said excitedly and brought out her kitchen toys she had where she would pretend to cook.
"Okay, Laura can cook. And I will go to work" I told her.
She nodded excitedly and set up her toys in the living room floor and pretended to cook. I got my school bag and walked into my room, pretending to go to work. After a few minutes, I got back into the living room, as if I just came back from work.
"Honey, I'm home" I said and put down my bag on the couch and sat with her on the living room floor.
Laura was glad that I called her honey, and smiled excitedly.
"Come and have dinner, honey" she said, using the same pet name excitedly. She always found these things fun, roleplaying as if it's all real.
I took one of her toy plates and pretended to eat it as Laura did the same too.
"Ah, that was so good" I said and set the plates down.
"Thanks, honey" Laura latched onto the honey thing pretty quickly.
"Okay, it's time to sleep now" I said and pretended to yawn.
"Okay, honey" Laura smiled.
I got up and walked into the bedroom and Laura followed behind me excitedly.
"You know Laura, moms and dads hug and sleep naked" I said, breaking character.
"Oh, okay!" Laura was pretty comfortable being naked around me at this point.
She started taking her clothes off and so did I. My cock was already hard and throbbing by this point. And Laura as always looked so pretty nude. Her figure was a little bit taller now and her tits had started budding out slightly, just enough that her nipples sat on a low hump now. I got naked and hopped on the bed and tapped the space next to me. Laura climbed up the bed and lied down next to me.
"You must face me and hug me like this" I said and made her turn to face me and pulled her closer and hugged her. "This is how mom and dad sleep" I said.
"Okay, brother" she said and scooted closer and wrapped her arms around me.
Her nude body, despite being small, was warm and soft. Our faces were almost touching, her flat chest was pressed into mine, and my hard cock was resting in between her legs.
"Do we sleep now?" Laura asked.
"Not yet, parents always kiss before they sleep" I said.
"Okay!" Laura said and gave me a quick peck on my cheek.
"Not like that, mom and dad kiss with their lips like this" I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers and kissed her. Her lips felt soft and tasted sweet like the candy she had been eating not long before that.
"Did you like it?" I asked after I pulled away and she nodded shyly.
I leaned in and kissed her again and pulled away after a few seconds.
"Dad will kiss mom on other places too" I said.
"Really?" she asked.
"Yeah, Ryan told me today. They do it like this" I went down a little and kissed on her little nipples.
"It's ticklish" Laura laughed but I kept kissing her nipples, trying to imitate what I saw in the porn earlier that day.
I pulled away and hugged her again.
"I can kiss your private part too" I said.
"What? Do mom and dad really do that?" she asked surprised.
"Yeah, they do" I said and broke away from her hug.
"Just lie down like this" I made her lie on her back and spread her legs a little.
Seeing the guy eating the girl's pussy in the porn, I really wanted to try it. I was curious what it would feel like, what it would taste like. I got in between her legs and stared at her little pussy, so perfect and pretty. I slowly leaned in and kissed it.
"Eww, no brother. It's dirty" Laura laughed and squirmed her legs at the ticklish feeling.
"No, it's not dirty. Mom and dad do it all the time" I told her and tried to hold her leg down.
"Okay" she tried to hold her laugh and stay still.
I leaned in again and kissed her pussy on the lips. It tasted like her skin, but maybe a little sour. It felt soft on my lips and I kinda liked feeling it on my lips. I kissed her pussy again as Laura tried not to squirm. It was alluring, addicting and exhilarating. I kept planting soft kisses on her small pussy as she tried to stay still.
"I can kiss your private part with my private part too" I told her.
"Huh? How?" she asked, confused.
I got back up and lied down next to her and pulled her closer.
"Just like how we kiss with our lips, we can kiss with our private parts" I told her as I aligned my hard cock on her small pussy.
Laura looked down at what I was doing in wonder. I placed the tip of my cock on her pussy lips and tried to push it in just like I saw in the porn.
"Ahh, it hurts brother" Laura pulled her hips back.
"Adults kiss like this, Laura. We should kiss too if we are mom and dad" I reminded her of the roleplay we were doing.
She just looked at me, not knowing what to say.
"I'll do it slowly" I promised her and pulled her back towards me slowly.
"Okay" she said and let me pull her.
I placed my cock on her pussy lips again and rubbed it along her lips this time. She looked a little scared and kept staring at my cock on her pussy, waiting for the pain to hit her. I slowly tried to push it in again and she winced and closed her eyes. I felt her tight pussy lips part as I pushed my tip into her small pussy. It was tight, a very tight fit.
She stayed still with her eyes closed and wincing. I finally felt her lips wrap around my cock and it felt warm. I did not expect it to feel warm but it felt nice. I pushed it in further and it slid in a little easier this time. Thinking back about it now, I might have pushed it into the wrong hole the first try. Now with half my cock inside her, I could really feel the warmth of her pussy. It was so tight and hugging my shaft and it felt heavenly.
I tried thrusting my hips just like I saw in the porn, but she cried out in pain when I did it, so I just kept my cock inside her pussy and held her.
"This is how mom and dad kiss" I tell her gently.
"Hmm" she just nodded with her eyes still closed. I kissed on her lips again and she relaxed a little.
"This is nice" Laura said after a moment of silence and I was glad she liked it.
We probably stayed in that position for 5 minutes before I pulled out. My cock was hurting so much from being hard for so long. Laura let out a sigh as I pulled out of her and just lied there.
"How was it?" I asked her, still holding her. "Did you like it?"
"Mmm" she nodded and smiled.
"You want to play this again tomorrow?" I asked her hoping she will say yes.
"Yeah" she nodded and I smiled and kissed her again.
We did play it again the next day too, but not for a few days after that because it was hurting her. We ended up playing mom and dad maybe twice a week and we would play doctor game the rest of the days. But towards the end of the year, the frequency increased a little and Laura started enjoying it too. She eventually became comfortable enough to let me thrust my hips just like in the porn and actually fuck her tight 8-year-old pussy