
"Wang Yun, take a rest for half an hour."

"Yes, young master." Wang Yun leaned forward.

"Rest where you are," he shouted to the convoy. So the people protecting the carriage sat down on the ground with the convoy as the center to rest, and took out the dry food they carried with them.

A pair of slender, round and neatly trimmed hands lifted the curtain of the carriage. Seeing this, Wang Yun hurried forward, but was rejected by the owner of these hands. The half profile exposed in the sun is so beautiful that it can overwhelm the whole city.

If Gulan saw it, she would definitely sigh and praise: "The man on the street is like jade, and the young master is unparalleled in the world." The young master is probably like jade.

A young man with a jade crown on his head, brocade boots on his feet and a black shirt walked out of the carriage. Two sword-like eyebrows slanted into the temples, a pair of slightly upturned phoenix eyes looked around with a majestic look, a high nose bridge, long black hair scattered on the shoulders, Mozi long gown fluttered in the wind, his fair face revealed a sharp and cold look, and his thin lips were tightly closed, all of which showed his nobility and elegance. The man's body spun gently and stood under the car body.

Then someone put a wooden chair on the side.bWang Yun hurriedly offered the dry food, "Prince, eat something."

The man nodded and took it, "Tell everyone not to let down their guard. If we enter the jurisdiction of Yunzhou, my brother will probably become more crazy and more unscrupulous. It's not easy to get this opportunity. He will never let me go back easily."

"Yes, I understand." Wang Yun clasped his fists, and a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

"Hmm," the man opened his thin lips slightly and bit into the steamed bun, and his eyes were slightly lowered to hide the depth in his eyes. Half an hour later, the convoy left here.

The refugee team in Lijia Village also ended their rest and continued their journey westward. Luckily, they came across a village before nightfall. Some of Gulan and his group rested in the village forest. It was not that they did not want to enter the village. The entrance to the village was guarded by people just like Lingshan Town, and they were not allowed to enter. They were not robbers, so it was impossible for them to force their way in. They also understood their approach. If they were in another identity, they would do the same.

Since they were not allowed to enter, they took the next best option and rested in the forest. The environment here was not bad, and if they were lucky, they could even dig some wild vegetables. However, the village chief still went to negotiate, and he was very humble and sincere. He told the villagers here that they were just passing by and would leave early tomorrow morning. He hoped to buy some water and some extra food. The reason why he used the word "buy" was to reduce the villagers' defensive psychology.

In the end, the villagers of this village agreed to sell some water, but not food. Now food is so precious that only those who are kicked in the head by a donkey will sell food, but they can spare some vegetables.

Water is cheaper than that in Lingshan Town. Most people can afford this amount of money. A few people are too tight on money to pay. Several families will contribute one penny, and then use a small amount of grain to pay for the water. There is no other way. It is okay to not eat for a period of time, but it is unbearable to not drink water.

Gulan bought more than 20 coins of green vegetables, sword beans, and a few skinny eggplants. It has been almost a month since she came to this world. This is the first time she has seen such green vegetables. Gulan is a little excited. Does this mean that the situation here is getting better and better. Gulan is happy, and the villagers who sold vegetables are also happy. Several handfuls of vegetables are sold at several times the usual price.

The transaction was completed quickly. Fearing that the villagers here would think too much and misunderstand, Gulan and her group quickly left the village entrance and returned to the woods. These green vegetables are really rare. Although they do not meet the standards, they are happy to see them. Gulan decided to have a good meal. There is still half a rabbit meat left that I haven't eaten yet, so I'm going to have some rabbit meat and eggplant stew, and then make some porridge to eat with steamed buns. It smells so good just thinking about it.

The broken pottery jar had been eliminated, having completed its mission and was thrown on the road. On the fire sat the newly bought pottery jar, which Daya stared at carefully. On another fire sat a large iron pot, and a spoonful of white lard slid into the bottom of the pot, and instantly a scent of oil came out, attracting AnAn and Erya to look at it frequently.

When the oil temperature was about the same, the rabbit meat chopped into small pieces was poured into the pot, and with a "sizzle" sound, the smell came out immediately.

The Li brothers could not help but come over to take a few glances at the smell, and their envious eyes never left. However, they also had wolf meat, and stimulated by Gulan, they immediately went back to discuss with their parents to improve their meals. It was really hard to travel, and Old Man Li agreed without thinking for a while, and called his wife to cut off a piece of meat and make meat porridge. It didn't matter if Gulan cooked some rabbit meat, which made everyone crave meat, so most people in Lijia Village put a little pickled wolf meat in their cooking.

The meal was very satisfying. The only drawback was that there was no chili pepper. There seemed to be no trace of chili pepper in the original body's memory. I don't know if there is chili pepper in this world. If there is no chili pepper, Gulan's life will be less fun. She is a person who likes spicy food very much. Thinking of the delicious taste of spicy fried rabbit cubes, Gulan was a little depressed.

Nothing happened overnight. The next day, they said goodbye to the forest and set out on the road to escape from famine again. According to the village chief, they can reach Chicheng in one more day at most. I don't know what the situation in Chicheng is like and whether it will accept disaster victims. For a while, everyone was not calm. If the situation is good and the disaster victims are accepted, the village chief will not take everyone away if conditions permit.

After walking for so long, many people can't stand it. If they don't accept them, there is no way. They can only bite the bullet and continue to go west. Everyone is very uncertain.

They are almost in Chicheng, and everyone is both nervous and a little excited. The speed of the journey is very fast. Finally, the shadow of the city was seen in the morning of the next day. The wall of the city gate was very high, and they could see it from a long distance. As they got closer, the victims outside the city gate made everyone feel depressed instantly.

Gulan and the people of Lijia Village still chose to stop far away from the crowd, thinking about finding out clearly before making a decision. So the village chief led a few men to the city gate, and Gulan Li Da also followed, and the children were entrusted to Aunt Li.

After a while, they stopped at the wall of the city gate. There were city guards guarding the city gate, each with a spear in hand and a broadsword on his waist. There were wooden barriers nearly one person high blocking the outside of the city gate. Gulan and his group were about to approach when they were stopped by soldiers holding spears.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" A cold rebuke sounded, and a man who looked like a superior walked out of the corner, staring with tiger eyes and a bad face.

"Sir... We are fleeing from the disaster in Lin'an. We are not familiar with the rules here. If we have offended you, please calm down. We just want to know how to enter the city and how to accept people." Village Chief Li had never seen such a lineup before. He said tremblingly, and expressed his meaning.

The man glanced at them with a cold expression and said solemnly: "Don't you see that all the people outside the city are disaster victims? You are late. They are no longer accepted. They were not allowed to enter the city a few days ago. You should leave quickly."

"Sir, it is really not easy for all of us to get here. Please be kind. Is there really no other way?" Village Chief Li suppressed his fear and asked another question bravely, while stuffing the purse in his hand into the other party.

Although the weight was not much, the man's expression looked a little better, so he said: "It's not that there is no way. If you want to enter the city, you need to pay an entrance fee of 20 wen per person. If you want to settle in Chicheng, you need to pay a settlement fee of 500 wen per person. The prerequisite is that there must be a village willing to accept you."