
Chapter 17

Rhaenyra embraced Harwin. It had been weeks since they had seen each other.

"I've missed you." Harwin told her, voice heavy with longing.

"And I, you. Daemon needed me, after the disappointment of Maegor's birth and Laena being unable to attend to his desires, I had to step in. I did not want him to grow resentful of Laena's recovery time. Now that she has recovered from the difficult birthing, all will be well."

Rhaenyra hoped that would be true. Daemon was not angry at Laena, but he was angry. His son by Laena was the one who would carry his name onward, and now, in his view, his true-born first-born was freakish. Daemon was often rash and more than a mite surly these days, but Rhaenys and Elaena were in turns always ready to help Laena with Maegor. Elaena had made a few day trips back to King's Landing to visit Father, but for the most part she had been a constant and welcome presence.

"How is this child? We received your letter, but dark rumors also arrived by ship." Harwin asked.

"Maegor is as well as can be expected. His heart and lungs are in fine health. The scales on his back do not seem to cause him discomfort. Maester Gerardys says we will have to be watchful as he grows as they could cause problems, but they seem to be growing along with the rest of him at an even rate. Or at least as best as we can tell," Rhaenyra replied.

"Is Gerardys saying on Driftmark?"

Rhaenyra nodded, "For now, despite his fright, he is willing to be ferried to Dragonstone atop dragonback if need be. Gerardys' helpers have not forged their own chains yet, but they have learned at his feet and are better than fools like Mellos."

Harwin's chest rumbled as he chuckled, the two still intertwined in their embrace.

"The Grand Maester may have been wrong a few times, but he's still a wise man, my love."

Rhaenyra sniffed and ended their embrace. "I trust not the Citadel; it is Otto's territory. Maester Gerardys has told me much of how much influence the rulers of Oldtown have. When I am Queen, it will be Gerardys who is the Grand Maester."

They headed toward her bed chambers, Rhaenyra looking forward to a much longer embrace with her strong Harwin. Only, someone had gotten there first.

"Mother!" Luke happily clapped as she entered her room. The boy was the spitting image of Harwin. His mop of brown hair reminiscent of his natural father. His pug nose was endearing at this age, though Rhaenyra hoped he would outgrow it.

"Lucerys Velaryon, are you not supposed to be in bed?" Ser Harwin spoke firmly.

Her son gave an impish smile, "You told me to go to bed, and I did! But then I heard Syrax and wanted to greet mother." The boy paused, slight trepidation in his eyes. Before he could grow more concerned, Rhaenyra hurried toward her son and bundled him up in a hug. The boy was nearing his sixth name-day and large for his age, so it would not be long before he was too big for her to pick-up.

"I've missed you so. Have you been good for Ser Harwin?"

"I have tried. He has been teaching me how to fight. I have missed you and Jace! Can I go see the monster soon?"

Rhaenyra's smile faded. "Luke, my child, this is important. You must never call your cousin, 'monster.' He is… different than most, but he is your Aunt Laena's special boy. There will be many who call him monster, but you will not allow it in your presence. Do you understand?"

Her second-born son frowned, but then nodded. "Yes mother, it is a family thing, right? I must protect him like I protect Aenar and Aelyx."

"You have the right of it," Ser Harwin rumbled. "A knight protects the innocent and those who are vulnerable. Maegor will be more vulnerable than most, it will take a brave knight to speak up for him. Are you that knight?"

Luke stood up straight. "I will be, ser!"

Rhaenyra smiled and kissed her son's cheeks. "Off to bed with you now, we will talk more in the morning."

"Yes mother! I want to show you what I taught Arrax in the morning."

"I look forward to the morrow then, good night my sweetling."

When he had left Rhaenyra frowned at Harwin. "We need to be more careful. He snuck into my room, what if he had done that while we were in the middle of something?"

Harwin nodded, "My apologies, it will not happen again. This wing of Dragonstone is heavily guarded at the entrance and every servant and guard here has served your family for long years, but I see the concern."

Rhaenyra smiled, "Good, now that duty has been completed you can welcome me back home properly."


Alicent sighed in annoyance, as Uthor would not stop being so fussy.

"Take him to the far bedroom, he cries far too much and too loudly." Alicent commanded her maidservants.

