Confused 1

Gu Lan slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw in a trance made her eyes dull for a moment.

Keep up. Although she opened her eyes slightly, it was obvious that her brain was not there yet.

Wherever she looked, there was a roof, and it was an extremely shabby roof full of holes. In her decades of living, Gu Lan had never seen such a shabby roof. Strong sunlight refracted in from the large and small holes on the top. Various mottled light spots formed.

Gu Lan stared blankly at the hole above her head, and then closed her eyes. She didn't believe what she saw. She must have been asleep and dreaming.

It was just that she thought she could fall asleep and return to reality instantly, but she was not sleepy at all. After a while, she opened her eyes again, and she still saw the dilapidated roof and mottled walls under her eyes. The strong sunlight pierced her eyes and she squinted slightly. The sense of reality was too strong.

Could it be that this scene is not a dream? But where is this place?

Looking at the blue sky through the broken roof, Gu Lan, who had already woken up, was completely confused.

If there was nothing wrong with her memory, it seemed that she was living a comfortable life traveling around the world, so how could she be lying in such a strange place.

Could it be that she had been kidnapped, or that someone she had offended in the past came here to seek revenge? Several possibilities emerged in Gu Lan's mind for a moment. shouldn't be! The people she can offend either no longer exist, or they are all eating free meals somewhere.

Besides, she didn't feel any signs of being tied up. Instead, she felt extremely sore, had a headache, and had no strength at all. Not only that, it seemed like there was something heavy pressed on her body.

Just when she wanted to look over, the weight on her body moved closer to her, and a childish voice with a cry sounded in Gu Lan's ears.

"Mother, mother, don't leave An An behind."

The voice... was that of a child.

But how could there be a child on her body? And he hugged her tightly and called her mother. The important thing is to call her "mother". In their generation, there is no one who calls mother.

Even a sane person might have noticed that something was wrong.

What's more, she is not a rough-and-tumble person. As Gu Lan, who has worked hard in a special position for decades, she soon realized that the mother in the child's mouth was referring to her.

Realizing something was wrong, before she could take any further action, a burst of white light suddenly hit her, and Gu Lan, who had just woken up, lost consciousness again.

When the white light hit, Gu Lan tried her best to cover her eyes subconsciously with her palms. The vigilance of many years of military career made her eyes sting, but she still reluctantly opened his eyes.

Even though my eyes stung, I still managed to open my eyes.

Then she discovered that everywhere she looked was surrounded by dazzling white, and she was standing in the middle of this white.

In this environment, she somehow suddenly remembered that something was wrong that she had realized before. Gu Lan quickly checked herself under the strong white light.

The thick calluses on my hands from touching guns all the time are still there, and the scars on the back of my hands scratched by the murderers have not changed either. They are my own body.

But how did she get here? What happened before?

Perhaps because she has adapted a little, Gu Lan's eyes are not as uncomfortable as before.

She looked at this white world strangely. There was nothing around but endless white.