Gluttony or Sloth

So what know. Astolfo siad looking at them. Where do we go next week never visited Gluttony we went to greed or do we go to the 7th and final ring last Sloth

Charlomaine considered Astolfo's question, looking thoughtfully at his assembled knights. They had braved many trials and gathered powerful allies, but their journey was far from over. Each ring presented unique challenges, and their strategy needed careful planning.

Charlomaine addressed the group. "Gluttony or Sloth... Both rings have their dangers. Gluttony is ruled by Beelzebub, known for her insatiable hunger and cunning mind. It's a place where indulgence and excess can be as deadly as any weapon. Sloth, on the other hand, is a place of stagnation and lethargy, but don't underestimate its dangers. Belphegor might appear lazy, but he's a master of traps and deception."

Olivier nodded, adjusting his glasses. "Given our current lineup and the abilities we possess, Gluttony might offer us more opportunities to gain allies and resources. Beelzebub is a strategist; if we can convince him, his insights and network could be invaluable."

Zestial chimed in. "Plus, Gluttony has a variety of inhabitants and challenges that could help us prepare better for Sloth. Facing Beelzebub first might make dealing with Belphegor's traps easier."

Charlomaine turned to Leviathan. "Uncle, what do you think? Any advice on which ring to tackle next?"

Leviathan, still observing the group with his multiple eyes, pondered the question. "Both paths have their merits. Beelzebub's domain will test your ability to resist temptation and think strategically. It's a place where cunning and resilience are key. Belphegor's realm will demand patience and awareness; it is easy to fall into complacency there. If you feel your group is ready for a more direct challenge, Gluttony might be the better choice. If you prefer to refine your coordination and preparedness, perhaps Sloth is the way."

Serafall, standing beside Leviathan, added, "Whichever you choose, remember that these rings aren't just about physical challenges. They'll test your resolve, your unity as a group, and your ability to adapt."

Charlomaine took a deep breath, weighing the options. He turned back to his knights. "We've come this far by trusting each other and facing every challenge head-on. I think we're ready to face the cunning of Gluttony. Beelzebub's insights could be crucial for our final steps. We'll head to Gluttony next."

The knights nodded in agreement, their resolve strengthening. With their decision made, they prepared for the next leg of their journey.

Leviathan gave them a final piece of advice. "Be wary in Gluttony. The temptations there can be overwhelming. Stay true to your mission and to each other."

Leviathan nodded solemnly. "Yes, Charlomaine. Beelzebub has undergone a transformation. She's now what humans would call a 'kemonomimi,' part animal. Specifically, she's taken on characteristics of a fox."

Charlomaine blinked, processing this new information. "So, she has fox ears and a tail now? That's... unexpected."

Leviathan smiled faintly. "Indeed. The change hasn't affected her strategic mind or her power, but it has influenced her demeanor. She's more playful and tricky now, embodying the cunning nature of a fox. This makes her both more unpredictable and dangerous."

Astolfo scratched his head. "Does this mean her domain is different too? More wild or something?"

Serafall stepped in. "Yes, Gluttony has transformed under Beelzebub's new form. The landscapes are more diverse, ranging from dense, enchanted forests to vast, decadent banquets. You'll need to be prepared for anything."

Olivier adjusted his glasses. "A cunning, fox-like ruler in a ring designed to exploit excess and indulgence. We'll need to be sharp and avoid falling into her traps."

Charlomaine looked at his knights, seeing their determination mirrored in their eyes. "We'll stay on guard. We've faced many challenges before, and we'll face this one together. Let's head to Gluttony and see what Beelzebub has in store for us."

Leviathan nodded approvingly. "Remember, Charlomaine, trust in your knights and your own abilities. You'll need both cunning and strength to navigate Gluttony."

Leviathan chuckled. "Yes, that's an apt description. Beelzebub has always had a unique way of evolving."

Serafall nodded. "Her transformation reflects her cunning nature and her command over excess. It's no longer just about devouring, but about luring and tricking her prey."

Astolfo tilted his head. "So, we're walking into a domain ruled by a fox-fly hybrid with a penchant for deception. Sounds... fun."

