
In fact, she is considered a small rich woman in modern times. Although the nature of her work cannot make a lot of money like a businessman, her parents are still good at making money and have opened a company. Of course, this does not mean that she does not make money. The bonuses when she goes on a mission are still very generous.

Unfortunately, her parents passed away a few years before she retired, leaving her a lot of inheritance. This is why she can travel around the world freely after retirement. Thinking of her parents, Gulan's eyes flashed with sadness. In this way, she really has nothing to worry about in that world.

Gulan bought two stone of brown rice, one stone of brown flour, one stone of rice, one stone of refined rice, one stone of fine flour, and three buckets of millet. These made Li Da and the others smack their lips. Master Gu is too willing to spend. But thinking of him with three children, this moment is not difficult to understand.

Although they have not known each other for a long time, it can be seen from the usual bits and pieces that this is a master who dotes on children very much. Even the two girls who have just been taken in are treated equally and eat the same as them.

But this is too much money. Seeing the money being spent like water, Li Da was heartbroken. More than five taels of silver, this guy didn't even blink, his mental quality is really not comparable to them.

Then it was time to load the cart. Gulan asked Brother Li to help watch the loading. After that, under their gaze, she went to the next door and ran straight to the iron pot. She really needed a pot. After some inquiries, Gulan got a kitchen knife, a pot, scissors, shovels, etc., which cost more than two taels of silver.

Next everyone went straight to the grocery store. Gulan was like a countryman who had never seen the world. Everything in the grocery store was fresh. Then she bought whatever she thought was useful. As a cover, she also bought some symbolic salt and oil. Her hoarding habit was not covered. She bought boxes and boxes. There were plenty in the space.

The most important things were necessities such as pottery jars, bowls, wooden barrels, and basins. She also bought two water bags and prepared to give one to Daya. In this way, several people would not have to share one water bag, which would be more hygienic. Oh, and there are also oilcloths. This is what Li Da reminded Gulan of.

Although the drought has lasted for so long, the possibility of rain is almost zero, but the role of oilcloth is not only to prevent rain, but also to keep out the wind and cold when it is cold, especially now that the temperature is dropping day by day, it is indeed necessary to prepare in advance. Thinking of the newly bought frame, it would take a lot to cover it, so Gulan bought a lot of them at once, as if they were given away for free.

Each one is nearly two feet long, just enough to use. With them, you can have an independent carriage and block the sight of others. Of course, there is no need for hemp rope with oilcloth, and then you see the raincoat and hat. Although it is dry, we have entered the territory of Yunzhou now, and we may encounter rain, so we must prepare.

These bits and pieces cost several taels of silver. Thinking of the less than 20 taels of silver on him, Gulan couldn't help but sigh: Silver is really a good thing, it really can't be stopped!

Then they went to the clinic and bought some herbal medicines such as typhoid and wound medicine. Gulan also bought a lot. There were a lot of medicines in the space, but it was always a good idea to have more. After all, there was no expiration date in the space. In ancient times, getting sick was a big deal. Even a small typhoid fever was very serious here. If you were not careful, you might lose your life. You must pay attention. The medicines in a space should be used one less at a time. You must learn to be frugal. There was also saltpeter, which was called ground frost here. She did not forget the wolf skin in the space. She had to nitrate it out when she had time.

When she passed by the bookstore, she was even more entangled, but finally went in. She bought an enlightenment book, thinking that she would help her son to open up his mind when she had time on the road, but the price of the book was really daunting. Such a small book cost one or two taels of silver. Gulan felt that it was a luxury to study in ancient times without money. No wonder a scholar often used the strength of the whole family to support him. After buying these, except for Gulan who still had money left, the pockets of others were empty.

So when they passed by the steamed buns shop, they could only watch Gulan buy a basket of steamed buns and a basket of dumplings, their eyes were red with envy. These were all fine grains!

Then when passing by the ready-made clothing store, Gulan bought some clothes for herself, her son and two girls under everyone's gaze. The types of clothes cover several seasons of summer, autumn and winter, and there are also three quilts, middle clothes and several pairs of shoes and socks. This is another large sum of silver, more than four taels. When passing by the butcher shop, they bought a large piece of fat meat. The fat meat sizzled in the sun, almost blinding Li Da and others, thinking about Gulan, the prodigal man.

"Don't look at it, I'm really penniless now." Gulan sighed while touching the purse with less than five taels of silver, and then Li Da, Li Youzhi and others rolled their eyes. They had reason to suspect that this guy was showing off his wealth.

When leaving the town, Gulan stopped and bought a lot of water. Three large wooden barrels and a basin were filled, and then he drove the car away from the town.

Although they bought a lot, it was not conspicuous. There were many people who stopped at Lingshan Town these days, and there were many people who bought more than them, so they didn't attract much attention. Lingshan Town didn't attract attention, but many people at the town entrance did see it. Fortunately, they didn't do anything radical, thanks to the porridge shed set up at the town entrance.

After the roadblock, Gulan and her cart drove very fast. There were so many people in the town who were not well-dressed. They pulled so much food, which was a naked hatred value, so they had to be cautious.

Although many people's eyes revealed ill intentions, they still had some scruples in the daylight. They arrived safely at the resting place of Lijia Village, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Gulan's carriage made everyone look at it with envy, and then they all focused on food. Most of the villagers had asked the village chief to buy food, and now everyone was waiting to share the food.

At this moment, everyone knew the price of food, but what could they do? No matter how expensive it was, they had to eat, and they had already been mentally prepared. The crazy rise in food prices was foreseeable. As long as they could buy food, it would be fine. they was more afraid that they couldn't buy it even if they had money. That would be really desperate. Such things have happened before.

On the other side, the people sent by Village Chief Zhao to buy food in the town had not come out yet. For example, Lijia Village sent two or three representatives to drive the cart in to buy together. The cart belonged to Village Chief Zhao's family. He was the only one in the whole Xishan Village who had livestock. When Lijia Village heard about the price of food, the faces of the people in Xishan Village couldn't help but look much uglier.

Zhao Gang's family looked particularly unhappy. His family was one of the poorest in the village. He lost another twenty coins. The few dozen coins he had could not even buy two dou of brown rice. He could not support himself for long.

"Husband, what should we do? Otherwise, we can stay here. Anyway, there is a porridge shed here. Maybe it will be better in the future?" Daya mother (ugh... let call Baodan mother from now on) looked at her husband at a loss.

Zhao Gang had this idea, but Lingshan Town did not accept refugees at all. Who knew how long the porridge shed would last? If he followed the village chief and found a place to stay, he would be able to settle down more easily. As long as he settled down, he would not become a refugee. Otherwise, life would be more difficult and he would be bullied everywhere. Looking at his son, Zhao Gang shook his head and denied Baodan Niang's idea.