Wait for Me a While

"Yes, Dad, we think Brother Gu is not a simple person, so don't worry." Li Er and the others also comforted him.

"That's true, but don't forget that he brought a dog with him. I'm afraid someone will want to take his dog." Old man Li expressed his worries.

As soon as he said that, the people in the room were stunned and all kept silent, looking at each other under the firelight. Indeed, this dog is very eye-catching. If someone really wants to take the dog, Brother Gu may not be able to deal with it.

Li Da stood up, "Dad, why don't I go out with the second brother to look for it."

Old man Li nodded, "Go, if you can't find it, come back quickly."

Li Su looked at the old man, and she wanted to stop him, but she finally swallowed the words in her mouth.

Li Er stood up with his eldest brother, "Husband..." Li Er's wife looked at her husband worriedly. She was really worried about him going out at night.

Father-in-law is really making a fuss for a stranger. It's a big deal. If he didn't come back, he didn't come back. It made the child's father go out to look for him. Li Er's wife felt a little uncomfortable.

"It's okay." After comforting the child's mother, Li Er and his eldest brother opened the door and walked into the night.

Gulan had also packed up the fish and was ready to leave. In order not to waste the blood in the pottery jar, Gulan poured it all under the tree by the river. She put the fish and the pot back into the backpack, and after packing them up, she called Dahei to hold her son and left the riverbed.

On the way back, she didn't forget to remember the route here. She came here unconsciously, and it didn't take too much time to go back. Gulan walked very fast and appeared at the end of the field behind the village in a short while.

Looking at the village shrouded in the night, Gulan stood for a few breaths, considering whether to choose a new place to rest, but finally decided to go back to the yard chosen by the Li family. The space there was large enough to accommodate the father and son, and didn't they have to inform them about the water source?

Not long after entering the village, Gulan saw two shadows moving towards this side from a distance. She involuntarily lightened her steps and slowed down her pace, and the dagger appeared in her hand at the first time.

"Is that Brother Gu?" The person called out. It sounded like the eldest brother of the Li family. Gulan slowed down her pace and returned to normal. The sword in her hand disappeared and she immediately agreed.

"It's me."

"Oh, I finally found you, Brother Gu. My brother and I have been around the village twice."

"Sorry to worry you." This was something Gulan really didn't expect. Someone would care about them and come to find them. You know, they just knew each other for a day.

"It's okay. It's good that the person is okay. Let's go. Let's go back quickly." If they couldn't find it again, the brothers were ready to go back. Li Da breathed a sigh of relief and took a special look at the dog that had been following Brother Gu. It was still there, and it seemed that it was not in danger.

"Yes, yes, let's go back quickly," said Li Er.

Gulan followed. The Li family seemed to be better than she thought, and the smile on her face became more sincere.

"they're back, they're back" Li Dahe (Li Da son), who had been watching at the door, saw the shadows of his father and second uncle and shouted into the yard. Hearing this, Old Man Li and Li Su both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mom and Dad, we're back." The second child was more lively, and his voices were heard before he entered.

Gulan carried her son into the yard, and told Dahei to stay in the yard. Gulan followed Li Da into the side room on the east side of the yard. It was reasonable for the Li family to go out and look for them, and then go in and say "thank you".

She was less talkative, but she still understood the ways of the world.

"Uncle Li, Auntie, I'm sorry to have worried you, and to have caused Brother Li and the others to look for us. I really don't know what to say, anyway, thank you." Gulan thanked them solemnly.

"No, no, it's good that you's back. Your brother Li and his family are idle anyway, so I'll let him go out for a walk. You haven't eaten yet, so hurry up and get something to eat." Old man Li waved his hand.

"Yes, it's so late, the child must be starving, hurry up and eat something." Li Su, who was relieved after her son came back also said.

Gulan nodded. The little guy must be starving after accompanying her for such a long time.

"Then I'll take my son to get food first, but can Uncle Li and Brother Li wait for me for a while? I have something to tell you later."

Gulan kept it a secret first, mainly because they would definitely not be able to sit still if she said it out, and she and her son couldn't eat well either, anyway it was a whole night.

She took her son to the west wing opposite, and her words of staying make the Li family looked at each other, and for a moment they couldn't figure out what Gulan meant by this. What could they say? They had already said what they should thank, could it be that there was something they wanted their family to help with?

For a moment, Li Da and his family couldn't help but think wildly. Anyway, I'm not sleepy for the time being, so I'll just wait a while.

Gulan brought her son to the west side. The room was pitch black and nothing could be seen. Gulan had no choice but to take out a candle from the space and light it.

AnAn looked at the strange thing in his mother's hand. Although he was very curious about what the light was, he still resisted asking. Since his mother woke up from her illness, she seemed to always take out strange things. He was used to it.

With the light of the candle, Gulan could finally see the layout of the room. It was just a very simple room, not big, only about a dozen square meters. Looking at the furnishings in the room, it seemed that someone was living in it. There was a wooden bed and a wooden box at the innermost part of the room. There were not many things outside except some scattered things. Gulan did not go in, but took out dry firewood from the basket and lit a fire in the direction of the opposite door. After eating cold and dry food for a day, she had to drink some hot soup at night. She immediately looked at the few fish in the pottery jar and decided to eat something fresh.

Half of the mussel porridge left over from the morning was given to Dahei, and the rest was heated up and shared with AnAn. The water used to wash the pottery pot was also poured for Dahei to drink. After freeing up the pottery pot, Gulan picked up two fish to prepare fish soup. Then she found a bag of ginger that had been thrown in at some point in the space, broke off a piece and threw it into the pottery pot. As for green onions, there were also some, but they were too conspicuous, so she thought about it and decided not to put them in. She also poured some cooking wine. Fortunately, there was no shortage of condiments in the space, so it was ready. It would be ready to drink in a few dozen minutes.

Then Gulan took out the cleaned clam shells from the basket, and took out two vegetable cakes to bake on the clam shells. The heated vegetable cakes would be softer.

During this time, she secretly gave Dahei two sausages while AnAn was not paying attention. She did not forget to give Dahei a reward. Then the mother and son sat and waited for the fish soup to be cooked, and AnAn stared at the pottery pot on the fire without blinking.

As time went by, the smell of fish soup seeped out more and more. Soon, the whole room was filled with the delicious smell of fish soup, which floated out through the door.

"What smells so good?" Li Laosan, who always had a sensitive nose, sniffed.

"I smell it too, it's very fragrant," said Li Laosi.

"It seems like they are cooking some soup, why do I smell like fish soup?" Li Laosan's wife also said, and couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

"Yes, it's fish soup, that's the smell." Following his wife's words, Li Laosan said. As Li Laohan and Li Su were old, their sense of smell also declined. They didn't smell it carefully, but they did smell a bit of a fragrant smell.