I want you to please me

I was determined to find Riley. After what Grandma Leora had told me, I couldn't just sit around and do nothing. I had to find a way to break the magic circle and save her from whatever dark influence was consuming her.

My heart was heavy with worry, and my mind raced with a thousand thoughts about what could go wrong. But I had to try.

As I made my way through the castle halls, my thoughts were interrupted by a flicker of movement. I turned the corner and saw Riley not too far ahead. She was standing near the entrance to the garden, her posture stiff and her expression unreadable. There was something off about her, something that made my stomach twist with unease.

"Riley," I called out, quickening my pace to catch up to her.

She turned to face me, and for a moment, her eyes seemed to flicker with something unfamiliar. But then she smiled, a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Hey, Seraphine," she said, her voice unusually soft and almost...flirty?