You are mine

As I pulled the knife from Seraphine's side, a strange mix of emotions flooded through me. I felt a flicker of satisfaction, even a twisted sort of joy, the voice in my head had disepear. I had avenged Jade, my lover who had been killed by Seraphine.

But as I watched Seraphine's blood seep from the wound, a sinking feeling of unease gnawed at me. This was not how it was supposed to feel.

The blood felt too real, the sensation too raw. I had expected a cathartic release, a sense of closure, but instead, I felt a deepening sense of confusion. The blood was warm and sticky on my hands, and that physical reality was grounding in a way I hadn't anticipated.

I looked down at Seraphine's face, half-expecting to see anger or pain. But instead, she wore a strange, serene smile. My heart twisted painfully at the sight. What was happening? Why was she smiling?