Chapter 24-25 – Uncomfortable Accompaniment

This morning was more refreshing.

The chirping of birds forms a beautiful harmony, and the sunlight pouring in from the window through the twigs of the trees flutters like a curtain of light.

To borrow a phrase often used by minstrels, yes. The world was shining brightly.

'The god of light is blessing me.'


The courtyard seen through the window of the room could not be this beautiful.

The courtyard created by human power is dyed in all natural colors, conveying a sense of security to the mind. There are still remnants of the explosion, but anyway.

'Did you forgive me, father?'

Changing his clothes, he greeted his father, who maintained a lofty figure in the center of the courtyard.

He hasn't been able to face the stone statue properly since he realized the elf's intentions, but now it's completely different from then.

'Please wait a moment. The Order of the Church of Balance will soon be dispatched.'

Hamtar must have realized the elves' intentions and returned, so he must have visited the bishop of the diocese and told him about the dangers of the elves.

The bishop, who noticed that I was in danger, would ask the church for help, and the church that received the report would consider dispatching knights.

In the process, if the Holy Father or His Holiness the Holy Lady acknowledged my grievances, the icing on the cake! With the help of the church, I will be able to drive out the vicious elves living in my mansion!

'I guess there's a hole to live in even if the sky collapses.'

This opportunity must have been bestowed by the God of Light. It felt like being rewarded for living faithfully without breaking the precepts.


While I am in a happy mood, I hear a knock. I listened in that direction and rolled up the cuffs of my coat.


"Breakfast is ready, Head of the House."

"Let's go soon. Please tell the chef."

"Yes. All right."

The sound of the servant's footsteps faded away. I dressed up as usual, put the brooch around my neck, and headed to the restaurant.

When I arrived at the dinner table, the first thing I saw was an elf lying on his stomach and showing the back of her head. There was a bowl of dog food right in front of her, and on top of it, indescribable food waste was piled up neatly.

'... I don't understand.'

'Why are you so obsessed with eating food waste? No matter how much this is part of the play, I think it was a bit too much. It's an elf that eats it, but it hurts my stomach for nothing.'

As I approached with a timid expression, the elf who heard footsteps trembled and let out a voice.

"M-master, good morning, master..."

"Okay. It was a good morning until just now. But when I see your face, my good mood goes away. It's about as unpleasant as it gets. You are too filthy."

I ignored the lightly sobbing elf and sat down at the table. When I picked up the spoon, the elf started licking the food scraps on the dog bowl as usual.

"You are greedy enough to eat it."

With a forced laugh, I turned my head and cut off the well-seasoned steak. When I took a bite with a fork, the meat's gravy spread all over my mouth with the savory scent of butter.

The meat was soft and not too tough, so it was chewy. The chef, who misunderstood my words, must have put all his heart and soul into displaying his skills.

Although I felt a little sorry, it wasn't bad because I was able to eat delicious food as a result. When I finished about half of the food, I heard a squeaking noise from nearby.

"Hey, hey...."

The elf was drooling with her eyes half-open, probably because she was eating food waste. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her slender body trembled miserably. Anyone could see that it was difficult to eat food waste.

'Should I tell her to stop now?'

No matter how much this is part of play, isn't it playing around with what you eat? Maybe the elves hate this too.

After thinking, I took the leftover steak, walked over to the elf, and knelt down on my knee. The gaze of the elf, who was struggling, naturally reached me.

"The punishment for breaking the expensive pot was good enough."

As I was about to offer a steak, I felt the elf's expression change. I took a deep breath and quickly corrected my actions.

"I'll give you a special meal as a reward."

I lowered the plate at an angle and dropped the steak onto the food waste. Only then did the elf's expression not turn angry.

Thank god. I sighed and tossed the plate nearby.

"Specially, I will let you take care of the food I used to eat. It's an undeserved reward for four years of being nothing more than vulgar bitches. Isn't it?"

"Ha, but. I can't eat anymore because I'm full."

"Should I care about your situation? Or do you think you want to be beaten again like before?"

Hehe! Sorry, sorry…!"

The elf freaked out and threw her face into her bowl of dog food.

"Hey. Huh…."

A noble elf in the Great Forest is eating food waste with her face buried in her bowl of dog food. That's because it's on its own.

After looking down at the grotesque scene for a while, I sighed and stood up.

'She says she wants it, but it'll be fine.'

If I interfere and go against the elf's heart, I will only be in trouble. In order not to arouse the elf's suspicion, I blatantly clicked my tongue and left the restaurant.

When I cross the hallway and come out to the front yard, a clear sky welcomes me. The cool wind blowing was bringing happiness to the world, but my mood was just mixed.

'No, why....'

Tears welled up in my eyes as I saw the cedar book the elf had messily cut off her branches in front of me


It was a precious gift that I received from a merchant I was close with on the day I became the head of the Deharm family. It's a beautiful shrub airlifted from the southern archipelago, so it goes without saying that its value is high.

'The damn elf...'

