First deal

"So what do I do now?" Charlomaine said, thinking to himself. "Hey system, got anything?"

[ How about this: Visit the cannibal town, maybe make a soul deal with the leader. ]

Charlomaine raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the suggestion. "Cannibal town, huh? That sounds... interesting. Alright, system, let's see what this place has to offer."

With a newfound sense of purpose, Charlomaine left his quarters, Joyeuse at his side, and headed towards the chaotic heart of Hell, ready to explore the next challenge that awaited him.

As Charlomaine arrived at the town, he braced himself for chaos—demons devouring each other, mass panic, and brawls breaking out in the streets. However, to his surprise, the scene before him was entirely different.

The town was bustling with activity, but not the kind he'd anticipated. Demons were living normal lives, going about their business, and even smiling. Shops lined the streets, with vendors selling various goods, and laughter could be heard from a nearby tavern. Children played in the streets, their carefree giggles a stark contrast to the turmoil he had imagined.

Charlomaine walked through the town, observing the harmony and camaraderie among the inhabitants. He couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the peaceful atmosphere.

"This is not what I expected," he muttered to himself. "System, are you sure this is the right place?"

[ Yes, this is the cannibal town. Despite their nature, the residents have established a semblance of normalcy. ]

Charlomaine shook his head in amazement. "Well, let's find the leader and see what kind of deal we can strike."

As he continued his journey through the town, he noticed a large building at the center, more ornate and well-guarded than the others. It seemed like the obvious place to find the leader.

Approaching the building, Charlomaine was stopped by a pair of guards. "State your business," one of them growled.

"I'm here to see your leader," Charlomaine replied confidently. "I have a proposal that might interest him."

The guards exchanged glances before one of them nodded and opened the door. "Follow me."

Charlomaine followed the guard through the building, taking in the opulent decor and the calm yet alert demons who filled the halls. They soon reached a grand room where a figure sat on a throne, exuding an air of authority and power.

"Welcome," the leader said, his voice resonating with confidence. "I am Balthazar, the leader of this town. What brings you here, stranger?"

Charlomaine stepped forward, meeting Balthazar's gaze with determination. "My name is Charlomaine, and I have a proposition for you."

Balthazar leaned forward, intrigued. "Go on."

Charlomaine took a deep breath, ready to lay out his plan and see if he could forge a valuable alliance in this unexpected haven of peace.

"Need something to eat, young prince?" Balthazar asked, pulling out a box filled with severed demon fingers. He held it out, offering it to Charlomaine with a casual smile. "What one catches your fancy?"

Charlomaine hesitated for a moment, then picked a finger that looked less menacing than the others. "Um, sure," he said, taking a tentative bite before deciding to finish it. To his surprise, it tasted somewhat like chicken.

"Weirdly tastes like chicken," Charlomaine remarked, trying to keep his expression neutral.

Balthazar chuckled. "A common observation among newcomers. Now, Charlomaine, what is this proposition you mentioned?"

Charlomaine wiped his hands, straightened up, and met Balthazar's gaze. "I've come to discuss a potential alliance. Your town seems to be thriving amidst the chaos of Hell, and I believe we can help each other."

Balthazar's eyes narrowed slightly, intrigued. "An alliance with the prince of Hell? What exactly do you propose?"

Charlomaine took a deep breath, considering his words carefully. "I propose a mutual benefit agreement. I have access to resources and connections that could bolster your town's security and prosperity. In return, I ask for your support in my endeavors."

Balthazar leaned back in his throne, tapping his fingers together thoughtfully. "Your offer is intriguing, Charlomaine. But alliances in Hell are not made lightly. What assurance do I have that this won't bring trouble to my doorstep?"

Charlomaine nodded, expecting this skepticism. "I understand your concerns. I can provide a sample of the benefits right away. Additionally, I promise to handle any potential threats that come our way. My presence here will serve as a shield for your town, deterring would-be aggressors."

Balthazar considered this for a moment before nodding. "Very well, young prince. I will consider your proposal. In the meantime, why don't you stay and observe our town? See how we operate. Perhaps it will give you more insight into how our alliance can be mutually beneficial."

Charlomaine smiled, relieved that the conversation was heading in a positive direction. "Thank you, Balthazar. I appreciate the opportunity."

Balthazar waved a hand dismissively. "Enjoy your stay, Charlomaine. We'll speak again soon."

As Charlomaine left the throne room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. His first diplomatic mission was off to a promising start. He decided to take Balthazar's advice and explore the town further, learning more about its unique way of life and thinking of ways to strengthen this potential alliance.

"Before I go," Charlomaine said, extending his hand. "Let's shake on it."

Balthazar raised an eyebrow, understanding the gravity of a handshake in Hell. A soul deal at such a young age, truly marking Charlomaine as a prince of Hell. The boy was ready to bind their agreement with something more profound.

Balthazar laughed heartily. "Ahahaha! You've got spirit, young prince." He grasped Charlomaine's hand firmly. As their hands connected, a rainbow light enveloped them, and shimmering chains wrapped around their wrists, signifying the binding of their souls in agreement.

