It's him!

Xuan Qi still didn't glance at the guest, suddenly a slender big hand came into his view and a familiar scent lingered on his more.

Xuan Qi's body stiffened when he remembered whose the owner of the familiar scent. He lowered his eyelids to hide the chaotic expression of his eyes.

Is it him? Or it's not him? Gaahh! Why did he smell like that fucking maniac bastard last night!

They have already sitting in the guest hall for quite a while, and Xuan Qi was really too bored. The two whose chatting leisurely seems like not having difficulty in finding different kind of topic.

"Headmaster Xia, this residence of yours. I wonder who manage to design it?" The guest that name Yao Chen asked curiously.

"HAHAHA! It's none other than my granddaughter. She loves designing everything... well as my only granddaughter she can do anything. If she want to change it or if she want to put it that way, no one will disobey or ask." Xia Long voice were proud as he spoke about his 'granddaughter ' which the other one didn't even listening.

While Xuan Qi was fidgeting on his sit, he was thinking of a way to slip away from the guest hall. Suddenly, a servant rush inside, it was Xia Long's long-time personal servant, Miao Dong. He bowed slightly,

"Headmaster Xia, the headmaster of Jiang Family wants to talk to you in private." Miao Dong reported, a flash of anger cross Xuan Qi's eyes and gradually dissappear in a split of second.

Jiang Family! Hmpph! I know they use poison to kill Xia Jianling!

Xuan Qi remember the face of Xia Jianling,  Xia Liyuan's father. It face and body has a trace of poison but he didn't know why he detect that it was a poison. But Xia Liyuan was thinking that maybe because he drunk too much poison which makes him familiar it's effect and traces.

" about my granddaughter will tour you around?" Xia Long suggested and glance at his grandson who aren't giving them any concern of attention.

"I don't want to trouble, young lady xia. Maybe, I'll tour myself around, if headmaster will allow." Yao Chen politely said, he also glance at Xuan Qi but it seems like the person in front of him, aren't even gave him a single glance since earlier.

"No, no, no it's fine. She didn't have anything to do today, right Yuan'er? "

Xuan Qi was startled and look at his grandfather, to the left side, Miao Dong and for the first time his eyes met the deep like black vortex eyes of the guest man. It's eyes and thin lips are the only visible on its face but it didn't hide that the man was indeed handsome underneath the silver mask. The guest was wearing a plain white-blue robe and it's black hair was half tied up and the other lower half were hung loose. Xuan Qi had to admit that the man truly look handsome and elegant. If a woman would see such person, they would be enchanted.

But Xuan Qi is not an entirely woman, it was just identity.

"Ah?" Xuan Qi glance back to his grandfather which old man sigh,

"You go and tour your brother Yao." Xia Long said and flip his sleeve, motioning them to leave.

"But.." Xuan Qi pursed his lip when he saw his grandfather's glare. Xuan Qi know, his attitude today is too much. Xuan Qi search on xia Liyuan's memory but there is no such person he encountered and in the novel there's no significant person too.

Does the plot change itself? It's lucky that it change itself but shit why this kind of change?

And this man, how did this Yao Chen became my brother?! What poison did he gave to Xia Liyuan's grandfather?! His... clearly handsome and I can't deny that I was envy.

"Young lady Xia.." Yao Chen hollered which cut Xuan Qi's thought.

"What?!" He voice out and was clearly irritated.

"Why are you so angry about? I'm just asking were did you bought that four painting hanging on wall?" Xuan Qi look at the direction Yao Chen pointed out.

Xuan Qi immediately search on his memories and he himself was abit surprise.

"We..we didn't bought it. It's my own work." Xuan Qi responded and look away, to hid his unbelievable expression.

Xia Liyuan paint that? Is it really a coincidence? Why do I felt like me and Xia Liyuan are born like twins. Body, mind, likes and dislike and personality are all alike.

"You paint it yourself?" A faint proud smile was implied on Yao Chen's lips which Xuan Qi didn't even see because he never glance again at the guest.


They reached at the Ease Mind Pavilion, the scenery here are very much like a fantasy, it can ease a person's mind when pondering here.

The Ease Mind Pavilion is like a bridge, under it is a crystal clear pond coming from the spring and to who-knows-where the water exit, the pond never get filled up, it maintained on its level not low nor high. It was surrounded with different kind of flower, water plants, hanging plants, and ground plants, small and big aren't spared, they are all bearing a beautiful flower. And 10 meter away from the pavilion is a small group of bamboo. The exquisite structure of the Pavilion together with the surrounding are extremely beautiful to be exact.

"Young lady xia...I will go and prepare a tea." Meiyan suggested, Xuan Qi was tired to speak and just nodded. So Meiyan immediately leave.

When Xuan Qi realize that letting Meiyan prepare a tea, he was left with this suspicious guest, Yao Chen. He was about to turned around when a hand encircled on his slim waist, and body came in contact behind him. Xuan Qi struggled yet his moves are lacking. Their position are a bit ambiguous.

"You..." His body stiffened when he felt Yao Chen sniffing his hair down,

" that we're alone. Explain to me, why are you ignoring me the whole time?"  Yao Chen's deep voice sounded near his ear, Xuan Qi felt as though a wave of electrical current run through him and his body stiffened more.

The two were so close, arms lock by Yao Chen hugging Xuan Qi, back against Yao Chen's chest. His head rested on Xuan Qi and his lips brushed against Xuan Qi's ear as he talked. Yao Chen's warm breathing tickles  every inch on that part.

"You...let me go." He said sternly, and struggled again.

The fuck! With this man, it's clearly him. That man yesterday night is him! Meiyan where are you?! I need you here!

After a while of struggles, Yao Chen let Xuan Qi go but before he could felt relief, he was pulled back again. Now, Xuan Qi is facing Yao Chen, chest against chest. Only one hand was use on holding Xuan Qi, he look away but the other hand of Yao Chen held his chin and made Xuan Qi  look into him. Their eyes stared to each other,

"You..better let me.." Xuan Qi's word aren't finish when his lips were blocked with another lips. Xuan Qi immediately purse his lips not letting the other whose tongue was swirling and trying to get inside his mouth.

Yao Chen stopped for a bit and a grin appeared on his lips.

Hmmm...My wife is really hard to get.