"Have you been waiting long, Rodrigues?"
"Not really."
"Sit down, I'm sorry I kept you waiting."
"It is I who apologize for coming at this time of night."
"Is there something urgent?"
"Hmm! I want to say goodbye, Matias!"
"What? Where are you going, Rodrigues?"
"My uncle has asked me to come to a Mediterranean country, he has recommended all my paintings for the end of year exhibition."
"Really? When are you leaving?"
"Tomorrow morning, I will go to my uncle's house. I'll spend the night there. And the next day I'll go straight there with my cousin."
"How long will you be gone, Rodrigues?"
"I don't know! Probably for quite a long time."
"You really are! You know, Nivea and I are in a relationship."
"Really? You're not dreaming are you?"
"I'm talking seriously, Rodrigues! And we already have the approval of the duke Eduardo and his wife."
"Wow! I congratulate you, Matias! You've managed to get the girl of your dreams."