Think Twice

This is a good thing, something she liked at first sight. Thanks to them for taking the initiative to find fault, otherwise she would have no excuse to get this thing.

As for other things, the three people had only baskets and tattered clothes, nothing that Gulan would like.

She wanted a pot, but unfortunately they didn't carry it on their backs. However, this water bag was enough. After all, she was alone, and most of them were from the whole village or clan who fled with their families. It would not be good for her to cause public anger.

"You are right. I am not the kind of person who won't let others go even if i'm on right side. I don't want to do anything rash for the time being, but it is a fact that my son was frightened, so this thing is an apology for my son's fright. Is it okay?" Gulan looked at the mother and her two son intently.

The old woman wanted to take back the water bag. There were only two water bags in their family, one in the hands of the old man and the other in the hands of the eldest son. They spent a lot of copper coins to buy them.

But she swallowed her words after looking at the young man unfriendly eyes, she finally swallowed the word. This kid is not a good person. If she really doesn't give it, he will really take advantage of her. Fortunately, this water bag is empty.

Oh! How unlucky they are. Who made them so short-sighted that they provoked such an evil star?

The old woman felt so painful that she felt pain all over her heart, liver, spleen and lungs, but she still nodded, looked at Gulan with hatred, and dragged her son to the upper bank of the river while cursing in her heart, thinking that she must return this loss if she has the chance.

After their delay, the sky had turned dark, and the crowd looking for clams under the river had gradually dispersed.

Unlike the old woman's gloomy mood, Gulan was happy at this moment. How could she not be happy to get a water bag for free?

With this thing, she didn't need to put water in the pottery jar every day, and she didn't need to be careful all the time when she was on the road, for fear that she would overturn the pottery jar with excessive movements. She didn't care, but she was mainly afraid that the little kid would cry.

"Dad," AnAn approached and pulled her mother's hand.

"Be good, let's go." Gulan touched her son's head, collected the water bag and pulled him to the river bank. Dahei followed closely behind, following his master away from the crowd.

On the other side, the old woman returned to the place where they rested at night with her son with a look of resentment on her face. The daughter-in-law, who also went out to find food, had gathered around the fire to prepare food for the day, which was actually wild vegetables and a little bit of black rough noodles.

Several hungry and thin children also gathered around the fire, their eyes never leaving the pot on the fire.

"What's wrong?" Old man Liu glanced at the gloomy old woman and thought she was unhappy because she didn't find food, so he didn't think much about it.

But when his eyes turned to his sons, he found something unusual. Both sons were bruised and exuded a faint smell of blood. They were obviously injured.

Old man Liu couldn't calm down immediately. He got up and went to his son's side to check. He was shocked and said, "What happened to you? Did you have a conflict with someone?" He found that the injury was not as serious as he thought by the light of the fire. He was relieved. They couldn't get injured while fleeing from famine. If they were injured too seriously, it would be fatal.

"What... Dad, what's wrong... How did you get injured? Is it serious?" Hearing the old man's words, the eldest daughter-in-law who was guarding the fire didn't care that the rice on the fire exploded instantly, and quickly came to her husband's side to check him up and down. The second daughter-in-law also came with them. Seeing the bloodstains on her husband's body, her eyes instantly turned red and she wiped away tears, "Haruki Dad(Chun shu/春树爹), are you okay..." she asked in a crying voice.

"It's okay," the eldest son said while enduring the pain, and the second son also smiled at his wife.   

"Okay, why are you crying? Why don't you apply medicine to your men? I have to remind you of everything. I don't know what's the use of you."

Old Liu took out the remaining medicine from the package and glared at the two daughters-in-law who only knew how to wipe their tears.

The two of them didn't dare to cry and quickly got up to take the medicine from the mother-in-law, and carefully and quickly applied the medicine to their men.

They could see the mother-in-law's face. She was obviously in a very bad mood, and the daughters-in-law were often the ones who suffered in the end. Seeing the daughters-in-law obediently applying medicine to their sons, Old Liu snorted and sat down casually, her face still not good.

"What's wrong with the old woman? Didn't you go out to find food? How did the eldest brother get injured?"

Old Liu was also holding it in all the way. When she heard the old man's words, she couldn't help it. She looked at the people not far away from them and whispered.

After all, it was not a glorious thing. The robber was robbed. Old Liu naturally didn't want others to hear it. Everyone around them was from the same village as them. They would inevitably laugh at her in the future. She couldn't afford to lose this person.

Old man Liu listened to his wife's words and knew the whole story. He was always upright and his eyes were wide open with anger. He pointed at his wife with a trembling hand, ""

Before he finished speaking, a violent cough sounded, which frightened Old Liu and hurried patted him.

"Old man, don't get angry!" Old Liu was anxious. She didn't expect the old man to react so strongly.

"Dad..." Da Liu (first son), who was standing by was also anxious. Seeing that his father's face was red from coughing, he quickly took off the water bag hanging on his father and fed him a mouthful. Only then did he slowly ease the violent dry cough, and it took a while to calm down.

"Old man, are you okay?" Old Liu asked with a lingering fear. Her husband was the backbone of their family and couldn't be in trouble.

"Mrs Liu, what can I say to you?" Old Liu was really angry. He didn't even call his wife, but he couldn't say more reproachful words when he saw his wife's worried look. He sighed. It was all for their family.

"Old man, I know what you mean, but I will do it again. For old people like us, it's okay to die in the earth, but the children are just starting their lives. I can't bear it. I want them to live, even if it means stealing or robbing, as long as they can live."

When she said this, the always strong-willed old Liu's eyes turned red. As long as the children can live, she would be a bad person. Hearing this, the eyes of the two sons and daughters-in-law also turned red.

The daughters-in-law were grateful to their mother-in-law for one thing. Although the mother-in-law had a bad reputation outside, she was sarcastic and liked to take advantage, and she always set rules in front of them, but whose mother-in-law was not like this? At least the mother-in-law did not treat them harshly. Even in such a difficult period as now, the mother-in-law did not do that. Whether it was adults or children in the family, they ate the same things, and even the portions were the same.

To be honest, I have seen many people selling their wives, daughters, and daughters-in-law for a few liters of grain along the way, and even worse... Thinking of this, horror flashed in the eyes of the two people. Compared with them, the parents-in-law were much better.

Old man Liu was just anxious for a moment. Seeing his wife's eyes turn red, it would be a lie to say that he didn't feel distressed. They have been married for decades. Although his wife has many problems, she is very real to them.