Richard parked his bike then alighted from it. He was at the Thompson's residence. He approached the door while murmuring words. Quite a lot of things went wrong as far as he was concerned. Natasha got to know about that room. If only Riley had been the good boy he used to be, then there would had been no need for them to had brought up that room.

He wanted to believe that Natasha overheard their conversation, but he could not be so sure that was the case, maybe Riley was the one who told her about that room.

He walked up the door steps half conscious. Just as he held the door hold, the door flinged open.

"Oh, Richard, it's you."

Hearing his name, he looked at who opened the door.

"What of Riley?"

He stopped staring at her and looked into the house without saying anything.

"My bad, do come in."

She stepped back into the house, leaving the door open for him. He stepped in and sat right in front of Riley's father.

She also closed the door and sat beside Mr Thompson.

"Sir." Richard said and glanced at both adults who sat some distance away, but still too close for Richard to feel comfortable.

"Say what you have to say kid, I have better things to do with my time."

Richard watched the man flip open a document the lady beside him handed over to him.

"What of Rose?"

"She already left."


Though sounding surprised, he didn't look a bit surprised. Seeing the lady with a big smile, he felt like throwing a punch to her face. This was why he wanted Riley to return home, he was hundred percent sure that the lady who happened to be Mr Thompson's secretary was trying to seduce Mr Thompson. And seeing her in the Thompson's residence was something he was used to seeing whenever Mrs Thompson was not around. He kept on staring at her with a disdainful look.


This brought him back to face reality. He could suspect and hate her all he wanted, but he could do nothing about it.

"Yes sir." he replied in a respectful tone.

"Do you have something to say or not?"

He could tell Mr Thompson's patience was wearing thin.

"My apologies sir." he said with a slight bow.

"Ahem. Where is Riley?"

"At the hospital."


"The doctor said they have to keep an eye on him."

" And why is that?"

"They just have to make sure he is well stable."

"Well stable?"

"Yes. Although he looks perfectly fine at the moment, just some while ago he kept on getting unconscious time and over again. So they have to watch him, just in case it gets triggered again."

"And why are you not there with him? You do know you are the very first person Riley would love to see when he wakes up."

Richard bit his lower lip, all just to hold back the curse he nearly said out loud. Like hell he was the first person Riley would love to see. They were the ones he was always asking for when he was younger, they just were never there for him, which made him get used to who was always there for him.

He just smiled at the man and stood up

"I would take my leave then."

Turning his back against them and walking some steps forward, he heard another's footsteps behind him. He looked back to see who it was, even though he could tell. Looking back, he saw the lady. He scoffed at her and walked out of the house, completely ignoring her.


The car came to a halt, Natasha opened the back door and came out of the car. She watched Riley step out with his head down. She could tell he was not scared, he was just feeling nervous.

Riley just stood still and fiddled with his fingers. He heard Natasha thank the men who drove them and heard them drive off.

"Come on, let's go in."

He heard Natasha say as she held his hand. His face turned red, different thoughts came at once

'Just what will her parents think if they see us holding hands? Fine, agreed, we are friends, but what if they misunderstand? Come to think of it, this is my first time here, and I brought no gift with me, will they think I'm not well trained? Damn, what if she has younger siblings, this definitely will make me look bad to them.

He stepped into the house and was met with silence. He finally looked up, but could see nothing, the whole place was dark.

The lights came on, but they were dim. He looked by his side and saw Natasha by the switch.

"Can you make them brighter than this?"

"Yes." she replied with a nod.

She moved away from the switch and held his hand again.

"Come on." she said gently.

Riley became confused. He just asked if she could make the lights brighter cause he could not see clearly. He stopped walking, which made Natasha also stop and turn to face him.

"What?" she asked with a caring voice.

"The lights, you said you could make them brighter."


He looked confused, she also was confused, they didn't get what the other meant.

"Then why are you not making the light brighter?"

She stood still, trying to process what he said with what she believed he said.

"Oh!" she finally said

"Were you seriously making a request?"

"Yes." he nearly screamed.

"That sounded more like a question."

They both laughed at each other's misunderstanding.

"So can you please make them brighter?" he asked with a smile.

"No." she replied looking all serious.

"What!" he screamed out.

He wondered if she was actually serious or she was just teasing him.

"I can't." she said, still with a serious expression.


"My uncle hates it." she said and held Riley's hand and led him to the stairs.

"Your uncle?" he asked as they climbed up the stairs.

"Yes, my uncle. I live here with my uncle."


There was no denying it, he really was surprised. Just a while ago, he was all worried about not coming along with a gift, but now, he somehow felt at peace. He kept on assuring himself that not buying a gift was the best option. Afterall, the man might misunderstand, think he was trying to pursue his little niece, and was trying to bribe him.


This voice brought him out of his thoughts. He smiled at her.

She returned the smile.

"Step in." she mouthed.

"What?" he asked, since he could only see her lips move, but could hear nothing.

She cleared her throat, and said in a not so loud voice.

"Do step into your room."


Just as he took a step into the room, he stopped as he suddenly remembered something.

"Don't I have to greet your uncle." he said while leaning on the door from the inside.


Seeing her with a face he could not decipher, made him feel nervous for a second. If he was not wrong, ever since they came into the house, her attitude did change.

"It won't look nice if he ends up misunderstanding our relationship."

Natasha just smiled and placed her left palm on his right shoulder.

"Relax, my uncle is not at home and won't be coming home tonight."

"I see."

"Get yourself some sleep buddy."


She backed him, proceeding to leave. Taking not more than two steps, she turned back to face him.


"Hmm." he said as he opened the door.

"Just look around the room, you should find whatever you need I believe.

" Hmm,thanks." he said with a nod.

" Good night. "

" Good night, see you tomorrow. "