
Chapter 22

Viserys was eager for the day. Some of his most favored were returning to King's Landing. It was only marred by Rhaenyra's choice to stay on Dragonstone. Viserys knew it was no slight against him, or even Daemon, who was being honored. Rhaenys had told him that Rhaenyra had chosen to stay away out of concern for Alicent. With her being so far along in her pregnancy, it would not do to put undue stress on the Queen.

It would be better if they could just be friends again, but women can be stubborn. Not that they have a monopoly on such things. My good friend Otto gives wise counsel in all things, save for Daemon.

His Hand had been incensed at the idea of Daemon being raised to Lord Paramount status over such a small area of land. The poor man had been shocked when Viserys refused to be moved on the issue. In truth, Otto was right, but the Stepstones was a vital lane of trade, so it could be justified. And most importantly he wanted to honor his brother. Time had healed the wounds that Daemon's past behavior had caused, and he was now a father thrice over. Best that they remain on excellent terms.

As much as he looked forward to seeing Daemon, he was just as eager, if not moreso, to see Elaena again and hear how her travels had gone. Once she had chosen, Viserys intended to give the man a position of responsibility in King's Landing. He did not wish to be parted from his daughter. He knew eventually she would live in her husband's domain, but there was no reason that couldn't be put off for some time!

As he was about to make his way to the Dragon Pit to greet whoever arrived first, Otto reached him before he exited the Red Keep.

"Your Grace, I wanted to share some news from the Westerlands. Jason Lannister has sent a formal apology for the events that took place in Casterly Rock."

"Apology?" Viserys frowned. "What happened?"

"He writes that it was a truly tragic series of misfortunate events. Some of the would-be suitors backed off as they believed they had little chance. Fearing that Princess Elaena's time would be wasted and viewed as an insult, other, perhaps less suitable suitors were invited. One of which ended up making a boor of himself, and has gone into exile in Essos for his behavior. Additionally, both Elaena and Lord Lantell seemed to have eaten some food that disagreed with them. All said, he sends his apologies, and as recompense for being such a poor host, he would like to donate 5,000 gold dragons toward the wedding celebrations."

Viserys frowned. Such a rich gift was not a large outlay for the Lannisters, but would beggar many lesser houses. Lannisters did have their pride, it could either be that any slight rumor of them being poor hosts was enough for such a bold response, or they truly had been wretched hosts and feared what his daughter would say to him about the event.

"I will speak to Elaena first, and then have a response composed."

"Your Grace." Otto inclined his head, and departed.

When Viserys arrived at the Dragon Pit, several of his children were already there: Aegon, Aemond, and Daenora.

"Ah, so you heard the news of Elaena's return as well."

"Yes, father," Aegon replied. "We are eager to see our sister."

Aemond simply nodded his head; the boy had been a bit taciturn of late. Daenora who was five or six, Viserys couldn't always recall all their ages, not with the heavy burden of keeping the kingdom running, was humming happily and didn't speak.

"I am surprised Helaena isn't here then." Viserys commented.

Ser Harrold spoke and stated, "Your Grace, Helaena is unwell. Night terrors have assailed her of late."

Viserys frowned. "Why wasn't I told?"

"Forgive me, Your Grace, but I thought you already knew, most like others thought the same." Ser Harrold replied.

Viserys let the subject drop and asked his sons how their arms training was going. Both Aegon and Aemond responded positively, saying that Ser Criston felt they were progressing well.

"Good, good. You, Aegon, will be a knight soon. No doubt you are eager for your first tournament."

Aegon had a rigid look to his face. "I will be ready."

Aemond smirked, and Aegon scowled. Viserys laughed.

"Ah you two remind me of me and Daemon when we were young. Always butting heads. Hopefully you'll outgrow it sooner than we did! I'm not sure if anyone has told you, but I'll be making Prince Daemon a Paramount Lord, over the Stepstones."

"We know," Aemond replied. "The total amount of land there is limited, but that just means the Stepstone Targaryens can expand. Conquer a Free City or two, or simply Dorne."

Viserys blinked rapidly. "What? The purpose isn't to encourage war, what has the Grand Maester been teaching you? By the Gods, the man is really losing it in his dotage."

Aemond's lips grew taut. "I don't know your purpose, but we have dragons and they do not. It is only right that all of Westeros live under our house's rule. Dorne at least must fall to us, the Free Cities will be an added treat."