It was like Aegon come again! Thankfully his infancy had not been as bad, nor was he usually like this, but Elaena's absence was being felt keenly. The boy was halfway between one and two and had behaved as well as most babes. Until the damnable monster was born. Alicent was at first joyful at Daemon suffering such a setback, but due to said setback, Elaena had been gone for weeks! Weeks! No doubt Rhaenyra was filling her mind with all sorts of tawdry venom about Alicent and her family.

When Elaena did return, it was all too brief. A quick visit to her father, a quick hello to her family, maybe one meal and she would be off. She looked as if she had not been getting much sleep. A horrid thought dawned on her.

Surely that slatternly slut has not had Elaena bedded with someone already…

Alicent shook herself. She realized she was being foolish. Elaena was not so foolish and stupid as to dishonor herself by allowing herself to be despoiled. Still, she worried, being around such perverseness cannot be healthy. It wasn't just Rhaenyra either, it was the whole lot of them including the savage beast that was the Dark Storm. Laenor portrayed himself as a civilized man, an honorable knight, and a loyal husband. But many knew he had depraved lusts, and harbored a dangerous bloodlust that made the Rogue Prince look calm and measured.

Aemond was announced, and Alicent smiled at her son. Aemond was proving himself in the yard; he had not yet begun to change into a man in form, but his skill was already the talk of the Red Keep.

"You wished to speak with me, mother?"

"My son, you are growing more every day. I have a task for you, if you believe to be up to it."

"I have never shirked from a challenge."

Alicent nodded. "Your grandfather wishes for Daeron to claim a dragon sooner than late. Do you believe you could handle flying to Oldtown and flying him back?"

Aemond's eyebrows rose in surprise. Given his age, only now reaching his tenth name day, it was quite early to be flying alone for several days. Alicent knew that Elaena had done so even earlier.

"Of course. Vermithor enjoys stretching his wings, given his great size; there will not be any difficultly in carrying both myself and my brother." A small smile appeared on his lips, "Is that why you chose me for the task?"

Alicent gave her son a look. "Don't start anything with Aegon over this. If he asks, yes, that will be a suitable reason."

"Aegon is growing in his self-importance. It was foolish for you to plant notions of him being King so early."

"You think it is Aegon who grows too arrogant?" Alicent arched her eyebrow at her second oldest son.

"Is it arrogance to hold an understanding that is grounded in reality? I am better with horse, with sword, and quill. Aegon resents me for it, chastise him for his failings, not for my successes."

She wanted to tear her hair out. Aemond's accomplishments were grand, but his sheer haughtiness over it was irritating to all around him. Even gentle Helaena was growing frustrated over it.

He's clearly still a boy, perhaps he is too immature for this. Daeron could always travel by sea.

"Aemond, your ever-present desire to mock your brother is a failing in of itself. He will be your King. You will owe him your allegiance; you will abide by his decisions, and you will say "Your Grace" and follow his commands. Are you so great a fool as to antagonize the next King of Westeros? Do your ancient books of logic and rhetoric teach you this shortsightedness?"

Aemond's eyes grew hard. "Do not speak of things you know naught about, mother. I should not have to lesser myself to make Aegon shine."

"No one is asking you to! Seven watch over me, why do you turn everything into an argument. I honor you with my trust and you seek to use it as a way to tear down your brother. We must be united in what is to come, and you are foolishly driving a wedge where there should be none! You wish to be treated as someone beyond his years, and yet you are in this moment acting your age. Which is it Aemond? Do I treat you as a child or a prince of the realm?"

Aemond stood up straighter, "Forgive me, mother. You are right, I will not use this task as a way to chide Aegon. When should I leave?"

Alicent sighed, her son's words were clipped and angry, but formally acceptable. She shook her head in frustration. "Tomorrow is fine. You will stop for the night on pre-arranged path, do not deviate it from it. I am trusting you to safely carry your brother here."

Aemond bowed and bid her farewell. Alicent bade the serving maid to pour her more wine. She had promised Daenora to help her pick out a cat to serve as a pet, but she was too weary for it. Trying to deal with Uthor had made her wish for nothing more than peace and quiet.

Naturally, that was not going to happen. After Elaena's latest visit, Viserys was in higher spirits. Before the evening's supper he came to her for his marital rights. She clenched her teeth in frustration, would it be too much to ask for some few hours of peace? She would do her duty as wife and Queen, but how she resented it! It felt wrong to pray to the Mother that the King's seed not quicken inside her, but she was exhausted. The thought of another screaming babe or another interminably long pregnancy made her pray most fervently.


