Judgement Day

"Guilty of attempted treason against us." The words echoed through the cavernous demon court, ringing in my ears like the tolling of a funeral bell.

My vision blurred, but I didn't feel sad. Instead, I scanned the faces around me, my gaze landing on Lydia, my sister. She stood among the spectators, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and helplessness. I managed a smile, my voice steady as I spoke to her.

"Well, I knew this was going to happen," I said with a wry chuckle. "But I have nothing left to lose, right?"

The demon guards closed in, their sharp claws gripping my arms. I didn't fight them. Resistance was pointless. I let them drag me through the twisted halls of the castle, the stone walls cold and unforgiving. The air grew heavier as we descended into the dungeon, the scent of damp earth and decay thickening with each step.

The dungeon was a labyrinth of suffering. Torches flickered dimly, casting eerie shadows on the rough stone walls. Cells lined the corridor, their iron bars rusted with age and blood. Inmates moaned and whispered from the darkness, their eyes hollow with despair. The guards shoved me into a cell, the door clanging shut behind me with a finality that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Life is quite difficult," I murmured to myself, slumping against the cold wall. "But nothing will bring back Jade. She was the love of my life."

A flashback seized me, dragging me back to the moment that had shattered my world.

"You are nothing but a pawn, Jade. And pawns are expendable." Seraphine's voice was cold and mocking as she toyed with Jade, her gravitational magic tearing apart any barrier Jade conjured. I watched, heart pounding, as they danced a deadly dance of destruction—a terrifying, awe-inspiring display of power.

"Please," Jade begged, her voice barely a whisper as she kneeled, broken and defeated. "Spare me, and I will serve you."

Seraphine's expression was one of contempt. "Serve me? You, who have betrayed your own? There is no place for traitors in my realm." With a gesture, she lifted Jade into the air, her body contorted in agony as the gravitational forces pulled at her.

"This is the end, Jade. Any last words?" Jade's eyes met mine, and in them, I saw a flicker of something unexpected: regret.

"I... I am sorry," she managed to choke out.

Seraphine's face remained unmoved. "Sorry is not enough." She was about to deliver the final blow when my voice pierced the tension.

"Stop!" I emerged from the ranks, desperation etched on my face. The air crackled with tension as my plea cut through the chaos like a blade. "Stop! Seraphine!"

The demon princess paused, her gaze shifting from the writhing form of Jade to me. Her lips curled into a cruel smile, revealing sharp fangs gleaming in the dim light.

"You want me to spare your lover?" she taunted, her voice dripping with malice. "How touching."

My jaw tightened, fists clenching at my sides. "She doesn't deserve this. Spare her, I beg you."

Seraphine's laughter rang out like bells of doom. "Deserve? What does a traitor deserve, I wonder?" Her eyes bore into mine, sending a chill down my spine.

I took a step forward, determination blazing in my eyes. "She made a mistake, but she can redeem herself. Spare her life, and I will do anything you ask."

Seraphine's amusement faded, replaced by a cold indifference that made my blood run cold. "Anything?" she repeated, her voice laced with disdain. "You humans are so predictable."

Before I could respond, Seraphine raised a hand, dark energy crackling around her fingertips. "Get out of my way, human princess," she commanded, her tone icy. "I won't touch you, but the traitor needs to die now."

My heart pounded as I stared into the abyss of Seraphine's eyes. I knew I couldn't stand against such power, but I couldn't abandon Jade either.

With a flick of her wrist, Seraphine unleashed a wave of dark energy, pushing me back with an unseen force. I stumbled, gritting my teeth against the pain, but I refused to yield.

Meanwhile, Jade's struggles had ceased. She lay helpless in the grip of Seraphine's magic, her breaths coming in ragged gasps, her eyes pleading for mercy.

But mercy was not a language Seraphine spoke.

With a flourish, she conjured a wickedly sharp blade, its surface gleaming with malevolence. She approached Jade with deliberate slowness, savoring the fear that flickered in her eyes.

"You had your chance, traitor," she hissed, her voice like venom. "Now, you will face the consequences of your actions."

Jade's voice was barely a whisper. "Please... spare me..."

Seraphine's laughter echoed across the battlefield, a symphony of cruelty that chilled the very air. "Spare you?" she mocked, her eyes ablaze with sadistic glee. "Why would I spare a worthless traitor like you?"

With a swift motion, Seraphine plunged the blade into Jade's chest. Her body convulsed with agony, a strangled cry escaping her lips before falling silent.

As the life drained from Jade's eyes, Seraphine withdrew the blade with a flourish, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. She turned to leave, her task complete, but not before casting one final glance at me.

"Remember this moment, human princess," she sneered, her voice a whisper of malice. "Remember that in the realm of demons, there is no room for weakness or mercy."

The flashback ended, leaving me in the cold, dark cell. I sighed, a mix of grief and anger churning within me. "I hope Seraphine gets a really bad life," I muttered to the empty dungeon, my resolve hardening. Revenge would be mine, no matter the cost.