"It is a good thing you are… hmm what, 8th in the succession, Aemond? War is an ugly thing, if our neighbors do not antagonize us, we should keep the peace."

Aegon stiffened noticeably, but did not speak. Aemond though looked at Viserys with narrowed eyes.

"Elaena is ahead of me, but not Helaena?" Aemond asked.


"You place sons before daughters, except for Rhaenyra and Elaena. That is… irrational."

Viserys was vexed. "Must I argue about the succession with you too!? It is set, badgering me will not get me to change it."

Aemond shook his head, "I just do not understand the governing logic at work here. If sons are before daughters, then Aegon is before Rhaenyra. If you as King wish to make an exception backed by royal fiat, so be it. But why then Elaena? I love my sister, and believe she would be a fine ruler, but it makes little sense."

Viserys waved the concern away. "Must I be so forward? The children of my first wife, both of my daughters, are ahead of all the children of my second wife. After that, it is based on the traditional means of inheritance, which is the eldest male child. Not that it truly matters for you two, Rhaenyra has four healthy children, even if calamities such as disease or childbed labors take her from us prematurely, they would all inherit before you."

Aegon looked like he wanted to speak, but said nothing. Aemond, though, seemed to be turning this over in his mind quite vigorously. He finally nodded.

"Very well, father, thank you for explaining your reasoning."

They stood around in a bit of an awkward silence, until a dragon was sighted. As it neared it became clear it was Viktoriya. Daenora gave a happy cry and clapped her hands, while both Aegon and Aemond had smiles on their face.

Soon the agile dragon landed, and a smiling Elaena adroitly dropped down from her dragon. She embraced Daenora, who had run forward to give her a hug. Viserys waited for a moment and then grandly gestured toward the boys, "Feel free to speak for a few minutes before I take my daughter's attention for the next few hours."

Aegon and Aemond approached and Viserys saw how well they interacted as a family. It warmed his heart that Elaena got along so well with Alicent's children. It still bothered him that there was such a great animosity between his wife and eldest daughter. After a couple of minutes Viserys interrupted, and the two boys left with their younger sister.

"You look well, how did everything go?"

They walked as they talked, and he immediately felt more buoyant and cheerful. Even his damnable toe had stopped aching as much. Truly family was the best medicine.

"It went well, I have two additional names of worthwhile suitors to add to my list. The first is Forrest Frey, and the second is Kevan Lefford."

"Oh, so you did find some good in the Westerlands, Otto received a concerning letter from Jason Lannister."

"Oh? I am curious of its contents."

Viserys explained what he had been told and Elaena looked intrigued.

"Interesting. I cut short my visit because I was made to feel unwelcome at Casterly Rock. I do not believe Jason Lannister likes me at all."

Viserys felt his face twist in anger. "What happened? Why doesn't he like you?"

Elaena shrugged, "I suspect it has to do with the Dragon Bank. Did you know that throughout all the Westerlands, not a single house has used it? Every other kingdom has at least one house who has used our services. As for what happened, I don't care to rehash the details, but I left early and spent the remainder of my time at the Tooth before returning to King's Landing."

Viserys clenched his jaw. How dare that arrogant ass make his daughter feel unwelcome! Granted, the overly proud Lannister seemed to have recognized his error and attempted to make recompense, but the mere idea that anyone would see flaw in Elaena irked him.

"Is this gold and apology sufficient for your experience?" Viserys asked his daughter.

"I do not wish to create difficulties for the management of the realm, father. I have suffered no lasting harm, but I would be interested to know where in Essos Ser Vikary went into exile. Beyond that I would ask that you not make a public issue of this. Our kin can be prickly and… vengeful when believing some slight has occurred. I am nearly an adult; I need not have any of our family do something rash."

Viserys nodded. He would abide by his daughter's wishes. He would make inquiries with Larys Strong about the whereabouts of this so-called knight. Like in so many things, Elaena displayed wisdom. The political headaches that would be caused if the Prince Consort made his displeasure known over this slight would be immense. Laenor Velaryon was widely known to be fiercely protective of his good-sister, and in that Viserys could find no fault. However, the normally mild-mannered young man was not someone to rouse lightly, lest the inscrutable wrath and unyielding brutality that earned his moniker as the Dark Storm bring about gruesome consequences Viserys not even remotely wished to deal with. Even so, he would have words with his Master of Ships.

"On to the happier side of your journeys, tell me more of Frey and Lefford."

