
Chapter 49. Temptation/Claudia

Despite herself, Everly is a person who is weak to temptation.

Marcis is a man who loves tempting others.

Claudia just wants boundaries!

They're all terrible people! Enjoy!

"Oh, don't be so surprised, angel," Marcis snickered once Everly had regained her composure. "It's the law of the land for all the dear children of the nobility to receive their formal education in the capital. Well, those of you blessed with elemental gifts, anyway. I don't know what we do with the more useless variety of children. What did we do with Aiden? I really can't recall."

Marcis leaned back in his seat and furrowed his brow, as he tried to recover the necessary memories. Then, he shrugged his shoulders and gave up.

"Bleh, I suppose it doesn't matter. Oh, good job killing Casten Meers, by the way. I've been wanting to do that for years. I even made the attempt a short while back, but then Anne started giving me such a scolding before I was halfway through strangling the wretch. The man was an absolute poodle."

He sighed dramatically and poured himself another glass of wine. "I deeply approve of how you handled him, my girl. You slapped his face backward! That had me tittering for days! Staring at his own ass is a suitable fate for a fellow like that. Would you like to do the same to Sir Kelton?"

"I thought his name was Colton?" Everly asked.

"Do the names ever really matter?" Marcis mused.

"Dad, I don't want to go to schooool," Everly moaned piteously.

"Sorry, kitten. Daddy can't do anything about that," Marcis said apologetically. "The state likes to monitor the children of all we rich, powerful maniacs and make certain that we're good, loyal little drones prepared to give our all for the kingdom. May the gods bless Winstead, blah-blah-blah. It'll be a good experience for you! You'll meet lots of fun and interesting people. You might even get to kill a few if you're sneaky enough."

"But I don't feel like I accomplished anything during my journey," Everly whined.

"Everly, you obliterated the entire town of Bremburg in one fell swoop and defeated a cardinal sin! That's achievement enough to have your name placed in a song. I mean, considering the collateral damage you caused, I'm certain the lyrics wouldn't be very flattering, but the fact remains you can't claim you didn't do anything notable. Then there was that lovely defender of the temple whom you crushed with your merciless hand..."

"Dad, I won't tell you again, stop making jokes about her," Everly said furiously.

"Kitten! I was talking about Sarah! Poor little Sarah! The Godwell's were infuriated when they found her in that state. They'll be recalibrating and reprogramming that poor creature for ages to get her back into a semblance of semi-functionality. In the meanwhile, the temple has been forced to appoint a new Paladin of the North. What did you do to her, anyway?"

"Couldn't you have touched her and found out?" Everly asked.

"Ewww. Didn't want to. I'm not certain if you're aware, my girl, but that kid was dirt-eating mad before you laid your fists upon her. Whatever you've done to her since, I don't want an inch of it slithering around my memories."

"All I did was take her somewhere quiet to have a long chat, that's all," Everly said.

"Oh? Where was that I wonder?" asked her father.

"It's called the Rat Room."

"Ha!" he laughed. "Of course, it is. Heh, Septis would love that. Maybe I'll give him the idea at our next encounter."


"Everly, brush up on the basics, sweetie," her father said. "Septis is the king of Winstead. I understand not bothering to learn the names of the various, how do you refer to them? Background characters? Yes, I understand not wanting to bother with learning the names of the various background characters you encounter, but if your final goal is to rule these lands, then at least remember his name. He's rather a big deal around these parts."

"Why bother?" Everly snorted. "I'm just going to kill him and take his stuff, anyway."

"Septis is scrappier than you think, angel. Even with your power, you'll need a proper strategy to defeat his forces and supplant him."

"Tch, Dad," Everly said with a roll of her eyes. "I can just raise an endless army of the dead and overwhelm the capital. I could make it right now, go to bed, and wake up in the morning as the new monarch if I felt like it."

"Ohhhh," her father said after he finished processing her words. "Well, I suppose that's completely true. So, in that case, why don't you?"

"Well," Everly said thoughtfully. "It's not that I don't want to rule over everything and everyone, but I want to do it in accordance with the principles I believe in. I want to gradually crush everyone's hopes and dreams, but not all at once, you see. Plus, I want my enemies to think they have a fighting chance, so they'll keep trying their hardest to defeat me. I don't even mind pretending to lose on occasion if it keeps the game going. It's not about the conquest, see? I just want to be the villain of the story. THE villain."

