
Chapter 24

Daeron was pleased to see his sister again. He missed his father's side of the family greatly. Yes, the Hightowers had made him quite welcome, but it was often too much. He didn't want to be "Prince Daeron" all the time.

"Princess Elaena, thank you for visiting me." Daeron greeted formally in High Valyrian.

Elaena graced him with a smile. "Just Elaena, brother, we are not at court."

Daeron gave her a grin and then a quick embrace.

"How have you been?" Elaena asked, reverting to the Common Tongue.

"I am well. The Hightowers see to my every need."

"And your studies?"

"The Maesters seem impressed, they say I could become an Archmaester one day if I wished… though I know not if 'tis baseless flattery. In truth, I do not wish to be a Maester. I find some subjects interesting, but I prefer arms training with Ser Rickard."

Elaena nodded. "So long as you are learning – a decision like becoming a Maester is a momentous one and not something to decide until you have reached your maturity. There are significant sacrifices. I hope you stay focused with those studies. It is better to have knowledge, and not need it, than to not have it when it is necessary."

"Yes moth… sister." Daeron finished sheepishly.

Elaena gave him an odd look, but ignored his misspeak.

"I'm also getting really good at riding! And they gave me a training bow to use too!"

"Archery can be quite fun, as can riding. But once you fly with Tessarion, no pony or horse will impress you."

Daeron looked at his older sister with wide eyes. "You know how to shoot a bow too?"

"I've dabbled in it. I am proficient with a small short bow rather than a full-sized one. I am accurate at close distances, but for hunting prey with thicker hides it isn't as useful."

"Can you show me?" Daeron asked while shifting his feet energetically.

Elaena smiled down at him. "I'm sure the Master-of-Arms here has one suitable, let us go find out."

"How long will you be staying?"

"Only for another day."

"So soon? I miss you! Can I skip prayer day at the sept? I try to pay attention like I should, but his prayers are always so similar."

"Oh? Are there routine concerns here in Old Town?"

"I don't know. It is mostly about the importance of finality… err fidelity? Between husband and wife. And how bad bastards are."

"Yes, the term is fidelity. I find repetitive messages annoying too, so I will see if we can make an exception to you attending tomorrow. I've been meaning to visit the Citadel again, so we'll go there in the morning."

At the archery section of the yard, Daeron enjoyed watching his sister shoot. She was really good! Elaena almost never missed, and she told him about why and how arrows did what they did. Down to the fletching, the tension on the string, and where the arrow was nocked. He never knew you could do rough calculations, which were a bit beyond him, to anticipate what the arrow would do. Daeron simply experimented and then remembered where to aim and how far to pull back. This, this was a whole new world to consider.

She also gave him some more basic pointers on how to better position his feet. That was much more mundane, but it led to instant improvement by him.

"You are an apt pupil, Daeron. I see why the Maesters are impressed. How would you like to take a ride on Viktoriya?"

Daeron was thrilled. Only, there was not a double saddle prepared on her. Elaena explained she didn't need a saddle; she could simply ride behind him. Daeron watched solemnly as the chains were fastened, so that he could not fall off.

"Are you sure?"

"I am positive, brother, don't tell mother when you see her next, but I've flown on Viktoriya without one on several occasions."

"But why?" Daeron asked incredulously. He wasn't as learned about dragonlore as his siblings, being so far from the Dragonkeepers, but he had been given the basics.

Elaena shrugged her shoulders slightly. "It may be useful one day. When she hunts on her own, I don't leave a saddle on her. If there was an emergency there may not be time to properly saddle her. That is what I do, but you will not do that until you've flown Tessarion for many years."

Daeron nodded in agreement. He honestly couldn't wait, though it would still be a couple of years before he could fly her.

Flying with his sister was amazing. The wind in his face was harsh, but he loved the experience all the same. With her hand on his shoulder and a relaxed smile on her face as he laughed and cheered above the world, Daeron felt a soaring joy and closeness in his heart that among all his distant family, only Elaena could supply.

Best. Sister. Ever!