Elaena did so, in her own unique way. Her well-ordered mind went over the benefits and impediments to the matches. Golden Tooth had immense wealth and the lad she was eying had a good head for monetary issues that so appealed to his daughter. Frey wasn't as wealthy, but still financially sound. Elaena shared that she found Forrest a very compelling individual whose delight over Viktoriya resonated with her.

All things being equal, Viserys would prefer Golden Tooth over the Twins. The Tooth was closer to King's Landing, and while Humfrey was old, he was still hale, unlike Forrest's father. It would be much easier to give a position in King's Landing to someone not running their house.

On the other hand, it would mean she would have to deal with Jason Lannister.

Upon arrival at the Red Keep, Alicent was there to greet Elaena. His wife was nearing the last moon of her pregnancy. Viserys watched with a smile as Elaena and Alicent embraced, and Elaena began asking questions about her health.

They continued to the Royal Apartments and took a light meal together. They were nearing completion when the Kingsguard announced Daemon had arrived and wished to see him.

"Send him in, a happy day when so much of my family can be under one roof."

Daemon then strode in and the two brothers were reunited once more. Daemon rarely visited King's Landing, and Viserys rarely left King's Landing. Viserys asked after Laena and the children.

"Laena is here as well; she went to go speak with her mother. We left Baela and Rhaena on Dragonstone."

"Ah, you should have brought of them. I have seen them only a handful of times."

Daemon shrugged. "We flew on dragonback, and they are still a bit young to go riding on the winds."

"We shall remedy their absence from King's Landing soon." Viserys declared. "They are my nieces, and I would see them again. Especially if you ship off all the way to the Stepstones, it will be more difficult to see them regularly."

Daemon took a seat and grabbed an apple from the table. "As to that, we have not yet decided how much time we intend to spend in the Stepstones."

"Surely your people would want their lord nearby?" Alicent asked.

"What I do with my domain is my business, Your Grace." Daemon spoke with a touch of chill in his voice.

Viserys did not want this happy time spoiled with barbs, so he redirected the conversation.

"What of your son? When do you intend to present him to the court?"

Daemon's face curdled like old milk. "Mayhaps never. There are many things wrong with the boy, and for his health it is best he remains away from King's Landing."

"What specific health maladies does he have? Last I spoke with Laena and examined the boy, he was healthy."

"Healthy?" Daemon said the word with derision and venom dripping from his tongue.

"Yes, his birth deformities are not an illness. If a man loses a limb in battle, once the wound has healed, he can be considered healthy or unhealthy based on his health. We would not speak of the man as unhealthy for an old war-wound." Elaena explained.

Daemon just shook his head, clearly done with the conversation. "You may speak with its mother if you are concerned, my niece."

"I suppose I shall, father, mother, uncle, if you will excuse me. I want hear of the health of my cousin from someone who cares." Elaena's voice was rarely this sharp, and Viserys felt that he missed something in that exchange.

"I shall take my leave as well." Alicent said as she carefully stood up, and followed Elaena out the door.

When they left Daemon hoisted a cup. "Better to drink and celebrate without the nattering of shrews."

Viserys lifted his cup and sighed. "As ever you try my patience, but if you did not, would you still be my brother?"

The two laughed, and Viserys allowed himself a few hours to enjoy himself without the affairs of state weighing on his mind.


Rhaenys was glad to see her only daughter was looking well. She was wearing a black dress that accentuated her figure. Bracelets set with turquoise showed off her house colors, and were paired with a formfitting necklace interlaced with rubies. Without a doubt Rhaenys believed her daughter to be the finest looking woman, and the most regal, at the upcoming ceremony elevating Daemon to Paramount Lord.

The two conversed for a bit, and then were joined by Princess Elaena. Rhaenys liked the young princess. She had a fine mind, and clearly cared for her family. Daemon's rantings over the closeness she had with Alicent were tiresome, but they may have held some truth to them.

"Princess Rhaenys, Lady Laena, a pleasure to see you two again."

They exchanged greetings and Elaena began asking questions about Maegor.

"He is well, why the sudden concern?" Laena asked.

"Uncle Daemon mentioned he was unhealthy, and when I last looked upon him, he suffered no illness. I am glad to hear he is well."

Laena sighed, "Yes, he is well. To answer your unasked question… Daemon does not intend to parade him before the realm due to Maegor's nature. Perhaps when he is older, we will consider it."

