Chapter 24: The Despicability of the Second Devils

Back in the room, after freshening up, Li Yi'an went to bed. The spring mattress was soft and comfortable, almost engulfing him. Relaxing his nerves and brain, he succumbed to the thoughts in his mind and quickly fell asleep.

When he woke up again, the bright Caribbean sunlight streamed through the window into the room. Looking at the beautiful sea view outside the window, Li Yi'an's eyebrows lifted slightly as he muttered to himself.

"Alright, let's see what today brings."

Over an hour later, at the hotel's outdoor café, Li Yi'an sat silently opposite Li Dijun and Song Chengjun.

Seeing him remain silent for a while, Song Chengjun spoke directly.

"Mr. Li, I understand this situation must be difficult for you. But at present, the Americans want to leverage their monopoly on shipping to pressure us Chinese merchants into selling sugar to them at low prices. If we compromise, then in the future, we Chinese merchants will be at their mercy. So, for the sake of hundreds of thousands of compatriots, I implore Mr. Li to take action."

At this point, Song Chengjun continued solemnly.

"The Americans want to buy sugar from us at 15 cents per kilogram. If Mr. Li is willing to purchase, I am willing to let Mr. Yang sell it to you for ten... or thirteen cents per kilogram, regardless of the quantity. As long as we Chinese merchants have it, we will sell it to you at this price!"

Thirteen cents per kilogram!

That's about six cents per pound!

According to official prices, it's nearly ten times the profit. If it's the black market price, it's almost twenty times the profit!

What did Boss Ma say again?


But this is twenty times the profit!

Moreover, this is still a stable market in the future. Although he couldn't consume sixty billion dollars' worth in a year, he could still take a substantial share. Even if it's just a fraction, it would be a lucrative endeavor!

Nevertheless, Li Yi'an remained silent. He simply picked up his cup, took a sip of coffee, and looked at the others.


Before Li Dijun could continue, he stopped himself. After all, they had just met and didn't have much rapport. After some thought, he said, "This is all to help our compatriots. We help each other as one blood."


Li Yi'an smiled.

"Nephew understands."

Turning to Song Chengjun, Li Yi'an said directly:

"Why won't you sell to the Americans at 15 cents per kilogram but are willing to sell to me at thirteen cents?"

"Mr. Li, I pledged that we are compatriots. Why let outsiders take advantage? You may not believe it, but you can probably guess. The reason I'm not willing to give the Americans a discount is ultimately for profit. If we allow Americans to bully us like this, in the future, in Cuba, we Chinese merchants will never have a chance. Compared to being bullied by American merchants, I'd rather sell sugar to you at a lower price. As long as we get through this difficulty, we Chinese merchants can stand firm in the sugar industry and have a future. Mr. Li, ultimately, it's for the future of our Chinese merchants. Our ancestors came here as coolies, and over the past century, from coolies to small traders, and now, it's not easy. If we miss this opportunity, we Chinese merchants will still be just small traders. So, for the future of Chinese merchants, let alone thirteen cents per pound, even if it's ten cents, I'm willing, even if it means losing money. Yang is doing this not for anything else but for the future of our Chinese merchants, to secure a place in the sugar industry!"

After a decisive statement, Song Chengjun sighed deeply, whether for himself or for the future of Chinese merchants, feeling helpless.

Watching this person before him at this moment, Li Yi'an seemed to understand why, in that era, Chinese merchants could rise in the Nanyang region, from French Indochina to Malaya, then to the Dutch East Indies, and the Philippines. Whenever there was an opportunity, Chinese merchants would rise, not just one individual becoming the local wealthiest, but the rise of the entire community.

What did they rely on?

It was the spirit deep inside, the aspiration to not be left behind. They would always seize every opportunity to develop themselves. And now, it was precisely their chance to elevate themselves. Helping them was helping himself!

In this moment of realization, Li Yi'an seemed to understand and comprehend everything. His gaze towards Song Chengjun also changed, nodding slightly.

"Mr. Song, since that's the case, why should I purchase at thirteen cents per kilogram..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Song Chengjun's expression changed abruptly, even Li Dijun's and the girl's faces turned somewhat unpleasant. Just then, a voice interrupted.

"Dad, I told you, this guy definitely can't be trusted!"

Before the voice could settle, a... uh, pair of long legs came into view, and looking up, Li Yi'an saw a young woman in a long dress walking towards them from the neighboring table, her eyes filled with anger fixed on him.

"Damn foreigners are hateful, but the second devils are even more detestable. Aren't you just trying to take advantage while the foreigners oppress us?"


Seeing the girl who appeared out of nowhere, Li Yi'an didn't know what to say for a moment. This girl in front of him was obviously of mixed race, her appearance seemed somewhat familiar, perhaps due to a man's habit of feeling like he's seen a beautiful woman somewhere before, maybe in a movie.

But her figure was really tall!

At least 175 centimeters!

Looking at the angry girl, Li Yi'an furrowed his brows. Just as he was about to speak, Song Chengjun said.

"Ice! How dare you interrupt!"

"Dad, I... he..."

The girl pouted discontentedly.

"He's clearly trying to..."

"Take advantage of the situation?"

Li Yi'an chuckled.

"In business, taking advantage of the situation is what businessmen should do. Otherwise, how can they be called businessmen?"

The girl's eyes widened instantly in disbelief.

"You, you..."

Having seen shameless people, she had never seen someone so shameless, not even bothering to pretend, it was simply shameless.

In comparison, Li Yi'an seemed calm, turning his gaze to Song Chengjun, asking.

"What do you say, Mr. Song?"

Song Chengjun managed to squeeze out four words.

"Business is business!"

"Mr. Song is correct. But a gentleman loves money in a proper way. Doing business is indeed about seizing opportunities, but..."

Looking at Song Chengjun with both eyes, Li Yi'an smiled.

"Some money can be earned, but some money shouldn't be earned."


Before Song Chengjun, Li Dijun, and the girl could react, Li Yi'an continued.

"Market price!"

His words made Song Bing puzzled.