Viserys was in a gay mood despite his precious daughter's forthwith departure. It was an exciting time, the Realm's Blessing going off on her marriage tour. Unlike Rhaenyra, Viserys was sure that she would find a match. If she did not, she would be wed to Aemond and that would be that. It still puzzled him how dead-set she was against a marriage within the family, but she had more than earned the right to have a bit of strangeness about her. Her work with Beesbury had done wonders for the realm's finances.

The King's pleasant mood was buoyed by news that his wife was now carrying another child. A seventh child, truly the Gods had blessed their union. Right on the heels of that, the Dragonkeepers advised that Silverwing had laid a clutch of eggs, which was rather important given how prolific his family had become!

As of yet, the great dragon was not bonded. His son, Daeron had attempted it, but had failed to form the connection. Fortunately for the young lad, it had not been a complete disappointment. He had managed to bond with Tessarion, and the younger dragon seemed more suited for the boy anyhow. Viserys liked Daeron and hoped he would visit again soon. The boy was impressing the Maesters. Daeron was similar to Elaena and Aemond in that regard; all three had minds far sharper than their age would have suggested.

Ser Harrold Westerling, commander of the Kingsguard's voice sounded out, "The Princess Elaena, to visit her father, the King."

"Send her in, Harrold."

Viserys took a bite of a pear and then set it next to the empty bowl of soup he had broken his fast with. Elaena was still planning his meals for him, and they had found a combination that suited him. Chicken and fish instead of beef and pork, along with a large variety of different greenery. He barely tolerated them, but he had to admit her work with the palace cooks had found combinations that were palatable and still satisfying.

And it has worked, I rarely feel any pains now and I no longer grow wheezy when I climb the stairs.

"Father, I wished to visit you, then my siblings, before I fly to Driftmark."

"Ah, so Daemion is a contender, eh?"

Elaena was very good at keeping her face impassive, but a slight shifting of her features made him think that was not the case.

"I intend to give everyone a fair hearing, and I understand the advantages of staying close to the capital."

"But?" Viserys prompted.

"I do not think it a good match. There are dozens of lords with more wealth and land. The only true advantage would be to try to keep the dragons within the existing families, but my siblings, nephews, and nieces will unlikely be that constrained in their matches."

"Who do you have your eyes on then?"

"There are several eligible lords and heirs who would work. I do have high standards in a potential life-partner, and so while I have triaged a list of sorts on best suited outside of personal compatibility, it does not mean much, since that consideration is one that I have placed highly."

Viserys frowned. "Surely you have interacted with a few of them. The Name-day tourney brought many knights just a fortnight ago!"

"My interactions were limited, but fear not, father, I do intend to make a selection. I also intend to be fair and give all who have an interest a hearing."

Viserys grabbed at the half-eaten pear and took a bite. He swallowed and then asked, "What next after Driftmark?"

"Gulltown, I've written to Lady Arryn and interested suitors will be meeting me there. There are some Arryns of the right age, as well as Ser Garland Grafton, and Lord Arwood wants me to meet his nine-year-old son… which I will oblige, but be unlikely to agree to a match. It has been announced to the wider Vale that I will be coming, so there will likely be others."

"House Arryn is a noble house and I can attest to their honor and fitness for marital union, but I am surprised you would consider them given your family lineage."

Elaena gave a slightly shrug, "A cousin once or twice removed is different from a sibling."

Viserys took a sip of well-watered wine. "And from there?"

"White Harbor. Ser Medrick Manderly is within the right age range, and he has a reputation for honor, strength, and courtly manners. If I find a match in the North, it would likely be that house."

Oh my daughter, do you think I've not noticed that you seem to be focused only on areas next to the sea?

The two talked at length and discussed the various merits of different matches. How fitting certain climates would be for Viktoriya, how she would like the local nobility, and the distance between there and King's Landing.

She wasn't only planning to stop at seaports, but the other locations were also telling. The Twins, Riverrun, Tumbleton, and Highgarden were astride rivers that dominated trade. Of Elaena's planned stops, only Golden Tooth, Honeyholt, and Harvest Hall were not near the ocean or a river.