Olivier sighed. "It means we need to be even more careful. She'll likely set traps that appeal to our desires and weaknesses."

Charlomaine nodded, determination in his eyes. "We'll stay focused. We have a mission, and nothing will deter us. Let's head to Gluttony and see what Beelzebub has prepared for us."

Leviathan watched as Charlomaine and his knights prepared to leave. "Remember, the Gluttony ring is ever-changing, just like its ruler. Keep your wits about you and trust in your bonds."

With that, Charlomaine and his knights stepped through the portal to the third ring of Hell. As they arrived, they were greeted by a surreal landscape, shifting between lush, tempting forests and decadent banquets. The air was thick with the scent of exotic foods, and hidden creatures rustled in the shadows.

They advanced cautiously, knowing Beelzebub's cunning eyes were likely watching. The challenge ahead was daunting, but their unity gave them strength. Each step brought them closer to their ultimate goal, and they were ready to face whatever Beelzebub had in store for them.

Charlomaine and his knights stood at the edge of the bustling festival, taking in the surreal scene before them. Beelzebub, with her four arms and insect-like features, floated gracefully above the crowd, her voice carrying over the music and laughter. Hellhounds of all shapes and sizes indulged in the lavish spread of food, their merriment creating an almost dreamlike atmosphere.

"What in the name of Satan..." Samson muttered, his many eyes widening. "This is weird."

Charlomaine stepped forward, his expression a mix of curiosity and caution. "This is Beelzebub's domain, remember. Nothing here is as it seems."

Astolfo grinned, nudging Ivon. "Looks like we're crashing a party. Shall we join in?"

Ivon chuckled. "We might as well. But keep your guard up. This could be one of her tricks."

Olivier nodded. "Agreed. We need to find Beelzebub and figure out her intentions. Stay close, everyone."

As they moved deeper into the festival, the group was greeted by various demons offering food and drinks, all too eager to share their delights. Charlomaine politely declined, maintaining his focus on finding Beelzebub. His knights followed suit, their eyes scanning the crowd for any signs of danger.

Finally, they reached the center of the festivities where Beelzebub was performing. Her eyes caught sight of Charlomaine, and she descended gracefully, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

"Welcome, Charlomaine," she said, her voice melodic and inviting. "I see you've brought your knights. How delightful."

Charlomaine stepped forward, meeting her gaze. "Beelzebub, we're here on a mission. We need to find a new knight to join our ranks."

Beelzebub's smile widened. "Ah, always so serious. But very well. Enjoy the festivities, and perhaps you'll find what you're looking for. Just remember, everything here comes at a price."

So um Beelzebub. Charlomaine said looking at her. You change much what with the part

Simple Charlomaine. Beelzebub siad getting up in trh ear singing and lading done. I discover something called dopamine and god it is a good source of food for me

Charlomaine raised an eyebrow, watching Beelzebub with a mixture of fascination and wariness. "Dopamine?" he repeated, trying to grasp the concept.

"Yes," Beelzebub said, her voice dripping with enthusiasm. "Dopamine is the chemical of pleasure and reward in the human brain. I found a way to tap into that, feeding on the joy and satisfaction of others. It's much more... satisfying than mere gluttony."

Astolfo smirked. "So, you're feeding on happiness now? That's a new one."

Beelzebub descended from the air, her wings folding elegantly behind her. "Precisely. And it's done wonders for me, as you can see." She gestured to her transformed appearance. "I'm more powerful and vibrant than ever."

Charlomaine exchanged glances with his knights. "We're here to recruit a new knight for our cause. Do you have anyone in mind who might fit our needs?"

Beelzebub tapped her chin thoughtfully. "There is one who comes to mind. A young hellhound named Veritas. She's strong, cunning, and has a knack for strategy. She could be a valuable addition to your team."

Ivon chuckled. "Sounds perfect. Where can we find her?"

Beelzebub pointed to a large tent near the edge of the festival. "She's likely over there, participating in one of the contests. You'll recognize her by her silver fur and piercing blue eyes."

