Chapter 6 Backgrounds are Handy

It turns out that people with backgrounds enjoy treatment vastly different from ordinary folks. Even if the background is fabricated, it can bring many unexpected benefits.

If it weren't for his connection to the Huang family, Li Guoren wouldn't have argued on his behalf or worked hard to clear his "spy suspicion." Even if it was all a sham, in Li Guoren's eyes, this young man not only had a close relationship with the ambassador's wife but also hailed from a wealthy family in Southeast Asia.

For someone like Li Guoren, who worked in the diplomatic field, it was clear that during the war, what did China rely on? It wasn't just the flesh and blood of its 400 million compatriots but also the donations from millions of overseas Chinese, which accounted for eighty percent of government spending before the fall of Southeast Asia. Li Guoren naturally knew the immense influence overseas Chinese leaders wielded over high-ranking officials.

Even though Southeast Asia was currently occupied by the Japanese, what about the future? Japan would definitely be defeated eventually, and Southeast Asia would be reclaimed by the British, French, and Dutch. Being able to befriend a fallen scion of a Southeast Asian wealthy family was definitely a wise move! Whether in the political arena or in business, it would certainly benefit him without any harm.

With this in mind, Li Guoren brought his newly recognized "cousin" to an apartment rented long-term by the embassy.

"Brother, I'm sorry, the conditions here are simple. Please bear with it for a while until the ambassador and his wife return, and then we can make other arrangements."

Opening the door, Li Guoren's tone was full of apologies.

"Ah, don't worry about it, brother. As a refugee in London, having a place to stay is already a blessing. If it weren't for meeting you, I'm afraid I wouldn't have found a place to settle down so quickly."

As he spoke, Li Yian expressed his gratitude profusely.

"Brother's kindness is unforgettable."

"You're being too polite," Li Guoren said quickly. "You and I share the same surname, Li. We're family. If I don't help you, who will? Alright, you must be tired after being tossed around by those foreigners at the police station. Get some rest. I'll go back to the embassy to report and arrange for your temporary documents. As for your passport, we'll discuss it when the ambassador returns..."

Li Guoren was straightforward and efficient, without lingering to deepen their relationship. After all, there would be plenty of opportunities in the future.

Having a background... It's really handy!

Watching his newfound cousin's enthusiastic demeanor, Li Yian couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Originally, he was worried about things like proving his identity, but now, they were taken care of for him.

"Thank you so much, Brother."

"Look at you, calling me 'Brother.' No need to be so polite," Li Guoren said, pointing at him with a smile. "We're family. You're welcome. Now, get some rest. Oh, by the way..."

As if remembering something, Li Guoren took out a small booklet from his pocket.

"This is my ration book. You can use it for now."

As he spoke, he handed it to Li Yian.

"How can this be? Brother, if you give it to me, what will you eat?" Li Yian protested.

"Look at you, still calling me 'Brother' and being so polite," Li Guoren said with a smile. "The embassy provides separate rations for us. I usually eat and stay at the embassy, so I don't need this. You can use it for now. Once your documents are sorted out, you can return it to me. Besides, this ration card also serves as an identity document for diplomatic personnel. Even if you encounter the police, you don't have to worry. It'll make it easier for you to move around."

After emphasizing the usefulness of the ration card, Li Guoren joked, "Without this, what would you eat? Would you want someone to call the police on you again, or maybe try to scam you for money or something? Alright, alright, we're family, no need to be so polite."

Before Li Yian could thank him, the door was closed. Listening to the fading footsteps in the corridor, Li Yian looked at the ration book in his hand and couldn't help but exclaim, "What a kind person!"

A kind person!

Absolutely kind.

As he sighed, the screen flashed.

[Convincing others through speech to help oneself, obtaining free accommodation, experience points +20?]


Can experience points really increase so much!

It makes sense, though. Rent in London is so expensive! Being able to talk your way into free accommodation definitely deserves experience points.

[Attribute function unlocked, would you like to check?]

Without hesitation, Li Yian chose to check, and the information appeared on the screen.

Currently mastered skills:

Business: Level 1


Business Management:


Seeing the last item, Li Yian couldn't help but grin. Despite his complaints, the fact that his major in business management from university had turned into a skill was surprising!

And it was even rated at level 2!

But what good was that?

"I chose this major back then because I had my head stuck in the door. If I had studied pharmacology or even veterinary medicine, humans and animals are practically the same, right? If I had invented penicillin, wouldn't I be rich..."

Although he complained, Li Yian was pleasantly surprised to see that these skills could be upgraded!

"My experience points increased today, unlocking attributes. So, as long as the skills keep improving, I can gain more functions, right?"

What kind of functions would the system provide?

Staring at the screen, Li Yian couldn't help but rub his hands together, preparing to fully develop a skill!

Looking at his own skills, business management was already at level 2. As long as he found a way to increase the skill points for business management, he could quickly level up even more!

The future looked promising!

But... business management?

Where could he manage a business right now?

"It seems like I can only focus on business for now..."

Making up his mind, after exiting the system, Li Yian couldn't help but sit on the sofa in a daze, pondering how to improve his business skills in the future.

This skill not only related to unlocking new functions but also to his future prospects.

Although he had a place to stay for now, it was only temporary.

"According to that article, Mrs. Huang should return to London in December, which means I have seven months."

What to do in seven months?

Of course, to make himself stronger and make Mrs. Huang actively acknowledge this acquaintance.

Poor relatives are not liked, that's human nature.

Walking to the window and looking out at London, Li Yian's gaze kept changing. The London city at this moment, was it full of opportunities or full of dangers? He wasn't sure, but he knew one thing for sure, only by leaving this room could he have a chance!

Taking a deep breath, Li Yian muttered to himself.

"Alright, London, here I come!"