Rhaenyra felt sorry for Lyra. The poor girl was not made like her. Lyra did not have the strength of will and fortitude to handle the birthing bed without tears and screams like she did. Maester Gerardys was seeing to her, and had said the birth was progressing well. Ser Harwin was at her side as well, holding her hand and soothing her.

Rhaenyra knew she shouldn't feel upset by it. She had Laena and Daemon as lovers. And yet… the pangs of jealousy were there. She would rather see Harwin fuck Lyra than whisper words of love and comfort. It did not look like he was pretending, either.

Harwin just has a big heart. That's all there is to it. It is not in him to deny a woman in pain succor.

The wail grew louder as Lyra pushed as instructed. Rhaenyra was rather bored of it all as well. She found herself pacing, wondering if it would be better for her to just fly over to Driftmark for a day or two.

No, I'm not going to be pushed out of my own home, not by her!

That and Rhaenyra had no desire to contend with the storm wracking Dragonstone. Flying within a storm was risky, even for dragons of Syrax's size. Visibility was limited, and the winds could make flying different. The dragonrider also becoming quickly soaked while flying at high speeds was a good way catch a chill.

It would not be long now. Rhaenyra knew from her own experience giving birth. The waves of discomfort had grown very close together. Rhaenyra looked on with interest. She didn't doubt Maester Gerardys, he had proven his worth, but so much screaming from Lyra made her wonder if something truly was wrong. Even with all the trouble during Laena's birth of Maegor, she wasn't as loud.

I do hope the next child is easier on Laena. She is early yet, but so desperately wants a son that Daemon will love.

Rhaenyra knew Maegor was a sweet child, and even a bit advanced for his tender age. But Daemon would never let him be heir of the Stepstones. The whole affair rubbed at an anxious wound for her. Why need a son at all? Why not have Baela be his heir? There had been no convincing Daemon, try to entice as they might, even after a particularly adventurous bout of lovemaking with the three of them, he was firm with his desires.

This led to the question of what was to be done with Maegor when he came of age. Rhaenyra hoped his early signs of quick-wittedness would lead to a love of learning. Becoming a Maester would solve their problems nicely. Rhaenyra and Laena had talked of having Maegor fostered somewhere too. Perhaps her sister Elaena would consent to that when he grew older. Her sister was always such an avid reader, and Elaena did not find Maegor's deformities a problem. Which was a rarity that otherwise would make other fostering options a difficulty.

She'll be getting wed soon, but after she settles down in a few years she may enjoy having a child to help raise prior to her own kids. Ah, so much is in flux, but it is something I will bring up with her.

"The child comes, one last push, my lady." Gerardys instructed.

"One more, love, you can do this." Harwin said, much to Rhaenyra's vexation.

Lyra preserved and soon a babe came out of her womb, taking her first breaths.

A daughter.

She wanted a daughter. The Gods had only graced her with sons. She would not change a single aspect of any of her sons, but she wanted a daughter. Badly. And now Lyra had one before her. Rhaenyra vowed then and there she would have a daughter by Harwin, and soon.

The Maester checked the babe and declared it healthy.

"Have you a name?"

Lyra looked at Harwin and then at Rhaenyra.

"Your Grace… would it be amiss if I named her Aemma?" Lyra asked.

Rhaenyra struggled to compose her features and respond kindly.

"I am honored of course, but it would feel odd to me to have a babe not of my blood bearing the same name as my mother."

Lyra looked down, still breathing heavy and evidently exhausted from her labors.

"Then… Harwin, do you have any objections to Melissa for a name?"

"It would be a fine name, Melissa Strong. A good name, yes, that will do." Harwin spoke in affirmation of the choice.

"Harwin, let your wife rest and tend to the babe in peace. I know shortly after my own labors I was quite exhausted."

Harwin looked torn. "Your Grace… might I spend a few more moments with my new daughter."

Rhaenyra smiled; it was a brittle smile. "Very well, come find me in my chambers when you are done."

She awaited Harwin. When he entered, she was on him an instant.

Harwin seemed a bit withdrawn, despite her amorous advances.

"Tell me you love me more than her. Tell me it." Rhaenyra demanded.

