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Library and a flirting elf.

I continued walking around the city and, as I had noticed before, the city has a very European vibe with Renaissance-style architecture. As I ventured further into the inner parts of the city, fewer players could be seen while more NPCs were present, including some NPC children running and playing around. Walking in this area, I was impressed by the vibrant and cultural atmosphere of the city, it felt almost real... perhaps that's why virtual reality games are so famous... to the point where I heard that some people marry the game's AIs... and it was plausible, although possibly strange, since the reactions and affectionate gestures were quite realistic both in sensation and body language.

As I delved deeper into the city, I finally found the building. It had only one floor, but it was relatively large in size.

In front of the library, there was a wooden sign with a book symbol on it and next to it was written the word "library".

In front of it, there was a middle-aged lady leisurely reading a book while wearing something that looked like bottle glasses.

I approached her and asked.

"Hello, is this where you enter the library?"

I asked, but she did not stop reading, so I waited beside her for some time. It took about 20 minutes of her reading and turning some pages until she finally looked at me. I did not interrupt her since she seemed very focused.

And it was a positive thing because if I had interrupted her, she would have used the small stick beside her to burn me to death, something that some players experienced and regretted.

Regardless, she looked at me and asked after adjusting her glasses as if she was surprised by something.

"Do you want to enter the library? If you don't have a pass, it's 60 gold coins. The pass allows you to enter only once; if you leave, you'll have to pay again if you don't return within 15 minutes."


I agreed.

I handed over the gold coins while she gave me a wooden token with a pencil and a book on it.

I opened the door and still didn't see anyone inside, but there were a large number of bookshelves which I decided to read.

Reading is one of my favorite hobbies, and when I play a game, I always like to immerse myself in the whole story and aspects of the game.

So I picked up the books and started reading each one carefully. Besides different content, the books had varying thicknesses, some with images and others without.

First, I decided to pick up the world history book, which talked about the various pantheons of gods that act as pillars of the world and past events, although it didn't specify details clearly.

It discussed the basic division of the world into five continents and other dimensions.

I also intended to read about magic and some other things. The library also had fictional books that were brought from the real world when created by the AIs and game developers.

With various books in my arms, I sat in a nearby chair and intended to spend several weeks in the game, which translates to a few days in real life.

I'm good at fast and focused reading, but I don't know how long this will take.

I started my intense reading sessions with some small breaks in between, both exiting the game and staying within it.

During these days, some players entered the library and read the books, but most of the players just read a little and lost interest, which makes sense since even though it's an open world, the game aspect is still predominant.

At this moment, a young man with blonde hair entered. He had a very handsome and masculine face and carried a bow on his back. He walked around the library for a while.

He seemed to be looking for something that initially, I didn't pay attention to, but at one point, he stood in front of me and spoke.

"A handsome young man?"

He spoke to me with a flirtatious smile, almost like a playboy.

For a moment, I wanted to send him away, but I resisted and asked gently.

"You seem to have been reading books for a long time. Do you know if there's anything about elementals?"

I was surprised, as it was a concrete question, and I responded while getting up.

"Yes, come, I'll show you."

I called him to follow me and stopped in front of some books that I pulled out and handed to him. They didn't have much clarity or depth of information.

But they covered the basics, saying that spirits, in general, are divided into many classifications, among them elemental spirits with basic elemental energies: Water, fire, earth, wind, light, and darkness.

All of them are divided into the following levels: Low level, Medium level, High level, and Spiritual King.

"Thank you! By the way, can I ask your name?"

He also asked for my name before sitting down.

"I'm Alex."

He placed the books on the table, took my hand, and gave it a gentle kiss.

"I'm Arciel. Nice to meet you."

I froze for a moment at the act, but let it slide.

I just nodded, greeting him while I sat down to read about the magic books.

The content intrigued me quite a bit as it covered various aspects of magic in this world.

It explained the principles of using magic: Pure magic (Some skills and pure mana control), chanted spells, magic circles, runes and magical letters, and similar.

It also covered the various types of special magics, addressing the normal magics that wizards commonly use and are more popular due to their ease of visualization and frequency, with the most common being basic elemental magic: Fire, wind, earth, water, light, and darkness.

To superior elements such as: lightning, metal, ice, and a few others.

There were also other rarer and harder-to-find types of magic that were not detailed, which included life magic, death magic, spatial magic, dream magic, illusion magic, time magic, summoning magic, and others. There was almost no information there.

The most it said was that life magic was more common among some normal elves, and death magic among dark elves.

I also learned a bit about how the classes work, which were introduced in the forum with classes divided from 1 to 5 in terms of rarity, where the 5s are said to only exist one in the entire game while the 4s range in the dozens and the others are more common for both NPCs and players. It was also fun because I could deepen my knowledge of how classes, skills, and other aspects of this world work.

I enjoyed the reading and the deep dive into the subject. Arciel also paused in the middle and discussed some concepts about elementals with me. It was an interesting discussion, and despite his flirtatious tendency, he seems like a nice person who doesn't cross the line, so we ended up adding each other as friends and promised to talk and maybe adventure together later.

And so some more time passed until I finished reading all the books and rereading some. After about three weeks in the game, equivalent to 3 to 4 days in real life.

I finally closed the books and stood up, stretching my body.

While deciding to observe the notifications that had appeared during this time more clearly.