"Keeping him locked away will not do Maegor any favors, it isn't his fault he was born with hardships." Elaena said with some exasperation compared to her normally placid tone.

"I know, but this is how Daemon wants it. Take heart, he will thaw in time. He is already in a much better mood now that we have been able to secure him a Paramountcy. I am hopeful that with this honor, he will allow us to try again for another son."

Elaena furrowed her brow. "Do you mean…"

Rhaenys answered, "Yes. He has refused to bed Laena in a way that will result in the chance of a child. One of the reasons we pushed Viserys to name him a Paramount Lord was to assuage his 'shame' over Maegor and put it behind him."

The younger princess blinked and then her face twitched violently.

"That was the reason?" She asked incredulously. Elaena paced the room. "It was not to help secure the Stepstones from future piracy? It was not to place two powerful dragons near Dorne to deter any further military adventurism? It was to appease his overweening pride?"

Rhaenys chuckled. "Yes, though I agreed to back my daughter's request for those reasons, it was Daemon's relationship difficulties with Laena that started this."

Laena's face colored slightly. "Do not judge me, Elaena, not until you've had your own opportunity to lay with a masterful man such as Daemon. The rider of Caraxes and once heir to the Iron Throne is a great man, but even great men have flaws."

Elaena shook her head. "Unbelievable, though I suppose the reason for the action matters less than the action and the result. The Stepstones is vital to trade. I hope Daemon has enough sense to take his responsibilities seriously."

Laena and Rhaenys shared a glance.

"We are moving some smallfolk to the islands, and we are arranging for the creation of a bastion built in the style of Old Valyrian architecture. Daemon has some ideas of enforcing tariffs to help pay for the construction. He intends to visit regularly but not reside there for some years until the stronghold is completed."

Rhaenys watched Elaena take an uneven breath. She seemed on the verge of speaking, but held her tongue.

"This has been most… insightful. Thank you for sharing his intentions." Elaena finally replied.

Laena took her hands in hers. "Of course, now you must tell us of who has impressed you on your tour! I've heard great things about Ser Medrick, though if Viktoriya is anything like Vhagar, she won't like the cold."

Elaena nodded. "Ser Medrick is a gallant knight, someone who is being considered. The North is ripe for improvement, it is shameful that any part of father's dominion has mass starvation in winters. White Harbor is a useful port, but you are right. Viktoriya was not fond of the cold."

Rhaenys listened as Laena drew out Elaena's thoughts on the various suitors. Laena and Elaena did not regularly speak to each other without the company of other large personalities such as Rhaenyra, Joffrey, and Daemon. It was good for them to talk like this. Rhaenys was curious what Elaena's eventual choice would be, and how that would impact the various court intrigues she was now embroiled in.

Laenor seems to like her, I shouldn't allow Daemon's ridiculous claims to color my perceptions of her.

Rhaenys considered again, perhaps 'like' was not the right term. Laenor was swift to come to Elaena's defense anytime Daemon spoke out against her. Rhaenys knew her son, and when Elaena was in the room with Laenor, her boy acted oddly. She likened it to how he used to act before he confessed to being a sword swallower. Which did not make sense at all.

Did she stumble upon him and Joffrey at inopportune time?

It was a bit of a mystery, and Rhaenys being Rhaenys had asked Laenor what was going on. However, her son had lied to her face, saying that he appreciated his good-sister and knew how much Rhaenyra treasured her relationship with Elaena. She hadn't pried, he was an adult. For better or worse, his decisiveness in the Stepstones War had certainly proven that.

Laena and Elaena had finished going over several of the suitors when Laena had queried where she would head to next.

"I intend to stay in King's Landing until my mother has given birth again. After which, I will continue my tour. The Reach is next. Tumbleton, Honeyholt, and Highgarden, in that order."

"Anyone of particular interest?" Laena asked with a smile.

"Lord Lyman has frequently bent my ear to extol the virtues of his grandson. He may be biased, but if even half of the statements he made are true, he would be a fantastic candidate."

"Good! And I'm glad you are staying in King's Landing longer. We should go flying together again while I am here."

They set a date for a day of flying and then Elaena departed. Rhaenys thought Alan Beesbury would be a fine match. The Beesbury family were quite loyal to Viserys, and by extension Rhaenyra. Daemon was certain there would be blood when his brother died, but Rhaenys hoped it would not come to that.

