seeking wisdom

In his village of Peña de Bernal, there was an old man named Don Roberto, known for his vast knowledge of local legends and mystical lore. Don Roberto had lived through many winters and had seen things that most people couldn't even begin to imagine. If anyone in the village could provide a clue to the answers Agustin sought, it would be him.

Agustin decided to visit Don Roberto, hoping that he might point him in the right direction. The old man lived in a small, humble home on the outskirts of the village, surrounded by a garden that seemed to bloom with life even in the harshest seasons. Agustin approached the house, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. He knocked on the wooden door, and after a moment, it creaked open to reveal Don Roberto's weathered face, framed by a halo of silver hair.

"Agustin, my boy," Don Roberto greeted him warmly. "What brings you here ?"

Agustin hesitated for a moment, then explained his struggles and the mysterious deaths of Amelia and Mateo. He spoke of Alejandro's dark powers and his desperate search for a way to stop him. Don Roberto listened intently, his expression growing more serious with each word. When Agustin finished, the old man nodded thoughtfully and motioned for him to come


Don Roberto's home was a treasure trove of relics and artifacts, each with its own story. Shelves lined the walls, filled with jars of herbs, crystals, and ancient tomes.

A large wooden table dominated the center of the room, covered in maps, scrolls, and mysterious trinkets. Don Roberto offered Agustin a seat and poured him a cup of herbal tea.

"You are not the first to face such dark forces, Agustin," Don Roberto began.

"There are legends of others who have fought similar battles. But defeating such evil requires more than just strength; it requires knowledge, wisdom, and a deep connection to the world around us."

Agustin nodded, sipping the tea, which seemed to soothe his frayed nerves. "I've read countless books, but none of them have the answers I need. I don't know where else to turn."

Don Roberto smiled kindly. "Books are valuable, but sometimes the answers we seek cannot be found within their pages.

Sometimes, we must look to the natural world and the ancient wisdom of those who live in harmony with it."

The old man began to tell Agustin about a tribe called the Otomi, who resided deep in the eastern forests of Mexico. According to legend, the Otomi had a profound connection with the natural world and possessed ancient knowledge about souls and dark energies. They were said to be capable of combating even the most powerful dark forces, using their unique understanding of the balance between light and dark.

Hearing this, Agustin felt a spark of hope.

"Do you think they could help me?"

Don Roberto nodded. "If anyone can, it would be the Otomi. They have preserved their traditions and knowledge for centuries, untouched by the outside world.

But reaching them will not be easy. The journey is long and perilous, and the forest is full of dangers."

Agustin's determination was unwavering. "I have to try. For Amelia, for Mateo, for everyone. I can't let Alejandro destroy our world ."