Ownerless Things

When the food was almost done, seeing that the little bun was about to wake up, Gulan got up and took off the quilt covering the child and changed into clothes. Just when she was about to put it away, her eyes swept across a large box next to the bed. Gulan narrowed her eyes and raised her mouth. Maybe the quilt didn't need to be put away. Isn't this a good excuse?

After looking at the wooden box for a while, Gulan went forward to open it. Unexpectedly, there were really some things. Don't think about the quilt, there are two old clothes that were so tattered that can't be torn anymore, both men's, but they had been washed.

Thinking that the weather is getting colder and colder, Gulan, who didn't want to take it at first, finally decided to put it away. I don't know how long this journey will take. If I don't come across a village or town, I won't be able to replenish the things I need.

There are clothes in the space, except for the inner clothes, which can be made do, and the outer clothes can't be put on, and they are all women's. As for the treasure clothes, there are no powerful ones that can't be afraid of cold and heat. The most important thing is that so many refugees are rushing to one place at the same time. Even if there are villages and towns, Gulan is very worried whether they can get in.

After all, it is quite scary for the extremely hungry disaster victims to go crazy. If they are not careful, their families may be destroyed. No village or town dares to take such a risk.

While she was thinking, AnAn woke up on the bed, rubbing his eyes and watching his mother staring at a piece of clothing.

The little bun, who was not fully awake yet, called "Mom" softly and ran towards her subconsciously, not realizing that he was standing on the bed instead of on the ground.

Gulan, who heard the sound, grabbed her son at the moment he fell, and looked at the half-high bed edge with fear in her heart.

When the feeling of weightlessness came, AnAn also felt abnormal, but it was too late. Fortunately, his mother caught him in time, and the little guy hugged his mother tightly.

"Are you scared now?" Gulan gently patted her son's back and scolded.

AnAn's answer was to hug his mother even tighter.

"Next time, wait until you are fully awake before standing up. This time, it was your mother who caught you. What if your mother is not here? Do you understand?"

"I know," a buzzing sound came from Gulan's arms.

"Okay, put on your shoes yourself," Gulan put her son under the bed. Quickly roll up the bedding on the bed and the rags found and tie them up with ropes.

AnAn, who had put on his shoes, looked at the extra things strangely, but didn't dare to ask, but he didn't expect his mother to take the initiative to tell him.

"Son, Mom found a box in this room last night, and found bedding and clothes in the box. It should be that this family doesn't want it. Aren't we very lucky? What a surprise!" Gulan pointed to the box beside the bed and said to his son in a pretended happy way. AnAn followed his mother's hand to see the open box, and nodded to his mother to express his happiness.

After fooling his son, Gulan thought more deeply, thinking about camouflaging the bedding and sewing more patches when she rested at night. Her words were just to fool the child. It was impossible for a bedding without even a patch to be thrown away. If it was told outside, it would definitely be exposed. So when she packed, she wrapped the rags outside to avoid attracting attention.

"Go, go pee" Gulan patted her son's head and pointed outside the door.

Nodding, the little guy disappeared with Dahei. Taking advantage of this time, Gulan put the bedding beside the backpack and tied it to it when she left. Fortunately, the willow basket she wove was relatively sturdy, otherwise it really couldn't bear the weight of two quilts. She learned the skill of weaving baskets from the old people in the village while she was disguised when she was on a mission. She didn't expect it to come in handy here. The vegetable porridge on the fire was almost done. Gulan took it down and let it cool beside it, but the boy who went out to pee didn't come back after waiting for a long time. Even the big one should have come back by now. Gulan was a little worried, so she got up and walked out the door, swept around the yard, and then smiled.

She said it was time to come back, but it turned out that he was tripped. The little guy was talking to the little grandson of the Li family around Dahei. Gulan did not go over to disturb them. Children should play with their own kind more. AnAn was with her every day, and she lost her childishness after a long time.

Then she heard the little grandson of the Li family, Goudan, praising Dahei in a few words. AnAn looked proud and generously let Goudan touch Dahei.

Although they took the same cart yesterday afternoon, they did not know each other, but at this moment they knew each other.

Dahei was obedient and let the two children toss around. He even took the initiative to lie on the ground to cooperate. He has a very good temper. You can't see the fierce look when dealing with bad people. This is a very smart dog.

But other people don't know this, Goudan's mother was watching from the side, worriedly, after all, Dahei looked really scary.

Fortunately, AnAn did not forget to go back. After playing for a while, he said goodbye to Goudan. When he turned around, he found that his mother was looking at him not far away, smiling.

He was a little nervous at first, but when he saw his mother's smile, he immediately relaxed and ran to his mother, and Dahei followed immediately.

"Don't want to play anymore?" Gulan smiled at her son.

AnAn shook his head, "Goudan wanted to get to know Dahei, so I didn't go back immediately."

"It's okay, Dad didn't blame you, just tell Dad next time when you want to play with Goudan, so that Dad won't worry, okay?"

AnAn nodded quickly. He felt something was wrong, and after his mother said that, he understood where he was wrong.

Gulan smiled at Goudan's mother who was coming over, and led AnAn back to eat quickly. It wouldn't be long before they had to set off. When the mother and son finished eating and packed up and came out, the Li family was also cleaning up in the yard.

Aunt Li worked with several daughters-in-law to make enough vegetable cakes for a few days, and dried the blanched vegetables on several barrel lids. Seeing Gulan coming out, Li Da and the others took the initiative to greet him, and Gulan responded with a smile.

"Gu kid, come with us later." After last night, Old Man Li admired Gulan very much, and he didn't treat her as an outsider anymore and said directly.

Gulan definitely agree! Nodding quickly, and thanked Uncle Li.

Old Man Li said, "Why thank you? We are not strangers. As long as you don't change the route, we will go together in the future."

Unfortunately, there was not much space in the cart, otherwise Old Man Li would have asked Gulan to put the luggage on the car.

Thinking of the luggage, he found that there seemed to be a lot more things in Gulan's backpack. There seemed to be no such big package yesterday.

As if seeing the doubt in Old Man Li's eyes, Gulan explained: "Lucky, I found a box in the room last night. There were bedding and two pieces of tattered clothes in it. I know that taking things without asking is considered stealing, but I thought they should not be needed. In addition, my father and son's luggage was lost in an accident, so I took it shamelessly. After all, I caught a cold on this day. I can still bear it, but the child is young after all, so I have to consider it."

At the end of the speech, Gulan showed a trace of embarrassment. After all, she took someone else's things.

After hearing the reason, Old Man Li's doubts were resolved, and he had no doubts about what Gulan said. After all, it was impossible to move the whole family away to escape from famine. They only took away valuable and useful things, and most of them would still be abandoned at home. Their family was the same, and they didn't take any old bedding or clothes. Gulan didn't find anything strange. Seeing Gulan's embarrassment, Old Man Li smiled and said, "What's the big deal? Since the house is deserted, it means that these things are ownerless. Just take them and don't take them to heart."