Harwin looked down.

"I love you, Rhaenyra. You are like a raging fire, a storm that ignites me." Harwin paused significantly. "Yet I cannot claim no feelings for Lyra. She is sweet, dutiful, and kind. She…"

Rhaenyra turned away, showing her back to him.

"Rhaenyra, please."

"I know this is unfair of me, Harwin. But I fear losing you. You know when I lay with Daemon or Laena, I will always come back to you. But you are not like them. The longer you are with Lyra, the more you care for her. I could not bear it if you asked us to stop being together. Can't you see that?"

Harwin's big hands found her shoulders.

"I will not go anywhere. I promise. I swear it upon the Old Gods and the New."

"Then prove it to me. Tell me you love me more than her. Put a child in me, a daughter of my own."

Rhaenyra made him say it several times. Each time she hoped it was true. Harwin was her everything, she needed him.


Lord Baldric Selmy had inherited his father's seat but a year ago. At 20, he was a man grown for four years now, but still felt unease at being in full command of Harvest Hall. Now, he had a royal visit from Princess Elaena. It was his task to host her, as well as several suitors from Marcher lords, and their knights.

The Stormlands was the last stop on Princess Elaena's much-talked marriage tour. Lord Selmy had put forward his name; it would be an incredible match if he were successful. His approach would be different than other suitors, but would that lead to success? Only time would tell.

Princess Elaena was prompt with her arrival, and pleasantries were exchanged along with formal guest right. The princess was elegant, even in dragon riding leathers. A feast had been prepared and the princess charmed his household. Time was allotted to each suitor, and he had the privilege of going first. He opted to suggest a ride, and Elaena agreed.

"Princess Elaena, what do you think of the Stormlands?" Baldric asked as they rode at a stately pace.

"A fine land. Much of it is not put to productive use, but that does allow Viktoriya ample hunting."

"True enough, we are not near so populous at the Reach or the Crownlands. Princess Elaena, I know you have been wooed by the great and mighty across the realm. I believe myself to be a skilled knight, a lord who can administer his lands properly, and always faithful to my vows. I seek your hand, not for your beauty, though you have that, not for your name, though it is indeed a grand legacy, but for your dragon."

Elaena seemed to appreciate directness. "You wish to have your children be dragonriders?"

"I would desire such a thing greatly. But that is not my aim. I am a Marcher lord; we have guarded these lands against Dornish incursion for centuries. Dorne has been quiet of late, but the memory of Ser Laenor will fade, and the Dornish will be back."

Elaena gazed at him with interest, he fully had her attention.

"I am told you have a love of flying. If you were wed to me, I would encourage you patrol the Dornish Marches. A bird's eye view would allow for unprecedent scouting potential."

Baldric gave a small chuckle.

"And from a distance, Viktoriya even looks a bit like Seasmoke! A marriage to you secures my people from our enemies for at least a generation, and if you do bear children, even longer."

The princess looked at him thoughtfully.

"The benefits for House Selmy are clear, and I do wish for peaceful relations with our neighbors, but I must ask. What do you offer in exchange?"

"Anything you desire."

Elaena blinked. "Say on."

"Anything you desire. Two uncles, and my grandsire have fought and died facing Dorne. I will commit to anything. If you are wed to me, you can do as you wish. No vows of marriage need hold you back from a carnal desire you may have, no expectation for birthing heirs, and no expense spared if you desire jewels or whatever else your heart my desire."

"Carnal desire?" Elaena asked with a hint of affront in her voice.

"I pray you take no offense, princess, but there are more than a few stories of Targaryen lusts. If you took all the bastards with Targaryen blood, you could create an army. The Conqueror married both of his sisters. My people are of the Andals and the First Men, not of Old Valyria. I make no accusation, though I am sure you are aware that many have made accusations toward some of your family. I am merely stating that I want you not as a dutiful wife, but as a dragonrider."

