Chapter 6: En Passant

"As the heroes were walking down the path towards the crystal, they thought they were safe and sound and had nothing to worry about." The Narrator said before letting out a chuckle.

"But little did they know, trouble would arise and eventually become a burden and obstacle sooner than later." The Narrator stated.

"It is quite nice to see you here again around these parts, if it isn't the King of Elderith and his humble allies? Surprised to see you here." The Pawn leader said, as he mocked Creo and his group.

"You know these guys Creo?" Athena asked.

"Yes, these guys ambushed me after I had recently become the King of Elderith." Creo replied as they are cornered by the Pawn soldiers.

"So they all got themselves into a battle and the heroes barely made it out alive and were forced to retreat." The Narrator stated with suspense.

"We need to move now, they've won for now so we'll have to retreat and seek refuge to rest." The Bookkeeper stated.

"I agree with the Bookkeeper on this one, come now, we must go." Zino stated as he helped out his comrades.

"They went to a far area to hide from their enemies and where they will rest for now." The Narrator stated.

"Zion, Athena and Creo were the ones who sustained injuries during the confrontation so Zino went ahead to heal the three of them." Narrator said.

"Next time, you three should not go around carelessly and come up with a plan before attacking the enemies." Zino said as he went to rebuke the three and told them to rest to regain energy.

"Later Creo, Athena and Zion Kishima sit down and rest and they start sharpening their swords, while Zino and the Bookkeeper start talking about their old day in academy and how much they missed out." The Narrator mentioned.

"You know Zino, it's been a while since we last saw each other in the academy together along with our old friends." The Bookkeeper said as he was sitting down by the campfire.

"Mhm, it's been a long time since that happened, damn how the times have changed." Zino said sarcastically sitting by the campfire.

"Those guys were a nuisance to deal with, their attacks are very well trained and they seem like they have a lot of experience in combat." Athena said as she thought to herself.

"You're not wrong with that one Athena, our enemies seem well-prepared and have fighting experience. Then I guess we must rest for now and we shall develop our skills tomorrow." Creo stated.

"All of them eventually went to rest after getting exhausted and from their initial encounter against the Pawns." The Narrator rebuked.

"The next day, they got back on track and continued following down the route that Zino mentioned, as they were moving closer, they eventually encountered a problem ahead of them." The Narrator argued.

"Well this doesn't look good, we got ourselves into quite a trick situation." Creo stated as he was shocked to see what was in front of them.

"In front of them, were two different paths that both led to the continuation of the route to the mountain where the hidden crystal lies." The Narrator said.

"This is quite a trick case, how are we supposed to know which route to go and which one will lead us there the quickest?" Athena stated.

"But before they could make up their decision, the Pawn soldiers eventually arrived, cornering them yet again." The Narrator exclaimed.

"You think you have gotten rid of us, ha, all of you are sadly mistaken." The Pawn leader stated, mocking the group.

"Damn it, guys we must come up with a plan now asap, we split into two teams in order for the enemies to become lost track." Creo whispered to them, explaining every detail about the plan.

"All of them nod in agreement and split up into two groups, Creo, Athena and Zion Kishima take the path on the left while Zino and the Bookkeeper took the path on the right." The Narrator said.

"Bold move, heroes. But we will still come after you." The Pawn leader smirked before letting out a sigh.

"Send this letter our superior and tell him about the news that we got for him." The Pawn leader stated after finishing the letter and giving it to one of his soldiers.

"Yes sir, will do." The Pawn soldiers agreed as he rushed off and left.

"Well guys, the hunt is on, we too shall split into two teams and if you manage to catch them, do your best in neutralizing our adversaries." The Pawn leader stated.

"The Pawn leader and the other Pawns split as well to chase the heroes in both separate paths in agreement to the Pawn leader's plan." The Narrator said.

"Meanwhile, a few minutes later, a steampunk airship, with black and white colors, arrived towards the area and the Pawn soldier went directly towards the area." The Narrator stated as the suspense starts to kick in.

"Greetings to you sir, here is our update for you, the King of Elderith had assembled a guild in search for the same crystal that we spent tireless time looking for." The Pawn soldier stated.

"My leader and the rest of my fellow soldiers went to chase after them as the heroes split up to reach towards the mountain." The Pawn soldier finished after telling his report to his superior.

"Well that's a very interesting case we have here." Rook replied before laughing.

"Tell your leader and your group that I'm satisfied with their report and we have made significant progress since the last ten months." Rook stated to the Pawn soldier.

"I understand, sir! Your orders will be met!" The Pawn soldier said as he bowed and rushed back to follow back to the direction where his leader went.

"Rook could not help but a small, sinister smile, as if things were going everything according to plan." The Narrator stated.

"And so the game begins!" The Rook stated as he saw the Pawn soldier rush off.

"The Pawns soldiers went to follow Creo and his friends and as they were catching up to them, there were many obstacles that came along the way but they eventually met each other again after the obstacles." The Narrator said.

"It's nice to see that everyone made it out unscathed." Zino remarked.

"It was very challenging nonetheless but we made it out all unharmed." Athena said as she was getting exhausted.

"All of them decided to rest for now after outrunning the clutches of their adversary." The Narrator stated.