Unlock my Noble phantasm

As Charlomaine saw his new quest Magic Circuit unlock as he walked he went to Ivon and Engelier.

Can you do something for me. Charlomaine said looking at them. Can you

Yes. They both said confused looking at there prince. What do you want.

Simple. Charlomaine said talking of his shirt which made the two female demon blush. I need you two to flow your magic in me

As they nodded, they were not in loved with but this, it cought them of guard, as they touched his back and let out there magic, as they did the magic followed into Charlomaine

[ Magic Circuit are being unlocked, Processes will be finished in...now]

As Charlomaine all of his magic Circuit which were shilde way finally was unlock, sure he was using magic but this world magic and his world magic system were two different things, as felt each of them walking up

Charlomaine felt a surge of energy course through his body as Ivon and Engelier channeled their magic into him. The sensation was overwhelming, a mix of warmth and tingling that spread from his back to every corner of his being. He closed his eyes, focusing on the flow of magic and the unlocking of his circuits.

As the process completed, Charlomaine opened his eyes, feeling a newfound sense of power and clarity. He looked at Ivon and Engelier, both of whom were watching him with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Thank you," Charlomaine said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I can feel it... the magic circuits are fully unlocked."

"What does this mean for you?" Ivon asked, her cheeks still slightly flushed from the earlier moment.

"It means I can access my true magical potential," Charlomaine explained. "In my world, magic circuits are the pathways through which we channel our magic. Without them, I've been limited to the basic magical abilities of this world. But now... now I can access my full power."

Engelier nodded, understanding dawning in her eyes. "So, what do you plan to do with this power?"

Charlomaine smiled, determination shining in his eyes. "I plan to unlock my Noble Phantasm. It's a powerful ability unique to each hero in my world. With it, I can protect and lead you all more effectively."

As Charlomaine spoke, a new quest notification appeared before him:

[Quest: Unlock Your Noble Phantasm. Completing this quest will grant you access to your Noble Phantasm, a powerful and unique ability that can turn the tide of any battle.]

He turned to Ivon and Engelier, his resolve stronger than ever. "I need to train and practice to fully harness this new power. Will you help me?"

Both knights nodded, their loyalty unwavering. "Of course," Engelier said, her eyes filled with determination. "We'll help you in any way we can."

With their support, Charlomaine began his journey to unlock his Noble Phantasm. He trained tirelessly, pushing his newly awakened magic circuits to their limits. Ivon and Engelier were by his side every step of the way, providing guidance, support, and encouragement.

Days turned into weeks as Charlomaine honed his abilities. He could feel the power of his Noble Phantasm growing within him, becoming more tangible with each passing day. It was a challenging process, but Charlomaine's determination never wavered.

Finally, the day came when Charlomaine felt ready. He stood in the training grounds, his knights gathered around him. Taking a deep breath, he focused on the power within him, calling forth his Noble Phantasm.

A radiant light surrounded Charlomaine as his Noble Phantasm materialized. The energy was overwhelming, but Charlomaine stood firm, controlling and directing the power. As the light faded, he held a powerful, shimmering weapon in his hands – a sword unlike any other, imbued with the magic and strength of his unlocked circuits.

His knights watched in awe as Charlomaine wielded the sword, its power evident in every movement. He had done it – he had unlocked his Noble Phantasm, and with it, a new level of strength and leadership.

Charlomaine turned to his knights, his eyes filled with confidence and determination. "With this power, we can achieve our goals and bring about the changes we desire. Let's continue to fight together and make our vision for Hell a reality."

His knights cheered, their spirits lifted by Charlomaine's achievement. Together, they were ready to face any challenge and overcome any obstacle in their path.

Charlomaine stood in the training grounds, feeling the surge of power from his newly unlocked Noble Phantasm. He raised his shimmering sword, a weapon that radiated with energy and magic, and declared its name with confidence.

"This is my Noble Phantasm," he announced, his voice strong and clear. "Joyous Order!"

As Charlomaine ascended into the air, two giant, glowing angel wings unfurled from his back. Each wing bore six swords, glowing with different hues, representing his twelve knights. With a determined look, he charged towards a training dummy, unleashing a devastating strike that obliterated the target in an instant.