Marcis smiled at his child's earnest words and found himself throwing his arms around her to hug her tightly. "By the gods, you're mad," he said admiringly.

"No, I'm not," she mumbled with her face squeezed against his chest. "My motivations are completely logical to my nature."

"They really are, aren't they?" he asked with a smile. "Oh, Everly, we really need to get you in the capital. Let me introduce you to one of Septis' children. You'd be a good match for either of them. Selphie is a timid little thing, I think you'd trample all over her nicely, but Seraphine fancies herself a warrior in the image of the holy maiden. You could have a lot of fun breaking her."

"I don't think I'm ready for a relationship, dad," Everly said reluctantly.

"Hmm. Really? Well, I suppose I understand. women are wonderful, but there's something to be said for having a man in your life, isn't there? Did you know that Septis has recently adopted his nephew? The son of the very brother whose blood he shed to secure his throne! Prince Ian has returned to the kingdom."

"Ian?" Everly asked curiously.

"Oh, but I don't know if you'd really like that one," Marcis said with a cunning smile on his face. "Prince Ian is a very kind young man. The hardships he suffered growing up in the frozen north have made him caring and compassionate! He believes fervently in his father's dreams of peace and equality and is quick to draw his sword in defense of the weak and downtrodden. The people of the land call him a hero! The first true one to appear in generations."

"He's...heroic?" Everly asked quietly.

"He has the purest heart I've ever seen," Marcis whispered into her ear. "Oh, Everly. He shines so brightly. In his reassuring presence, one can't help but believe that everything will work out in the end. What sort of monster would someone have to be in order to oppose him? Only the cruelest tyrant possible would look upon him and see an enemy."

"Daaaad...," Everly said excitedly.

"He'll be attending the academy with his sisters," Marcis said. "The three great hopes of the kingdom, all gathered in one place. Oh, I pray no one appears with any sort of villainous agenda. Can you imagine the tragedy?"

Everly said nothing, but blushed furiously as her mind began to wander. Marcis smiled, knowing that he had won.

"Well, I'm glad we got that sorted. I think you'll take to academy life like a fish to water! The fish in this case being some manner of massive man-eating predator. Whatever, I'll make sure Claudia takes good care of you."

"Who?" Everly asked suspiciously.

"Claudia, sweetie," Marcis said patiently. "Your sister. I can't remember if she's your older or younger one. Completely slips my mind, I'm afraid."

"You can't tell which of us is older?" Everly said in exasperation.

"I was a very busy man in the months preceding your birth, angel. Your mothers were both ovulating, and I was trapped inside all winter still recovering from my duel with the mountain splitter, when—"

"No. Stop. You lost me at your mothers were both ovulating," Everly said quickly. Marcel scoffed at this provincial display.

"Don't be prudish Everly," he said. "There's nothing wrong with having an awareness of the wonders of biology. It's very practical! Your mother and I greatly enjoyed each other's company. I'll have you know that the sex that produced you was absolutely spectacular! Both Lyona and I had wobbling knees for days afterwards. Would you like to know what position we were in when we conceived you?"

"Never in this life, no," Everly answered immediately.

She'd have to speak to Eris later about preparing some mind-bleach.

"Oh, very well. Anyway, let's go ahead and introduce you to your sister. You'll love her! She's great."

"Is she really?" Everly asked.

"Oh, dear god, no," he said at once. "But she'll be the academy's problem starting next month, so there's that to look forward to."

Everly began to frown.


Marcis led Everly through the corridors of the mansion to a wing of the great house she'd never been to before. Through the seemingly endless hallways and twisting corridors, he eventually brought her to the massive personal quarters reserved exclusively for his daughter.

"Ah, here we are," he said cheerily as he began to rap his knuckles against the closed wooden door.

"Claudia? Lambkins? Sweetie pie? It's your father! I have someone I'd like you to meet! Won't you please open your door?"

Marcis stood there and waited patiently for over a minute before trying again. "Claudia? Lambkins? Sweetie pie? It's still your father! I really do have someone I'd like you to meet! Won't you please open the door?"

This time, there was a response.

Several women appeared as if from nowhere, each dressed in the uniform of a maid, but for some reason they were brandishing the razor-sharp cutlery they carried threateningly at Marcis and Everly as they spoke.