Elaena was nodding. "I take no offense; your meaning is clear. Your honesty and proposal are certainly unique. I will consider it carefully, as I have other suitors. I do have other questions for you…"

What followed next was an exhaustive, seemingly endless number of questions about him and his lands. From trade, local feuds, cooperation with the other Marcher houses, thoughts on a variety of subjects, and more. Baldric could sense every question being weighed by those unyielding blue eyes. The princess was knowledgeable on a variety of subjects.

It is astonishing, at but five-and-ten she carries herself like a Queen and a Maester bundled into one.

"You are one of my last stops, my lord. I will be winnowing the list of potential suitors rather swiftly. I do not wish to raise your hopes, but given the uniqueness of your proposal you have successfully differentiated yourself from your peers. You will join what I like to call my 'short-list' of candidates."

Baldric was pleasantly surprised. He wondered what specifically had done the trick. He hadn't brought up Rhaenyra's reputation directly, but the stories that filtered this far south were… outlandish. Dragonstone was said to be home to gatherings of highborn and smallfolk where Princess Rhaenyra slept with upwards of a dozen men. Ser Laenor was rumored to be a sword-swallower, who thought being married to a wanton harlot a terrific joke. Baldric had not taken those rumors to be true. Yet it was clear to all Rhaenyra's first three children were not Laenor's. It would be foolish to believe such a terror on the battlefield could be blind to something like that personally, so therefore it only made sense that his tastes ran differently.

Baldric found the whole concept tawdry. If Elaena was like her sister, he wouldn't be pleased by it, but he had been honest. He would hope it wouldn't be an open secret like Rhaenyra's circumstances, but he could bear the shame if it meant the Marchers would be safe from Dorne.


Borros Baratheon was impressed when Princess Elaena Targaryen arrived on time. The storm was still howling outside when the young princess entered his hall. Her silvery-white hair was drenched, and her leather boots squelched as she walked.

"Be welcome in my hall, Princess Elaena. We had thought you would be delayed by the weather."

"You have been gracious enough to host me, Lord Baratheon, I would not wish to seem ungrateful by lacking in punctuality."

He shook his head. "I would have made allowances for this ill-timed weather, and taken no insult. I do wish to be clear, princess, some of the suitors have not arrived yet. Do not take me for a Lannister, this is due to the harsh travel conditions. You are kin by marriage, and an honored guest."

Elaena nodded gracefully. "I understand, and take no umbrage with a small delay. It will give me a chance to speak with your lady wife about her thoughts on some of the suitors ahead of time."

"A fine plan, I will have a servant see to your rooms and have the cooks prepare a simple meal that me and my wife will accompany you at. We will have a proper welcoming feast on the morrow with the knights and nobles who are here."

Borros watched the King's daughter depart. She moved with an easy grace that was more than the courtly kind. He was of the opinion that noble women were suited for childbearing, looking pretty, and attending to social gatherings. Elenda, his wife, also ensured the serving staff did their duties. And yet, Borros knew that Targaryen women were cut from a different cloth. Dragonriders were a breed of their own.

The quiet meal with the princess was time for him to air out some of his grievances. He would not seek to shame her in front of his vassals, particularly because the fault was not hers, but her Targaryen kin.

"Princess Elaena, why is it that you are the first visitor from the royal family in… how many years? I fear I've lost count."

Elenda gave him a look, but Elaena did not seem overly bothered by his directness.

"It is not a slight against you; I can assure you of that. The royal family concerns itself with King's Landing, Dragonstone, and Driftmark due to their nearness to each other. You have had no fewer visits than Casterly Rock, High Garden, or Riverrun."

"Yes, and that is why I am so wronged. I am kin, they are not. My aunt married into the Targaryen family and beget Rhaenys, yet that event seems to have been forgotten by the crown."

Elaena looked him in the eye. "I will pass along the message to my family that you wish to rekindle familial bonds. For my part, regardless of my chosen suitor, I intend to return within a year and I will endeavor to be accompanied."

"Good, good." Borros replied, satisfied for the moment.

"Elaena, how was your stay at Harvest Hall?" Elenda asked, smoothly changing the subject.

"It was quite intriguing. Lord Baldric was quite impressive, and I will consider his suit carefully. He also shared concerns he had about the Dornish."