I'll need to meet with Lyman and share what characteristics Elaena seems to value in a potential husband before Elaena continues her tour.


Aegon had been impatient to spend more time with his sister. First his father had taken her away, and then she spent time with Lady Laena, and then his mother. When Elaena was done with them, she had changed out of her riding leathers and into something more appropriate, so only then did he get a chance to sit down and speak with her.

"My studies and arms training are going well. I am not as proficient as I would like to be, but Ser Criston says I am good for my age." Aegon told her when she asked. "As far as how things have been – we've all missed you. Helaena has had some night terrors, Aemond is… well Aemond, but he has been helping with Daenora. Mother has been in an ill humor of late; she mislikes being with child."

"One can only imagine why." Elaena said, as dry as the deserts in Dorne.

"Uthor will have his third name day soon, and none of us have really spent much time with him. Hmm, that is really it. We did receive the Cyvasse boards, but we wanted to wait on you to show it to us."

Elaena let one of her larger smiles grace her face. "No time like the present."

"But I haven't heard about your journeys!"

"In truth, I grow weary of repeating myself about them. When I am with you, and our siblings, I will say it again, once more. For now, let me teach you this delightful game that will be quite useful in educating nobility."

"A game will do that?"

"Yes. It will teach young minds how to think strategically, have patience, and plan ahead in rational ways. These skills are already taught, but they can be honed in a fun a way. You ended up being fairly dutiful with your studies, but that is not always the case."

Aegon listened intently as Elaena explained the rules of the game and how the pieces worked. The rules were not overly complex, but Aegon could already see how each decision could have a profound effect on the outcome.

They played a quick game, where Aegon was trounced, but it was less competitive and more of a learning game. His sister explained what she was doing, and why. Even so, he could think of very few ways to counter what she was doing.

"Not bad, brother. You grasped the way the catapult and rabble could be used in conjunction. That isn't something most people would see right away."

Aegon smiled. "Thank you. I'd like to play again before you continue your tour."

"Of course. I hope you play with your siblings 'till then and even afterwards. You are nearly a man grown, but you can still learn. Learning and improving oneself is a lifelong affair."

If he was to be King of the Seven Kingdoms, he knew he had to improve. Cyvasse, reading, swordplay, riding, jousting, and more. There was never time to rest, not when his natural talents were outstripped by so many others.

Elaena is almost never wrong. Cyvasse will be like a whetstone for my mind.

Bitterly he wondered how well Aemond would take to the game. Despite the age difference between them, Aemond had always grasped Maester lessons swifter than he had done. His younger brother had a sharper mind, faster reflexes, and even a bigger dragon. It galled him how he, the firstborn, constantly lived in Aemond's shadow. The only thing he had a greater portion of, was size and strength, and that was likely only due to age.

"You seem troubled." Elaena mentioned, and Aegon hastily put on a more relaxed mien.

"'Tis nothing, sister. The feast will begin soon, I ought to make sure I am properly presentable."


Otto pinched the bridge of his nose as Larys explained what had gone on at Casterly Rock.

"He fondled the princess? I cannot even begin to grasp the stupidity of such an action." Otto said with frustration.

"My lord, men do foolish things in their cups." Larys, the Master of Whisperers explained. "Still, the princess seems have some mercy in her heart. Despite Ser Arron's affront, she allowed him to instead confess to an accidental impropriety rather than a purposeful one. Women are known to have soft hearts, and the princess has a reputation for one."

Otto gave him a look. "Tell that to Princess Rhaenys. No, it wouldn't do to underestimate Elaena. She's cunning. And this doesn't make sense. Tyland told me that his foolish brother wished to humiliate the princess, not have her groped. If Elaena had insisted that it was purposeful, Lannister would be shamed for having it happen under his roof."

"Indeed, someone is lying." The club-footed man said with a sly smile.

Otto was weary and already bitter over having his objections regarding Daemon overruled, and was not in the mood to play the games Larys enjoyed playing.

"On with it." Otto commanded.

"Jason is lying to his brother, or his brother is lying to us. Something happened at Casterly Rock, more than just inappropriate touching. Several servants have gone missing from Casterly Rock rather suddenly. My own agent paints of picture of deliberate provocation from Lord Lannister."

"How so?"

"Serving deliberately tainted food, having a maid spill wine over the princess, and having suitors far below Princess Elaena's station attend to her. Including one with a notorious stench, and another who is as far from a maiden's fancy as can be, given his girth. The letter Lord Lannister sent hid much of the truth, including the deliberate nature of it."

