Welcome to Heaven

The next day arrived, and the Morning Star household was abuzz with activity. Lucifer stood at the center of a grand hall, preparing a spell to open a portal to Heaven. Charlomaine and his entourage watched with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. With a final incantation, the portal shimmered into existence, revealing a serene, ethereal landscape on the other side.

Stepping through the portal, Charlomaine found himself face-to-face with an angelic figure. The angel had pale skin, curled short pale-blonde hair, and turquoise eyes without pupils. His sharp-styled eyebrows were colored royal blue. A white halo floated above his head, and a pair of large feathered wings, celeste blue and cream-colored, adorned his back. This was Saint Peter.

"Um, hi there," Saint Peter greeted them, a bit hesitantly. "Can I get your name?"

Lucifer stepped forward, his presence commanding. "Lucifer Morningstar," he stated, looking directly at Saint Peter. "Don't you remember me?"

Recognition flashed across Saint Peter's face. Before he could respond, a radiant light filled the area, drawing everyone's attention. Descending from the heavens was Sera, an angel with an aura of grace and power. Beside her was Michael, who waved at Lucifer with a welcoming smile.

"Brother," Michael called out, his voice warm. "I'm glad you could make it."

Lucifer nodded, his expression softening slightly. "Michael, Sera, it's good to see you."

Sera approached Charlomaine, her presence serene yet commanding. "You must be Charlomaine," she said, her voice melodic. "I've heard much about you. Your efforts in Hell are commendable."

Charlomaine bowed slightly, acknowledging her words. "Thank you, Sera. It's an honor to meet you."

Michael clapped a hand on Charlomaine's shoulder. "Come, we have much to discuss and preparations to make. The wedding is not just a union but a symbol of peace and cooperation between our realms."

As they walked through the heavenly realm, Charlomaine couldn't help but marvel at the beauty and tranquility around him. He felt a sense of hope and purpose, knowing that the union between Michael and Sera could pave the way for a new era.

"Before you go anywhere else," Michael said with a smile, gesturing to Peter as they ascended into the sky. "We must do what we always do."

Lucifer couldn't help but have war flashbacks as the familiar melody began. These two angels were about to serenade, something Heaven always did with a unique flair.

[ Listen to try song in the background, of the actual hazbin story I just did this for fun ]

"Dearly beloved, it is my pleasure to say unto thee," Peter and Michael harmonized, their voices resonating through the celestial realm. "Welcome to Heaven, oh-oh! Where the virtuous reside 24/7, oh-oh! People are happy that they died."

Michael continued, his voice carrying the tune effortlessly. "'Cause here we got no worries, got no burglaries, no strife. It's the perfect afterlife!"

"Welcome to Heaven, oh-oh! Check out our sick décor," Peter chimed in enthusiastically, joining his fellow angel in song. "The spirits leaven, oh! Please keep your brimstone off the floor."

"We've got the best and brightest, the politest of the lot," they sang in unison, their voices soaring. "And everyone is hot!"

Sera joined in with a delighted smile, clapping her hands to the rhythm of their song. "Gosh, I'm so pleased to show some outsiders around. After you see our realm, you'll never wanna go back down."

"Because every single day in Heaven is a happy day," Michael and Peter belted out, their joy infectious. Sera beamed as they finished their impromptu performance, applauding them warmly.

"Yeah!" Peter exclaimed with a satisfied pant, catching his breath.

"Are you done?" Lucifer interjected with a smirk, marveling at the improvement in their singing voices. "Thank Father, your singing voice has really improved."

The playful banter and harmonious melody filled Heaven with an air of celebration and camaraderie, marking the beginning of a momentous occasion that would bring both Heaven and Hell closer together than ever before.

So um. Astolfo said looking at Peter and Michael. Is it normally for you two too do in daily bases for winner.

Peter and Michael exchanged amused glances before Peter responded cheerfully, "Oh, it's not an everyday thing, but we do like to welcome the Winners with a bit of flair! It's our way of making sure everyone feels at home in Heaven."

Michael nodded in agreement, adding, "Exactly! It's a tradition passed down through the ages. We want every soul that arrives here to know they're valued and loved."