"Thank you, Beelzebub," Charlomaine said with a nod. "We'll speak with her and see if she's willing to join us."

"One more thing," Beelzebub added, her expression turning serious. "Veritas values strength and conviction. You'll need to prove yourselves worthy in her eyes."

Charlomaine nodded. "Understood. We'll do what it takes."

As they made their way toward the tent, the knights couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. The festival's lively atmosphere continued around them, but they remained focused on their goal.

Upon entering the tent, they saw various demons engaged in combat, showcasing their skills. At the center of it all stood Veritas, her silver fur gleaming under the lights. She moved with grace and precision, dispatching her opponents with ease.

Charlomaine stepped forward, catching her attention. "Veritas, we need to talk."

She turned to face him, her blue eyes narrowing. "Who are you, and why should I care?"

"We're here on behalf of Charlomaine," Charlomaine said. "We need strong allies for the battles ahead. Beelzebub mentioned you might be interested."

Veritas crossed her arms, eyeing them critically. "Prove to me that you're worthy, and then we'll talk."

Astolfo stepped forward, a confident smile on his face. "Challenge accepted."

The group watched as Astolfo and Veritas squared off, their skills and determination on full display. It was a test of strength, strategy, and willpower, and everyone knew the outcome would determine Veritas' decision to join them.

The clash was intense, both combatants pushing each other to their limits. Finally, after a grueling exchange, Astolfo managed to gain the upper hand, demonstrating the strength and resolve of Charlomaine's knights.

Veritas, breathing heavily, nodded in approval. "You've proven yourselves. I'll join your cause."

Charlomaine smiled. "Welcome to the team, Veritas. Together, we'll face whatever challenges lie ahead."

Your offer is good. Veritas said looking at them. But I will not be joining this group, sorry about that

Veritas's declaration caught Charlomaine and his knights off guard. They exchanged surprised glances, trying to process her unexpected decision.

"I appreciate your offer," Veritas continued, her tone firm but respectful. "But my loyalty lies elsewhere."

Charlomaine nodded, hiding his disappointment behind a diplomatic smile. "I understand. May I ask where your loyalty lies?"

Veritas glanced at Beelzebub briefly before meeting Charlomaine's gaze again. "I owe a debt to Lady Nyx. She saved me once when I was in dire straits. I've pledged my service to her."

Astolfo chuckled lightly. "Well, can't argue with loyalty. Lady Nyx is lucky to have you."

Veritas inclined her head in acknowledgment. "Thank you."

Charlomaine stepped forward, extending a hand. "We wish you well in your endeavors, Veritas. If our paths cross again, I hope it's under more favorable circumstances."

Veritas clasped his hand briefly. "Likewise. Farewell, Charlomaine."

With that, Veritas turned and walked away, leaving Charlomaine and his knights to contemplate their next move.

"So, what now?" Ivon asked, breaking the silence.

"We continue our search," Charlomaine replied, his voice tinged with determination. "There are still other demons in Gluttony who might be willing to join us. Let's not lose focus."

The knights nodded in agreement, their resolve renewed. They returned to Beelzebub to discuss their next steps and gathered their thoughts before setting off once again into the city in Gluttony. Each step brought them closer to their ultimate goal, despite the setbacks along the way.

After coming to Beelzebub and explaining she just lapped and ruffled Charlomaine hair.

Gooddamm your will never stop doing that. Charlomaine said looking at her. Other sin treat like a nephew your the only one that treat me like little Brother

Beelzebub chuckled softly, her insect-like wings fluttering lightly as she tousled Charlomaine's hair affectionately.

"You know me, always keeping things lively," she replied with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Besides, someone has to make sure you stay humble, little brother."

Charlomaine rolled his eyes playfully but couldn't hide a smile. "Well, I appreciate it, even if it's embarrassing sometimes."

"You'll get used to it," Beelzebub teased, her smile warm and genuine. "But seriously, I'm proud of what you're doing here. Building alliances, navigating the politics—it's not easy, but you're handling it well."

Charlomaine nodded thoughtfully. "It's a lot to take in, but with everyone's support, I think we can make a real difference."