"Joyous Order," Zestial remarked, contemplating the name. "Given what you just did to that poor dummy, it's safe to say 'joyful' might be an understatement."

Charlomaine, still surrounded by the residual energy of his Noble Phantasm, smiled at Zestial and his knights. The power of Joyous Order surged within him, ready to be wielded in their upcoming trials in Hell.

As Charlomaine was in his room he looked at the system, as he finally unlocked something new, something he has been trying

[ You can now access each of the 12 weapon if each of the Charlegame the original ones from your universe ]

As Charlomaine sat in his room, he gazed intently at the glowing interface of the system, a sense of accomplishment and anticipation filling him as he unlocked a long-awaited capability.

"I can now access each of the twelve weapons wielded by the original Charlegame," he murmured to himself, the words appearing in luminous text before him. The prospect of harnessing the unique powers and histories embedded within these legendary weapons stirred both curiosity and determination within Charlomaine.

With a deep breath, he began exploring the menu, eager to connect with the essence of each weapon and to discover how they could aid him in his journey through the depths of Hell. Each weapon held its own story, its own strengths, and Charlomaine was ready to wield them in the battles that lay ahead.

Charlomaine gazed intently at the system interface, formulating his inquiry with determination.

"System," he articulated firmly, "can I grant these weapons to my knights?"

The system responded with a flash of glowing text, affirming his query:

[ Yes, you can grant each of the 12 weapons to your knights if you so choose. ]

Charlomaine nodded, satisfied with the answer. This newfound ability would bolster his knights' capabilities, furthering their prowess in the circles of Hell.

As Charlomaine contemplated the newfound ability to bestow legendary weapons upon his knights, he realized the significance of this power in their ongoing quest through Hell. With determination in his eyes, he gathered his knights together in the grand hall of Pride Ring, where the air crackled with anticipation.

"My knights," Charlomaine began, his voice steady and commanding, "we have unlocked a new power. Thanks to the magic of this realm and the bond we share, I can now grant each of you a weapon of legend."

Astolfo, always eager for adventure, stepped forward first, his eyes alight with curiosity. "What kind of weapons are we talking about, Prince Charlomaine? Something that matches our skills?"

Charlomaine nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Indeed. Each weapon is tied to the noble legacy of Charlegame, from whom I draw my strength and inspiration. Oton, Oliver, you both have shown remarkable skill with blades. I believe these swords will serve you well." With a wave of his hand, two shimmering swords materialized before them, each adorned with ancient runes that glowed softly in the hall's light.

Oliver grasped his sword with reverence, feeling its weight and balance. "This is incredible," he murmured, a mix of awe and determination in his voice. "Thank you, Prince Charlomaine. We won't let you down."

Next, Charlomaine turned to Gerier and Gerin, who had proven themselves with their mastery of spears and tactics. "Gerier, Gerin, these spears are imbued with the essence of strategy and valor. May they guide your strikes true and your defenses strong." Two gleaming spears materialized at their feet, and the brothers exchanged nods of gratitude as they picked them up.

Ivon and Engelier, deeply immersed in the arcane arts, watched with keen interest. Charlomaine approached them, his expression serious yet supportive. "Ivon, Engelier, these staves are conduits of ancient magic. Use them to weave spells that protect and empower our cause." The staves appeared before them, adorned with mystical symbols that seemed to pulse with energy.

Samson, ever the stalwart guardian, received a majestic shield crafted from enchanted metals. "Samson, this shield will shield you from harm and bolster your defenses. With it, protect our flank and hold fast against our enemies," Charlomaine instructed, his voice firm yet encouraging.

Turning his attention to Roland and Bradamante, the courageous Hell Hounds who had proven their loyalty and bravery, Charlomaine continued, "Roland, Bradamante, these axes and Spear embody the strength and tenacity you have shown. Let them be an extension of your spirit in battle, fierce and unwavering." The axes and Spear manifested before them, their blades glinting with a ferocity that mirrored the hounds' resolve.

