Revenge of alejandro: the punisher

Maria, the elderly woman who had slashed Alejandro's chest with a knife, was next.

She had tried to make peace with her actions, but guilt gnawed at her conscience. One evening, as she was preparing dinner, the room grew unbearably cold. The fire in her hearth flickered and died, casting the kitchen into darkness. She felt a presence behind her and turned to see Alejandro's ghost standing there, his eyes burning with fury.

Maria's heart raced as she backed away, but the ghost followed her relentlessly. She stumbled, falling to the ground, and Alejandro's spirit loomed over her. His ghostly hands reached out, and as they touched her, Maria felt a searing pain in her chest. Her screams filled the house as the ghost's icy fingers seemed to dig into her flesh, tearing at her heart. When her neighbors found her the next day, Maria lay dead on the kitchen floor, her chest marred with deep, bloody gashes that mirrored the wounds she had inflicted on Alejandro.

The terror spread rapidly through village . Alejandro's ghost showed no mercy, and the villagers were powerless against his wrath. Pedro, a young man who had thrown the first stone, was haunted by visions of Alejandro. He would see the ghostly figure standing at the edge of his vision, always watching, waiting. One night, unable to bear the torment any longer, Pedro tried to flee the village. He packed his belongings and set off under the cover of darkness, but Alejandro's ghost followed him.

As Pedro hurried along the dusty path out of the village, the air grew cold and still. He heard footsteps behind him and turned to see Alejandro's specter gliding silently towards him. Panic seized Pedro, and he broke into a run, but the ghost was relentless. Alejandro's cold, lifeless hand gripped Pedro's shoulder, freezing him in place. The ghost's other hand reached out, and with a swift, brutal motion, it plunged into Pedro's chest. The young man gasped as he felt his heart being crushed by an invisible force. His eyes rolled back, and he collapsed to the ground, his body twitching violently. Pedro's lifeless corpse was found the next morning, his heart stopped by a supernatural

Carlos, the blacksmith who had helped tie Alejandro to the post, was the next victim.

One night, as he worked late in his forge, the temperature suddenly dropped. His breath turned to mist in the icy air. He turned to see Alejandro's ghostly figure emerging from the shadows. Before Carlos could react, the ghost's icy fingers wrapped around his neck, lifting him off the ground.

Carlos struggled, his hands clawing at the spectral grip around his throat. The ghost squeezed tighter, and the blacksmith's vision darkened as he struggled for breath.

With a final, bone-crushing squeeze, Alejandro snapped Carlos's neck, his lifeless body collapsing to the floor of the forge.

As the death toll rose, the villagers grew increasingly desperate. They sought the help of a priest from a nearby town, a man known for his knowledge of the


Named Priest miguel