Chapter 18: Agreement

There was a moment of silence between both parties. Myer, Nerian, and Daliyah silently waited to see what their masters' next move would be. Daliyah prepared herself to move Agatha out of the way and defend her with her life if the masked soldier decided to harm her in any way. Arcane straightened himself and looked down at Agatha. Though her body was trembling and he could tell she was struggling to keep herself from crying, she still looked back at him with defiance and determination. He closed his eyes for a moment to think.

"*Sigh* This is exactly why I don't like my plans being changed by…outsiders…what a bothersome vessel this is…if people's lives weren't in her hands, I would…"

He opened his eyes. His attention was directed at the blood that was running down her neck.

"Ah, right, she got hurt by my blade…I guess that settles it then."

Arcane reached to his side. Agatha got tense at his movement and prepared herself for whatever he was reaching for.

"Bring it on…if you think I was joking I wasn't. I am not backing down you piece of-"



Agatha looked at what Arcane was handing to her. It was a bandage he had taken out of his side pocket.

"What is that for?"

"For your neck, what else?"

Agatha touched her neck again. She looked at the man confused. Was he going to force her to go with them? Would they bind her in a way she wouldn't be able to take her life and then kill Daliyah? Was he acting "nice" so she would lower her guard? 

"No need to look at me like that. I won't kill you nor your servant."

Everyone's eyes grew wide, especially Agatha's.

"Wait, Arcane, are you serious? You will just let them go?"

without looking back at his companion, Arcane answered calmly.

"I'm not 'letting them go,' as in they can leave. We are still taking the vessel back with us. We just won't kill her servant."

"We're not?"

Nerian looked at Myer who was just as confused as he was.

"But Arcane-"

"That's enough Myer."

Myer stopped talking when he realized Arcane was getting irritated.

"I know you two disagree but, as the vessel said, she's this woman's master and the reason she acted the way she did. Which is why…"

Arcane pointed at Agatha's neck.

"We could say that she has already received punishment for their actions. Her for dreaming so much and her servant for thinking she can change her master's fate."

"He didn't have to put it that way."

Agatha and Daliyah frowned as they heard Arcane's words. Neither of them said anything for fear he would change his mind. 

"We move out after you clean the wound and bandage it."

Arcane turned his back to Agatha and signaled Myer and Nerian to follow him to talk at a small distance away. Agatha stared at the soldier's back for a few moments. This man was indeed cold and ruthless. He had "forgiven" their lives but Agatha knew it wasn't out of the goodness of his heart.

"It's because he can't risk failing his mission."

Agatha felt as her legs finally gave out. She slowly fell to her knees.

"My lady!"

Daliyah quickly moved to her side and supported her. Agatha took a couple of deep breaths. She hugged herself and felt her eyes tear up.

"My lady…I'm so sorry… I-"

"Ha, you never cease to amaze me Daliyah."

Daliyah looked at her master's face, and even though had tears rolling down, she still had a warm, teasing smile directed at her.

"Seriously, since when do you know how to fight? Had I known I would have asked you to teach me. Did you see the size of those monsters? It was terrifying, and these warriors are…something else."

"My lady…"

Agatha placed her hand on her forehead. She felt a throbbing pain in her head starting.

"And then you come and offer you life just like that for someone like me. For someone who is going to die and cease to exist anyway in 3 months. What kind of logic is that?"

"My lady…please stop."

Daliyah placed Agatha's head on her chest and hugged her tightly.

"You can cry, my lady. Don't worry, I'll cover you."

"I'm already crying."

"I meant freely. You can allow yourself to be scared. I am here for you."

"*sob* Are you though? I thought I knew you. Out of all the unknowns in my life, I thought you were the only mystery I had already solved *sob* Who are you Daliyah? Will you truly not leave me?"

Daliyah felt a tear roll down her cheek.

"I'm sorry for hiding so much from you my lady. I will tell you everything."

Agatha tried to wipe her tears and looked at Daliyah.

"It's not like you have a choice. There is no way those three won't want to know who you are *sob*"

"I know. But even if they didn't ask me to reveal anything, I would still tell you. Know this though."

Daliyah reached out and held both of Agatha's hands in her own.

"Nothing I have done has been to harm you. Not once have I thought about betraying you. My love and care for you have always been genuine. Other than my true identity and abilities, everything I have talked to you about and my gestures towards you have been real. I know I don't deserve for you to believe me, but I shamelessly ask you to please…trust me on this."

Daliyah closed her eyes as she felt more tears rolling down. Agatha looked as a small breeze made some of Daliyah's hair cover her face. Agatha reached out and tucked her friend's hair behind her ear. She then placed her hand on her cheek and smiled warmly.

"You already proved enough for me. Why do you think I did what I did?"

"My lady…thank you."

"That's enough crying now. Our new companions are already upset at us. We don't want them to think we are crybabies now do we?"

"Hmp, who cares what they think of us, my lady? It's not like we like them ourselves. So the feeling is mutual."

"*Chuckle* Why you…"

Agatha playfully patted Daliyah's arm.

"Also, no need to call me 'my lady' anymore. You can just call me by my name."

"What? Oh no, I could never. A servant like me is not worthy."

"Oh please Daliyah, you know I'm just a 'lady' by name only. No one truly sees me as nobility."

"To me, you are the greatest of nobles."

"Alright, alright. Then I order you to call me by my name. It feels weird for my dearest friend to address me the way you do."

"Your 'dearest friend?'"

Agatha nodded and smiled. Daliyah felt tears building up again.

"Wait don't cry again. You'll make me cry if you do."

"My apologies, I'm just happy that's all."

Daliyah wiped her eyes. She then realized she hadn't tended to Agatha's neck yet.

"Oh, let me take care of your wound. Now where is that bag?"

"If you mean the one you brought with you, it's laying over there. You kind of dropped it after the jumping hare attacked us."

"The jumping who?"

Daliyah looked at Agatha wondering what she was talking about. Agatha then signaled her with her eyes towards Nerian. Daliyah covered her smile and went over to get the bag. While waiting for Daliyah, Agatha looked over at the Sapphire Warriors who had been observing them and talking among themselves. The one they called Myer seemed to be the most against the decision the one they called Arcane had made. Nerian just seemed to get both sides to agree.

"Arcane…the masked soldier…a Sapphire Warrior with so much spiritual energy…what else are you hiding behind those hazel eyes of yours."

Agatha thought back at how cold those eyes had looked at her a few moments ago and felt a shiver down her spine. Arcane felt her gaze on him and turned. Taken back by the sudden eye contact, Agatha quickly turned her head towards Daliyah's direction.

"The less I interact with that man the better."

She remembered how she thought he was a kind person when he helped her with her veil the day they met.

"How foolish of me. As far as I know…no one in the outside world is kind."

Lost in thought, Agatha was brought back at Daliyah's sudden alarmed voice.

"Who are you?"

Agatha saw Daliyah holding a stance ready to attack someone. Daliyah turned her head and saw two curious, green eyes looking right at her.
