The brink of darkness

Alejandro trudged through the Dark Valley, each step heavier than the last. The oppressive gloom of the valley weighed on him, sapping his strength and will. It had been two weeks since his fateful battle with Agustín, two weeks of relentless struggle against the dark energy that threatened to consume him. He was no longer the man he once was; the darkness had taken hold of him, and he felt himself slipping further into its grip.

The journey had taken its toll. Alejandro's soul was weakened, his spirit nearly broken. The once proud and determined man was now a shadow of his former self, 80 percent in the control of the dark energy that surged within him. Each passing day, he felt his souls slipping away, replaced by the malevolent force that whispered promises of power and revenge. Yet, even as he teetered on the brink of losing himself entirely, a small spark of hope remained. It was faint, almost imperceptible, but it was enough to keep him moving forward.

As he stumbled through the twisted landscape, his mind replayed the events that had led him to this point. The betrayal, the loss, and the overwhelming desire for vengeance had driven him to embrace the darkness. But now, he questioned whether it had been worth it. The dark powers had given him strength, but they had also taken so much from him. His sense of self, his soul, and his very soul were at risk.

Alejandro's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden wave of dizziness. He fell to his knees, the dark energy within him surging uncontrollably. His vision blurred, and he could feel his consciousness slipping away. It was as if the darkness was finally claiming him, erasing the last remnants of his identity. Just as he was about to succumb, a figure appeared before him, bathed in an eerie, flickering light.

The figure was tall and imposing, with an air of authority and power. It was the Dark Smith, a soul bound to the Dark Armory. The Dark Smith's eyes glowed with an unnatural light, and his presence seemed to stabilize the chaotic energy surrounding Alejandro. With a swift motion, the Dark Smith reached out and froze Alejandro in place, halting the dark energy's possession process.