Borros took a hefty swallow of his wine. "He's young, but he already knows his duty. The Dornish are a rotten people. They are poisoners, and carry on in all manner of foulness. We are the first line of defense against their predation. They've been quiet since your good-brother sank a large portion of their navy, but never think the threat is gone."

"What do you think the crown should do to ensure Dorne does not become adventurous?" Elaena asked.

"Ah, hmm, well it is hard to say. We never know in what manner their vileness will take. Will it be sinking our vessels? Will it be poison in our wine? Will it be raids across the border? Or all out war? The Dornish are tricky. Which is why we spend good coin keeping the border well defended. The crown could take that into consideration. I'm not one for counting coppers, but less of a burden on us given what we have to deal with when it comes to paying into the royal treasury…"

Borros saw Elaena politely nod. "I was more curious on why this conflict can't find a resolution. It would be better to have peaceful neighbors than it would to constantly be looking over your shoulder."

The Lord of Storm's End gave a belly laugh. "And it would be better to not have the accursed foul weather. But some things are impossible, good weather in the Stormlands and friendly Dornish neighbors are two."

"I respectfully disagree, my lord. The Dornish are people, motivated by their wants and desires. We merely need to show them how profitable it can be to be good partners, and how dire it could be to have us as enemies. The might and prowess of you and the Stormlands provide the latter, but I find the former lacking."

Borros gave a small grunt. He appreciated the esteem the princess held the Stormlands, but she was also naïve about the Dornish. They were not like regular people. He did not wish to cause offense, so held back the retort.

"How would you suggest we prove to be good partners?" Lady Elenda asked.

"I have some ideas. Bringing them into the fold culturally by inviting their knights and warriors to our tournaments, creating joint trading ventures where profits are divided, expanding our banking presence, and possibly marriages." Elaena replied.

Borros rubbed his chin. It would be all for naught in the end, but they weren't awful ideas. The idea of being able to trounce a Dornish knight in a tourney was quite appealing really. On the other hand there would also be the worry over poisoned spear tips. Not at all a pleasant prospect.

"Does Viserys intend to try these?"

"He is pondering his options. My father would like the Maesters to record him as Viserys the Peaceful, and he is eager to have good relations with all. Dorne and Essos."

Borros didn't share his true feelings about such a weak title as 'Peaceful'– but again he would not be foolish enough to denigrate the King's ideas in front of his daughter. Talk continued, and Borros wished he had a son to marry the princess. Whoever she chose would be fortunate.


Viserys was keen to hear his daughter's selection. She had arrived a scant hour ago and was changing out of her dragon-riding leathers. Alicent was next to him, fidgeting slightly. She was probably just as eager as he was to hear.

Elaena was announced by Ser Steffon Darklyn.

"Father, mother, it is good to see you are both well."

Elaena embraced her mother first, then Viserys. He felt a renewed surge of vigor at his daughter's touch. He was so unbearably proud of her; the very sight of her filled him with joy. She had grown over the years, and was no longer a tiny princess though it looked like she wouldn't quite reach Rhaenyra's height.

"Welcome home. Come sit, we are both eager to hear of your choice."

Elaena smiled. "Before making the decision, I wished to consult with you, and the rest of my family. More than just that, I want you to meet them. I would also like to spend a bit more time with the final candidates before making the selection."

Viserys clapped his hands. "That is a wonderful idea. Who are your selections?"

"And when will they be arriving?" Alicent asked.

"I intend to fly them on dragonback, which is also part of my test to see how much they truly wish to have my hand. I will not have much use for a husband who is craven."

Viserys chuckled. As far as tests went, that was quite a difficult one.

"As to whom I have selected, I have narrowed it down to six. One from each of the kingdoms, save for the Iron Islands and the Crownlands. From the North, I have selected Ser Medrick Manderly. He is courtly, a skilled knight, took the courting process seriously, and is heir to House Manderly. I have many ideas on how to improve the North's situation, and I believe it would be a worthy challenge to ensure adequate food even in the longest of winters."