"I don't want to talk to you! You're a vile pervert!" one of them hissed.

"You slept with one of my maids again, you nasty bastard! You know I can see their memories! Those stains don't wash out, you rutting old goat!"

"Well, if we're being honest, I slept with two of your maids this morning, but in my defense, they were really into it," Marcis replied shamelessly.

"Nauseating!" shrieked one maid.

"Respect my boundaries, you prick!" wretched another.

"Oh, don't talk to me about boundaries, you simpering little brat," Marcis sneered. "What three consenting adults, with a fourth to sit there and watch, do for fun is their own business. Besides, you're hive-minding the help again! What have I said about that?!"

"Stop telling me what to do!" One maid yelled.

"I'll be an adult soon!" said another.

"I can't wait to get out of here! All you do is stifle me!" added a third.

"Dearest, smothering the spark of independence is what parents who care, do. Now seriously, come out at once. I want you to meet Everly."

"Who's that?" yelled one. "Another one of your harlots?"

"Gross, no thank you!" another said forcefully.

"You're really crossing a line now, libertine scum," concluded another. The original three maids had now grown into a veritable mob of enraged femineity, who all directed their angry faces towards the count and spoke with one voice.

He, in turn, began to sigh wearily.

"Oh, to hell with this, now I'm starting to feel tired," Marcis said. "Everly, can you handle the rest?"

"What?" Everly asked in confusion. "Why are you dragging me into this? You're the one she's pissed with!"

"Yeeeeah, but you seem so mature, Everly. You're just so mature," her father told her. "I have this feeling that this whole thing can be resolved peacefully if you were to take up the wheel. Besides, I'm still feeling peckish. You did step on my breakfast platter earlier? So, in a sense you owe me? Have fun, I love you both!"

In response, the maids all began throwing their knives after Marcis, which he nimbly evaded before making good on his escape.

"I'll find you, Daddy! I'll make you pay!" They all shouted at his retreating figure.

"Wow, what a piece of work," Everly said with an odd feeling of admiration mixed evenly with revulsion.

"Gods, you're telling me," the maids glowered. Then they turned to face her. "So, who the hell are you supposed to be? His latest toy? And he thought I wanted to meet you? Don't feel flattered."

"No," Everly said. "It's not like that. I'm actually your—"

"New maid? No. Uh, uh. Absolutely not," the maids said forcefully. "I seriously can't take another memory of him plowing one of my servants. Does that bastard not realize the psychic trauma caused by seeing your parents naked? Through a first-person view? Killing him can't even be called patricide. It's clearly self-defense!"

"Fucking hell," Everly said.

"Exactly what I'd say!" the maids said at once. "Listen, you seem sweet, you really do. Tell me where you're from and I'll see you're sent home with some gold in your pocket. Oh, I'll have to erase your memories too, but you won't really care about that part. Can't have any embarrassing stories getting out about the family, can we?"

"Hey! Listen, please," Everly said, now truly feeling annoyed. "I'm not our dad's sidepiece and I'm not your new maid, okay? I'm your sis--"

"What did you mean by our dad?" the maids said angrily. "Do you mean to say…oh, no, he makes you call him daddy! GROSS! Son of a bitch, I'm really going to KILL him this time! Father! Get back here at once," they screamed as they began running in the direction the count had fled.

Soon, the corridor was empty.

"Ahhhh," Everly said to no one in particular.

Wasn't she supposed to be the crazy one?


Claudia Van Belsar.

Everly's older sister by several months (someone actually does keep track of these things), Claudia is (outwardly) an exemplar of the noble ideal. Polite, sweet, beautiful, and demure. What few people realize is that beneath her seemingly perfect exterior beats the heart of a burgeoning despot, obsessed with control and domination.

Wanting to experience all things, and desiring absolute knowledge, Claudia treats other people as her dolls. Her precious toys who exist only for her pleasure.

Her mastery of spirit magic is unparalleled and steadily growing stronger. Hailed as a genius for awakening to her power at the age of six, she relishes the praise of others and delights in demonstrating her superiority. The only two people who have ever made her feel insecure are her father and twin brother, Caleb, neither of whom she can control, both of whom treat her as a nuisance.

With her resentment gradually building, who knows how the domineering princess of the household will react when she meets her sister face-to-face?