"You see," Balthazar said, his eyes gleaming with ambition. "I want to be an overlord, and this deal is my stepping stone."

Charlomaine met his gaze, the rainbow chains tightening momentarily before fading. "Then our deal is made. I'll help you achieve your ambitions, and in return, you'll support mine."

Balthazar nodded, his grin widening. "Consider it done, young prince. We'll both rise together."

Charlomaine released Balthazar's hand and took a step back. "I'll take my leave now. I look forward to seeing how our alliance shapes the future."

As Charlomaine walked away, the weight of the soul deal settled over him. He knew this was just the beginning of his journey in the treacherous world of Hell. With Joyeuse at his side and the Charlomaine system guiding him, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"System," Charlomaine thought as he exited the town, "what's next on the agenda?"

[ You have completed a significant diplomatic mission. You are now ready to embark on a new quest. Would you like to review your available skills or proceed to the next challenge? ]

"Let's review my skills," Charlomaine decided, wanting to ensure he was fully prepared for whatever came next.

[ Reviewing skills:

1. Diplomatic Management: Enhances your ability to negotiate and form alliances, increases influence in political matters.

2. Swordsmanship Mastery: Utilizes your past life's expertise with Joyeuse, enhancing combat effectiveness.

3. Leadership Aura: Projects an aura of confidence and command, inspiring allies and intimidating foes.

Would you like to activate or upgrade any skills? ]

Charlomaine considered the options. "Activate Leadership Aura. It might come in handy for the next steps."

[ Leadership Aura activated. You will now project a commanding presence, improving morale among allies and instilling fear in enemies. ]

Feeling a surge of newfound power, Charlomaine nodded to himself. "Alright, system. What's the next challenge?"

[ New quest: Investigate the Rise of the New Overlord.

Objective: Gather information on the new overlord causing unrest in Hell. Determine their strengths, weaknesses, and potential threats to your alliance with Balthazar.

Reward: Enhanced strategic insight and a new skill unlock. ]

"An investigation," Charlomaine mused. "Sounds like the perfect opportunity to test my new skills."

With a determined resolve, Charlomaine set off on his new quest, ready to uncover the mysteries surrounding the new overlord and further solidify his path as the prince of Hell.

"Let's see," Charlomaine muttered, closing his eyes and focusing on the 30% of information he had access to. After a moment of contemplation, he reached a conclusion. "Alastor hasn't been born or died, so it can't be him. It must be Zestial."

Charlomaine opened his eyes, feeling a mixture of curiosity and determination. The name Zestial triggered memories and bits of knowledge he had accumulated. This new overlord was known for his ruthlessness and cunning, traits that made him a significant threat in the power dynamics of Hell.

"Alright, system," Charlomaine said, his voice steady. "What can you tell me about Zestial?"

[ Zestial: A formidable demon with ambitions to upset the current balance of power. Known for his strategic mind and ability to manipulate those around him. Current activities include gathering followers and consolidating power in the western territories. Recommended actions: Gather intelligence, assess potential allies, and determine weaknesses. ]

Charlomaine nodded thoughtfully. "Looks like I'll need to do some reconnaissance. I need to know who his allies are and what he's planning. Maybe even find some of his weaknesses."

With a plan forming in his mind, Charlomaine set off towards the western territories. He knew that the journey would be dangerous, but he felt confident with Joyeuse at his side and the Charlomaine system to guide him.

As he traveled, Charlomaine kept his eyes and ears open, absorbing the sights and sounds of Hell's landscape. The journey took him through desolate wastelands, bustling demon towns, and treacherous terrain, each step bringing him closer to Zestial's domain.

Upon reaching the outskirts of the western territories, Charlomaine decided to gather information from the locals. He approached a group of demons who seemed to be engaged in a heated discussion.

"Excuse me," Charlomaine said, his Leadership Aura subtly influencing the demons to regard him with respect. "I'm looking for information about Zestial. Can you help me?"

The demons exchanged glances before one of them, a grizzled veteran with a scar running down his face, stepped forward. "Zestial, huh? He's been making a lot of noise lately. Word is he's planning something big. But you'd have to talk to his right-hand man, Grax, to get the details."

"Where can I find this Grax?" Charlomaine asked.

"He's usually found at the old fortress on the hill," the demon replied, pointing towards a distant, imposing structure. "But be careful. Grax is as dangerous as they come."

Charlomaine thanked the demon and headed towards the fortress. The path was steep and winding, but he pressed on, determined to uncover Zestial's plans.

As he approached the fortress, Charlomaine felt a surge of anticipation. This was his chance to make a significant impact in the power struggles of Hell. He steeled himself and entered the fortress, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him.

Inside, the fortress was dimly lit, with shadows dancing across the stone walls. Charlomaine moved cautiously, aware that any misstep could lead to disaster. He navigated the corridors, following the faint sounds of voices until he reached a large chamber.

There, he saw Grax, a towering demon with a menacing presence, surrounded by several subordinates. Charlomaine took a deep breath and stepped forward, his Leadership Aura helping him project confidence and authority.