Whoever your husband will be, he will learn that his wife does not count coppers; she counts gold dragons!

It amused Viserys how different some of his children were. He was glad he was able to give this gift of choice to Elaena. He was already having his ear pulled by individuals wishing for a match. His first-born had asked that he help sway Elaena to pick someone near King's Landing. Even Lyman had pushed hard for the merits of his grandson! His wife also had her own suggestions, but regardless who asked, Viserys had been firm that it would be Elaena's choice and hers alone.

As they concluded their conversation Elaena embraced him. "Please ensure you stick with the meal plan I've come up with, and that you drink the medicinal teas I've prepared. I intend to return to King's Landing at least twice before the tour is complete, and I expect to find you in good health!"

"Yes, yes, cease your hectoring, I've given my word, haven't I?" Viserys said with a smile.

Elaena bade him a farewell and then she was off to see her siblings. A short time later, his wife was announced into his chambers.

"Have you seen our daughter off, my love?" Viserys asked.

"I have, I still think she should be chaperoned. A journey by horse or by sea is not that long, and the lords can come to her. Or we could have had a Kingsguard ride ahead or your household guards do the same at locations where she intends to fly to."

Viserys waved her concerns away.

"She has a will of steel; she will not be pressured into a match she does not desire. As for her safety, each house she visits will ensure she has no harm befall her. The honor of their line demands it."

Alicent sighed, "As you say." She paused. "Viserys, I have a request of you."

"What is it?"

Alicent took another nervous intake of air. "I have given you four sons and two daughters, and helped raised the daughter of heart. Half a year from now I will bring forth a seventh child, a blessed child. But… I would request that be all that you demand of me. I am worn and weary, my love."

Viserys felt deep sympathy for his wife. The birthing room was an awful place, and she had done her duty. He took her into his arms and kissed her.

"Oh, Alicent, you have done more than what was expected. And I would not wish to put you under more danger, but I do very much desire your company in bed."

Alicent bit her lip, "Yes, and I would not deny you your rights. There are ways. I have spoken with Grand Maester Mellos, I can take concoctions that will ensure no child springs forth."

"But are those not dangerous?"

"There is some danger, but not as much as a birth. The biggest concern is that it would create infertility in a woman, but since I intend this to be my last child, that worry is not one for me."

Viserys kissed her again. "If that is your wish, and the Maester thinks the risk to your health is mild, do so with my blessing."

"Thank you," Alicent said with tears in her eyes.

A part of him was glad to make her happy, but another part of him was a bit put off.

Did she think I would deny her this? I am not some ogre to force my wives to give birth 'till tragedy. What happened with Aemma was for want of a son.

Viserys put the thought out of his mind; women were notoriously poor at thinking clearly while carrying another life within them. He would not hold it against his wife who had borne him four healthy sons to carry on his name.


Aemond parried Ser Criston's strike, and then another, and another.

"Good footwork, excellent!" Ser Criston praised as Aemond moved smoothly through their spar. Aemond had no chance of winning an actual fight against a full-grown man, especially not one as skilled as Ser Criston, but he was keeping up. The knight of the Kingsguard was not using his full strength, but he was moving at combat speed with the blunted tourney sword, and Aemond was able to keep up. Ser Criston began swinging harder, forcing Aemond to dodge more and parry less. Aemond was breathing heavy by the time they were done, but he had not been touched.

When they had quenched their thirst, Aemond asked Ser Criston what he thought of Elaena's marriage tour.

"Who do you think my sister will choose?"

Criston's face soured for a moment. "I know not, these sorts of events are impossible to predict."

"I wouldn't say impossible, but I am curious of your thoughts on the matter."

"My prince… it truly is not my place to speak on it."

"Do so anyway."

Criston sighed, looked out at the walls of the Red Keep, and then back to Aemond.

"The princess holds herself to a high standard, she will look for the same in a husband. She will want someone who has deeds or clear potential for them. This means she will not seek young boys, and instead look for someone more established."


"Ser Jon of House Roxton. He is the heir to his house and bold as you come. He placed 2nd in the recent melee and reached the round of four in the joust last year." Ser Criston answered. "However, the Reach is some distance from King's Landing, and it seems family is quite important to Elaena."

"Who else?"