Alicent murmured, "But it is so far away…"

"Indeed, that is a difficulty, and Viktoriya does not like the cold. Those are major detriments to Ser Medrick's suit. Moving on to the Vale, I have selected Hamish Arryn, of the Gulltown Arryns. He introduced me to the game of Cyvasse, and I will always be in his debt for that. Hamish has a keen intellect, and his family has significant say in the trade that flows through Gulltown."

"Hamish Arryn? He's younger than you and not yet a knight. You can select him if you choose, my daughter, but I feel you can do better." Viserys said bluntly.

The princess nodded her head. "Thank you for your perspective, after you've had a chance to meet all the suitors, I'll have you rank them."

"Rank them?" Alicent asked with a bit of incredulousness in her voice.

"Yes, from favorite to least favorite. I can choose to dismiss everyone's thoughts on the matter, but I'd like to numerically plot out each candidate. How they get along with the people I cherish most in this world, is a factor I am considering."

"A bit… odd, but then you've always had your own way of going about things! To the realm's betterment. Very well, go on, who are your other options?"

"From the Riverlands, Forrest Frey. He stands to inherit the Twins, and he has a strong understanding of how trade flows through his lands. Forrest is perceptive, and sharp. Even as I studied him, he studied me, it was… refreshing to see what he picked up on. He has a genuine fascination and love of dragons. I believe he would get along well with our family."

Viserys and Alicent both nodded, and Elaena continued.

"From the Westerlands, I have chosen Kevan Lefford. Golden Tooth is extremely wealthy. It also borders the Riverlands, and great volumes of trade flow between those two kingdoms. Kevan and I share similar perspectives, and I thoroughly enjoyed both of my stays at Golden Tooth."

Viserys struggled to keep a frown from his face. Jason Lannister had proven to be such a poor host that Elaena had left early. His Master-of-Whisperers had shared that there was some game of intrigue taking place in the Westerlands and that his daughter had been caught up in it. The pittance of gold he had sent as an apology had been an acceptable gesture, but the King would be having words in person with Jason when the royal weddings took place.

"For the Reach, Ser Alan Beesbury is my selection. He is an earnest young man. I am a friend and confidant of his grandfather, and he has some unique ideas swimming around in his mind. I also would enjoy being near the Citadel. They have a great many texts that I have yet to peruse through."

Alicent shook her head. "You and your books! You were reading almost as soon as you could walk."

Viserys chuckled. That was their Elaena. He found texts that had information of Old Valyria fascinating, but when it came to other ones, it was easier to have someone else read it and summarize for him.

"And the Stormlands?"

"Lord Baldric Selmy. He…" Elaena actually had her cheeks pink a bit, "well he and I have an understanding about certain matters that pleased me."

Alicent sharply inhaled, "You haven't…"

Elaena's eyes whipped to her mother's. "If you are suggesting I compromised my virtue, please, mother, I would not do such a thing. We did speak about certain concerns I had— argh, I will not speak on every part of my thoughts! As I was saying, he has made a tempting offer. He understands the value of dragons, and since I enjoy flying so often, he wishes to bend that to productive ends in scouting the Dornish border near his lands. If I select him. Economically speaking, Harvest Hall is not a major power, so that is a mark against that selection."

Alicent pursed her lips. "That is far too dangerous, what was Lord Selmy thinking of even bringing that up? He would put his lady wife to work in reconnaissance? Shameful."

Viserys patted her hand. "A dragonrider can fly far higher than any bow can reach. Fret not, if Elaena chooses Baldric, I am sure she will be safe."

His wife didn't look convinced, but she let the matter drop. No doubt she would rank Lord Baldric low. Viserys was rather amused by how methodically his daughter was approaching this. It was unique to be sure, but given the importance of the decision he could not fault it.

"Fine choices all, my daughter. Isn't Viktoriya still a bit small to have a tandem rider over such a long distance?"

Elaena shrugged. "Viktoriya can do it."

He would take her at her word. It would be interesting to meet the prospective suitors. Learning more about them would also allow him to determine what kind of role he would like them to assume in King's Landing. He had no desire to have Elaena live half a continent away from him!