Chapter 17-18 – The Heretic Judge

It's hard to keep staring at those bloody eyes.

I tucked the handkerchief I wiped my mouth into my pocket again and quietly closed my eyes.

'I'm sorry, father.'

'I promised to see you someday, but I never thought I'd see you this soon.'

'How's my mother? I miss my grandpa and grandma too. Maybe I can come to see you today.'


I coughed and opened my eyes at the sad tone of the elf.

The situation has not changed in the slightest, but after imagining death, I feel that my mind becomes calm like clear water.

Either die or die anyway. In addition, I was born into a prestigious aristocratic family and learned a lot of life skills. Sometimes adversity....

No, even in such adversity, you will be able to find a way out.


If I let the elf talk, I will lose the initiative in the conversation. Being deprived of the initiative in the conversation would soon lead to my ruin, so I couldn't sit still.

"Shut up."

I clicked my tongue and put my hand down, holding the tableware.

"How long are you going to whine in front of me with such a vulgar face? Or is it a plot to make me lose my appetite?"

"No. I just wanted to let you know that someone played a prank on the master's courtyard."

"Wouldn't it be okay if you just let me know? I mean, don't be foolish as if there is a reward you want for slavery."

A question mark appeared on the elf's complexion. It seemed that I came out so proudly that I thought, 'Isn't it criminal?' Then there was a need to drive a wedge here.


I shouted loudly, and the chef in the kitchen next to the restaurant opened the door and came in. A middle-aged man with a flat face ran up to me and bowed his head.

"Did you call, Master?"

"Okay. There are uninvited guests at the dinner table, so you have to kick them out."

"If you are an uninvited guest..."

The chef looked back at the elf and was startled. It must have been because the burnt-out clothes barely covered her breasts, which looked strange even at first glance.

Moreover, the elf was so good at cooking that she sometimes helped as the chef's assistant cook. It was only natural that the good-hearted chef looked worried.

"Gwa, are you okay?"

The elf looked at the chef's question. The chef was startled by the cool light in her eyes, and his shoulders trembled.

"Chef. Could you tell me when the master started eating?"

In an ice-cold tone, the chef looked at me in a cold sweat. He would ask my doctor if he could answer the slave's question.

I calmly nodded. It was also for this reason that I called the chef here.

After receiving my permission, the chef swallowed his saliva and opened his thick lips.

"He must have started eating ten minutes ago. It was around that time when I served the food."

"Aha. Was it ten minutes ago?"

The elf's gaze goes to the plate in front of me. A while ago, I desperately ate food to avoid the elf's suspicion, so half of the meat or salad in front of me was gone.

It adds credibility to the testimony that he had eaten ten minutes ago.

"Yes. Surely the master ate ten minutes ago."

So who are you? The elf shook her shoulders and laughed lowly. The sight was so creepy that both the chef and I had no choice but to remain silent for a while.

After about a minute had passed, the elf, who had stopped laughing, bit her lips.

"I'm sorry, master. I came into the restaurant with this look. As a punishment, I will have to starve today. That's right, right?"

Had an elf ever so stubbornly revealed its intentions? I don't know what it is, but it was clear that I was more than angry, so I didn't bother throwing up.

"That, yes. Get out of here first!!."

"Yes. Have a nice dinner, master~"

The elf gave me a bow and went out through the door of the restaurant.

I held the straight posture until the elf disappeared from sight, and when the elf was no longer visible, I tugged at the brooch around my neck and let out a rough breath.

'Sah, lived....'

It was fortunate that the alibi and improvisation prepared in advance worked well. If it wasn't for that, the elf's dinner would have been me today.


As the tension in the body is released, it feels as if the stomach is flowing backwards. After moaning for a while with my mouth shut, I leaned weakly against the back of the chair.

"I feel like throwing up."

At my muttering, the chef takes a deep breath and opens his eyes wide. I wanted to, but when I looked at him, I saw that his eyes were welling up with tears.

"I'm sorry. How far my cooking skills have deteriorated to the point where the head of the family can say that he is going to vomit... and has no face!"


"No. I don't mean that."

"We will handle more fresh ingredients and will not neglect our dedication to cooking! So please don't cancel our employment."

"Hey, chef? calm down!!"

"Right. This is not the time. We will develop a new recipe right now. Trust us, and leave it to us. I will cook the best dishes to satisfy the head of the household."

The chef, who had made up his mind with watery eyes, bowed to me and then turned around and strode away.

I felt sorry for causing misunderstandings, but it seemed like there was no need to stop him from devoting himself to cooking, which is his duty.

After losing my appetite, I raised my left hand and pressed the ring worn on my index finger. It was because I wanted to know what state the elf was in now.


The blue energy radiated from the ring creates a square window, revealing the elf's room.

The elf who arrived in the room was sitting on the bed, staring blankly at the front. I have no idea what she is thinking.