"Ser Lorent Brax is one of the best knights of the Westerlands. You also have Ser Medrick Manderly off in White Harbor, he is a fine warrior, though I've only met him once. In the Stormlands there will be those who have fought true battle against Dorne, but I have a hard time believing a match will be made with a knight of low standing, regardless of their valor."

Again, Cole's voice had a tinge of bitterness, but Aemond just didn't care enough to pursue why that might be. Aemond considered Ser Criston a strong knight, and a fantastic instructor, but outside of those areas, he was dull and uninteresting.

"You are probably right, but even those other names you gave seem too low for Elaena. The heir to one of the great houses makes more sense to me."

"Who? Cregan Stark is heir to his house, but still a boy of two-and-ten. Lady Arryn has no sons, neither does Lord Baratheon nor Jason Lannister. Dalton Greyjoy is even younger than Cregan."

"Yes, but is that not an opportunity? A pact can be made to pass over a daughter for a nephew or cousin, much in the way Rhaenys was passed over for Viserys."

Criston considered for a moment and then shook his head. "I do not know enough to say how likely it would be. Elaena brings with her a dragon so I could see the potential advantages, but even though some lords have no son as of now, does not mean they will never have any sons. Is there some reason you think it is important for her to wed into a Paramount House?"

Aemond nodded. "She is a Targaryen and deserves the best. My sister is wiser than any Maester, she should be running a kingdom."

"Won't that be her Lord Husband's responsibility?"

Aemond laughed. "I'll see you on the morrow for more training, ser."

From the practice yard Aemond went to visit his mother. Elaena had asked him to assist their mother during her pregnancy. A task he did not relish, his mother oft thought she knew best, better than him or even Elaena! Someone of middling intellect believing she was wiser than him was insulting. He had given his word to Elaena, and she rightly taught that keeping up the perception that your word was your bond was critical when influencing others.

"Mother, are you well?" Aemond asked when he arrived.

"As well as I can be. The servants have your siblings in hand, but do check on Daenora. She is vexed with me and could use your company."

Daenora isn't stupid, but she's only six. Hardly a conversational partner.

Aemond suppressed a sigh, bowed, and went to check in on his sister. Their relationship wasn't particularly close; there was just too little in common with their age difference. The girl was reading, which was to her credit; too many ladies of the court had no knowledge outside of sewing and dressing prettily.

"What are you reading, sister?"

"A story about giants that are found north of the Wall," she answered. "I still need a cat, and mother keeps putting it off. I know she's got a baby inside of her, but I want something that will be with me."

Aemond didn't wish to listen to his sister whine about their mother, so looked to make the time productive.

"Let's pick out a cat together."

"Don't we need mother's permission?"

Aemond waved off the concern. "Mother doesn't care, she's too busy resting in bed. She misses Elaena and seems worn with concern over who she will match with."

"I miss our sister too and Uthor is too little to play with."

"All the more reason to get you your pet now. I have other things I must be about too, so let us not tarry."

Daenora clapped her hands and Aemond thought this task was not too burdensome. Elaena would likely appreciate his solution-oriented response to this familial drama. At the same time he would also find himself in the good graces of his mother and sister.

Efficient, yes Elaena would be proud.


Daemion listened as his father regaled him with advice.

"My son, this is a grand opportunity. The Princess Elaena is favored highly by the King and has considerable influence over the Dragon Bank. If you can woo her, we could fund expeditions to Essos just like my uncle! Wealth, power, and fame are all ours for the taking!"

Daemion was twenty and had sailed to Braavos and Pentos, but no further. The type of expedition that his father, Vaemond Velaryon, wished to do would take them as far as the Sea Snake had gone. In truth, Daemion wished to do so, but he had also been counseled by Rhaenys that the match was incredibly unlikely to occur. Daemion's father thought differently; he believed the princess could become enamored with him and choose him, despite how far he was removed from being the Master of Driftmark in the succession.

"I will try."

"No! You will do more than try. Here, I have taken the liberty of finding a gift for you to give her."

His father pulled out a tiny box, he opened it and a brooch of silver in the shape of a dragon was revealed.

"When the time is right, gift her this as a token of your affection. You must be confident, but not overbearing. The princess is used to being around the great powers of the realm, there is little you can do to command her respect that you've done here on Driftmark. Instead, speak of your valor at sea. Don't go into too much detail in regards to pirates you slew, women rarely want the details of gore, but they will be entranced by bravery and a good story."

