After finishing their meal, Nana started washing the plates while the five gathered in the living room to catch up. Muichiro then asked Nezuko, "Hey Nezuko, how did you start your own business and make it so successful?"
Nezuko replied, "Years ago, I took a job just to pass the time. Since I didn't have many expenses, I saved a lot of money. So I decided to start my own business, quit my old job, and opened a small restaurant to pass the time. It started small, but over time, it grew until I had to expand and open more branches. Now, I have the most popular restaurant in the country," she said, sharing the history of her restaurant.
"So, let me get this straight, the most popular restaurant was created out of boredom," Tanjiro remarked.
"Exactly," Nezuko confirmed.
At the same time, Tanjiro spotted a book in the corner and took it. "Oh, you've read this book, Nezuko," Tanjiro said.
"Yeah, it's perfect. Also, the reason why Nana and I went to the city is because we heard that the writer of that book is in this city right now, so we went to look around hoping to find him," Nezuko said.
The four then looked at each other and smirked. Nezuko, seeing this, just asked, "Uhh, what's with the smirk?"
"Well, what if we told you that we know who wrote that book," Tanjiro said.
"Wait, you guys do?" Nezuko said.
"Yup, in fact, it's one of us," Muichiro said.
"Ehh, but the guy who wrote this book has blond hair and glasses, and
none of you have blond hair or wear glasses," Nezuko said.
Muichiro then took his backpack and grabbed a blond wig and glasses similar to the guy who wrote the book. Seeing this made her realize something.
"Wait, Muichiro, you're the one who wrote the book, aren't you?" Nezuko said.
"Ding dong, you are right," Muichiro said.
"Oh my god," Nana, who heard all of it, just couldn't hold it. "I'm a big fan of your works. Can I have your autograph, please?" Nana said, showing the book.
Muichiro gladly signed it, and Nezuko also handed her book for an autograph. Everyone looked at her, except Nana "What's with that look? It's not every day you can have an autograph from a famous writer, you know," Nezuko said. Then Muichiro signed it.
After that, they talked about their new lives, including their experiences with their parents and their childhood. Nezuko was shocked to learn that Inosuke was one of the top students, which Tanjiro confirmed since they went to the same school. They only encountered Zenitsu in college. The same goes for Muichiro.
Zenitsu then mentioned that he was an athlete back then, a successful runner who always won. His friends weren't surprised about it, and he was also one of the smartest kids in elementary school, just like Inosuke.
Tanjiro, like Inosuke, was also one of the top students and a basketball player. Nezuko was impressed. Muichiro, on the other hand, was born into a wealthy family, unlike the others who earned scholarships to attend an expensive college. Muichiro could afford it because his parents are the owners of one of the biggest clothing companies in the world.
"Wow, so you all are a bunch of smart people. I feel like I'm the least smart among us; I'm just pretty average in class back then," Nana said.
"Nana, don't worry. You are smart in your own way," Nezuko said.
"Thanks, Nezuko, but you don't need to comfort me. I'm fine being the least smartest here. After all, I didn't live as long as you or get reincarnated and keep my memory from my past life like those four," Nana said.
Nezuko sighed and said, "Alright then. By the way, let's probably head to bed. It's already midnight. Nana, you have work tomorrow; you have to head to bed now.
They all agreed, then they went to bed. Nezuko led everyone to separate rooms, while Nana and Nezuko shared the same bed because they were used to sharing the same bed.
A few hours later, Muichiro woke up and couldn't fall back asleep. So, he decided to get some water. On his way, he saw Nezuko on the balcony and went to her.
"Can't sleep?" Muichiro asked.
"Oh hey Muichiro, yeah, I can't. But to be honest, I don't really need to sleep. Why are you up?" Nezuko replied.
"I can't go back to sleep, so I was going to get a glass of water," Muichiro said.
"Is that so," Nezuko said, and then she looked at the stars.
"Is there something on your mind, Nezuko?" Muichiro asked.
Nezuko hesitated for a moment before answering. "To be honest, Muichiro, I do have something in mind," she said.
Muichiro nodded. "You can tell me if you want, I'm all ears," he said.
"It's the fact that you guys have your memory from your past life," Nezuko explained.
Muichiro tilted his head. "Why are you thinking about it?" he asked.
"It's because I've seen others who were reincarnated, but they didn't have their memories from their past life. So, it made me wonder, why do you guys have your memories while they don't?" Nezuko said.
"So, you believe there's a reason why we have our memories from our past life?" Muichiro clarified.
"Yeah, it's just that this is new," Nezuko said. "I saw some Demon Slayer reincarnations, but they don't have their memory. The same goes for the reincarnation of some demons I have encountered."
"I see... Well, whatever the reason is, just know that me and the three will be right by your side," Muichiro said.
"Thank you, Muichiro," Nezuko said.
"Do you want to talk about it more? I don't have anything to do tomorrow, so I can stick around and talk with no problem," Muichiro said with a smile.
Nezuko had a small blush, but the lights were low, so it was not noticeable. With that, they talked until the morning came with a cup of coffee and some bread.
This time, Nezuko is the one who is talking about her experiences, like when she went to the orphanage and about her friendships with the reincarnations of the demons and slayers she encountered. She even said that she was going to attempt suicide back then. Nezuko felt like she could tell Muichiro everything.
During this, Nezuko's feelings for Muichiro grew, but she didn't tell him about her feelings. She was not even planning to say it because of some personal belief about being immortal. However, she thought that spending her time with him like this was more than enough.
To Be Continued...