─ Who is it?

The elf, who had not moved in the same position for a long time, exclaimed nervously. Then, the two eyes narrowed sharply, and the brow was hollowed out.

─ Who was after my toy?

Toy? Could it be that this elf believes that it was not me who planted the magic weapon in the courtyard, but that an assassin who was instigated by someone planted the magic weapon targeting me? Did she step on it by mistake?

It was an absurd guess, but it might be quite reasonable for the elf who believed in my innocence. Whatever it was, I was glad I was excluded as a suspect.

─ It's annoying.

Tsk. The tongue-tied elf lay down on the bed. Charming silver hair unfolded like a fan, soaking up the moonlight that streamed in.

I turned off the surveillance object while watching the elf blink blood-red eyes in her daydreams while staring at the ceiling. I thought I didn't need to see any more.

'I'm glad she don't think of me as the culprit.'

The condition of the elves changed to low pressure. Until the elf's mood is relieved, it would be better to keep the frequency of encounters to a minimum.

If I insisted on sexual torture just to ease my mood, my lifeline could have been cut off.

'The butler said that the heretic judge was coming.'

'Before that, if I had sexually tortured an elf and he witnessed it, it was no different than giving the Heresy Judge the excuse for heresy. Until then, let's do my best.'

'I can ask the chamberlain to clean the front yard.'

The distance between my office and the front yard of the mansion was quite far, so if I was careful, I should be able to spend a few days without any problems. Having made a rough plan, I sighed and raised the tableware.

'I think he misunderstood. If I eat everything, the chef will like it.'

Thanks to the elf, my appetite ran away, but I couldn't leave the food that others had carefully prepared.


Three days later,.


Following the bishop's order, the heretic judge, who had been dispatched to the mansion of Viscount Deharm, raised his head. Dressed in a black priestly robe, a sharp sword was worn around his waist.

"It's a luxurious mansion even at first glance."

The huge mansion that could not be seen at a glance had enough power to shrink the psychology of visitors.

Naturally, you think about 'what a great person the owner of this mansion is'.

However, the god Hamtar, the heretic judge serving the god of light, was not very impressed. This is because there was no need to be in awe of a building built by a mere human, not a god, with the help of capitalism.

'Poverty, chastity, and obedience.'

According to the gospel given by God to human beings, such extravagance by nobles was tantamount to indirectly deceiving God.

'Are these savage nobles unaware that the only thing allowed to build a splendid and magnificent building is a church dedicated to a god?'

It is disgusting to see nobles who claim to be followers of the god of light but do not follow the teachings properly.

The god Hamtar stuck out his tongue and moved his steps towards the courtyard of his mansion. Since he had not been warned of a visit, no one came out to meet him.

Hamtar-sin also did not want to meet him, so the fact was not unpleasant. He just scanned the well-pruned front yard with indifferent eyes.

'It seems that the reputation is not a lie.'

Looking at the round, pruned shrubs stretching along the road and the bentgrass grass cut at a certain height, he felt the dignity of the head of the house.

If the front yard was so well maintained, the education of the servants and slaves must have been ensured.

Hamtarsin hesitated as he walked to the entrance of the mansion, thinking that maybe he would be treated lavishly.

'What is it?'

It was because a woman with pointy ears was cutting an expensive-looking shrub with her pruning shears.

Hamtarsin, who looked at her beautiful appearance as if bewitched, was able to infer the woman's identity without difficulty.

'Elf... ? That's a slave.'

Seeing that the clothes she is wearing are no different from those of a mat, it is clear that she is a slave. The god Hamtar, who had his heart full, approached the elf with haughty strides.


But the elf didn't answer. He had no idea what she was thinking at the time; she was just hacking her shrubbery with her stonic face.

"Can't you hear me?"

He tried again, but there was no answer. She seemed to be immersed in her own world, as if she were immersed in it because she could not find the answer to a major problem.

No matter how much it was, the guest of the mansion and the heretic judge were talking to her, but she was ignoring him.

She is also a subspecies abandoned by God and put in a position of slavery.

In a fit of anger, the god Hamtar strode over to the elf, seized her by the wrist, and yanked her.

"Don't ignore the question. This subspecies...."

God Hamtar, who was about to give a sermon, flinched involuntarily.

It was because the elf, who was looking up at him with her head tilted, was creepily frightened for some reason.

Prayers flow spontaneously from his heart, and instincts ring the alarm.

It felt as if a huge darkness was looming over me. As the god Hamtar hesitated while letting out painful saliva, the elf murmured briefly.

"Let go."

There was an irresistible sense of intimidation in her monotonous voice.

Cold sweat dripped from Hamtarsin's forehead and dripped down along the jawline.

Why is it that a mere slave in the mansion is exuding this level of energy?

'Oh God. Do not lead me into temptation...'

When the god Hamtar thought about what this mansion was doing, he felt a fear beyond measure.