"Grax," Charlomaine called out, drawing the demon's attention. "I need to speak with you about Zestial."

Grax turned to face him, a look of curiosity mixed with suspicion on his face. "And who are you to demand an audience with me?"

"I'm Charlomaine, prince of Hell," Charlomaine replied, standing tall. "I believe we have mutual interests regarding Zestial's ambitions."

A tense silence followed, but Grax's curiosity seemed to outweigh his suspicion. "Very well, prince. Speak your piece."

Charlomaine took a step closer, his mind racing with possibilities. "I want to know what Zestial is planning and how we can both benefit from this knowledge. Perhaps there's a way for us to collaborate and ensure that his rise doesn't threaten our positions."

Grax studied Charlomaine for a moment before nodding slowly. "Alright, prince. Let's talk."

As they began to discuss Zestial's plans and potential strategies, Charlomaine felt a sense of accomplishment. This was just the beginning, but he knew he was on the right path to securing his place in the complex world of Hell.

Charlomaine and Grax moved to a more private part of the chamber to discuss the details. The dim lighting created a sense of intimacy, though the tension in the air was palpable.

"Zestial is ambitious," Grax began, his voice low. "He's been rallying demons from all over Hell, promising them power and protection in exchange for their loyalty. He's planning to launch an offensive against the established overlords, aiming to destabilize the entire hierarchy."

Charlomaine nodded, absorbing the information. "And his weaknesses? Every demon has them."

Grax smirked, clearly impressed by Charlomaine's perceptiveness. "Zestial is powerful, but he's overconfident. He believes his sheer strength and numbers will be enough to crush any opposition. He's also heavily reliant on his lieutenants. If we can turn some of them against him or eliminate them, it would weaken his position significantly."

Charlomaine considered this. "Do you have anyone in mind who might be willing to switch sides?"

"There's one," Grax replied. "Her name is Vespera. She's cunning and ambitious, but she's not fully loyal to Zestial. She sees him as a means to an end. If you can convince her that siding with us is more beneficial, she might be swayed."

"Where can I find her?" Charlomaine asked.

"She frequents a place called the Abyssal Tavern," Grax said. "It's a dangerous spot, but I have a feeling you can handle yourself."

Charlomaine nodded, his resolve strengthening. "Thank you, Grax. This could be the beginning of a fruitful alliance."

Grax extended his hand. "Indeed, prince. May our collaboration bring us both power and success."

They shook hands, sealing their tentative alliance. Charlomaine left the fortress with a new sense of purpose, heading towards the Abyssal Tavern. The journey was treacherous, but he navigated the perilous paths with determination, his mind focused on the task ahead.

The Abyssal Tavern was as dangerous as Grax had warned. It was filled with demons of all kinds, each one more sinister than the last. Charlomaine entered the establishment, his presence immediately drawing attention. He scanned the room, searching for Vespera.

It didn't take long to spot her. Vespera was seated in a dark corner, her eyes scanning the room with a predatory gaze. Charlomaine approached her, his Leadership Aura subtly influencing the demons around him to part and make way.

"Vespera," he said, standing before her table.

She looked up, her eyes narrowing. "And who might you be?"

"Charlomaine, prince of Hell," he replied, taking a seat across from her. "I have a proposition for you."

Vespera raised an eyebrow. "A prince, you say? And what makes you think I'd be interested in your proposition?"

"Because you're smart enough to recognize an opportunity when you see one," Charlomaine said, his voice steady. "Zestial's rise to power is unstable. Aligning with him is a gamble. But if you join forces with me, we can ensure a more balanced and secure future for both of us."

Vespera leaned back, considering his words. "And what exactly are you offering?"

"Power, influence, and the chance to be on the winning side," Charlomaine replied. "We plan to undermine Zestial's efforts and take control. Your skills and knowledge would be invaluable in this endeavor."

A slow smile spread across Vespera's face. "Interesting. Very interesting. But how do I know you're serious?"

Charlomaine leaned forward, his eyes locking with hers. "I'm prepared to offer you a position of power in the new order we create. You'll have a say in how things are run, and your ambitions will be supported."

Vespera's smile widened. "Alright, prince. You've piqued my interest. I'll consider your offer."

Charlomaine extended his hand. "Then let's make it official."

Vespera looked at his hand for a moment before taking it. A rainbow light enveloped their hands, symbolizing the binding agreement between them.

"It's a deal," she said, her voice filled with determination.

Charlomaine nodded, feeling a sense of triumph. With Vespera on his side, the plan to undermine Zestial was already gaining momentum. The path ahead would be challenging, but he was ready to face whatever came next, armed with his allies and the power of the Charlomaine system.

As they left the tavern, Charlomaine's mind raced with strategies and plans. He knew that this was just the beginning, but with each step, he was getting closer to securing his place in the chaotic world of Hell.

To be continued

Anwya hope people like this Ch and give me power stones, and to get thing clear, this is the same Charlomaine from fate/extra and fate go, also before more people ask no he didn't notice replace Charlie