Now it has degenerated into an unsightly shrub. The tree, which had been carefully managed by giving it the name Theorad II, lost its beauty at once from the elf's mischief.

Looking at the ruins of the water pipe, a piece of my heart aches. Did you say it's beautiful. I felt like this tree was representing my current situation, so I felt emotional for no reason.

'I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. But be patient. As soon as the Knights of the Order come to this mansion, that wicked elf will receive the punishment she deserves.'

As I was giving consolation, whether to the tree or to myself, I heard the rattling of the wheels of a wagon from the other side.

Wanting something, I turned my head and saw a four-wheeled carriage approaching the front door of the mansion. At first, I thought it was a passing road, but it wasn't.

─ Wow! Woah!

At the same time as the coachman's command, the carriage stops neatly at the front gate of the mansion. Looking blankly at the side, I was quite surprised.

'The family of Count Pelgarin.'

Looking at the side of the carriage, embossed with a swan with outstretched wings, it was clear that the carriage had been sent by the count.

I gulped, adjusted my clothes, and approached the carriage as I walked in a novel manner. The knight in the driver's seat jumped down and bowed to me.

"Lord Theorad Deham. It is an honor to meet you."

Looking at her wide back and rugged body, it was clear that she had long bones. She had an appearance that suited her well, but ironically, she was not a man.

Judging by the protruding chest of the breastplate, it was clear that it was a knight. In addition, looking at the blue flag engraved on the shoulder of the breastplate, it was a knight from the Knights Order.

'Woman passed through the Knights Templar and became a Knight?'

It is clear that the power of the family to which they belong is high or that their skills are tremendous. Well, it's a knight that His Excellency the Count sent me to escort. There will never be a mediocre skill.

"Nice to meet you. What can I call you?"

"Please feel free to call me Marhan."

"Yes, Marhan. Why did His Excellency the Count send you?"

"It is to bring the Lord Theorad Deharm to the castle as His Excellency Regent."

Be the regent. It's a name that makes me feel good.

"It seems that His Excellency the Count has ascended to the ecliptic, right?"

"Yes. I hope you understand that I couldn't send you a letter in advance because the time came earlier than expected."

"Of course. You can't give priority to rights in a position where you have the duty of a vassal. I will come right away with my luggage, so wait here."

Marhan made a slightly surprised expression.

"Your Excellency Regent. There is no need to be in such a hurry."

"It's because I'm in a hurry. It won't take an hour at most, so stay tuned."

"What? All right."

"Come soon."

After smiling at Marhan, I turned around and walked away. The corners of my mouth smirk for no reason, and resentment dwells in my steps.

'It means I can get away from the elves for a while, this!'

There was no reason to be happy.


Indeed, less than an hour later, I returned to the wagon with my luggage. On the way, I was worried that I would run into an elf cleaning the mansion (one of the elves' morning routines).

" Give me your baggage."

"I will."

Marhan approaches me and takes over the baggage. She walked quickly to the driver's seat, secured his luggage in the carriage, and was ready to open the carriage door.

I took a leisurely step and watched it happily. My mind was full of flowers.

'If I go to the castle, I won't have to take care of the elves, so I'll be able to tell Esily about my situation.'

'This will clear up any misunderstandings and get my relationship back to normal.'

I feel better when I think about spending a sweet time in the castle with Esily, who later became friendly with me.

In addition, during the time spent in the castle, the church will consider dispatching knights, killing two birds with one stone. No matter how you think about it, doesn't it work out too well?

'Can I be this happy?'

Did you say don't be new to life? At the end of hardship, happiness comes. In fact, how much had he been swayed by the evil spirits of the elves? Now it was time for her to relax and come back.

'I've had a hard time.'

As he walked away, wiping the tears from his eyes, Marhan opened the carriage door.

"Thank you."

I sent a greeting with a smile and looked up to board the wagon, but then I froze.

"I am ready, master..."

'Fuck am Elf??!!!!!'

An elf was sitting on the seat of the wagon.

'Why... ?'

Why the hell did the elf get into the wagon before me? My mind goes blank because I don't understand. My alter ego, which was running around the flower garden in my head, was eaten by an elf in the form of a dragon.

A total mess, indeed. In the midst of cold sweat and trembling pupils, Marhan came closer and trembled.

"I heard that His Excellency the Regent's favorite slave was her, so I brought her aside. Although I am a woman, I know a lot about men's desires. You will have to stay at the castle for at least a week, so shouldn't you relieve your sexual desire from time to time?"


He pulls the back of his neck as he watches Marhan burst out laughing.

'What are you splitting up, you bastard?'

Why are you doing something I didn't even ask you to do? Why! Why are you like that? I wanted to shout at least, but only then did my body fall to the floor.

I was angry all winter and touched the brooch around my neck.

"Marhan. Is it right for you to act as the count's substitute?"

"Yes? It is."

"Then, as the count's representative, I will issue the first order."

Raising my hands and shaking with anger, I glared at Marhan and bit my teeth.

"You will, unconditionally, receive the death penalty."