"I have no doubt," Beelzebub affirmed, her voice confident. "And hey, if you ever need advice or a reality check, you know where to find me."

"Thanks, Bee," Charlomaine said sincerely, using the affectionate nickname he'd given her long ago. "I'm glad you're here with us."

"Always," Beelzebub replied, her expression softening. "Now, let's focus on finding our next recruit. Envy isn't going to explore itself!"

Also one more thing. Charlomaine said pulling out his sword Joyeuse. That for finding this for me, how much trouble really was it I kinda never learned it

Beelzebub's eyes widened slightly as she looked at Joyeuse, the legendary sword gleaming in Charlomaine's hand. She let out a low whistle, impressed by the sight of the ancient weapon.

"Well, well," she began, her tone filled with mock seriousness. "You're asking me how much trouble it was to find a sword that's been sought after for centuries?"

Charlomaine nodded, a sheepish grin on his face. "I mean, I heard tales, but they're always so exaggerated."

Beelzebub chuckled softly. "Let's just say it involved a labyrinthine journey through multiple layers of Envy, a few encounters with less-than-friendly deep-sea demons, and a riddle or two that tested my patience. Oh, and don't get me started on the traps."

Charlomaine's eyes widened with interest. "Traps? Like what kind of traps?"

"Well," Beelzebub began, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "let's just say some demons have a penchant for illusions that play with your mind, and others... well, they prefer more physical challenges. It was an adventure, to say the least."

"I'm grateful you went through all that," Charlomaine said sincerely, sheathing Joyeuse back at his side. "You always seem to have a knack for finding the impossible."

Beelzebub smiled warmly. "It's all part of the job, little brother. Besides, anything for you and the cause."

Charlomaine nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Bee. Really."

"No need for thanks," Beelzebub replied with a wink. "Now, let's see what this legendary sword can do, shall we? I bet it's itching for some action."

But I have another question. Charlomaine said looking at her. This sword Joyeuse belong to a king name Charlegame a christening king the same person I name after

Charlomaine already knew all of this he was that king, reborn in hell he found the irony of that funny, but still no one needs to know

How did it get into hell. Charlomaine said looking at her. If anything this sword be in earth or even heaven

Beelzebub considered Charlomaine's question, her expression thoughtful as she pondered the sword's journey into Hell.

"Well, you see," she began, her voice slightly lower as if sharing a secret, "Joyeuse has a rather storied history. After the legendary King Charlemagne passed, the sword was said to have been handed down through generations of his descendants. Eventually, it became a symbol of royalty and power, often associated with the divine right of kings."

She paused, casting a glance around the room to ensure no one else was listening in on their conversation.

"Legends say that during tumultuous times in medieval Europe, when wars and upheaval were rampant, Joyeuse mysteriously vanished. Some say it was hidden away by loyal knights to protect it from falling into unworthy hands. Others claim it was taken by a powerful sorcerer who sought to harness its legendary properties."

Beelzebub leaned closer, her voice barely above a whisper now. "As for how it ended up in Hell... well, let's just say that sometimes powerful artifacts find their way to places where they're most needed or least expected. Perhaps its journey to Hell was part of a greater plan, a twist of fate."

Charlomaine nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the information. "I suppose that makes sense, in a strange way. Like the sword itself has a destiny of its own."

"Exactly," Beelzebub agreed with a knowing smile. "And now, it's in the hands of the rightful heir, ready to fulfill its purpose once more."

Charlomaine glanced down at Joyeuse, a sense of reverence and determination filling him. "Thank you for sharing that, Bee. It's good to know the history behind it."

"Anytime, little brother," Beelzebub replied warmly. "Now, let's focus on the task at hand. You have more rings to explore and mysteries to uncover."

With renewed resolve, Charlomaine and Beelzebub rejoined their companions, ready to face the challenges and adventures that awaited them in the depths of Envy. Joyeuse gleamed at his side, a reminder of his legacy and a symbol of hope in the dark realms of Hell.

To be continued

So yeah thank for 75.8k readers everyone