It's time to go to our chambers

I stood in the center of the royal chambers, taking in the opulence that surrounded me. The room was vast, with high ceilings adorned with intricate moldings and a chandelier that sparkled like a thousand stars.

Rich tapestries depicting scenes from demon history lined the walls, and the furniture was made of dark, polished wood, inlaid with gold and silver. The bed, large enough to accommodate several people, was draped with luxurious silk and velvet.

Despite the grandeur, all I could think about was how I was going to share this space with Seraphine. The thought made my stomach churn. I knew I needed to keep my true intentions hidden, to bide my time and act calm. But when Seraphine's red and purple eyes had met mine, all I could see was Jade's death.

The memory of that day burned in my mind, and my desire for revenge overshadowed my resolve to play it cool. My cold demeanor had surfaced without me even realizing it.

I walked over to the large windows, looking out over the beautifully manicured gardens. The view was stunning, but it did little to ease the turmoil inside me. I was supposed to be diplomatic, to feign interest and perhaps even kindness.

But it was hard to mask my true feelings when the person responsible for Jade's death was so close.

A soft knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts. Three maids entered, each carrying a tray of toiletries, fresh linens, and other amenities. They moved efficiently, setting everything in place with practiced ease.

"Lady Riley," one of them said with a respectful bow, "we're here to assist you in any way you need."

I forced a smile, trying to show some kindness to these innocent women. "Thank you. I appreciate your help."

They seemed relieved by my polite tone and continued their work. I watched them for a moment, their presence a small distraction from my swirling thoughts. When they finished, they bowed again and left the room quietly.

I sat on the edge of the bed, running my fingers over the soft fabric. This room was a stark contrast to the simpler, more modest accommodations I was used to.

Everything here screamed wealth and power, a constant reminder of the demon kingdom's might. And now, I was at the center of it all, expected to play the part of Seraphine's perfect match.

A servant soon arrived to escort me to dinner. As I walked through the halls, I tried to compose myself. I needed to keep my emotions in check, to remember that I had a mission. Revenge wouldn't come if I was reckless.

The dining room was already set when I arrived. Seraphine stood at the head of the table, waiting for me. Her gaze was intense, but I could see a flicker of something else—nervousness, perhaps? It was hard to tell.

"Please, have a seat," she said, her voice calm.

I nodded and sat down, maintaining a composed facade. The table was set with an impressive array of dishes. There was roasted pheasant glazed with honey and spices, sautéed vegetables, creamy mashed potatoes, and freshly baked bread.

The desserts looked exquisite, with a delicate chocolate mousse and a variety of fruit tarts.

Seraphine poured wine into our glasses, then sat down across from me. "I hope you find everything to your liking," she said, her tone polite but strained.

I took a sip of the wine, savoring the rich flavor. "It looks wonderful," I replied, my voice even.

We began to eat in silence, the tension between us palpable. I could feel Seraphine's eyes on me, watching my every move. I focused on my food, determined not to let her see how unsettled I was.

After a few moments, Seraphine broke the silence. "How have you been finding the castle so far?"

"It's impressive," I admitted, not wanting to seem completely ungrateful. "Very different from what I'm used to."

She nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "I'm glad you think so. We've worked hard to maintain its beauty and history."

I picked at my food, not sure how to continue the conversation without revealing my true feelings. "It's clear a lot of effort has gone into it."

Seraphine seemed to sense my reluctance and changed the subject. "I know this transition is difficult for you. If there's anything you need or if you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to let me know."

I looked up, meeting her gaze. "I appreciate that," I said, my voice cool. "But I think we both know this isn't just about making me comfortable."

Seraphine's eyes flickered with something—regret, perhaps? "I understand," she said quietly. "But I truly want to make this work, Riley."

I bit back a bitter retort and instead took another sip of wine. "We'll see," I replied noncommittally.

As dinner progressed, we made small talk about the castle and the various duties that awaited me. I could tell Seraphine was trying to bridge the gap between us, but my heart was still too raw, too full of anger and pain to meet her halfway.

After we finished eating, Seraphine looked at me with a soft smile. "It's time to go to our chambers," she said.

The words sent a jolt through me. Sharing a room with Seraphine was going to be more challenging than I had anticipated. I nodded, forcing myself to stand and follow her out of the dining room.

Each step felt heavy as we walked back through the grand corridors, my mind racing with thoughts of how to navigate this new, uncomfortable reality.

When we reached the chambers, I paused at the doorway, feeling the weight of the situation settle over me once again. This was my new life, at least for now. And I had to find a way to endure it, to stay focused on my ultimate goal.

Seraphine opened the door and gestured for me to enter. I took a deep breath and stepped inside, determined to keep my composure. This was only the beginning, and I had to be strong.

As I walked into the room, I couldn't help but think about the long road ahead. There would be many challenges, many moments where my resolve would be tested. But I was ready. For Jade, for myself, I would find a way to get through this.