Astolfo scratched his head, processing this new information. "So, it's like a big party every time someone new arrives?"

"Pretty much!" Peter grinned. "We like to think of it as a grand celebration of life and virtue."

Lucifer, who had been observing the exchange with a wry smile, chimed in, "Well, it certainly livens things up around here."

Sera laughed softly, enjoying the interaction. "It's all about spreading joy and positivity. We want Heaven to be a place of warmth and welcome."

Astolfo nodded in understanding, impressed by the welcoming atmosphere. "That's actually pretty cool. Reminds me of some festivals we have back in the human world."

"We're glad you think so," Peter replied warmly. "And who knows, maybe one day we'll welcome you here too!"

The idea seemed to intrigue Astolfo as he glanced around at the ethereal beauty of Heaven. "Maybe one day indeed," he murmured thoughtfully.

As they continued their conversation, the melodies of welcome echoed softly through the heavenly halls, filling the air with a sense of harmony and peace.

As the morning star family, Zestial, and Charlomaine's knights arrived in their room, Zestial gazed out the window with curiosity. "So this is heaven," she remarked, scanning the serene landscape. "It's not really that different from hell, just more peaceful and... well, not red. No red at all."

Charlomaine chuckled softly, standing beside her. "True, the lack of red is quite noticeable. It's more about the atmosphere here. Everything feels... lighter, I suppose."

"Yeah," added Oton knights, looking out with a mix of awe and skepticism. "It's like they took the best parts of our world and made them even better."

Lucifer, who had been quietly observing, nodded in agreement. "Heaven has its own charm. It's meant to be a place of ultimate peace and happiness, after all."

Sera, standing next to Michael, smiled warmly at their guests. "We hope you feel welcome here. If there's anything you need or want to see, just let us know."

Charlomaine's knights exchanged glances, clearly impressed by the hospitality. "Thank you," one of them said, speaking for the group. "It's quite an experience, being here."

As they settled in, the contrasts between Heaven and their familiar Hell continued to intrigue them. The absence of the intense, fiery hues of their home realm was a stark difference, yet the tranquility and beauty of Heaven held its own allure. They were eager to explore and learn more about this realm that seemed worlds apart from their own, yet oddly familiar in its own way.

So um zestial. Charlomaine said looking at him. Are we going to talk about your love life.

My love life young lord. Zestial said looking at him, as he lapped a bit. I never had a wife in my life before hell and Don't have one either

Oh really. Charlomaine said looking at him. what about this new sinner that has been rising up in power what was her name Carmilla

So um zestial. Charlomaine said looking at him. Are we going to talk about your love life.

My love life young lord. Zestial said looking at him, as he lapped a bit. I never had a wife in my life before hell and Don't have one either

Oh really. Charlomaine said looking at him. what about this new sinner that has been rising up in power what was her name Carmilla

As they all mentally conjured images of Carmilla, a tall and slender demoness with an hourglass figure, light grey-magenta skin, and striking white hair with black streaks, Zestial couldn't help but blush at Charlomaine's mention of her.

"Oh, Carmilla..." Zestial muttered, trying to regain composure. "She's... uh, quite a powerful figure in her own right. But, um, we're just... acquaintances, really. She's focused on her own pursuits, and I'm... well, I haven't really thought about..."

Charlomaine raised an eyebrow knowingly. "Ah, so there's a spark there, huh?"

Zestial's blush deepened. "I... uh, well..."

Ivon said trying to lighten the mood, chimed in, "Come on, Zestial, spill the abyss beans! Do you like her?"

Zestial sighed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "Alright, fine. Maybe there's a mutual respect... and admiration. But, it's complicated. We have different paths."

Charlomaine nodded thoughtfully. "Understood. Well, love can be unexpected. Who knows what the future holds?"

Zestial nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Indeed. For now, though, let's focus on the task at hand here in Heaven."

The conversation shifted back to their observations of Heaven, but Zestial couldn't help but think about Carmilla and the curious stirrings in his heart. Perhaps there was more to explore beyond the battles and politics of Hell a personal journey that awaited him, unforeseen and uncertain, yet tinged with a hint of excitement.

