Embarassing wake up

I woke up feeling unusually good. The bed was comfortable, and the warmth enveloping me was delightful. As my consciousness slowly returned, I realized I was in someone's arms. Strong arms. The kind that make you feel secure and safe.

The scent of the person holding me was intoxicating, a blend of something sweet and earthy. I found myself nestling closer, savoring the contact. For a moment, I indulged in the pleasure of being held, feeling an odd sense of contentment.

Then reality struck. I opened my eyes and turned to see who was holding me. It was Seraphine. Panic shot through me, and I tried to pull away, but her grip was too strong. I squirmed, feeling increasingly uncomfortable.

"Wake up," I whispered, trying not to sound too frantic. She didn't stir. I tried again, louder this time. "Wake up!"

Seraphine remained deeply asleep, her grip on me unwavering. This was getting more embarrassing by the second. My cheeks burned with a mix of frustration and embarrassment. I wriggled harder, putting all my strength into breaking free. Finally, with a last desperate push, I managed to topple us both off the bed.

We hit the floor with a thud. Seraphine's eyes fluttered open, and she looked around in confusion, her gaze finally settling on me.

"What are you doing?" she asked, her voice groggy, her hair a tousled mess.

I glared at her, trying to ignore the fact that even in her disheveled state, she looked annoyingly attractive. "Look at what you're doing," I snapped, trying to extricate myself from her arms.

She blinked, realization dawning in her still-sleepy eyes. "Oh." She quickly released me and moved away, giving me space to stand up. "I'm sorry. I must have moved in my sleep."

I brushed myself off, trying to shake off the lingering embarrassment. "I'm going to take a shower," I muttered, heading to the bathroom before she could say anything else.

Once inside the bathroom, I locked the door and leaned against it, trying to calm my racing heart. I couldn't believe I had woken up in her arms. And worse, how good it had felt. I shook my head, trying to dispel the image of her sleepy face and how my heart had skipped a beat when she looked at me.

I turned on the shower, letting the steam fill the room. As the hot water cascaded over me, I tried to clear my mind. This was not the time to be distracted by such thoughts. I had a plan, and I needed to stay focused. I couldn't let Seraphine's presence affect me.

After my shower, I felt more composed. I stepped out to find a maid waiting for me. "Good morning, Miss Riley," she said with a polite bow. "May I help you get dressed?"

"Sure," I replied, feeling a bit more at ease with her around. The maid laid out my clothes for the day: a simple yet elegant outfit consisting of a deep blue dress with intricate silver embroidery around the collar and sleeves, paired with a matching belt.

The fabric was soft and flowed gracefully as I moved. She helped me into the dress, adjusting the belt and smoothing out the wrinkles.

"Thank you," I said, appreciating her assistance. The maid smiled and guided me to the dining room.

I entered the dining room, half expecting to see Seraphine there, but she was nowhere to be found. I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Eating breakfast alone would give me some time to gather my thoughts.

The table was laden with a variety of dishes: fresh fruits, pastries, scrambled eggs, and smoked meats. I helped myself to a little of everything, savoring the flavors.

As I was finishing my meal, another maid approached me. "Miss Riley, Lady Seraphine asked me to inform you that you are free to do as you wish today. Your duties will begin only after she marks you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Marks me?"

"Yes, Miss. It's a formal process where both parties exchange a small amount of blood. It's symbolic of your bond and commitment."

I felt a shiver run down my spine. I knew about the marking process in theory, but experiencing it firsthand was a different matter entirely.

My thoughts drifted to Jade, my demon lover who used to drink my blood. I touched my neck absentmindedly, remembering the sensation of Jade's fangs and the pleasure it brought.

I sighed, pushing those memories aside. "Thank you," I said to the maid. "I think I'll go to the library."

The library seemed like a safe haven, a place where I could lose myself in books and escape my current reality. I made my way there, the grandeur of the castle never ceasing to amaze me. The high ceilings, the ornate decorations, and the luxurious furnishings all spoke of a history steeped in power and tradition.

The library was no different. Shelves upon shelves of books lined the walls, the smell of old parchment and leather filling the air. I walked along the rows, my fingers lightly grazing the spines of the books. It was comforting, being surrounded by knowledge and stories.

I selected a few books on demon history and magic, hoping to understand more about the world I was now a part of. Finding a cozy nook by a window, I settled in and began to read. The morning passed peacefully, the only sounds being the rustle of pages and the occasional chirping of birds outside.

As I immersed myself in the texts, I couldn't help but think about the marking ceremony. The idea of exchanging blood with Seraphine made my stomach churn. It wasn't just the act itself, but the implication of a bond being formed, a connection that went beyond the physical.

Lost in thought, I didn't notice the time passing until a maid appeared, informing me that lunch was ready. I thanked her and made my way to the dining room again, wondering if Seraphine would join me this time.

To my surprise, the dining room was empty once more. I ate quickly, my mind still preoccupied with the marking. After lunch, I decided to explore more of the castle, trying to familiarize myself with my new home.

As I wandered through the corridors, I couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and apprehension. The castle was beautiful, but it was also a constant reminder of my situation. Every room, every hallway, seemed to whisper tales of power and duty.

I eventually found myself in a small garden, the vibrant flowers and neatly trimmed hedges a stark contrast to the stone walls of the castle. It was peaceful here, a brief respite from the overwhelming grandeur of the rest of the place. I sat on a bench, closing my eyes and letting the scent of flowers calm my nerves.

But the peace didn't last long. My thoughts drifted back to Seraphine, her strong arms around me, her sleepy face, the way she looked at me with those intense red and purple eyes. I shook my head, trying to push those thoughts away, but they kept creeping back in.

I sighed, leaning back on the bench and looking up at the sky. The garden was a sanctuary, a place where I could momentarily forget the complicated dynamics at play. The gentle rustle of leaves and the soft chirping of birds created a soothing melody. My eyelids grew heavy as I listened to the sounds of nature, my body finally starting to relax.

As I sat there, the warmth of the sun and the comfort of the garden enveloped me. My mind drifted, and before I knew it, I was dozing off, the stress of the morning fading away.

The scent of flowers mingled with the lingering thoughts of Seraphine, lulling me into a peaceful slumber. I felt myself slipping further into sleep, the garden's tranquility providing the perfect setting for my exhausted mind to rest.

In that moment, with the world around me fading, I allowed myself to let go, falling into a deep, dreamless sleep in the heart of the garden.