Finally, Charlomaine faced Anseis and Berengier, whose unique skills and dedication had earned them a place among his elite. "Anseis, Berengier, these enchanted amulets are symbols of your resilience and spirit. Use them to protect our flanks and inspire our allies," Charlomaine declared as the amulets appeared, glowing softly with an inner light that suited their guardians perfectly.

Each knight received their respective weapon, feeling a surge of power coursing through them, a connection to the legendary figures of Charlegame and the legacy they now upheld. Charlomaine stood among them, proud of his knights and confident in their shared destiny to bring change to Hell.

"Now," Charlomaine declared, his voice echoing with resolve, "with these weapons and our unity, we shall march onward through the circles of Hell. Our quest continues, and together, we will confront the challenges that await us in this infernal realm."

The knights nodded in unison, their spirits lifted by the tangible symbols of their bond with Charlomaine and their commitment to his cause. With their new weapons in hand, they were ready to face whatever trials lay ahead, united under their prince's leadership and the legacy of Charlegame.

As they stood in the middle of Pride Ring, surrounded by the bustling city, Zestial looked at Charlomaine with a mix of concern and admiration. He was the only one among them who knew about the System and Charlomaine's past life.

"You know this is going to cause more problems for your parents," Zestial said, his voice tinged with worry.

Charlomaine nodded solemnly. "I'm aware of that, Zestial. But it's something I have to do. This is my destiny, Charles Patricus."

With a determined expression, Charlomaine raised his hand towards the ground. A surge of magical energy emanated from him, causing the ground to tremble. Suddenly, a magnificent floating castle emerged from beneath the earth. It was the same castle from Fate/Extella Link, grand and imposing.

"This will be our new home base," Charlomaine declared, his voice echoing with authority. "While the Morning Star household served us well, this castle will be our stronghold in Hell. And I can already hear my father having a heart attack over all the paperwork this will involve."

The knights looked at each other, awe and excitement reflected in their eyes. They knew that with this castle as their base, they would have a strategic advantage in navigating the treacherous circles of Hell.

"This is incredible, Prince Charlomaine," Ivon remarked, his voice filled with wonder. "With this castle, we can plan our missions and operations more efficiently."

Gerin nodded in agreement. "It's a symbol of our unity and strength. Our enemies in Hell won't know what hit them."

Charlomaine smiled, proud of his knights' resolve. "Indeed. This castle will serve as a beacon of hope and defiance against the tyranny of Hell. Together, we will bring change to this realm."

As they admired their new home base, Charlomaine couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation and responsibility that came with his newfound powers and the challenges ahead. With the support of his knights and the legacy of Charlegame guiding them, they were ready to face whatever trials awaited them in the infernal depths of Hell.

Meanwhile, in the Morning Star house, Lucifer and Lilith stood on the balcony, gazing out at the unexpected sight of the floating castle that had materialized in Pride Ring. Lucifer took a sip of his coffee, his expression a mix of bemusement and pride.

"That son of mine," Lucifer murmured, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "He never fails to surprise us, does he?"

Lilith chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of fondness and amusement. "Indeed, Lucifer. Charlomaine has always been one to forge his own path."

Lucifer nodded thoughtfully, setting down his cup. "Bringing a castle into Hell is certainly a bold move. He's taking after me more than I anticipated."

Lilith placed a hand on Lucifer's arm, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "He's his own demon, but he has your determination and vision."

They continued to watch the castle, marveling at the audacity and ambition of their son. Deep down, amidst the complexities and challenges of Hell, they both knew that Charlomaine's actions were paving the way for change, not just for Pride Ring, but potentially for all the rings of Hell.

"He's going to need our guidance more than ever," Lucifer said, his gaze fixed on the castle. "But for now, let's see what he does with this new stronghold of his."

Lilith nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Charlomaine is growing into his role as a leader. I have faith in him."

As they stood together, watching the castle amidst the swirling chaos of Hell, Lucifer and Lilith knew that their son was embarking on a journey that would test his mettle and shape his legacy in ways they could only imagine.

To be continued

Hope people like this ch and give me power stones also have a new fanfic out Blue Archive: I am sensei son check it out, also thank you eveyrone for 100.3k reader