Otto felt a spike of rage fill him. Everywhere he turned, incompetent fools caused more problems. Why were his allies so utterly useless? He gathered his will and forced the anger away so he could think clearly. He took a swallow of wine and then looked at Larys.

"Why has the princess not made complaint?"

"She has, but has downplayed it. Viserys has already spoken with our Master of Ships of his displeasure."

"Why? What is her scheme? What is she planning?"

"My sources in Casterly Rock stay that after the public confrontation with Ser Arron, she spoke with Jason in private. My best interpretation of events is that Lannister wished to humble the princess, but in ways that could not directly be laid at his feet. Why? Because he was spurned by Rhaenyra. Or perhaps because he believed the story that Elaena was responsible for the double-entry accounting reforms that caused your own house frustration. Either way, the chosen agent overstepped, and Jason must have realized how bad this could go for him."

Otto nodded along, so far this made sense.

"So what then did the two speak of in private? My guess is that Elaena blackmailed him into agreeing to something. Support for Rhaenyra in the future? Support for a particular project she wished? Expansion of the Dragon Bank? Mayhaps even she is seriously considering the Lefford boy, and has secured some advantage for that house from their overlord. Lord Humfry was not fond of the match, so perhaps this would be added spice needed to ensure his approval. Unfortunately, fully private conversations in a Lord's solar are not easy to obtain information." Larys paused, "The bigger concern here is that the Lannisters are hiding this from you. This does not bode well for the future of your cause."

No it did not. The Hand of the King grimaced. He would need to bring the Lannisters in line. If Elaena could blackmail Lord Lannister, then he could most like do the same. He would need to tread carefully. Lannister wealth would be crucial in the inevitable conflict, but he had to know what had been agreed to.

"I will think on our best course with the Lannisters. You have done what you can, how go the other tasks I've given you."

"Well enough, I now have ears in Driftmark and Dragonstone. Including one who can act as a knife in the dark when the time comes. I have tried to stir up conflict within the Velaryon family on the idea of Prince Lucerys, a clear bastard, inheriting Driftmark one day. I regret to inform you; my efforts have borne no fruit. Corlys is popular among both his family and the smallfolk. And of course, people fear Laenor."

He has proven the largest thorn in my side. Without Laenor there would have been no total victory possible in the Stepstones, and with him around Dorne and the Triarchy will not act. Now his mere reputation makes everything more difficult.

Laenor and Rhaenyra were his number one targets for assassination once Viserys was dead. However, they were also the most guarded. He did not wish to make any assassination attempts until they could all take place simultaneously, so that he could catch as many enemies unaware as possible. Circumstances were making him rethink his decision.

The Triarchy and Dorne both hate Laenor. Given the treacherous tactics the Dornish used, would it not be plausible they would attempt to kill the Dark Storm through underhanded means?

"You have a look on your face, my lord, pray tell what thought has crossed your mind." Larys said with an irritating grin on his features.

The man had proven his loyalty, and his reasons for betraying his family and siding with the Greens. Those too-perceptive eyes saw more than Otto wished at times.

"With the Stepstones in the hands of Daemon, the Blacks are growing too powerful. House Velaryon, rather than being weakened, has become stronger than ever. We need the Triarchy and Dorne to once again make life difficult for our enemies. Yet they will not while Laenor lives. I believe it is time that this particular storm come to an end, and we will make it look like the Dornish did it. This could even mean war with Dorne, which will add additional stress on the King."

"Ah, and it will be House Velaryon, along with Rhaenyra who will be the ones most vigorous in pursuit of the conflict. It will be difficult to accomplish, but I have some ideas how it can be done. Might I suggest that we avoid making the attempt while he is on Dragonstone? It would be best if it was done elsewhere. Perhaps when he visits his family on Driftmark."

Otto nodded. "Yes, it doesn't need to be done immediately. The key is that it succeeds and that the blame is directed toward Dorne. Do not tarry too long, it would be best if it is within the year."

"I will see to it, my lord."

Otto watched the man limp out of his office. Larys was a twisted creature. A man so willing to murder his own family was not one he could ever fully trust. Larys knew that if he did betray Otto, he would die as well. He had told the man as such, it was best to prepare for these sorts of things. It also gave the Master of Whisperers an incentive to keep Otto safe from any would-be assassins.