"I didn't know my single kill of a man backing away in terror was a good story."

"My boy, not every detail need be true!"

Daemion grimaced, "As you say. Father, I'd like to consider my words to her in private. Thank you for your counsel."

Daemion breathed out a sigh of relief as his father departed. His father was a man who cared for his children, but also a man who chafed at his lot in life. Overshadowed by his famous uncle and cousin, he longed for an opportunity to raise his status. His father was enraged that none of Laenor's children were by his blood, but knew better than to speak it aloud within Laenor's hearing. Daemion shuddered, the Dark Storm was friendly and courteous to friends and family, but none wished for the courtly mask to ever be removed due to any of their own actions.

Soon the hour of Elaena's coming had arrived. The Lord and Lady of Driftmark greeted her as she descended off Viktoriya. At a distance, the dragon had appeared almost identical to Seasmoke, but up close it was clear her hue and scales were a different shade. After pleasantries had been exchanged, his father introduced Daemion to Elaena.

"Princess Elaena," Daemion bowed, "I am pleased to see you again."

Elaena gave him a smile, "Always a pleasure." She turned to Corlys, "Are we on a schedule, or do I have time to walk along the waterfront with Ser Daemion."

The Sea Snake shook his head, "The welcoming feast is not for another three hours, take as much time as you desire."

As the rest of the party departed, Daemion got a better look at the princess. She wore her silver hair in a ponytail. Her blue eyes dominated her face and Daemion got the impression that they perceived much despite moving little. She wore little jewelry besides a small ring with small sapphire, that revealed itself when she removed her gloves and stored them away in a pouch at her waist. Her slender form was encapsulated within the traditional riding leathers dragonriders wore when flying.

"Tell me of yourself, we may have met previously, but we have never had a prolonged conversation," Elaena began.

Daemion was nervous, but told her of his sailing ability. About how he had been knighted, how he had been given control over his father's vessel at night, and an only slightly embellished tale of how he slew his first foe in mortal combat. Daemion was not sure if he was impressing her, but when he would glance over to her, she seemed attentive.

"If we were to wed, what are your expectations?"

"Expectations? I… well, for us to care for each other and have children." Daemion was a bit confused by the question.

"How many?"

Mindful of how Elaena's mother had died, Daemion approached the question cautiously. "I would expect at least one son, if we are both able."

"If we were wed, and I birthed a son, would that be the end of it, or would you wish for a larger family?"

"It is customary not to put all stock in one child. Illness, war, or even tourney accidents can occur," Daemion responded. He then hastily added, "But of course this is not to say that if your health prevented you from safely delivering a child that we would need to continue to try for another son."

"I see." She was silent for a few moments. "Are you close with your cousins, Laena and Laenor?"

Back on more familiar ground he shrugged, "I would not say I am terribly close, but we are cordial with one another. Laenor has brought much honor to our house."

"You speak of Laenor, but what of Laena? She commands mighty Vhagar and is wed to the King's brother."

"Ah, yes, forgive me, princess. Laena has found a good match and as a dragon rider, few can match her."

"She's birthed three children for her husband, do you think her duty is done?"

I should answer carefully, but I shouldn't deceive her.

"That is between Prince Daemon and Laena. I hesitate to offend."

"If we are to be wed, I would know your true thoughts."

"Very well. In truth, much depends on what the Maesters say. If they were to say there is great risk to Laena's health, then yes, her duty is done. If they were to advise that her last pregnancy was a fluke, then yes, she should try again to provide a proper heir for Daemon."

"Thank you for your honesty."

After that there was no more talk of pregnancies or duties, only discussion of trade House Velaryon participated in. Elaena asked questions over his journeys to Essos and teased out his father's desires to take an extended trip into the far parts of Essos, like Corlys so famously had done. Time had flown and Daemion found himself enjoying Elaena's company greatly. His hopes were soon dashed.

"Daemion, I have enjoyed our visit. I intend to stay for the feast and converse more with you on the morrow, but we will not be wed. I do wish to see your expedition funded. I will speak with the Master of Coin personally, we can structure the expedition loan without interest, but with a portion of the bounty you will reap."

Daemion was both pleased and saddened. Had he never had a chance, or was it something he had said? He chose not to ask and make things awkward. His father would hopefully be mollified by Elaena's generosity of favorable terms. Still, he would always wonder.