As the morning star family and Charlomaine's knights ventured further into Heaven, they found themselves exploring the vibrant streets lined with immaculate buildings and gardens. Each knight marveled at the serene beauty, contrasting sharply with the tumultuous landscapes of Hell they were accustomed to.

Samson, with his towering stature and rugged demeanor, couldn't help but marvel at the orderly streets and the calm demeanor of the angelic inhabitants passing by. Engelier, known for her stoic nature and swift reflexes, found herself drawn to the intricate artwork adorning the walls, depicting scenes of heavenly harmony and triumph.

Astolfo, with his effervescent personality and penchant for adventure, darted from one heavenly delicacy stand to another, sampling celestial fruits and pastries with childlike wonder. Oton and Berengier, known for their loyalty and ferocity, observed the angelic guardians patrolling the streets with a mix of curiosity and cautious respect.

Meanwhile, Oliver, the scholarly incubus with a keen intellect and mastery of ancient lore, engaged in deep discussions with celestial scholars about the nature of divine magic and the governance of heavenly realms. Bradamante, the valiant knight with a noble spirit and unwavering dedication, trained with angelic warriors in the ethereal arenas, exchanging techniques and insights.

Throughout their explorations, Hakuno, Serafall, and Justice, Charlomaine's beloved consorts and trusted advisors, observed the celestial society with a blend of fascination and diplomatic scrutiny. They engaged in conversations with angelic dignitaries, discussing matters of mutual interest and forging new alliances for the future of Hell and Heaven alike.

Charlomaine himself, ever vigilant and strategic, met with heavenly overseers to discuss potential collaborations in improving diplomatic relations and maintaining peace across the realms. His presence, though initially met with cautious intrigue, soon earned respect for his wisdom and commitment to harmony.

As evening descended upon Heaven, Charlomaine and his entourage gathered on a terrace overlooking the celestial city. They reflected on the day's discoveries and the potential for a future where Hell and Heaven could coexist in mutual understanding and prosperity.

"We've seen a glimpse of their world," Charlomaine mused, gazing at the starlit sky. "Perhaps there's more we can learn from each other than we realized."

His knights nodded in agreement, their hearts stirred by the possibilities of forging bonds that transcended ancient enmities.

Charlomaine nodded thoughtfully, his gaze scanning the horizon of Heaven's serene landscape. "Yes, that's right," he replied, recalling the upcoming event. "It's happening in two days. Michael's wedding to Sera is quite the occasion here in Heaven."

Hakuno smiled softly, her eyes reflecting the gentle glow of the celestial surroundings. "I've heard weddings in Heaven are spectacular," she remarked, her curiosity piqued. "I wonder how they celebrate such an event."

"Well," Charlomaine began, his expression thoughtful, "from what I've gathered, angelic weddings are steeped in tradition and symbolism. They celebrate not just the union of two souls but also the harmony and divine blessings that come with it."

As they walked through the heavenly streets, Charlomaine and Hakuno continued to discuss the cultural nuances they had observed. They shared impressions of the angelic architecture, the celestial flora, and the harmonious way in which Heaven seemed to function.

"I wonder if we could incorporate some of these elements into our own ceremonies," Hakuno mused aloud, her eyes sparkling with ideas. "Perhaps it could help bridge the gap between our realms."

Charlomaine nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "It's worth considering," he agreed, his mind already turning over the possibilities for cultural exchange and diplomatic gestures. "Building bridges between Hell and Heaven is more important now than ever."

With these thoughts in mind, Charlomaine and Hakuno returned to their residence in Heaven, where preparations for Michael's wedding were underway. They were eager to participate in this momentous occasion, not only as guests but also as ambassadors seeking to foster understanding and cooperation between realms that had long been divided by ancient histories and misunderstandings.

The next Morning Charlomaine was with Azreal as Azreal was just looking at him

Azreal looked at his nephew. Are you sure you wanna meet him

Charlomaine just looked at Azreal and nodded, as the gates opens as he walked in, as he did he saw a island surrounded by water, on the island was two people Adam and Lute, there wings Blake as, that what Charlomaine, he doesn't believe Adam can be redeemed he is here to see if he is being punished properly by Heaven

To be continued